The Joker
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  • Its been awhile joker *assumes my reply never got sent to you :I since my messages been messing up on me* anyway how ya been ^_-
    Ah, so you are a male prostitute with wrinkly fingers. Good to know.
    Thank you :grin: and yes, so technically doing it is against my religion, right? :jess:
    How is your great grandmother younger than you :ahmed:
    I think not :hmph:
    You better be kidding :ahmed: and yes I remember now! It sounded important but was actually really boring.
    Yes, I am. Head cold with stomach flu...not sure how I got both of them at the same time :hmmm: but I had so much calculus I thought I'd die.
    I shall need it...I am still a bit behind :sad3:
    I can't be viewed as old :gasp2: No...anything but that...
    Text book ha! Only lies and filth are written in there.
    Well that is very lucky for you! Where do you work? I can't remember if you told me :hmmm:
    Oh it's fine...all normal. I missed 4 days of school for being sick though, so I had sooooo much homework to make up :gonk:
    Decisions decisions :hmmm:
    Not my hair :gasp2: Maybe I shouldn't watch this movie :hmmm:
    Written where :ahmed: what false document is this :ahmed:
    storyline my ass you know just as well as I do they didnt like those 2 anyway and they wanted them gone since their debut, they suck for that and Im not watching till they come back...if they come back, I hope triple H and is ugly bean headed wife,the wwe universe,corey ledesma's universe and the wwe officials all get GOT -_-

    Yup yup luther sucked :wacky:

    now your sick omg its a disease going around here x.x
    those bastards fired the miz and R-truth, i dont know if its apart of the storyline or real friend watches wwe so ill let her tell me what happens only if they come back. whether you believe it or not Im not watching anything wwe related anymore, not until the miz at least comes back so honestly joker i dont really care about what they do at this point. sorry kelly kelly ill at least have my friend tell me if she keeps winning or not but thats it.

    Yeah I kicked the shit out of luther and beat the game xD but i barely passed it, ran out of reviving items and i was stuck with maria (she's not really good at dealing big damamge) and me (nel) could only do so much and luther spammed 2 devasting attacks literally i was like wtf dude x.x just glad its finally over with.

    now its on to gears of war 3 xD
    Ah yes. Me too. What with school, work, and tennis, it is much too much. Do you have weekends off? Cuz if not, I feel bad for you.
    Very...very shriveled.
    Really? You know what they do...
    They have it :britt: Once I redeem my netflix subscription, I will order it :grin:
    That is not truth, that is false truth. FALSE TRUTH I SAY! :rage:
    Yet...what are you up to :ahmed:
    2 shriveled thumbs up :grin:
    No...she is 100% straight. You need to kiss her.
    Will do. Do you think they have it on Netflix :hmmm: I will go see.
    I only wish for the truth...which happens to be disgusting :hmph: (not sure if that made sense)
    Too make matters my status :( for my star ocean 3 update........ Ill just edit this message lol I KICKED HIS ASS!!!! ^ ^
    I was right about 1 prediction :fail: I was right about 2 actually :caps: MY BEST FRIEND KELLY KELLY RETAINED HER CHAMPIONSHIP LIKE i KNEW SHE WOULD, HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES :XD: And I said Cody Rhodes was gonna win and he did, he beat the breaks off Ted dibiase jr. As for awsome truth Im "pissed" Randy orton lost Im "pissed" Cena wins and del rio loses Im "pissed" Jack Swagger won the match and mr. ziggles messed it up Im "pissed" and finally the main event are you kidding me, awsome truth came in and they should have just beat on h only, regardless cm punk had him down to steal it with the new ref and truth fucked it up like what the hell is wrong with you, didnt you guys want him to resign why pull punk off, it just pissed me off like seriously. At least my gal k2 won her title girl power ^ ^ michael cole also lost his voice doing the divas superplex lmfao wish i was their live for that.
    I hope you die with your old lungs :hmph:
    Really :jess: Well I really just don't like the taste of it. And I love tootsie rolls, et I find the texture completely different :hmmm: Gu is just blech.
    IS A KISS! Once she feels the wet lips and hears that smoooooooch sound, she'll be gone.
    Lmao :rofl: Well now I must see this movie.
    Well then the truth is disgusting :hmph:
    I can't chew gum at all. I find it disgusting :sick:
    Desire :britt: Oh...the one thing that will drive her away is...
    You met the dude? That's hilarious! I wonder what he had to think about it :lew:
    Don't flatter yourself.
    Yes, I wish I could be a middle-aged teenager :sick:
    Can you chew gum and walk at the same time? 8(
    :hmm: I shall think about it.
    Are you serious?
    It needs to be someone that looks like you. Maybe...Timothy Spall :trollface:
    You shall need it.
    So you've got all the wrinkles of an old person, and a baby. :hmmm:
    But the real question is, do you make the possible...impossible 8(
    GIVE ME TOM :gasp:
    Oh the irony. I must see it sometime :lew:
    Yes I do. That is the worst way to find things out. That, my friend, is a good plot for a movie :grin:
    You are a lone baby ancestor...I wish you luck.
    I extremely doubt that :hmmm:
    *Tries to figure out how that is even possible*
    Sit tight...there is one sound that she hates...a sound that makes her cringe and run in terror...oh I am trying to remember what it is!
    I just saw the trailer. LMAO. Epic drama? :rofl:
    Uh oh. Why's that? Was it Mildred?
    Blasphemy :gasp2: Or maybe it will reveal something in your master plan :ahmed:
    Infant? You are an infant ancestor? :hmmm:
    4 and a half now :grin:
    Is that movie for real? Is it actually serious? Please tell me it is supposed to be funny...
    This visitor message page has officially been struck by the Shadowstar :selphie: signs my name on the page ... ShadowStar Mila
    You shall never guess! (Was told old color was too hard to read)
    :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
    Yes, sadly yes. Although I do like "Keeps Gettin Better" but not as much as her older songs :sad3:
    My receptionist will get here...eventually...
    Those beautiful...pale...skinny legs :sick:
    Hey, I may be young but I still know all of Christina's classic songs. I love her :inlove:
    She senses sadness...and don't want to know what she'll do then! :panic:
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