A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

That is PRECIOUS!! Oh, thank you for posting it.

Hmm, fanfic time!

Swords and Roses
A blood-thirsty soldier, a murdered lover, and a poor flower girl. When the world is at war, what could you hope to protect with your blood-stained hands? Reviews are appreciated! :D

The Jenova Prospect
Set nearly 2 years after the events of FF7, the Shinra have returned, a new scientist is searching for the Jenova Prospect to create a new form of super SOLDIER. Rated T for language, violence and adult situations.

Unknown Soldier
Cloud Stife, former Soldier stumbles upon a girl in much need of help. They do not know that their first encounter will cause a chain of events that will exhile Midgar as a villian rises from amidst the ruins. All is not what is seems to be. Clerith

Guardian Angel
Set after the Northern Crater event. She couldn't reach him with her voice but maybe, just maybe... He could hear the call of her heart. CloudxAerith


Hey, guys over at the clourith forum they're having a banner contest,
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Haha bye Tifa :D Just kidding...sort of...
Except he called Aerith a weirdo. :gasp: Aerith is not a weirdo! Well he is a bit cold considering he killed Tifa...

Cloud why are you so mean? :gonk:

Aerith you're a quick one. :giggle:
Haha Makin comments as I go along reading it. :P
He thinks the butterfly is Aerith's bodyguard? >_<
Yuffie is in charge of the inn. :unsure:
Aw Cloud caught Aerith ;))
Oh Baby Cloud is sick :(
BUT Aerith will take care of him :ryan:
Uh oh no money for the inn :O
Cloud likes Aerith :wacky:
Cloud kills men for Aerith! :awesome:
But Aerith doesn't like it...:dry:
Cloud holds Aerith ^_^
Cloud plays the guitar? :ahmed:
Aw ya, they like eachother :D
Run, Cloud and Aerith, run! :cactaur:
Cloud kills the monster! :dead:
MARLENE! IT'S MARLENE! Haha her name is like mine :)
Gold Saucer time! :smartass:
Aerith swears :holyshit: Well it's not her fault...
It's play time! :tehe:
Cloud kisses her hand :kiss:
And thus they find their dream together :inlove:

Wait! which one did all that stuff happen in? :yay: I wanna read it T_T
Calico The first one. ^_^ (Swords and Roses)
I gotta say I wish it were longer...
fanarts for ya'll:


http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8849283.png

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8661736.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8620464.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8559210.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8552704.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8489035_p4.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/8413251.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/7524735.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/7051491.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/6569319.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/5632822.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/4892658.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/3926624.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/2837492trsie.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/220830b9.jpg

Thanks for posting the Fanfics and Fanarts! So cute!


What happened to all that crazy discussion that was going on before, I wanna see it again, I think someone should start a topic; I think Cali should do it since she owns the place but I'll give it a shot too, hm, hm.

Whats your favorite Cloud and Aerith Moment THROUGHOUT the comilation? Since SE delivered every chance they got.

I'd have to say her Death Scene since Clouds just pouring his emotions out, its so romantic to see a "stiff" -- as Hades put it -- get so emtional over his lost lover, especially since we were deprived of a lot -- if any at all -- emtion through the first Disc of FFVII and the rest.

And Cloud hits it home by stopping anyone else from going up and then asking Sephiroth' "What WE'RE supposed to do?"

I am such a goober for this paring and its oh so subtle romance :(
Good question ^_^

Well, I would have to say the date scene. (Original, I know) It was so sweet! And I liked how she said "I'm searching for the real Cloud." and she also said "Things are different, you're different." That proved that she had feelings for Cloud's actual person, and not just because he was like Zack. It also hinted at Cloud's mental state. (Like how he really isn't in SOLDIER, and how there is more to his life than what he says.)

I remember once accidentally getting Tifa for a date. (Man was I angry...) But she doesn't say anything, just stutters. It wasn't very romantic. (I'd just thought I'd compare dates ;)))
Favourite Aerith moment, would have to be during Advent Children where Cloud is soaring into the air to fight Bahamut, and all of his friends help him to show that they still care about him, but also Aerith helps him too, and Cloud is stunned when he sees Aerith, and you can see him reach for Aerith is his eyes. SE, says that Cloud speaks with his eyes, and Cloud's eyes are saying so many wonderful things when Aerith guides him up into the air....Cloud's eyes, are just speaking of love and desire when Aerith helps him....

Very sweet and emotional.
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Waitress Girl,
Whats your favorite Cloud and Aerith Moment THROUGHOUT the comilation? Since SE delivered every chance they got.

Another Clerith question?

Hmmm, I'm a greedy one so I love all of them! :D Because each Clerith scene delivered different meaning and feeling. And for me, they all are my priceless treasures :ohoho:.
Like, when Aerith died, Cloud expressed his greatest sadness which he never had for anyone else, along with the other feelings for her which he had hided because of his shy. Or when Cloud reunited with Aerith in KH (at the ending scene), the limited view made me hard to see Cloud's emotion face but I could feel he was shy and half disbelief that he actually met Aerith again.

Well, all of Clerith moments are very cute and romance and... smexy (at least in some way they are :tehe:). So it very hard for me to pick one of them to be my favorite. I'm so sorry for my selfishness :shame:
Waitress Girl said:
I'd have to say her Death Scene since Clouds just pouring his emotions out, its so romantic to see a "stiff" -- as Hades put it -- get so emtional over his lost lover, especially since we were deprived of a lot -- if any at all -- emtion through the first Disc of FFVII and the rest.

And Cloud hits it home by stopping anyone else from going up and then asking Sephiroth' "What WE'RE supposed to do?"

I am such a goober for this paring and its oh so subtle romance :(
Oh, dang. :gonk: I was gonna say the death scene. But since you did, I must reply to what you already said, hm, hm. The amount of emotion Cloud portrayed during her death is the homerun for proving Cloud loves Aerith.
Like you, I love how Cloud says "What about us? what are WE supposed to do" it really shows that he already though of Aerith and him as a "we" not to mention, in DISMANTLED Cloud asks what he's supposed to do about the anger over her death.

Cloud: "Aerith used to smile like a flower, all the time... But, Aerith won't smile anymore. I won't be able to hear her innocent laugh again.
What did she do?"
Why did Aerith have to die?
What am I supposed to do about this anger, it's endlessly boiling and burning up my body. " - DISMANTLED

This to me proves even further that Cloud was talking about him and Aerith when he said WE. :ryan:

marlena said:

Well, I would have to say the date scene. (Original, I know) It was so sweet! And I liked how she said "I'm searching for the real Cloud." and she also said "Things are different, you're different." That proved that she had feelings for Cloud's actual person, and not just because he was like Zack. It also hinted at Cloud's mental state. (Like how he really isn't in SOLDIER, and how there is more to his life than what he says.)

I remember once accidentally getting Tifa for a date. (Man was I angry...) But she doesn't say anything, just stutters. It wasn't very romantic. (I'd just thought I'd compare dates ;)))
Oh, shoot! You took the date T_T oh well, I'm glad you brought up the date, marlena. It's one of my favorite scenes as well. I always thought it was so romantic to see Cloud and Aerith take part in a play revolving around a knight(since Cloud's her bodyguard) and a princess(Aerith's princess staff :britt:) and then have the guy call them a couple. And I don't care how many fans argue otherwise, it's Cloud and Aerith who's the canon date. It makes sense with the storyline and it has most meaning.

Here's something really romantic about Cloud and Aerith's date too.
#111 The Planet's largest amusement park is run by Dio. Cloud and company visit this place many times in their battle. They meet Cait Sith here. A promised date that ends in a magical night. In the city of desire that floats above the sands, the light memory of the two people is asleep even now... " - FFVII DISMANTLED

See how they say the date is a "promised one"? That could only be talking about Cloud and Aerith's date cuz Tifa doesn't promise Cloud a date... Aerith does, however. :ryan: And then is it just me or does the "a promised date that end in a magical night" come off very... romantic? especially since they called Gold Saucer the city of desire. :kinky:

Ninja Yuffie said:
Favourite Aerith moment, would have to be during Advent Children where Cloud is soaring into the air to fight Bahamut, and all of his friends help him to show that they still care about him, but also Aerith helps him too, and Cloud is stunned when he sees Aerith, and you can see him reach for Aerith is his eyes. SE, says that Cloud speaks with his eyes, and Cloud's eyes are saying so many wonderful things when Aerith guides him up into the air....Cloud's eyes, are just speaking of love and desire when Aerith helps him....

Very sweet and emotional.
I so agree. :gonk: the soft look he has is just... beautiful. :gonk: I always love how pained Cloud's expression is before he sees her. And when everything starts to whiten around him his face gradually get's more surprised/amazed and you see his eyes darting back and forth as if he's looking over all of Aerith's face, and then the clincher--he blinks slowly and there she is reaching out to him, all while the music hits a beautiful climax adding the perfect touch to this romantic homage of the FFVII ending Nomura gave us. :ryan: And I'm not sure if anyone ever noticed, but the smile Cloud has on after Aerith and him hold hands is just so handsome and so romantic. It's as if that moment gave him more strength then ever.

It's still the main part of the film that makes me wanna cry T_T

Loveless Doll said:
Or when Cloud reunited with Aerith in KH (at the ending scene), the limited view made me hard to see Cloud's emotion face but I could feel he was shy and half disbelief that he actually met Aerith again.
Oh :ohoho: I completely agree :yay: jus' the way Cloud stares at her at first then slowly walks over to her while looking at the floor is so precious. It really did give the feeling that Cloud was nervous/shy to see her again. But the thing in that scene that just makes me wanna fangirl cray is when Aerith leans forward to look at his face and he slowly glances up at her, :gonk: Cloud's entire character was defined in that moment and that scene alone is what made me a Clourith. :ryan:

A little more about the ending to KH is that when a interviewer asked Nomura what his thoughts were behind bringing Aerith back this is what he said:

Nomura: Yes, she died in Final Fantasy VII, but there's no real relation to where she was at or what role she played in FFVII. There's no relationship from FFVII to the Kingdom Hearts stories. I consider them separate stories. But if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII might be answered. It's sort of like a side story, and this was an extra bonus that I wanted to give to players.

So basically, the ending to KH was an answer to their relationship. What happened in the ending... Cloud and Aerith were reunited and together--so the answer to their relationship is that they're together... nice Nomura, very nice. :ryan:

Whats your favorite Cloud and Aerith Moment THROUGHOUT the comilation? Since SE delivered every chance they got.

well, you lovelies all took the death scene, the date, and then the hand reach scene AND the KH ending... so I'll take the dream scene in VII. :ryan:

First off, I love how Cloud speaks to Aerith while she is playfully making her way through the forest and all we hear is Cloud's voice until they both slowly glide from the sky down to the floor, it's just so cute, and it always reminded me of the anti gravity moment in 8 where Squall and Rinoa float around. Another thing, after Cloud apologizes for hurting her, Aerith tells him:

Aerith:"Don't worry about it."
Cloud:"...I can't help it..."

He can't help but worry about the fact that he hurt her? To me, that is incredibly romantic... when she tells him about what she's going to do, Cloud says "Aerith?" as if he's not accepting what she was saying. I love how shocked Cloud is to hear that she was planning on leaving, it really did seem like he was confused and worried. And when she starts to run down the forest pathway and Cloud even tries to follow her... i just get a little teary eyed. :gonk:

He chases after her before he knew that Sephiroth was going to go after her. It's like he just didn't want her to leave his side, that to mean speaks volumes about Cloud's love.

Last but not least, right when she disappears, Cloud outstretches his hand towards her--which is very romantic. It shows he wanted her to stay by his side and it shows his desperation to try and follow her just because he didn't want her to leave.

Not to mention, Squall does the same for Rinoa at one point in the game.

Since all those posts were really good, I added them to the front page. ^_^
All your opinions are lame :mokken:

My favourite is when Aeris takes Cloud back to her place and you get a long flashback of her heritage and who her adoptive mother is to her. Her house seems very surreal too, the glow and the flowery garden in a dark and gloomy city perfectly encaptulates her personality. She's as isolated as the last living member of the Cetra as her home is to the decay of Midgar. The place, along with the Church, has abit of an ethereal aura about it that doesn't fade even after her death.

I didn't really like the death scene, it pisses me off more than anything.
All your opinions are lame :mokken:
I--- :sad3:
My favourite is when Aeris takes Cloud back to her place and you get a long flashback of her heritage and who her adoptive mother is to her. Her house seems very surreal too, the glow and the flowery garden in a dark and gloomy city perfectly encaptulates her personality. She's as isolated as the last living member of the Cetra as her home is to the decay of Midgar. The place, along with the Church, has abit of an ethereal aura about it that doesn't fade even after her death.
wow, that's a really good symbolism you thought of right there, tom :mokken:
to be honest, I always liked that scene too. :hmmm: especially when Cloud says Aerith escaping Shinra for so long is amazing. I mean, sure it doesn't *have* to be romantic, but I like how he calls it amazing that she's so capable of keeping herself out of trouble. :ryan:

you jus' reminded me of when Elmyra(Aerith's mom) gets all protective of Aerith and tells Cloud to hit the road and never come back. I thought it was clear how interested Aerith had become in Cloud(romantically that is)

I didn't really like the death scene, it pisses me off more than anything.
it does 8( why? :hmmm:
That's true, if Cloud wasn't interested he wouldn't have taken her along ;)

And I don't like how Cloud doesn't really do anything to stop Seph from stabbing her, wouldn't happen on my watch. :mokken: The scene's good though and I like the theme.
That's true, if Cloud wasn't interested he wouldn't have taken her along ;)

And I don't like how Cloud doesn't really do anything to stop Seph from stabbing her, wouldn't happen on my watch. :mokken: The scene's good though and I like the theme.
Yeah, well you and Cloud both. Cloud realizes he didn't act soon enough hence his depression. But I think he was in a state of mind that he couldn't understand. My personal thoughts, I think Cloud thought Sephiroth was going to use Cloud as the way to harm Aerith he wasn't expecting himself AND Sephiroth to pose a threat to her at that moment... once Cloud realized he stopped himself from hurting her maybe he thought the threat was gone.

Sadly, he was wrong, but who would have thunk'd? :wacky:

It's like surviving a car crash and then on your way to the hospital in the ambulance you die in a car crash anyway--that sorta thing :wacky:

I love the scene solely because how much emotion Cloud shows. It's the best :ryan:

By the way guys, here's somethin' cool. In this FFX bonus feature for a commentary. The creators talk about the leading male characters showing emotion in one major scene and it lists Squall rescuing Rinoa but also uses Aerith's death as an example for Cloud's show of emotion


go to 15:00 exactly
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And I don't like how Cloud doesn't really do anything to stop Seph from stabbing her

I remembered there was a reason why Cloud couldn't stop Sephiroth from killing Aerith.

As you can see, after Cloud approached Aerith, Sephiroth has tried to make him kill her; but Cloud used all his best to fight against Sephiroth's will. Unfortunately, after that success, Cloud has been put in frozen state by Sephiroth used the Jenova's gene inside Cloud's body. That's why even Cloud did see Sephiroth jumping from the high with his sword ready to stab through Aerith, he couldn't do anything else.

So, there we have. The meaning of that scene will be much more tragic when you see the truth. If Cloud didn't win in the will from killing Aerith, he would killed her without notice anything (like you being put in a coma); and that would be less painful (at least in some way). Instead, Sephiroth had let Cloud won on purpose, so that he could put Cloud in frozen state and left Cloud watched his "most importance" being taken away from him in useless (which had pushed Cloud's emotion to the limit and made the scene unforgetable).
And that's why that scene has become the best scene of all games which has taken a lot of fans's tears.
Ah, well said Loveless Doll. :ryan: I couldn't have said it better. ^_^

You guys know that video I linked to? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tzf-baZ1Bc&feature=related

well, in it the creators of FF talk about FF scenes where the main male characters show emotion. For Tidus it referenced the kiss scene, with Squall it referenced the scene where he saves Rinoa from the glass casing and for Cloud it used Aerith's death scene.

Someone by the name Dreamstar was awesome enough to say this at the CxA forums:
Dreamstar said:
"Wouldn't this be good evidence that Cloud's emotions might have SOME sort of hint of romance? They are all pairings that are canon after all. Just sayin'..."

I agree completely with that. It would be a pretty odd coincidence if the feelings aren't romantic but it's used alongside Squall and Tidus's scenes which do carry their romantic feelings for each girl.

I mean, for Tidus and Squall they showed a romantic scene with Yuna/Rinoa to convey the male's emotions. And they just so happen to use Aerith's death as the scene to show Cloud's emotions? Sorry, I don't think that's a coincidence... not in the slightest!

And I just thought of something, you know how Clotis like to say Cloud shows his feelings/emotions/love for Tifa under the highwind? Well, if his feelings for Tifa were so important(or canon), why not show the highwind scene instead of Aerith's death?

Doesn't really make sense that the HA highwind scene is supposed to be so romantic and also the "canon outcome" but it isn't the scene they used to be the major scene of Cloud portraying emotions in that documentary?

Riiight. *whistles*

I'm seeing more and more reasons to disprove TLS's "Cloti is canon" essay. :ffs:
All your opinions are lame :mokken:
:gonk: I was gonna say the death scene. But since you did, I must reply to what you already said, hm, hm. The amount of emotion Cloud portrayed during her death is the homerun for proving Cloud loves Aerith.
Like you, I love how Cloud says "What about us? what are WE supposed to do" it really shows that he already though of Aerith and him as a "we" not to mention, in
DISMANTLED Cloud asks what he's supposed to do about the anger over her death.

Cloud: "Aerith used to smile like a flower, all the time... But, Aerith won't smile anymore. I won't be able to hear her innocent laugh again.
What did she do?"
Why did Aerith have to die?
What am I supposed to do about this anger, it's endlessly boiling and burning up my body. " - DISMANTLED

This to me proves even further that Cloud was talking about him and Aerith when he said WE.

Oh, shoot! You took the date T_T oh well, I'm glad you brought up the date, marlena. It's one of my favorite scenes as well. I always thought it was so romantic to see Cloud and Aerith take part in a play revolving around a knight(since Cloud's her bodyguard) and a princess(Aerith's princess staff
:britt:) and then have the guy call them a couple. And I don't care how many fans argue otherwise, it's Cloud and Aerith who's the canon date. It makes sense with the storyline and it has most meaning.

Here's something really romantic about Cloud and Aerith's date too.

#111 The Planet's largest amusement park is run by Dio. Cloud and company visit this place many times in their battle. They meet Cait Sith here. A promised date that ends in a magical night. In the city of desire that floats above the sands, the light memory of the two people is asleep even now... " - FFVII DISMANTLED

See how they say the date is a "promised one"? That could only be talking about Cloud and Aerith's date cuz Tifa doesn't promise Cloud a date... Aerith does, however.
:ryan: And then is it just me or does the "a promised date that end in a magical night" come off very... romantic? especially since they called Gold Saucer the city of desire. :kinky:

I so agree.
:gonk: the soft look he has is just... beautiful. :gonk::ryan: And I'm not sure if anyone ever noticed, but the smile Cloud has on after Aerith and him hold hands is just so handsome and so romantic. It's as if that moment gave him more strength then ever.
I always love how pained Cloud's expression is before he sees her. And when everything starts to whiten around him his face gradually get's more surprised/amazed and you see his eyes darting back and forth as if he's looking over all of Aerith's face, and then the clincher--he blinks slowly and there she is reaching out to him, all while the music hits a beautiful climax adding the perfect touch to this romantic homage of the FFVII ending Nomura gave us.
It's still the main part of the film that makes me wanna cry T_T

:ohoho: I completely agree :yay: jus' the way Cloud stares at her at first then slowly walks over to her while looking at the floor is so precious. It really did give the feeling that Cloud was nervous/shy to see her again. But the thing in that scene that just makes me wanna fangirl cray is when Aerith leans forward to look at his face and he slowly glances up at her, :gonk: Cloud's entire character was defined in that moment and that scene alone is what made me a Clourith. :ryan:

A little more about the ending to KH is that when a interviewer asked Nomura what his thoughts were behind bringing Aerith back this is what he said:

Nomura: Yes, she died in Final Fantasy VII, but there's no real relation to where she was at or what role she played in FFVII. There's no relationship from FFVII to the Kingdom Hearts stories. I consider them separate stories. But if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII might be answered. It's sort of like a side story, and this was an extra bonus that I wanted to give to players.

So basically, the ending to KH was an answer to their relationship. What happened in the ending... Cloud and Aerith were reunited and
together--so the answer to their relationship is that they're together... nice Nomura, very nice. :ryan:

Whats your favorite Cloud and Aerith Moment THROUGHOUT the comilation? Since SE delivered every chance they got.

well, you lovelies all took the death scene, the date, and then the hand reach scene AND the KH ending... so I'll take the dream scene in VII. :ryan:

First off, I love how Cloud speaks to Aerith while she is playfully making her way through the forest and all we hear is Cloud's voice until they both slowly glide from the sky down to the floor, it's just so cute, and it always reminded me of the anti gravity moment in 8 where Squall and Rinoa float around. Another thing, after Cloud apologizes for hurting her, Aerith tells him:

Aerith:"Don't worry about it."
Cloud:"...I can't help it..."

He can't help but worry about the fact that he hurt her? To me, that is incredibly romantic... when she tells him about what she's going to do, Cloud says "Aerith?" as if he's not accepting what she was saying. I love how shocked Cloud is to hear that she was planning on leaving, it really did seem like he was confused and worried. And when she starts to run down the forest pathway and Cloud even tries to follow her... i just get a little teary eyed. :gonk:

He chases after her
before he knew that Sephiroth was going to go after her. It's like he just didn't want her to leave his side, that to mean speaks volumes about Cloud's love.

Last but not least, right when she disappears, Cloud outstretches his hand towards her--which is very romantic. It shows he wanted her to stay by his side and it shows his desperation to try and follow her just because he didn't want her to leave.

Not to mention, Squall does the same for Rinoa at one point in the game.

Since all those posts were really good, I added them to the front page.

So many good reasons to express their love :gonk:

I also thought another thing was sorta cool. You know before Aerith dies, you get the water ring? Well, with me, if I ever got a new accessory like that I'd put it on Cloud, and I did. (Most strategy guides tell you that too) Then, right after Aerith dies, there's that battle, on which only water attacks are used. So, if you put that on Cloud, he's basically invincible and can't die! Like his sorrow strengthens him or something like that ^_^
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Ah, well said @Loveless Doll. :ryan: I couldn't have said it better. ^_^

You guys know that video I linked to? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tzf-baZ1Bc&feature=related

well, in it the creators of FF talk about FF scenes where the main male characters show emotion. For Tidus it referenced the kiss scene, with Squall it referenced the scene where he saves Rinoa from the glass casing and for Cloud it used Aerith's death scene.

Someone by the name Dreamstar was awesome enough to say this at the CxA forums:

I agree completely with that. It would be a pretty odd coincidence if the feelings aren't romantic but it's used alongside Squall and Tidus's scenes which do carry their romantic feelings for each girl.

I mean, for Tidus and Squall they showed a romantic scene with Yuna/Rinoa to convey the male's emotions. And they just so happen to use Aerith's death as the scene to show Cloud's emotions? Sorry, I don't think that's a coincidence... not in the slightest!

And I just thought of something, you know how Clotis like to say Cloud shows his feelings/emotions/love for Tifa under the highwind? Well, if his feelings for Tifa were so important(or canon), why not show the highwind scene instead of Aerith's death?

Doesn't really make sense that the HA highwind scene is supposed to be so romantic and also the "canon outcome" but it isn't the scene they used to be the major scene of Cloud portraying emotions in that documentary?

Riiight. *whistles*

I'm seeing more and more reasons to disprove TLS's "Cloti is canon" essay. :ffs:

The Highwind scene...the whole scene was just them sitting under there. Cloud said "let's go" like 3 times, but Tifa was the one who made them stay. It wasn't romantic in the slightest, it was just them sitting next to eachother. I'm sure to Tifa it may have been, but Cloud never opens up or anything to Tifa, especially in that scene.
I didn't really like the death scene, it pisses me off more than anything.

Blasphemy :gasp: -- I mean...your welcome to you opinion :jtc:

I like it, because it was Cloud's first true emotional expression/outburst -- contrary to him forgetting or not caring about many other things -- its more like -- I like the whole idea of Cloud's mind being on the verge of shattering at Aerith even leaving his side, and then Cloud hearing her voice in his soul as he makes his way upon Agito and then finally calling him and Aerith a "WE" it finalized them as a pairing in my opinion -- and its the scene SE chose to express "love" on no uncertain terms in the commercial.

Marlena said:
The Highwind scene...the whole scene was just them sitting under there. Cloud said "let's go" like 3 times, but Tifa was the one who made them stay. It wasn't romantic in the slightest, it was just them sitting next to eachother. I'm sure to Tifa it may have been, but Cloud never opens up or anything to Tifa, especially in that scene

I agree completely all three version of it are apathetic to me, its Cloud like -- face-palming mentally the whole entire time.

I like everyone's answers :yay: We should keep this amazing posting up, with more topics *pokes Cali* *totally jus' repped y'all*

Now here are some fan-arts



