Vector Manipulation:
The ability to change the vector value of any object her field touches. At her hands and at her feet, Lafiel can generate a field the size of a targe in which she can freely change the vector of anything that touches with her field. This can either be stopping bullets or making trains fly like a projectile. However, things like gases and fire and that sort aren't affected.
Spatial Cloner:
Spatial Cloner is the ability to place an item inside a spatial dimension and have the ability to clone said item. However, only one item can be placed inside, regardless of size. Lafiel can fit a tank inside should she wish and within that space, she can replace the tank with one knife, despite the size difference. Also, the size of the item impacts on how many she can clone. Knives and such can be mass cloned, while a heavy machine gun is significantly less. In addition, it also impacts on how many one can pull out. The smaller it is, the more she can use at once.
Time Stop:
Time Stop for Lafiel is heavily limited in the number of restrictions it has. First and foremost is that it has a short duration span of at most 5 seconds. Second is that she is are unable to interact with anything that has been put into motion (such as not able to move a falling rock). Third is that she is unable to physically move another person nor use Vector Manipulation on them and lastly, Lafiel all manipulated vectors will enact only after the time stop has ceased.
Energy Sphere:
Energy sphere are kind of like drones in the sense that Lafiel summons nine spheres of light in which she can control like drones telepathically. Each drone can attack individually with light energy beams or form formations to erect barriers or larger firepower attacks. There is one larger sphere and eight smaller sphere. The smaller ones are able to combine to become just as big as the main one, and then further combine to become bigger and more damaging. When on free roaming in battle, the beams are straight and dumb. However, when they hover behind her in a circle, the beams shot out are homing. When in this formation, only one sphere can be shot at a time. In this position, it is possible to combine powers without combining spheres by channeling the light from each sphere to a single point before being fired. She can even use it with weapons or her limbs to increase damage output.
Regen and Purge:
As its name implies, it is the ability to regenerate and heal from damage as well as purge her body. Blown limbs, destroyed organs, poisoned pretty much anything that doesnt turn her brain to mush, she can recover from given time. Flesh wounds are easy. Organs destroyed, but still inside is a bit harder, but not too difficult. Regenerating limbs is a bit painful, but not too bad. Removed or missing organs require her to not exert herself too much, compounded with the number of organs missing. Her heart, on the other hand, can be regenerated, but requires her to concentrate entirely and any disturbance can be deadly. Lastly, anything that physically destroys her brain cannot be regenerated, like a gunshot wound or being stabbed in the head.
Its her eyes. Its one of the many odd features of her. Its such a vivid colour that its very noticeable amongst the shade of her hood and the white of her mask. Granted, this will have to be in daylight and the person had to be looking directly into the hood. Due to her shorter stature, most people will be looking at her forehead area, hence not really see it.
Battle Stamina:
Ill add that in now.
Ammo count:
Add that in now
Blade length:
Add in now
Weight of bayonet:
See, the thing is, that's where her strength augment comes in. Even without the bayonets, without the enhancement, the sheer weight of the other weapons would be pretty heavy. The enhancement enables her to carry this weight.
Story wise, i had intended her current standard loadout the maximum amount of weight she can carry in ration to combat efficiency. Any more, and her speed is reduced to the point of battle inefficiency, where she deems it too slow to battle properly. So the weight is just right.
On a normal person, yes, it will be too heavy. On her, not really. Like i said, it takes 50 % of her load out weight.
Katsu Rendan:
This is more of a basic move. She doesnt use her augments. Just natural body physics. It is just a chain of three strikes.
The ability to change the vector value of any object her field touches. At her hands and at her feet, Lafiel can generate a field the size of a targe in which she can freely change the vector of anything that touches with her field. This can either be stopping bullets or making trains fly like a projectile. However, things like gases and fire and that sort aren't affected.
Spatial Cloner:
Spatial Cloner is the ability to place an item inside a spatial dimension and have the ability to clone said item. However, only one item can be placed inside, regardless of size. Lafiel can fit a tank inside should she wish and within that space, she can replace the tank with one knife, despite the size difference. Also, the size of the item impacts on how many she can clone. Knives and such can be mass cloned, while a heavy machine gun is significantly less. In addition, it also impacts on how many one can pull out. The smaller it is, the more she can use at once.
Time Stop:
Time Stop for Lafiel is heavily limited in the number of restrictions it has. First and foremost is that it has a short duration span of at most 5 seconds. Second is that she is are unable to interact with anything that has been put into motion (such as not able to move a falling rock). Third is that she is unable to physically move another person nor use Vector Manipulation on them and lastly, Lafiel all manipulated vectors will enact only after the time stop has ceased.
Energy Sphere:
Energy sphere are kind of like drones in the sense that Lafiel summons nine spheres of light in which she can control like drones telepathically. Each drone can attack individually with light energy beams or form formations to erect barriers or larger firepower attacks. There is one larger sphere and eight smaller sphere. The smaller ones are able to combine to become just as big as the main one, and then further combine to become bigger and more damaging. When on free roaming in battle, the beams are straight and dumb. However, when they hover behind her in a circle, the beams shot out are homing. When in this formation, only one sphere can be shot at a time. In this position, it is possible to combine powers without combining spheres by channeling the light from each sphere to a single point before being fired. She can even use it with weapons or her limbs to increase damage output.
Regen and Purge:
As its name implies, it is the ability to regenerate and heal from damage as well as purge her body. Blown limbs, destroyed organs, poisoned pretty much anything that doesnt turn her brain to mush, she can recover from given time. Flesh wounds are easy. Organs destroyed, but still inside is a bit harder, but not too difficult. Regenerating limbs is a bit painful, but not too bad. Removed or missing organs require her to not exert herself too much, compounded with the number of organs missing. Her heart, on the other hand, can be regenerated, but requires her to concentrate entirely and any disturbance can be deadly. Lastly, anything that physically destroys her brain cannot be regenerated, like a gunshot wound or being stabbed in the head.
Its her eyes. Its one of the many odd features of her. Its such a vivid colour that its very noticeable amongst the shade of her hood and the white of her mask. Granted, this will have to be in daylight and the person had to be looking directly into the hood. Due to her shorter stature, most people will be looking at her forehead area, hence not really see it.
Battle Stamina:
Ill add that in now.
Ammo count:
Add that in now
Blade length:
Add in now
Weight of bayonet:
See, the thing is, that's where her strength augment comes in. Even without the bayonets, without the enhancement, the sheer weight of the other weapons would be pretty heavy. The enhancement enables her to carry this weight.
Story wise, i had intended her current standard loadout the maximum amount of weight she can carry in ration to combat efficiency. Any more, and her speed is reduced to the point of battle inefficiency, where she deems it too slow to battle properly. So the weight is just right.
On a normal person, yes, it will be too heavy. On her, not really. Like i said, it takes 50 % of her load out weight.
Katsu Rendan:
This is more of a basic move. She doesnt use her augments. Just natural body physics. It is just a chain of three strikes.
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