(SU/D) SFR: La Guerre de Cent Ans: Redux

To be finished. Maybe you could tell me if Death Knights are allowed, and if a fair Elf is allowed - since its said that the Elves are all dark-skinned. I also plan for her to have some magical skills. Dark Magic infused in her swordplay. I won't overpower it, but it will be fairly powerful nonetheless.

Roan Alessa (Alessa is the given name)





Too huge to put as image here. Lol

Cold and aloof with eyes of blue. Her complexion is particularly fair, unlike most of her own race. She is most often seen dressed as seen in the image - in armor which comprises a breast plate that reveals her belly, and an armored skirt which reaches down below her knees. She matches these with metal boots, which usually produces a distinctive metallic clang.

No doubt an intelligent woman that anyone will recognize; she is destined for something great, as predicted by a 'famous' fortune teller, and had been brought up with this mindset. Indeed, she found her destiny, so to speak, when she realized she had a remarkable talent for using magic.

Since then, her life was a series of smooth-sailing recognitions and tests that only served to bolster her confidence, molding her into the strong woman that she is in present times.

Her fame and repute precedes her, but she is generally humble - arrogant only to her enemies. In battle, she is calm and composed - almost unfeeling. This earned her the title 'Reaper'.

Death Knight

Deathsbane (Pictured)


When engaging in battle, Alessa enchants her blade with the powers of darkness that inhibits the regenerative abilities of her enemies. Wounds inflicted by her blade may only start healing one day after it is sustained. This will not apply to those with wills, or magical potentials, strong enough to resist the effects of this enchantment.

(This generally means player-controlled characters or special NPCs)


Alessa summons an immense power of darkness unto her blade, granting her additional strength and agility, as well as the ability to blast projectiles of tangible shadows towards her enemies. She also gains some extent of control over the shadows - only hers.


Alessa moves faster when in the shadows. Hence, she fights extremely well at night.

Hell on Earth

Literally calling up hell, Alessa summons a horde of demons that attempt to hold her enemy in place. These demons are at least 2 meters tall, and generally possess superhuman, or beyond superhuman, strength. However, they do not have speed, and generally relies on the element of stealth from the start of the spell.

It is possible to evade this entire move for the entire duration, which is about 1 minute. The demons do not attack. All they do is to grab and hold the target in place so Alessa may do whatever else she wishes.

This spell is purely magical, and relies only on her magical capacity. To prolong the spell any longer would require at least 35% of her life force.

Born to Elven parents on a quiet, winter night, her family was soon visited by a wandering fortune teller. Stepping into the house because of some 'signs of greatness', the fortune teller informed her parents that the child was meant for something great. The child's parents believed his words, and immediately had the fortune teller name the child.

Thus came her name: Alessa.

Although she was raised with great expectations and generally given a free reign over her life, she was well disciplined by her parents. At the age of 8, she was found to possess an innate talent for wielding magic by the court magician. Taken under a magician's tutelage, she was trained in the arts of magic.

The magician was jealous, and attempted to stifle her talents, giving her near-impossible missions to discourage her. However, because of her upbringing that gave her a high self-esteem, she persisted thinking there would be a solution - and indeed there was.

These so-called impossible feats found their solutions under her, and she was suddenly the talk of the court magicians. Catching the eye of the leading magician, she was taken under his wing to become a Death Knight - a new order of knights that he was building up that would possess both magic and swordsmanship.

Her new life in the Death Knights was good right from the start. After all, she was at the top position, and frequently received benefits that lesser Death Knights did not have.

Not that it was all purely favoritism, for she did prove herself in many battles. over the past 5 years.
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Death Knights...Swordplay infused with Dark Magic huh...kind of like a Dark Knight/Spellblade combo...

I'll wait till you finish your bio then I'll see what I think on it, if it's overpowered or not.
There. Completed.

It's not really a Dark magic-spellblade thing... More of a Dark Knight like in the FF Tactics series... Without the life-stealing moves, and more of the status buffs and one disabling move.
Alrighty, your bio is currently pending following a thorough look around.

EDIT: I am accepting it on the condition that some of these abilities are toned down for PvP combat and against selected NPC's. (i.e. using Unforgiving won't lead to someone bleeding to death unless it was willed at.) Other than that, it's all good.
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Or perhaps I could have it that Unforgiving will not apply to those with a strong enough will or strong enough magical potential - meaning that innate magical capacity is sufficient resistance against this move?

Made the changes already, just to speed things up, should this change be acceptable.
Done :D

How should I bring in the character though? It's probably too late to be involved in the battle that is currently ongoing - that, and it actually seems like it's ending... Or should I be elsewhere on the field?
well, I think it's a bit late for her to be introduced into the battle, the battle is nearing its end as an Emmerian victory. I'm just awaiting a few more post from Tipsy and me to end the first chapter. I plan on Alessa being a central character for Chapter 2 when we start the first spin-off war.
... Spin-off war eh?

Okay then, I guess Chloe will just be moping around about the entire battle. Makes for some small character development later.
I have seen your bio and it is accepted Oli-SKX. Like Ravness' latest character, I probably won't have him start till the next chapter, which will end after my next post most likely.
One Merc Bio, coming up!

Theodora Sevensheep





Appearance: (Headshot)


At times, she would wear her sallet, though she keeps the visor up. While she may appear tattered in the picture, she has both shoulder pauldrons, her clothing is clean and unripped and her rear skirt reaches down just past her knees.

Theo normally is a clutz in every single way. Having the tendancy to trip or relatively flat surfaces, walk into objects while deep in thought, drop her weapons, miss thrown objects etc. She is also rather airy, optimistic and easy going. In fact, she is kind of child like.
With such a lack of coordination, one wonders how she would manage on the battlefield.

Theo is the kind of girl that needs tension, a goal/ order or a certain level of stress and pressure in order for her to perform well. However, when real pressure or tension occurs, her mind sharpens and concentrates, allowing her to be a swift and effective Knight on the field. She has incredible focus and retention when she has a clear goal in sight. In this concentrating mode, she can easily outclass many men-at-arms and fight toe to toe with knights. It was only this efficiency during battles and engagements that allowed her to act as a Shock Knight. Theo is also able to enter this "mode" on will, though she does not do so as she has to concentrate hard and is tiring. In fact, the resulting concentration is less than that of when it occcurs naturally.

Shock Knight

Her main weapon is her sword in the picture dubbed Avalon.

For her back up, she has a shortsword that she can wield.

Finally, she has a metal targe that covers her forearm and can cover most of her torso if she hunched behind it. Usually strapped to her back. Its most special ability is the reflection of magic when taken head on. If not, the magic can spill over its edges if it clips the side.

First Aid and intermediate white magic: As a shock trooper, she at times will be further in the enemy ranks than her fellow combatants. As a result, she needs to be able to look after herself in terms of healing and first aid. Therefore, she is quite skilled in first aid and intermediate white magic.

Fire and Earth Magic: Although with decent magic abilities, Theodora concentrates on swordsmenship. Still, she is able to conjour firebullets, fireballs and firewhips.

Firebullets, unlike ballistic ones, are weak singlarly. They do not puncture through since they have no real mass, but rather burn on the surface. A few would not do much, but considering its low energy cost, it can be spammed to suppress enemies.

Fireball, is the more offensive skill. Similar to that of a grenade, Theodora can launch one in a relatively straight trajectoryand explode on either impact. It has a explosive range of about 1.5 meters diameter.

Firewhip, again, due to it have no real mass, doesn't harm as much as a real whip does, but relies on burning. If connected to skin or cloth, it does burn as if touching a hot metal pan. Theodora aims to wrap it around people so as to keep it on them and extend the time it burns. There is an easy method to escape from it though.

Her earth magic consist mostly of creating a wall, mostly against projeectiles.


Theodora was born to mercenary parents. As a result, she became a mercenary due to the fact that she grew up around them. Her personality didn't fit with the job, but she showed that she is capable of handling herself when in battle due to her "concentration".

Fighting since for as long as she can remember, Theodora has gained skills, though these are more ingrained into her body rather than her mind. She fights on instinct and reflexes rather than most veteran soldiers and knights. As a result, many view her as a large block of potential that needs to be polished. The current her is rough around the edges in her fighting and many would see her as a rookie. As of now she wanders around with other mercenaries, seeking jobs that are now aplenty due to the wars, though whether she can be taken seriously is another matter.
...Now where have I seen that image before hmmm...

Anyway, she is accepted. Since there is a lack of Emmerian soldiers (and thus, Mary will not be making an appearance in this chapter) I'll put you on the Raineri-Emmerian side to balance things out.
at the time, the only ones on the Emmerian side (who will be starting off at Vercingetroix Fortress) is the Montfort Pretender to the Raineri throne, Arthur de Montfort (styled as Arthur IV) and his son, who will be the major protagonist of this chapter.
I think they are really well drawn, particularly the headshot one, which uses the the full body one as reference.

But i meant which player would be on the Emmerian side. Like, is it just me and you?
well yeah...it'll be just you and me...just like in Kingdom Hearts...but without a bunch of rabid heartless and corrupted humans shooting, stabbing and shoving lightning up our bums. :wacky:
Is the other chapter started now? o.o I can't wait to RP Wyl ^^ Although I don't know which faction to have him start with. He's just a mercenary for hire and doesn't really care about either faction too much...So is it preferable to have him as a soldier of a faction or should I just have him traveling?