[Sign-Up/Discussion]Code Geass:Academy of Geass

Thief of Hearts Joker

~Phantom of the Past~
Feb 18, 2011
In another Palace stealing Hearts.
Squall Leonhart
Kuro Narukami
FFXIV Server
The Year is 2015 a few year's have past since the Zero Requiem Event,The world has reunited and the new Empress of Britannia,Nunnally Vi Britannia is keeping the world in order.

To make sure the World does not have any more Sacrifices like her Brother Nunnally creates a Academy for Student's who have high promise to become the new Knight's for the World.

She also allow's a new Granter named R.R. to join the Academy to endow the student's with Geass,the students learn combat and geass control in the academy and will be a special Squadron,to protect the peace of the world.

The Day begins like any other,Each student Get's their Unique Knightmare Frame and Train's with it,after which they go under Geass Training to find their Faults and Limit's.

Basicly the beginning of the story line we all start as Students and later on become a squadron who protect the world from Uprising's or Faction's who want to Avenge the former Emperor Charles Vi Britannia's death.

NOTE: You do not need to watch the series to know about my plot you just need to understand what Knightmares and Geass' are.

Knightmare Explaination
Knightmare Frames are all robots but often have a humanoid shape and are usually between four to six meters (about 13 to 20 feet) tall. In addition to the standard range of bipedal movement, Knightmare Frames are equipped with Landspinners, self-propelled roller skates attached to the ankles of the machines, which allow them to achieve high mobility and speeds on most terrain. Visual data is gathered through Factsphere sensors, which have thermographic capability and an array of other data-collection functions which are collated in real-time[. Factspheres are commonly protected under a layer of armor which can be retracted to improve system sensitivity. Knightmare Frames are piloted from a cockpit set in the protruding 'hump back' of the unit. The cockpit is a self-contained control center which can be ejected in case of emergency.

Geass Explaination
Is a a supernatural "mental" ability that allows one to do certain supernatural mental abilities.The powers seen so far ranges from absolute obedience through hypnosis(Lelouch),power to manipulate another person memories(Charles) to readings other peoples minds(Mao) and to affecting the the perception of time(Rollo).These are just some of the example.

It is important to note that every Geass User's Geass is different and would depend on their personality.We have yet to see other people with the same Geass in the series though it might be possible.Only certain individuals have certain potential to be Geass users.

It should also be noted that posessers of Geass are not immune to the Geass affect of another Geass user.

1.Dont use Characters from the Code Geass series Id like to keep this somewhat original

2.Please Respect other players and dont harass

3.Please don't overuse your Geass for they have Side Effects

4.If you have a problem pm me and I'll help

5.Please put at lease 3 lines of text dont have to be a uber long post but enough to not look like we're half assing it

6.If your wanting out of the RP please pm me and ill plan a way to make your character die,if in the future you want to reenter the RP post a new character.

7.Please post slowly so everyone has a chance to read and respond to the others posts it will help keep things from being confusing

8.No Godmodding,metagaming or powerplaying

9.Please be Active be online to post at least once every few days!

RP Character Template




Knightmare Frame: ((Name of said Mecha))

Knightmare Appearence:

Knightmare Frame Weapon's:

Geass Power: ((Please make it realistic if you post a power and dont have a side effect I'll provide one for you))



Now that the RP Is up hope to see people join it!

Accepted Member's
Emperor Lelouch
Ravness Loxaerion
Abrogation's Crown

Member's On Leave

And with that It is open
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Name:Aaron Sohm




Knightmare Frame:Ragnarok S.E.T.I.E.N

Knightmare Appearence: Ragnarok S.E.I.T.I.E.N

Knightmare Frame Weapons:

Weapon Main-Dual Radiant Wave Surge Claw's-These Claw's are a Upgraded version of Guren S.E.I.T.I.E.N's Claw,They can shoot and rocket towards a target,launch energy disk's to cut away enemy limbs,and the final and main feature of the Claw's are the Nuclear Fusion Burst that when the claws grab the foe the energy forces into the Knightmare causing a extreme forced explosion,this also negates the Eject Funtion of the Knightmare frame.

Secondary Weapon-Energy Wing-This wing enables flight but also have weapon feature where the wings cover the knightmare's body with Energy and the knightmare can charge threw foe's. 1 Use per battle

Drawback's-The Claw's can only be used 6 times on each claw after which the Nuclear Fusion Charge Cell will become useless till charged,in the Air its fast but on ground it's slowish

Geass Power:Future Sight,This power allows the user to see into the future for about 7 seconds,because of the short time limit it only help's for avoiding a near death experience when mastered it can allow the user to see 10 seconds ahead

Drawback's-Because its only 7 seconds its hard to use it effectively unless you practice with it,also if someone has a geass cast onto them it shortens the Future Sight to a mere 3 seconds ahead.

Personality:Aaron is mostly Closed off and think's other's are inferior to his Geass and Knightmare Pilot Ability,Because of this he has a hard time making friends around the Academy,He is highly intelligent,loves playing Chess,and making stratagies for combat purposes,In combat training he gets high marks but he has a hard time holding back.

Bio:At 15 years old After the Zero Requiem Event His Parent's were murdered by extremist's who wanted to Kill Zero for causing change in Britannia,His parent's were protecting him during the crossfire and got murdered,after which Aaron was forced to live off the land until he was picked up by Empress Nunnally and chosen to be a Academy Student,after which he received his geass and knightmare and finally able to change his life for the better.
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I reserve a place.

I'll make my bio tonight I think, and post here AA.

This should be a fun RP.
@Emperor Lelouch

It's not exactly cast upon the other character... More like alter my own vision. But would my Geass reduce your future sight then?

Ally Rasmorya




(I probably don’t have to emphasize how this image isn’t mine right?)

This is Ally. Messy and unkempt to a fault; she seems like some kind of drug addict, when it’s really not the case. As seen in the image, she has dirty blonde hair, and especially dark eye rings. She is almost always decked out in her simple shirt and black shorts.

Note, this shirt is a size larger, and thus sees a unnecessary large collar that only serves to reveal more skin. That, and the length reaches down to just a palm-length above the thigh – leading to a misbelief that she isn’t wearing any shorts whatsoever.

Knightmare Frame:

Sinner IV

Knightmare Appearence:


(Recolored by Emperor Lelouch... Impressive change, man! Before it was this)

NOTE! Replace yellow with dark brown, and blue with black. Not too many bright colours for the lady.

Knightmare Frame Weapon's:

These are the two blades that are sheathed at the thigh area of the Frame. Sharpened by lasers, the blades are capable of slicing through metal easily, but are deflected by any form of energy barrier. These blades are also capable of firing short bursts of laser, very much like a gun.

If granted enough access to the robot’s power source, it is capable of creating an air vacuum that sucks everything towards Sinner IV – where the latter will initiate a sequence of swordplay which may or may not destroy the unfortunate enemy.

Power Generators:
These aren’t really weapons, but they has to be explained before going into Sinner IV’s next weapon.

These are small generators that are scattered over all parts of the robot such that it is impossible to totally cut off power supply to the robot. The only consequence is weight, which is why Sinner IV is not capable of swift movement in combat.

When escaping, it is possible to eject some of these generators to distract the enemy. They are not capable of doing more damage than a few scratches on a Knightmare Frame’s armour, unless the Knightmare Frame’s armour is that thin.

These are energy barriers that can either serve a defensive or offensive function. Powered by its numerous power generators, this energy barrier is arguably the best since Lelouch’s time. However, in the time the barrier is used, it isn’t possible to do anything else. It is possible to extend the barrier outwards to cover another target, but that will consume power faster than regenerated.

Despair can also be used as a weapon, forming laser like beams, or even weapons for use if the enemy is out of reach. The amount of energy used corresponds with size.

Geass Power:

Cyborg Sight-

This Geass allows Ally to see everything as if she were some kind of robot. Upon focusing on a particular object, there will be an interface activated in her vision that brings up everything she knows about that particular object.

For instance, she stares at the mug bought by her parents.

In her vision, she sees the mug highlighted and she’ll instinctively regurgitate whatever information she knows of it.

E.G. Made of porcelain, it is an antique purchased by Dad for $1 million. Apparently created some time in the Ming Dynasty, these are supposedly flowers, though they don’t look anything like it to me.

To prevent any confusion… No. This Geass does not allow her to see beyond what she already knows. Lets say that mug is a secret object needed for some secret laboratory; Ally doesn’t know that. Staring at the mug will not bring up that information. Same goes with people. She’ll always be regurgitating whatever she knows of people if she focuses on them, that is all.

… This includes written tests, which also allows her to ace those tests.

Side Effects:

Due to it’s heavy usage, Ally is not capable of sleeping easily. She has, however, managed to survive on little sleep – like brief power naps of about 15 minutes or so. This explains her dark eye rings, and general lack of energy.


She couldn’t stop using her powers. It was far too useful, and slowly, she became reliant on it. As a result, she behaves like a know-it-all, because that’s what she really is – regarding matters she already knows prior to the conversation, of course.

Her lack of energy and general inattentiveness can be irritating at times – though she cannot help it. She makes up for it by trying to focus more though the effect of which is limited.


The Zero Requiem wrought much change around Britannia; change that caused her parents to split. As a result of their conflicting political ideologies, they quickly divorced, and falling under her father’s custody, she was raised with the intention of having her become a General very much like Cornelia.

As soon as she reached the age of 16, he sent Ally into the Academy, where she received her Geass and Knightmare Frame, corresponding to her lack of energy and insomnia.
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Just to let you know AA, I'm working on mine right now and it should be finished by tonight.

I'll get on Gavin to get his finished too. xD
Speaking of that, how many applications are you planning to have before starting the role play? Can't wait to start out with this character.
Well Comrade, You certainly have piqued myinterests and I will be joining this RP only for the sake of piloting a mech (even if a Knightmare Frame) again.
Probably 4 and we'll start just like the RE RP If people see how good we make it we'll get more along the way so when Kesha and Gavin are done with their profiles we can begin ^.^

Ninja'd but awesome thanks for joining us Schnee
[FONT=&quot]Name: Morgan Nicks

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://i.animecrazy.net/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-78.jpg

Knightmare Frame: Avalon Mark 2

Knightmare Appearence:
[/FONT][FONT=&quot] http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt148/vgrainbow12/video game/esasher.jpg

Knightmare Frame Weapon's:
[FONT=&quot]Dual Rifles: Fires energy at enemy. If rapid fire is used for more than a few minutes, they overheat, become useable only after about a minute’s wait time[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Shoulder mounted cannons: Fires large beams of concentrated energy. Because of the large amount of power needed they can only be used two times safely during battle. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Fists: If the situation calls for close combat, the Avalon Mark 2 can put holster its guns, and fight hand to hand. However, the situation rarely calls for this, and it’s only an emergency feature, as the AM2 isn’t meant for melee combat.

Geass Power: Enhanced perception. Stevie can see, hear and smell better than the normal person when he focuses on it. This allows him to see details others would overlook or hear things that the normal person would miss or smell things the normal nose would not. It also protects him from things that would change his perception.

[FONT=&quot]Side Effect: If he uses enhanced perception for too long, then he will start to lose concentration, and be distracted. Extremely loud noises also have a strong effect on his concentration in when in EP mode.

Personality: Morgan is calm and collecting, preferring to observe things extremely well before taking action. He is detail oriented, preferring to have a least a basic plan, and doesn’t care for surprises.
[FONT=&quot]He almost always is in deep thought, leading people to believe that he’s slow, or anti-social. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As the few people who know him quite well are aware, he’s actually quite intelligent and can even be warm.

Bio: During The Zero Requiem event, Morgan lost his mother. Left with his father, a strict member of the military, it was determined that Morgan would enlist upon turning 16. When he went to get tested, his extremely observant nature was noticed, and he was considered for the Academy.
[FONT=&quot]When offered, he accepted, and was given his Geass and Knightmare Frame based off his quiet observant nature. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]EXTRA: If anything needs to be changed AA, lemme know. xD I wasn’t sure about history and things so I just went with what sounded right. If it’s needs to be changed I’d be happy to. [/FONT]
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Hmm, I might reserve a spot... I'll get my bio up soonish, I will just re-read through the info coz i am a little confused still.
If Gavin is referring to me I met natural things, not Geass.

Not his power. Which you may or not have seen etc etc.
Oh ok i see what your saying now..

Hmm.. Well kesha's power could always be on like Mao's where his senses are always at a high level it may sound bad for us but its actually a drawback

Like when he has a higher sense of sound you could constantly make loud noises to distract him,if he has a big sense of smell you could just mask it with other smells

Eyesight is stronger use a flash or something bright.

His geass is good but it can be avoided or used against him. thats how i see it but if kesha wants to change it to something less powerful hes free to do so,since we havent started yet
Oh ok i see what your saying now..

Hmm.. Well kesha's power could always be on like Mao's where his senses are always at a high level it may sound bad for us but its actually a drawback

Like when he has a higher sense of sound you could constantly make loud noises to distract him,if he has a big sense of smell you could just mask it with other smells

Eyesight is stronger use a flash or something bright.

His geass is good but it can be avoided or used against him. thats how i see it but if kesha wants to change it to something less powerful hes free to do so,since we havent started yet

That's what I intended it to be AA.

Though if I think of something before we start I may change it. Not sure.