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  • The Sky was only £55 when I preordered it. It's now going for about £90, but the RRP it something like £105! >.<
    :hmph: Nothing wrong with having the same name, besides yours was different. I'd never change my name just 'cause someone else had something similar. :lew: If I liked it too, I'd use it! =P
    Woop, left you a message in my sig shop. Lemme know if that's alright for me to do and I'll get on it.
    Wow I feel bad for you about your car. My car was about to die too. I just want to find a job, get a car and lots of money, then I will move back to Florida. That's the only state that I like in the United States and New York. I just don't like the cold weather because it always makes me sick. Anyway thanks for cheering me up! Hope you get a new car soon. Now days you need a car to work in most of the states.
    Not so good. I moved to another state because I had to move out of the house I was currently living in and I couldn't find a place to stay. So I went to ohio to stay at my cousin's house for a bit then I will move to my mom's house. I have to find a new job and get a new car too. I have to start from the bottom again!!!! Im so pissed off!!!
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