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  • Ooooo. i must have missed that. Ok, in that case, i guess we can puncture it in the stomach after you guys jumped off and need a quick breather. Just before it goes and turn Mithras and Lux into smokey bbq, Izanami will skewer it skew its aim. Im guessing it'll priorities the bigger threat first and try and deal with Izanami and Aquilo, exposing its back for Mithras to clamber on once more and hold its neck up.

    Is that more in line?
    Hm. so you mean after mithras pulled out large chunks of electronics and jumped off Charizard?

    I sent Gustith a message on her visitor board about this line

    " As the fiery onslaught ceased, Mithras looked down at the young woman protecting the both of them from the machine. Around them, the floors and walls (and even the ceiling) had been entirely scorched black, with some of the ceramic tiling still glowing red. The walls directly facing the brunt of the attack had been melted entirely, hot, acrid slag puddling slowly onto the floor, and the smell of burning plastic could be smelt wafting in from the adjoining room. All the while, the angry mechanical monstrosity bellowed a long, continuous roar - a scream of metal. It was crippled and on the defensive, but it was still not to be trifled with. And, as Mithras watched it stumbling onto all fours to regain some semblance of balance, it was clearly still a threat."

    I originally wondered what had caused it to be crippled. If nothing specific did, i suggested that Izanami could spear the Charizard in the stomach to provide you some time and immobility of the mecha for you to clamber on. You can mention that you saw a large metal spear suddenly puncturing the mecha and say you saw both Izanami and Aquilo while you started to hack away at its neck. We can then round up the fight by having all of us gank the damn thing from all direction.

    Hows that?
    Heya satsu, i guess i get your virgin post XD I was talking with Cookies and Gustith and i guess if you already got it written up, you can have your characters attack and control him and we will react instead. AFter all you already have it written up. I havent heard back from cookies yet, but thats what im suggesting. Drawing it out too long isnt good.
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