Survey - All about me


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I 'liberated' this from a fish keeping forum, needed advise about my broken tank :wacky:

Crack on chaps

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Kelly
2. Nickname(s): Smell, Bam, Bradford (grr) Bradderz (grr) Roland...quite afew >_>
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 26 <_<
4. Hair color: Brown
5. Eye color: Green
6. Piercings/tattoos? Yes, 3
7. Do you like your job? I'm a full time bum and it's boring....
8. Birthplace: Rochdale
9. Where do you live now? Ashton
10. Ever toilet papered? I have no idea what that is, so Im guessing no....
11. Favorite flower: Gerbera
12. Favorite drink: Non alcoholic, orange, alcoholic cocktails are made of win
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Bollocks
16. Favorite food: Chicken chow mein <3
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? F1/Superbikes
20. Favorite sport to play? as if xD
21. Favorite ice cream: Mint choc chip
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Pale Pink
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? I gave up after lesson number 5
24. Your favorite kind of music: Indie I guess
25. Favorite artist or group: U2/Muse/James/The Killers (keep it brief guys <_<)
26. Do you sing in the shower? Damn right xDD
27. Where do you like to shop? Asda...?
28. What do you do when you are bored? Pick my nose
29. Most annoying thing people ask? 'where did you last have it' or 'ho did youmanage that'
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Sometime in the AM usually
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Whats that then...? Ntrly, if i have elle, bowt 9 ish, if I dont I might not bother getting up at all
32. Favorite TV show(s): Buffy, Top Gear
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? Cat an adopted lizard and soon to have fish
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? depends on when I get woke up
36. What is your favorite color? Pink
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Dont watch tv enough to have one....4...?
38. Favorite movie(s)? Die Hard T2, Green Street amongst others (again, keep it brief ladies & gents)
39. Favorite actor/actress? jACK nICHOLSON, Al Pacino <3 Robert De Niro, Arnie :neomon:
40. What was the last book you read? Halfway through Twilight
41. Favorite author(s)?
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy VII/X/VIII/IV
43. Favorite season? Autumn
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Armani Code
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Platinum, but its far too spensive, so white gold
46. Favorite vacation destination? Anywhere so long as its not England
47. Favorite national holiday? St Patricks day xD
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Hands
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Body
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Toaster, Id be absolutely screwed without it
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Yeah
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? It's abit concieted to think we are the only living things in the entire universe now innit
54. What really makes you angry? Standing on lego...or plugs
55. Least favorite household chore? HOOVERING
56. What is your dream job? Id like to be a vet I think
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Almost <_<
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l They pass the time xD
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yeah coz Im nosy
60. Favorite animal? Cat
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Couldnt give a stuff
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold
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Straight copypasta clearly:gasp:

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Hal
2. Nickname(s): Bindi, only one that has stuck.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: Probably 11 or 12
4. Hair color: Blondey-Brown
5. Eye color: Green and yellow
6. Piercings/tattoos? Getting first one soon.
7. Do you like your job? Being a student isn't really a job, but it is fun.
8. Birthplace: Auckland
9. Where do you live now? Auckland
10. Ever toilet papered? I think so.
11. Favorite flower: Tulip
12. Favorite drink: Red Bull+Jaegarmeister+Vodka
13. Ever been in a car accident? 2
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Shit and no
16. Favorite food: ATM Burgers and fries
17. Favorite fast food: KFC/BK/Dominoes
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Don't care
19. Favorite sport to watch? League
20. Favorite sport to play? League
21. Favorite ice cream: Cookies and Cream
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Very dirty blue
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
24. Your favorite kind of music:Rock
25. Favorite artist or group: The Beatles, Led Zep, Placebo
26. Do you sing in the shower? Only the chorus
27. Where do you like to shop? I don't really.
28. What do you do when you are bored? Nothing
29. Most annoying thing people ask? How do you know that?
30. What time do you go to bed at night? 3-4
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Whenever I have to get up.
32. Favorite TV show(s): House, Mighty Boosch
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevy, though both suck
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? A dog and a rock, though the latter is dead.
36. What is your favorite color? Pink
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? 3
38. Favorite movie(s)? Donnie Darko
39. Favorite actor/actress? Cillian Murphy and someone else who I can't remember
40. What was the last book you read? A brave new world
41. Favorite author(s)? William Blake and Graham Greene
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? FFVIII
43. Favorite season? Spring
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Whatever is cheapest
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? No watches/jewelry
46. Favorite vacation destination? Australia
47. Favorite national holiday? Any
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Tits ftw:monster:
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body?Couldn't care less.
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave, oven and the chopping board, though it doesn't really count.
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Don't know
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe?
54. What really makes you angry? Walking into things.
55. Least favorite household chore? Not that I do any, but gardening sux cawks
56. What is your dream job? Harry Potter
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? No
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l I'm not sure, they don't give me any enjoyment, but filling it out means I have no hatred of doing so.
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Quite probably, though some people's are tl;dr
60. Favorite animal? Liger
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? It's aconspiracy created by the weather channel. It's only an issue when people go on about saving the planet, they can all fuck off as far as I'm concerned.
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Hot but if talking about extremes, cold, because that would be less painful.
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Kieran
2. Nickname(s): Smokin' Joe, Gabs, Richard.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 10 actually.
4. Hair color: Dark Brown.
5. Eye color: Brown.
7. Do you like your job? Nope.
8. Birthplace: London.
9. Where do you live now? Reading.
10. Ever toilet papered? Maybe.
11. Favorite flower: ......Rose?
12. Favorite drink: Carlsberg and Russian Standard.
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday.
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Aye, Adios, and a few swear words.
16. Favorite food: Pizza.
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Football, F1.
20. Favorite sport to play? Athletics.
21. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla.
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Laminated Flooring.
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Not done yet.
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rock, R&B.
25. Favorite artist or group: Paramore.
26. Do you sing in the shower? No.
27. Where do you like to shop? Waitrose.
28. What do you do when you are bored? Go to the Pub, or customize something.
29. Most annoying thing people ask? ...?
30. What time do you go to bed at night? 12-3 AM.
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? ...l
32. Favorite TV show(s): Top Gear.
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevy.
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? None.
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 7.
36. What is your favorite color? Blue.
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? GOLD or Dave.
38. Favorite movie(s)? My profile contains them.
39. Favorite actor/actress? Ewan McGregor.
40. What was the last book you read? An Economics book.
41. Favorite author(s)?
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Metal Gear Solid 3.
43. Favorite season? Summer.
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? DKNY.
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Gold.
46. Favorite vacation destination? Spain.
47. Favorite national holiday? Bank Holidays.
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Boobs.
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Body
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave.
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? No.
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Maybe.
54. What really makes you angry? People pissing me off.
55. Least favorite household chore? Cleaning.
56. What is your dream job? Who knows....I can think of a few.....:monster:
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? No.
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l No.
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Aye.
60. Favorite animal? Panther.
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? No.
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold
Ok I tried to clean mine up since reading the other ones was a bloody nightmare :wacky:

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate:
2. Nickname(s): Sashman, Mick D, Cashlord Sashlord, Sash ect...
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: Just one I think
4. Hair color: Light Brown
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? My left ear is pierced but I don't where an earing in it
7. Do you like your job? I don't have one
8. Birthplace: Sydney
9. Where do you live now? Adelaide
10. Ever toilet papered? No
11. Favorite flower: Don't know
12. Favorite drink: Pepsi, Mountain Dew
13. Ever been in a car accident? Minor ones, I wasn't the driver though.
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Too many
16. Favorite food: Lamb Yiros
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? None really
20. Favorite sport to play? Tennis
21. Favorite ice cream: Chocalate
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? I have floor boards
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Never have
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rock
25. Favorite artist or group: Rage Against the Machine
26. Do you sing in the shower? Occasionally
27. Where do you like to shop? uhhh where there are shops
28. What do you do when you are bored? Watch TV, Listen to music, Come here :monster:
29. Most annoying thing people ask? Isn't Sacha a girls name?
30. What time do you go to bed at night? anywhere from 1am to 4am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Generally no earlier than 9AM
32. Favorite TV show(s): I have many
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevy
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many?Don't have any
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? between 10 and 1pm
36. What is your favorite color? Yellow
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? FOX 8, National Geographic
38. Favorite movie(s)? Donnie Darko, American Beauty, Fight Club
39. Favorite actor/actress? ...
40. What was the last book you read? Nineteen Eightyfour
41. Favorite author(s) .....
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Metal Gear solid series, FF series, Resident Evil Series
43. Favorite season? I go through phases, right now I would prefer Winter
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Issey Miyake
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? I don't wear jewellery but I'd prefer Platinum
46. Favorite vacation destination? Never been overseas, would like to go to Europe
47. Favorite national holiday? Christmas
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Teh lack of a Penis :monster:
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports Cars
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Not really
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Yeah
54. What really makes you angry? Too many things
55. Least favorite household chore? All
56. What is your dream job? Dunno
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Nope
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!! It's ok I guess, As long as I don't have to do it again
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Kinda
60. Favorite animal? Cats, Penguins
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Not really
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold
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1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Shaun, I guess
2. Nickname(s): Twat? get called it a lot so i guess it is :P
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 25
4. Hair color: Dirty-blonde
5. Eye color: Grey-blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? newp
7. Do you like your job? Who does
8. Birthplace: Pontefract West Yorkshire
9. Where do you live now? Ackworth West Yorkshire
10. Ever toilet papered? Er. I guess
11. Favorite flower: Rodedendran
12. Favorite drink: Jack Daniels neat!
13. Ever been in a car accident? nope, dont intend to either
14. Favorite day of the week? Sundays, because there lazy
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: F**k Sake ( say it a lot these days :p)
16. Favorite food: Pasta with Tuna and Mayo, Epic food!
17. Favorite fast food: BK
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Do I look like I still play with dolls? ...ok Warner Bro's only because they have batman! :p
19. Favorite sport to watch? Rugby League
20. Favorite sport to play? Rugby Union
21. Favorite ice cream: Strawberry!
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? does laminate flooring count?
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 3, tosspot examiner failing me on minors marking them as seriouses to get more money.
24. Your favorite kind of music: 80's and Rock
25. Favorite artist or group: Queen I guess
26. Do you sing in the shower? Depends how hot the water is!
27. Where do you like to shop? Shoppings for girls, but if I must, wakefield
28. What do you do when you are bored? None of your business ;)
29. Most annoying thing people ask? Stupid questions like this one :p
30. What time do you go to bed at night? does 7-8am count?
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? depends if im working or not, if not about 11, if working about 2-3pm
32. Favorite TV show(s): Sunday Night Project, anything that isnt reality TV.
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford, there both crap but at least Fords dont break down every 10 miles
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? A dog. he a right moody old git.
36. What is your favorite color? Dark Blue
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? do sky channels count?
38. Favorite movie(s)? Face Off
39. Favorite actor/actress? actor: Jack Nicholson actress: Kate Beckinsale
40. What was the last book you read? The Average American Male
41. Favorite author(s)? The guy that writes the crap jokes on the penguin wrappers.
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Can I have more than one? if so FF6 and RE: Nemesis
43. Favorite season? Autumn
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Davidoff, cool water and YSL Farenheit
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Do I look like a rapper to you?
46. Favorite vacation destination? Anywhere thats not England
47. Favorite national holiday? New Years Eve
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? nothing like a nice pair of breasts
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? strong mind definatley, not a fan of weak minded people that snap at the first sign of problems.
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Cooker
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Well, theres always a possibility
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Well, maybe there will be intelligent life, but were not it :p
54. What really makes you angry? Swearing every sentence for no reason and idiots
55. Least favorite household chore? Ironing, I suck at it
56. What is your dream job? Being Rich and doing sweet F.A
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? No and I wouldnt even try, not that stupid, why dont you try?
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! Was bored had nothing better to do.
59. Do you like reading others' responses? I guess, can be quite amusing.
60. Favorite animal? Kate Beckinsale count? She a Fox! :p
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? about as much of an issue to me as what colour socks im going to wear....I couldnt care less
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold I suppose.
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What the hell, thats one chunk of questions to answer.. But i done it anyway.

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Gabriel
2. Nickname(s): Air-Con (Meaning the air conditioner, I'm quite well known to my friends as someone who tells cold/lame jokes..)
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 15
4. Hair color: Black
5. Eye color: Black
6. Piercings/tattoos? None
7. Do you like your job? As a student? You've got to be kidding me.
8. Birthplace: Singapore
9. Where do you live now? ...Singapore
10. Ever toilet papered? Whatever that means, I guess so. (I'm assuming it means using the toilet paper.)
11. Favorite flower: Chrysanthemum (Mainly due to the tea though)
12. Favorite drink: Tea! Any one, Asian, Western, whatever.
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday (As they say, TGIF, AKA Thank God Its Friday)
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Ho (I tend to say Ho ho ho before starting a sentence, not that I'm a Santa Claus fan or anything, a habit that evolved somehow)
16. Favorite food: Spicy Kang Kong (A Chinese dish. Basically take a type of vegetable called Kang Kong and fry it with spicy shrimp paste, or whatever its called in English, to get this dish. I LOVE it.)
17. Favorite fast food: Mcdonalds(Not that obsessively though)
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Warner Bros. (My childhood memories involved mostly Warner. Disney was something i rarely watched...)
19. Favorite sport to watch? Table Tennis
20. Favorite sport to play? Table Tennis, that's my sports.
21. Favorite ice cream: Not exactly a big fan. As long as its Chocolates, its good.
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Light Blue/Cyan, whatever you call it.
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? I hope its zero when the time comes.
24. Your favorite kind of music: Classical (Piano, orchestral)
25. Favorite artist or group: Nobuo Uematsu, The Black Mages... (The rest, Maroon 5, Click Five, and all are something i nearly almost ignore save for one or two of their songs....)
26. Do you sing in the shower? Rarely...
27. Where do you like to shop? .. Unfortunately, i hate shopping
28. What do you do when you are bored? Think.. (About anything.)
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "Have you done your homework?" (By my mother, obviously)
30. What time do you go to bed at night? 11pm
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 8,9? Its nearly random.
32. Favorite TV show(s): ... None at the moment?
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? None...
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 6am. School. Sigh.
36. What is your favorite color? Black. (Theres no other meaning to it, if you're thinking there is. I could swear by it...!)
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Different areas, different channels, but me? None.
38. Favorite movie(s)? Sigh.. None yet again
39. Favorite actor/actress? To be honest, I don't even know who's acting on the television right now.
40. What was the last book you read? Finished Breaking Dawn, back to Art of War.
41. Favorite author(s)? SunTzu.. LOL?
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy. (For an obvious reason)
43. Favorite season? Autumn
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? No idea..
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Actually, i can't be bothered with them, but i guess any would do.
46. Favorite vacation destination? ... Guess my favourite would be the Internet.. (Probably Japan, if i am forced to say it)
47. Favorite national holiday? .. So long it interrupts school days, any would do.
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Face
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Strong in Mind.
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Pot. How would i cook a packet of instant noodles otherwise?? (And I'm not a big fan of cup noodles.)
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? No idea, I'd prefer a monster truck like car.
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Why not?
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Why not...? The universe's so ridiculously big, and the possiblity of another Earth out there is high.
54. What really makes you angry? Failing Maths (Nearly never failed it before. Nearly)
55. Least favorite household chore? Sweeping with a broom (For some reason, whenever i sweep, theres no evident dust to show that i did it well. Mopping is still the best)
56. What is your dream job? Psychiatrist. Human Psychology's intriguing...
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Nah. Too big.
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! Why not?
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Why not...!?
60. Favorite animal? Dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? I'd like to make it a big issue, but i seem to forget it half the time
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jayden
2. Nickname(s): Jayjay, JRad, JRadG, JACKOFFJayden. -__-
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 13
4. Hair color: Black with blonde tips ^_^
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? Ear pierced
7. Do you like your job? Being an asshole is sometimes fun
8. Birthplace: Australia/Vic
9. Where do you live now? Australia/Vic
10. Ever toilet papered? Wtf? >.>
11. Favorite flower: Uhh...Rose? o_O
12. Favorite drink: Coke :)
13. Ever been in a car accident? I ran into a car on my bike once
14. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: No shit
16. Favorite food: Pizza
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Uh...AFL
20. Favorite sport to play? PFFT xDD
21. Favorite ice cream: Rainbow ^__^
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Yet to do it
24. Your favorite kind of music: Heavy/core/metal
25. Favorite artist or group: KSE/IKTPQ/Blink-182
26. Do you sing in the shower? Who doesn't?
27. Where do you like to shop? Shops? D;
28. What do you do when you are bored? Sleep
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "are you ok" when your screaming in pain -__-
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Sometime in the AM
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? I don't only PM >_>
32. Favorite TV show(s): American Dad, South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, Sponge-Bob.
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? none :(
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? For school 6 in the am, holidays like 4pm. D;
36. What is your favorite color? Green/Blue
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Uh...Fox8, Disney D;
38. Favorite movie(s)? Jay and Silent Bob: Strike Back =]
39. Favorite actor/actress? Owen Wilson and Al Pacino
40. What was the last book you read? Uhh, storm breaker
41. Favorite author(s) uh
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? FF Series
43. Favorite season? Spring
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? >_>
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Gold
46. Favorite vacation destination? i unno
47. Favorite national holiday? ain't got one D=
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Boobs
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind for a girl >_>
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Oven can't cook 15 min pizza D=
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Nop
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? yeh
54. What really makes you angry? annoying people, who don't forgive -__-
55. Least favorite household chore? Dishes -__-
56. What is your dream job? Something to do with computers/games
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Yes! xD
58. Do you actually like filling these out? Passes the time >_>
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Noo D=
60. Favorite animal? Dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Nope
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold

I think I might put this as my new font. >_>
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Lisa
2. Nickname(s): JR, Wolf
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: I don't know, cannot remember
4. Hair color: Brown
5. Eye color: Brown
6. Piercings/tattoos? Neither

7. Do you like your job? I have no job yet
8. Birthplace: Surrey
9. Where do you live now? Hull

10. Ever toilet papered? wut
11. Favorite flower: I love Roses
12. Favorite drink: Sprite, Orange Juice (Diluted)
13. Ever been in a car accident? Luckily no
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday (End of the weekdays), Saturday (1st day of the weekend)

15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: I have plenty which are quite naughty
16. Favorite food: Toasted Bagels with Philadelphia cream cheese
17. Favorite fast food: McDonalds?
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Not a sport watcher
20. Favorite sport to play? Play it? I like swimming a lot..
21. Favorite ice cream: Mint choc chip
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Like a pale creamy colour
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? I have never attempted any lessons

24. Your favorite kind of music: Fantasy Metal
25. Favorite artist or group: Manowar, Alestorm, Dragonforce, Rammstein

26. Do you sing in the shower? No
27. Where do you like to shop? Whittards of Chelsea, Home Bargains, ASDA, Wilkinsons, Gamestation
28. What do you do when you are bored? Read, Play Videogames
29. Most annoying thing people ask? Why do you play Pokemon?

30. What time do you go to bed at night? 11pm-12am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 7.30am Saturday, whatever time on a non Church day, 7.45am on a Church day.
32. Favorite TV show(s): Road Wars, Simpsons, Traffic Cops
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? I have no pets

35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? For Uni days, 6.15am. Non Uni days, if its Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Gym days): 7.15am. None gym days: whatever time my body wakes up.
36. What is your favorite color? Blue
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? I do not have a particular favourite
38. Favorite movie(s)? Die Hard, 300, Chocolat
39. Favorite actor/actress? Will Smith, Gerard Butler, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams
40. What was the last book you read? A Dali book was the last one I officially completed. Always reading through others
41. Favorite author(s)? None in particular
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? FFXII, Pokemon Red, Animal Crossing. etc..

43. Favorite season? Winter
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Not fussed

45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? I do not go for those sort of watches
46. Favorite vacation destination? Somewhere peaceful
47. Favorite national holiday? Christmas
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes, Smile
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Sink/Toaster
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Family sedan
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Not sure
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Possibly

54. What really makes you angry? Mankind for being a murderous race, ignorance from trolls, lack of money, family arguements.
55. Least favorite household chore? Cleaning my cupboards

56. What is your dream job? Anything that pays well and is fun
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? No..

58. Do you actually like filling these out?! Sure, theyre fun
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Not particularly
60. Favorite animal? Tiger
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Yes, we obviously need to do something about it.
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: David
2. Nickname(s): Dave will do fine.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 17
4. Hair color: Black
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? No
7. Do you like your job? Ayeee, I work in Boots.
8. Birthplace: Kirkcaldy
9. Where do you live now? Cardenden
10. Ever toilet papered? Have I what?
11. Favorite flower: Ones that don't smell.
12. Favorite drink: Non-alcohol = Irn-Bru, alcoholic = Cider & Blackcurrant
13. Ever been in a car accident? Aye
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday/Saturday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Don't really have one.
16. Favorite food: Chicken Fried Rice
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? The horseeeeeeeeees or tennis
20. Favorite sport to play? Horse riding, swimming?
21. Favorite ice cream: Just vanilla
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? I haven't sat it yet.
24. Your favorite kind of music: Err...
25. Favorite artist or group: Muse & Bond
26. Do you sing in the shower? I do xD
27. Where do you like to shop? Asda...?
28. What do you do when you are bored? WANKKKKKKKK
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "What u bn up 2?"
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Between 10 and 12
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 7 on saturday for work, whenever on sunday
32. Favorite TV show(s): Check my Bebo. <_<
33. Ford or Chevy? The latter.
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? Cat
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? Half 7.
36. What is your favorite color? ANYTHING BUT PINK
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Dave!
38. Favorite movie(s)? Acht, loadsssssssssss.
39. Favorite actor/actress? Mandy Moore, David Caruso, Emily Procter. <3
40. What was the last book you read? "The Queen of Blades"
41. Favorite author(s)? JK Rowling I suppose.
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Starcraft.
43. Favorite season? Winter.
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Hugo Boss
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? w/e
46. Favorite vacation destination? Anywhere colder.
47. Favorite national holiday? CHRISTMAS.
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Hair when it's tied back.
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Eh...
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave.
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? No
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Sure.
54. What really makes you angry? Lies. D=<
55. Least favorite household chore? Dishes.
56. What is your dream job? No idea anymore.
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Ayeee.
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!It's all I use MySpace for. <_<
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yeah coz Im nosy
60. Favorite animal? Cat
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Couldnt give a stuff
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Lewis
2. Nickname(s) lew, lewy
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: zero
4. Hair color: Brown
5. Eye color: brown
6. Piercings/tattoos? Yes, 4 tattoos
7. Do you like your job? its boring but pays really well
8. Birthplace: abedeen
9. Where do you live now? aberdeen
10. Ever toilet papered? what?
11. Favorite flower: thistle obviously
12. Favorite drink: orange lucozade and morgans spiced
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: fuck aye min
16. Favorite food: BBQspare ribs
17. Favorite fast food: hmm kebab shop on belmont st
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? football
20. Favorite sport to play? football, swimming
21. Favorite ice cream: vanilla
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? i have wooden flooring
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? never even tried
24. Your favorite kind of music: alternative rock
25. Favorite artist or group: lostprophets, jimmy eat world, arctic monkeys
26. Do you sing in the shower? of course i do
27. Where do you like to shop? Asda
28. What do you do when you are bored? drink my boredom away
29. Most annoying thing people ask? whats a pipe fitter
30. What time do you go to bed at night? weekdays around 11 weekends whenever
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? when i feel like it
32. Favorite TV show(s): 24, lost
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford of course gt all the way
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? 2 cats
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 6.30 am
36. What is your favorite color? blue
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? sky one and dave
38. Favorite movie(s)? city of god, trainspotting, pulp fiction, goodfellas, rise of the foot soldier
39. Favorite actor/actress? brad pitt and ray carlton
40. What was the last book you read? the shipping news
41. Favorite author(s)? da ken
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? FFX and ps3 of course
43. Favorite season? Summer
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? lacoste silver
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? silver, gold looks tacky
46. Favorite vacation destination? Anywhere so long as its not scotland
47. Favorite national holiday? christmas
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? face and bum
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? microwave
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car duh
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? like ghosts? no i dont
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? of course, we just wont find it in our life time
54. What really makes you angry? ignorance and english people who say aye
55. Least favorite household chore? emptying cat litter
56. What is your dream job? hmmm beer taster or anything exciting
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? hell no, my hands are HUGE
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l Yea i do
59. Do you like reading others' responses? No theres too much to read
60. Favorite animal? Dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha as if
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? id rather be stuck in the desert with a fleece than in the arctic with a t shirt. Does that anser your question
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Damon
2. Nickname(s): Dame, Damion, Damoh
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 17
4. Hair color: Brown
5. Eye color: Green
6. Piercings/tattoos? None
7. Do you like your job? No job
8. Birthplace: Widnes
9. Where do you live now? Farnborough
10. Ever toilet papered? Excuse me? o_O
11. Favorite flower: Tulip
12. Favorite drink: Fanta Fruit Twist

13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Epic
16. Favorite food: Chicken pie
17. Favorite fast food: KFC
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Tennis I guess
20. Favorite sport to play? Fencing (swords, not putting up bloody fences -__-)
21. Favorite ice cream: Chocolate chip

22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Dark blue
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? yet to bother taking said tests
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rock
25. Favorite artist or group: Muse, Linkin Park, Lost Prophets
26. Do you sing in the shower? Notrly...
27. Where do you like to shop? Asda/Tesco
28. What do you do when you are bored? Moan about being bored
29. Most annoying thing people ask? How do i complete this level? (when I hate the game so much I cba to play it)
30. What time do you go to bed at night? 3/4am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Depends if I bother to sleep, otherwise about 6am if i can be arsed to get up
32. Favorite TV show(s): Top gear, Friends, Family Guy, American Dad
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? I used to have an alsatian (sp?)a python, two bearded dragons, two rats (NOT all at once)

35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? usually an hour or so after waking up XD
36. What is your favorite color? Red
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? If i can be arsed to switch on said TV... Dave
38. Favorite movie(s)? The day after tomorrow, Pokemon: the movie (gtfo, Mewtwo is epicness)
39. Favorite actor/actress? Arnold Schwarzenegger (I demand rep if I spelt that right :gasp:)

40. What was the last book you read? Eldest (though I haven't touched a book in ages)
41. Favorite author(s)? JK Rowling, Terry Pratchett
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy 9, Tales of Eternia, The Sims, Warhawk
43. Favorite season? Spring
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? No idea :wacky:
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Yellow gold, probably
46. Favorite vacation destination? As long as it ain't spain... Damn sunburn -__-
47. Favorite national holiday? Gawd knows... I rarely care tbh
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Hair
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Oven
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports Car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Yeah
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Aye, they're smart enough to not come here at least XD
54. What really makes you angry? Virtually anything irl atm -__-
55. Least favorite household chore? Dusting
56. What is your dream job? Something involving computers... If not, a writer
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Hands... Too... Big... For... Mouth :gasp:
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! You tricked me into this! :gasp:
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yeah, has a laugh here and there
60. Favorite animal? Dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Hell no

62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Kylie
2. Nickname(s): CoH is really the only one used on here.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 18
4. Hair color: dark blonde
5. Eye color: green
6. Piercings/tattoos? used to have my ears pierced, but I let them close up.
7. Do you like your job? Don't have one.
8. Birthplace: Jerseyville
9. Where do you live now? Undisclosed location
10. Ever toilet papered? Yes, actually, I have. XD I can't believe no one knows what this is.
11. Favorite flower: Lily
12. Favorite drink: Non-alcohol, strictly: Coca-Cola Zero.
13. Ever been in a car accident? nope
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday night-Monday night.
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Dude. I can't help but say it about 100= times a day.
16. Favorite food: I dunno, acutally. :gasp:
17. Favorite fast food: Wendy's
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: WB. They make the Harry Potter movies.
19. Favorite sport to watch? the Olympics
20. Favorite sport to play? Ultimate Frisbee
21. Favorite ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? none, although I ALMOST failed it.
24. Your favorite kind of music: emo/pop/rock
25. Favorite artist or group: Artist: David Cook; Group: Metro Station
26. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes...
27. Where do you like to shop? Wal-Mart.
28. What do you do when you are bored? If I wasn't bored, I wouldn't be on here. XD
29. Most annoying thing people ask? No one asks me too much. I'll edit if they do.
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Between 10 and 12
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Whenever I do. there's really no set time.
32. Favorite TV show(s): I think I listed them in my prof.
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevy.
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? Cats and dogs. 2 dogs, IDK how many cats.
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 6:00 AM on the nose.
36. What is your favorite color? Cyan
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Fox.
38. Favorite movie(s)? Twilight
39. Favorite actor/actress? no paritcular one.
41. Favorite author(s)? stephenie Meyer
42. Favorite computer (or console) Wii/PS
43. Favorite season? Summer. :gasp:
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Lucky You (Men) God, I loves it. :gasp:
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? white gold.
46. Favorite vacation destination? anywhere warm
47. Favorite national holiday? Christmas.
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes.
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? both
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave.
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? SUV
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? yep
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? IDK about that.
54. What really makes you angry? Fangirls/boys with closed minds.
55. Least favorite household chore? feeding the animals.
56. What is your dream job? Teacher, I thought.
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? nope.
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! somewhat.
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yep. Learn about them, and to see if they used my answers.
60. Favorite animal? dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Hell no. Don't believe it.
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? HOT. -__-
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1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate:
2. Nickname(s): Diesel, Ryno, and Tank.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 19
4. Hair color: Dark Brown
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? Ten tattoos
7. Do you like your job? Ya
8. Birthplace: Las Vegas
9. Where do you live now? North Carolina
10. Ever toilet papered? Oh ya
11. Favorite flower: None
12. Favorite drink: Sprite Pepsie
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? My days off
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Got a lot
16. Favorite food: Tacos
17. Favorite fast food: Hardees
18. Disney or Warner Bros?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Football
20. Favorite sport to play? Football
21. Favorite ice cream: Cookie Dough
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Black
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rock
25. Favorite artist or group: GodSmack
26. Do you sing in the shower? No
27. Where do you like to shop? Spencer's, Hot Topic, Walmart
28. What do you do when you are bored?
Play games, go workout,
29. Most annoying thing people ask? What are you doin
30. What time do you go to bed at night? 6am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? Work late on weekend so get up at 2pm
32. Favorite TV show(s): Inked, Mindfreak
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? 6 dogs 4 reptiles
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 2pm
36. What is your favorite color? Green
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? History Channel
38. Favorite movie(s)? Lord of the Rings, IT, 300, Godfather(all)
39. Favorite actor/actress? Kate Beckinsale, Johnny Deep, and Viggo Mortensen
40. What was the last book you read? Brisigr
41. Favorite author(s) Christopher Paolini, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dean Kontz
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Metal Gear solid series, FF series, Dynasty Warriors series
43. Favorite season? Summer
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Calvin Kline
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? White gold
46. Favorite vacation destination? Hawaii
47. Favorite national holiday? USA Independance Day
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Legs, eyes
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Both
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Can opener
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports Cars
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? No
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? No
54. What really makes you angry? Repeating myself, stupidity
55. Least favorite household chore? Dishes
56. What is your dream job? U.S Marshal
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Far from it
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!! It ain't bad
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Kinda
60. Favorite animal? Canines
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? No I like warm weather
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Hot
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Candace-Lee
2. Nickname(s): Kandy, Kandy-Sugar, Candy-Cane, Candy-Lee
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 20
4. Hair color: Chocolate Brown
5. Eye color: Blue - Green
6. Piercings/tattoos? 7 piercings, 1 tattoo
7. Do you like your job? Hate it
8. Birthplace: Queensland
9. Where do you live now? Queensland
10. Ever toilet papered? Like throwing toilet paper all over someones house? No
11. Favorite flower: Snap-dragon
12. Favorite drink: Coke, Jack Daniels

13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes. When I was a kid
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Never
16. Favorite food: Too many
17. Favorite fast food: Fish and Chips
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? EWW
20. Favorite sport to play? NEVER
21. Favorite ice cream: Mint choc chip and cookies and cream
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 1

24. Your favorite kind of music: Too many
25. Favorite artist or group: Metallica
26. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes
27. Where do you like to shop? Supre
28. What do you do when you are bored? Sleep
29. Most annoying thing people ask? 'Do you work here?'

30. What time do you go to bed at night? Usually late
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 'Round 10am
32. Favorite TV show(s): The O.C, My Name Is Earl, Family Guy
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevy
34. Do you have pets? One fish left =0 And a turtle
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? Like 6am. Working people hours
36. What is your favorite color? Pink
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Don't watch T.V

38. Favorite movie(s)? Ever After, American Pie series
39. Favorite actor/actress? Kate Beckinsale, Johnny Depp
40. What was the last book you read? Halfway through Twilight
41. Favorite author(s)? J.K. Rowling
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy X

43. Favorite season? Summer
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Yellow and White Gold
46. Favorite vacation destination? Caloundra
47. Favorite national holiday? Dunno. Don't care for them
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Torso
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Microwave?

51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Dunno
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Yes
54. What really makes you angry? Work
55. Least favorite household chore? Vacuuming
56. What is your dream job? Dental Assistant
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? No >_< Do I want to?
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! When they aren't keeping me from sleep...which it is right now =0

59. Do you like reading others' responses? Sometimes
60. Favorite animal? Doggie omg and baby hippos =D
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Should be
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? HOT HOT HOT!
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1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Viktoria
2. Nickname(s): Quartz, Quartzie, Quartzie-sama, Nel, Nelly, Chiyu Kasumi, Vikk, Vik, Vikkles, Shortstuff
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 21
4. Hair color: Naturally Blonde, currently RED
5. Eye color: Typically blue, seems to change >_>
6. Piercings/tattoos? Ears, Naval, nose (though all taken out now. -__- )
7. Do you like your job? Being a student is NOT fun....
8. Birthplace: Dublin (IRISH -__-) XD
9. Where do you live now? Skegness >_>
10. Ever toilet papered? Maybe... >_>
11. Favorite flower: White Rose
12. Favorite drink: Southern Comfort or Orange Juice <3
13. Ever been in a car accident? TOO many...
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Fucknut
16. Favorite food: Macaroni Cheese - the PROPER stuff XD
17. Favorite fast food: KFC (Maccy D's is rank >_>)
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney all the way!
19. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics
20. Favorite sport to play? .... Does sex count as a sport, if not... Fook off >_>
21. Favorite ice cream: Coffee <3
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Wooden XD
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Not once yet <_<
24. Your favorite kind of music: Goth Metal... Basically anything that's not Trance, Dance, Rave, House or Garage
25. Favorite artist or group: Nightwish, Evanescence, Angtoria, The GazettE, Alice Nine AND SO MANY MORE >_>
26. Do you sing in the shower? Isn't that a given?
27. Where do you like to shop? Tesco? o_O;
28. What do you do when you are bored? Write
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "How are you?" < Especially when its obvious you're not
30. What time do you go to bed at night? anytime between 3 and 7am typically <_<
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? HAVE to get up? >_>;; I don't.
32. Favorite TV show(s): Heroes
33. Ford or Chevy? I dont really care tbh
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? A cat and a dog
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? When I wake up
36. What is your favorite color? Pale blue
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Barely watch TV =\
38. Favorite movie(s)? Any martial arts movie (That's about as brief as I can be XD)
39. Favorite actor/actress? Ueto Aya and typically any other Asian actor/Actress
40. What was the last book you read? Harry Potter 7 for the 6th time =\
41. Favorite author(s)? David Eddings
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? FF series, Suikoden, Xenosaga trilogy
43. Favorite season? winter (but only when its not all year round...)
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? DKNY
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Why isn't Silver an option? >_>
46. Favorite vacation destination? Sweden
47. Favorite national holiday? St Patricks day . ;))
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? None sexual - eyes, slightly sexual - I have a thing fer nice chests XDDD
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Kettle
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? I want a freaking Jeep so what does that tell you
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? I'd be a pretty shitty Pagan if I didn't. o_O
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Course there is, but it's too fucking smart to come here XD
54. What really makes you angry? Self-obssessed, arrogant people who call other people self-obssessed and attention seekers to make themselves feel better
55. Least favorite household chore? Hoovering by far....
56. What is your dream job? Does Author count?
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? My mouth is just the right size fer somethings... my fist isn't one of them
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! I'm not sure anymore...
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Usually only people I give a stuff about
60. Favorite animal? Felines; the big kind, white stripey kind :mark:
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? We can't really stop it so why panic over it? =\
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold! Fer sure! >_>
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jane

2. Nickname(s): Janers, Janio ...Janet *shudder*

3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 2 I believe.

4. Hair color: Brown

5. Eye color: Brown

6. Piercings/tattoos? Ears pierced

7. Do you like your job? I don't currently have one.

8. Birthplace: Dunfermline

9. Where do you live now? Lochgelly

10. Ever toilet papered? I didn't realise it was a verb...

11. Favorite flower: Orchids are nice.

12. Favorite drink: Hmm....

13. Ever been in a car accident? Yeas

14. Favorite day of the week? Dunno

15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: There are a few

16. Favorite food: Chilli

17. Favorite fast food: Meh

18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney!

19. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics

20. Favorite sport to play? Netball, basketball, football, badminton.. s'all

21. Favorite ice cream: I don't mind. I hate mint chocolate chip though.

22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Red

23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? -

24. Your favorite kind of music: Loads

25. Favorite artist or group: The Cranberries, Squeeze, James, Jeff Buckley, Garbage, Yann Tiersen, David Bowie, The Pixies.... Others whom I have forgotten at the moment.

26. Do you sing in the shower? I've never had a shower

27. Where do you like to shop? HMV, Waterstones

28. What do you do when you are bored? I don't get bored much, I daydream whenever I get the opportunity

29. Most annoying thing people ask? Uhh, there's quite a few.. but 'Where did you last have it?' when you lose something is springing to mind.

30. What time do you go to bed at night? It depends.

31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? AM on the
weekends? Don't make me laugh. >_>

32. Favorite TV show(s): Friends, Father Ted, Flight of the Conchords, Fawlty Towers...

33. Ford or Chevy? Meh.

34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? A hobo-in-a-tuxedo cat called Herbie.

35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? Well I try to get up around 6.30 but my alarm never wakes me up so it ends up being 7.40

36. What is your favorite color? I don't have one.

37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? I don't generally watch TV

38. Favorite movie(s)? Ack, I can't be bothered listing them all. Amelie?

39. Favorite actor/actress? I don't know....

40. What was the last book you read? The last one I finished was Wuthering Heights, I'm currently reading The Catcher in the Rye

41. Favorite author(s)? I don't know.

42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Parodius! Or Pokemon.

43. Favorite season? I can dig them all.

44. Favorite perfume/cologne? I just wear vanilla spritzy stuff from Boots.

45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? None, I find gold kind of bland.

46. Favorite vacation destination? I haven't been many places. :( But choosing between Italy and England... I'd have to go with Italy. :monster:

47. Favorite national holiday? *shrug*

48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? If we're talking physical, I'm a sucker for a great smile. <3

49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind, obviously. Silly question >_>

50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Fridge. I don't want me no sour milk in my porridge!

51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? I want a classic car, cars were much better looking back in the day.

52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Yeah.

53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? I don't see why not.

54. What really makes you angry? Ohh don't get me started

55. Least favorite household chore? Dishes.

56. What is your dream job? Something which allows me to travel.

57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Of course.

58. Do you actually like filling these out?! Meh.

59. Do you like reading others' responses? Sometime, if I know them.

60. Favorite animal? I don't know

61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Not really.

62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: David.

2. Nickname(s): Pooley, Pools, Pool, Poo, Dave, Poolio, Julio, Poolet etc.

3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: I don't think there were any. But I'm 20.

4. Hair color: Dirty blonde.

5. Eye color: Blue.

6. Piercings/tattoos? None.

7. Do you like your job? I actually do.

8. Birthplace: Carlisle.

9. Where do you live now? Carlisle.

10. Ever toilet papered? Toilet papered...?

11. Favorite flower: I don't think I have one.

12. Favorite drink: I'm not that fussed.

13. Ever been in a car accident? No.

14. Favorite day of the week? Friday.

15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Word: conglomerate. Quote: "self-improvement is masturbation"
16. Favorite food: Anything spicy.

17. Favorite fast food: Indian.

18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Hmm, I'm not sure.

19. Favorite sport to watch? Football.

20. Favorite sport to play? Football, again.

21. Favorite ice cream: Mint choc chip, or baked alaska.

22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue.

23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 8. >>

24. Your favorite kind of music: I like to think there's a lot.

25. Favorite artist or group: Muse, The Beatles, Oasis, Porcupine Tree, The Shins, Boston.

26. Do you sing in the shower? That would be cruel.

27. Where do you like to shop? It depends what I'm looking for. I spend a lot in HMV though.

28. What do you do when you are bored? Entertaining stuff.

29. Most annoying thing people ask? THIS QUESTION!

30. What time do you go to bed at night? Some time at 11.30-ish usually.

31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? About 7.30.

32. Favorite TV show(s): Red Dwarf, Only Fools & Horses, Spaced, Doctor Who, Black Books, Flight of the Conchords, Futurama, Hyperdrive.

33. Ford or Chevy? BMW.

34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? None.

35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? It depends when I start uni. Either 8 or 11.

36. What is your favorite color? Blue, orange or green.

37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Dave or UK Gold.

38. Favorite movie(s)? Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Equilibrium, Shaun of the Dead, all the Bond films, Hot Fuzz, The Matrix and so on.

39. Favorite actor/actress? Daniel Craig. >>

40. What was the last book you read? The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King.

41. Favorite author(s)? Stephen King, Tolkien and Trudi Canavan.

42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Resident Evil 4. Possibly Gears of War.

43. Favorite season? Neither.

44. Favorite perfume/cologne? I don't have one.

45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? I don't have a preference, but my watch is silver.

46. Favorite vacation destination? Of the places I've been to, Melbourne.

47. Favorite national holiday? Christmas? :wacky:

48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes and hair.

49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind.

50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Definitely the fridge, followed by the toaster.

51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports.

52. Do you believe in the paranormal? I certainly do.

53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? There has to be, when you consider the size of it.

54. What really makes you angry? It takes a lot to get me properly mad.

55. Least favorite household chore? I have no idea...

56. What is your dream job? Professional millionaire would be nice.

57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Nope.

58. Do you actually like filling these out?! For some reason. >>

59. Do you like reading others' responses? Huh?

60. Favorite animal? Monkey!

61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Not at all.

62. Do you prefer hot or cold? Somewhere in between.
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Kyle
2. Nickname(s): Marshy, Marshmelo, Ky, Marsh
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 17
4. Hair color: Dirty Blonde
5. Eye color: Green
6. Piercings/tattoos? Sadly, no.
7. Do you like your job? No it's horribly boring.
8. Birthplace: London, Ontario
9. Where do you live now? London, Ontario
10. Ever toilet papered? Yes have you?
11. Favorite flower: Rose
12. Favorite drink: Chocolate Milkshakes
13. Ever been in a car accident? No
14. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: Ohai
16. Favorite food: Pizza
17. Favorite fast food: McDonalds
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Football
20. Favorite sport to play? Hockey
21. Favorite ice cream: Klondike Chocloate Cones.
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Got a wood floor.
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rap
25. Favorite artist or group: Lil Wayne
26. Do you sing in the shower? all the time
27. Where do you like to shop? Electronic Boutique (EB Games)
28. What do you do when you are bored? Play my PS3
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "what time is it?""Are you a virgin?"
30. What time do you go to bed at night? between 11pm and 3 am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 10am or 11am
32. Favorite TV show(s): Lost, Heroes, Sports Centre, Family Guy, How i met your mother, The Big Bang Theory, Two and a half men.
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? A really fat cat, dunno the kind, and 2 dogs, one jack russel, and one german shepard.
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 6am to get ready for school -.-
36. What is your favorite color? Orange
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? TSN
38. Favorite movie(s)? Waynes World 1 and 2, Cube, Step Brothers, Pinapple Express, Star Wars (all of them), Spaceballs..
39. Favorite actor/actress? Will Ferrell
40. What was the last book you read? Fully, was Eragon, tried to read Star Wars novel but gave up.
41. Favorite author(s)? Guy that wrote Eragon xD
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy VII/X, Mortal Kombat, Fire Emblem.
43. Favorite season? Winter
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Axe (Dark Temptation)
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? Yellow Gold Watches.
46. Favorite vacation destination? My cottage up north.
47. Favorite national holiday? Christmas
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Body
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? The Fridge... holds the most important things..
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Yup
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? It's doubtful.
54. What really makes you angry? When things don't go my way =\, School.
55. Least favorite household chore? Cleaning up after dinner.
56. What is your dream job? NHL Hockey player/Animator
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? One sec... Nope.
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l Not really but everyone else was doing it =\
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yeah i love to.
60. Favorite animal? Cat
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Not rly.
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold
Guess I'll do eet seeing as everyone else is.

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Daniel
2. Nickname(s): Danneh, SkylarD (Coined by Juli xD)
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 82 (Srsly)
4. Hair color: Dark brown
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? Nope
7. Do you like your job? Ain't gont one, unless school counts.
8. Birthplace: Kent.
9. Where do you live now? Manchester
10. Ever toilet papered? Yep.
11. Favorite flower: Currently Lilacs
12. Favorite drink: Good ol' coca cola
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, and it fuckin' hurt -__-
14. Favorite day of the week? Sundau
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: *smexes Damon* :)
16. Favorite food: Hotdawgs
17. Favorite fast food: McDonalds
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Football
20. Favorite sport to play? Rugby
21. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla scoop
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Light brown
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Ain't taken it yet.
24. Your favorite kind of music: Rock n' Roll
25. Favorite artist or group: Say Anything
26. Do you sing in the shower? Depends on my mood prior
27. Where do you like to shop? Afflecks Palace
28. What do you do when you are bored? Ring people on the phone :)
29. Most annoying thing people ask? "Do you fancy me?" (Srsly, how feckin' embarrasing >.<)
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Usualy about 1-2 in the morning
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? 10am or 11am
32. Favorite TV show(s): Heroes
33. Ford or Chevy? Ford
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? Nope.
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 'Bout half 6-ish sometimes
36. What is your favorite color? Right now it's amber
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Dave :monster:
38. Favorite movie(s)? Twilight (despite it being butchered) Rush Hour (1,2, and 3)
39. Favorite actor/actress? Kate Beckinsale
40. What was the last book you read? Twilight
41. Favorite author(s)? James Patterson
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Currently it's Fallout 3
43. Favorite season? Summer
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Chanel :monster: On girls of course...
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? platinum watch
46. Favorite vacation destination? Cyprus
47. Favorite national holiday? New years
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Mind
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? The fridge, without it we'd have nowhere to store out cold foods
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car anyday mayte.
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Sometimes.
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? I highly doubt we're the only intelligent species out there
54. What really makes you angry? When people spread false rumours about anyone.
55. Least favorite household chore? The dishes
56. What is your dream job? High-earning solicitor
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Not a chance
58. Do you actually like filling these out?! I would have to be crazy to like it...
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Only those who I actually like. :)
60. Favorite animal? Dog
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Nah, not that big a deal to me
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? I like the cool but not in the extremes

1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Glyn

2. Nicknames: Exile, Fayd, Angel, Glub, Slim along with others too rude to type
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 17
4. Hair color: Brown
5. Eye color: Brown, but many people seem to think they are blue
6. Piercings/tattoos? 1 piercing 2 tattoos
7. Do you like your job? Does anyone?
8. Birthplace: Conway, wales
9. Where do you live now? Middlesbrough England
10. Ever toilet papered? I have no idea what this is either so.... Nope
11. Favorite flower: Black roses
12. Favorite drink: Non alcoholic, Dandelion and burdock, alcoholic: Vodka and coke
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, it hurts!
14. Favorite day of the week? Friday
15. Favorite word, phrase or quote: If it aint broke, break it, if it is broke then run away and pretend it wasnt you
16. Favorite food: Chicken noodle soup is pure win
17. Favorite fast food: Mcdonalds
18. Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disney
19. Favorite sport to watch? Can none be applicable?
20. Favorite sport to play? Me... play... sport... your having a giraffe right?
21. Favorite ice cream: Mint choc chip
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Purple, wierd really, i have only just moved in and my rooms perfect
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Havent took it yet but in the mock tests ive passed every time
24. Your favorite kind of music: anything but hip-hop, pop and rap, oh and rnb and techno and mc, oter than that pretty much anything
25. Favorite artist or group: 30 seconds to mars
26. Do you sing in the shower? Only when im sure noone can hear me
27. Where do you like to shop? Whereevers cheapest, i have low income
28. What do you do when you are bored? Draw
29. Most annoying thing people ask? 'what you up to?' when in text and you have no credit to reply
30. What time do you go to bed at night? Am
31. What time do you get up in the AM on the weekends? AM? your joking right, 1pm earliest
32. Favorite TV show(s): Buffy, Teen Titans
33. Ford or Chevy? Chevvy
34. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and how many? 1 cat 2 dogs
35. What time do you get up in the morning(during the week)? 6am, when my alarm goes off
36. What is your favorite color? Purple
37. What is your favorite channel on T.V? Anime channel
38. Favorite movie(s)? Princess mononoke and the studio ghibli series
39. Favorite actor/actress? Johnny depp, orlando bloom, helena bonham carter, me (i am an actor)
40. What was the last book you read? Harry potter, the seventh one for the 25 time
41. Favorite author(s)? J.K.Rowling
42. Favorite computer (or console) game? Final Fantasy VII/X/VIII/IV
43. Favorite season? Spring
44. Favorite perfume/cologne? Hugo boss
45. Do you prefer yellow gold, white gold or platinum watches/jewelry? White gold its good looking and more affordable then platinum
46. Favorite vacation destination? Anywhere
47. Favorite national holiday? St Davids day (well, i am welsh)
48. What is your favorite feature of the opposite sex? Eyes
49. Which is more important- strong in mind or strong in body? Strong in mind, although both would be great
50. Favorite kitchen appliance? Fridge, where else would i keep the alcohol
51. Do you prefer a sports car, a family sedan or an SUV (sports utility vehicle)? Sports car
52. Do you believe in the paranormal? Yeah
53. Do you believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe? Theres no way were the only intelligent life in the entire universe
54. What really makes you angry? Stupid people, not all of them just the ones that ask you the same question repeatedly when you already answered
55. Least favorite household chore? can i say all of them?
56. What is your dream job? Voice actor for square-enix
57. Can you put your fist in your mouth? Yes actually
58. Do you actually like filling these out?!l They pass the time that i would otherwise be squandering in a different site
59. Do you like reading others' responses? Yeah cos its interesting to find out about other people
60. Favorite animal? Cat
61. Is global warming a big issue to you? Couldnt care less
62. Do you prefer hot or cold? cold