[S-U/D] Aina - The return of Sorvahr

Captain Squee

Like a pirate, but with class.
Jul 27, 2009
The seas be my home
Rever Seurwit
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Timber Owls <Owls>
Is all that blue tl;dr? No problem, just listen to this video

Our setting is the peaceful land of Aina, a wonderous and prospering country with beautiful people. All had lived in happiness and sunlight for as long as anyone could remember or learn in history from far, far back in the ages. There had been only an echo of a rumour of a legend of an evil deity, and black, desperatesouls living in a barren place of existence to far away to matter. Then suddenly one day, the Divinities sent down a warning to the Oracles. The three readers stood before their King, King Taetius Ainaen, aghast and ashen with the news of visions of violent and desolate scenes forthcoming in their lands. But the mighty King just laughed at their worries, reminded them they had never known anything but peace and prosperity.

The Silver Maiden, Oria Allyahan, fairest in all of time and being was loved and adored by many, but namely in secret by Torek Ainaen, Prince and future King of Aindahaj. But Talon, brother of Torek, also pined for her affections unbeknownst to anyone in the land. On the very day that Torek was making arrangments and gathering up the corage to proclaim the fair Oria as his choice for future Queen, Talon happily announces that he Oria are deeply in love and are to wed ere the month's end. Torek goes to Oria, begging to know if it's true. She says that it is indeed, whereupon he professes his love, asking her to be his bride. She refuses, saying she loves Talon, not he, powerful though his position may be.

Furious and heartbroken, Torek storms out of the Castle of Ainaen, never again to be seen. Filled with ever-blackening rage, Torek sets out and travels far beyond the known realms. He finally comes to rest in a forsaken land where a hideous breed of creature dwell: the Krakhôn. They immediately name him their Lord, as they believed in and worshipped the evil god Sorvahr, and believed him to look as Torek did upon his arrival; mean and bloated with the menacing power of hatred burning in his eyes. There they bore him gifts and build him a towering fortress of cold metal that sucked away warmth or beauty out of its surroundings. This new home he chose to nurse the great hatred growing within him, destined as his empire, he named Naschtok.

As time goes by, his hatred mounts, along with his desire for revenge. And as his harted grows, his body swells to accommodate it and he becomes a great and evil beast of profound strength and terrifying menace, becoming unrecognizable to any who once knew and loved him as Torek, Prince of Aina. He becoms Sorvahr, god of blackness and destruction. He nurtures the grotesque and horrific Krakhôn, making of them a loyal army of deadly force. The day comes many years from when he dissapeared from Aina when he marches his armies there, destroying much and killing many, brutalizing and defiling his once beloved land and people. But his eye is on the Castle Ainaen, where his brother Talon now rules as King - and Oria. He storms the Castle, defeating Talon to a bloody heap on the floor and drags Oria out screaming, leaving their new-born daughter, Oriana, with her beloved and now lifeless King, Sorvahr leaves Aina, having his prize in his arms, and marches victoriously back to Naschtok. His army stays awhile longer to further torture and bring terror to those of the blessed land, but eventually withdraws back to the stench of Naschtok.

Talon is tended to by the great healers and makes a full recovery, though his heart remains crushed and torn by his loss. He bids his kinsmen to take Oriana away into the foothills of the Mighty Mountains of Lucienne, as she is their last hope. She's given the name of Nalí to disquise her true identity as the Princess of Aina, and proves over the years to possess an incredible power and beauty even beyond her mother's, the likes of which no one has ever seen before. Oria was taken back to Naschtom where she was raped by Toek again and again, and eventually bears him a son, given the name Syrius. He is raised to love destruction and war and hate the land and people of Aina, especially King Talon and the House of Ainaen. Oria is kept prisoner, barely able to keep her wits about her high above in the fortess of Naschtok. She is allowed out only to eat and to tutor Syrius, whom she loves despite the evil teachings of his father. She dreams of and longs for her land, her people, and her sweet Talon, mourning her loss of all of them. And on occasion, she is visited by Sorvahr, who whispers his cold desires in her ear and chills her to the bone.

One day, Syrius is riding across the plains with a band of his sodiers when he comes to a lake at the foothills of Lucienne. There he sees a beautiful maiden bathing in the waters and bids her to come talk with him. The find much to say to one another, and make plans to meet the following day by the water. As their meetings continue, they grow fond of each other, each oblivious to the other's identity. Syrius finds a strange warmth growing in his chest where he only knows cold hardness, and the beautiful maiden feels confused by her feelings for this dark and mysterious taveler. Over time their meetings become more intense and the feel more and more of a connection between each other that neither fully comprehends, as though they were like souls destined for a like purpose. Finally, Syrius arrives late one evening, explaining that he's needed to make preperations for something monumental that is going to happen which will make him a powerful man indeed. A powerful man who needs a Queen to rule at his side. The maiden falls into his arms and they make love, and ever-darkening sky brooding above them and the tides of fate flowing their way.

In the midst of this budding love, Sorvahr is planning another attack on Aina, as the Ainae are growing in strength and preperation for war against Naschtok. Messengers of the House of Ainaen are sent to the foothills of Lucienne, where it is announced that Nalí is needed to aid her father and people of Aina's last efforts for freedom to overcome the evil Sorvahr. Days before the armies of Naschtok are to march over the plains of Aina, Syrius goes to seek comfort in his love one last time before they shall rule together. He finds, however, that she is not there and can find her nowhere. He is torn between the evil preparations of his father and sweetness and light he has known with his lovely maiden by the water. His mind is preoccupied and cunfused as he speeds back to his dark homeland to lead his father's forces to war on the land of the hated Aina, this time to rule completely and indefinitely occupy the land. Its people are ready for them, however, and led with a new hope in their hearts by the return and wonder of their Pricess Oriana, whose powers have grown to unimaginable strengths.

As the armies of the House of Ainaen come to the borders of their land, headed by King Talon and the Princess Oriana, they meet oncoming Syrius and the demons of Naschtok. A confused Syrius sees his precious Nalí at the front of the defense of Aina and halts his company, holding up his hand in a token of parley. He suggests a meeting of leading commanders to perhaps come to a truce and seek some answers for his reeling mind. Sorvahr sees what is happening from afar and reaches his hand down out of the sky, crushing and killing his own son. His face appears in the swirling dark clouds, screaming to Oriana how dare she turn his own son away from him...and love her own brother! Crouching down on the battlefield, cradling her dead love in her arms, who, she now realizes, was of her own blood, a sadness and wrath seals over her as she's never known before. A white light pours froth from her as she rises into the sky, singing a song of lament for all the people manipulated and attacked by the menace of Sorvahr. The purity of her own love and pity reached out across the distances to Naschtok, following the line of hate and dispair and destroying Sorvahr and all his evil.

The Krakhôn flee, abandoning their weapons, retreating back from whence they came. The company of Aina march on to Naschtok to destroy what's left of the fortress and behold their victory. And lo! There emerges from the rubble the fair Silver Maiden Oria Allyahan Ainaen. The family of the House of Ainaen is reunited and peace is restored. The people of Aina emerge better, stronger, and more beautiful and full of love then ever before. Oriana is forever haunted by the revelation of Syrius as her brother and the loss of him, her love. But she goes on to lead her people in peace and prosperity, becoming the greatest Queen in all time.


The war against Sorvahr and Naschtok was not yet over. When the Ainaen forces moved on towards destroying the kingdom of Naschtok, a being unknown to even Sorvahr came through Aina. The reason as to why this being came through Aina was never known, but whoever or whatever it was took Sorvahr's dead body and dragged it to far, cold, and snowy northern lands. There, Sorvahr was resurrected from his state of death. Upon being brought back to life, his body was also reverted to the way it was before. While he was no longer Sorvahr in body, but instead the flesh of his former self, Torek, his power remains that of Sorvahr. As a result, his mind ages but his body does not. Sorvahr began to think of finding the Krakhon yet again, but realized that in his old form and new mindset, they would reject him and likely kill him. Sorvahr is now thought to be dead by all existences other than the one that brought him back to this world. Sorvahr continuously plans on getting revenge on the kingdom he hates so much.

As for the Kingdom of Aina, they have once again met peace. It has been slightly over 200 years since Aina regained it's sovereignty and has not once let down it's military force. They would never let any similar happenings occur again. The military force consists of all professions from Mages to great knights of all weapons professions. The famed Queen Oriana has long since passed and her name is reknown through the entire kingdom as the greatest Queen they ever had. The family of Ainaen still reigns over the kingdom of Aina, it is simply a new generation.


You are to take part of either a below listed occupation or to become a character that could possibly have some kind of influence to a great war (HINT HINT) Whether it be a noble family or a mere squire of a knight. Come time, your character will fit into the RP because I say so.


King: Available: (NPC) The current ruler of the Kingdom of Aina
Queen: Available: (NPC) The wife of the King.
Children of the royal family: Occupied: Theron; Amelia; Alexander; The children of the King and Queen. There are three. The children are adept in combat but are only human, therefor cannot use abilities without the use of charms.

Oracle: Available: (NPC) Capable of seeing the future, with an almost constant foresight, but no other magics or abilities.

Great Healer (Eldest): Occupied: Penthesilea ArtemisiaMaster of the art of healing magics.
Great Healer (Middle): Occupied: Saylar Myrias: Highly gifted in the healing arts
Great Healer Youngest: Occupied: Kirile Merova: Still learning the arts of healing.

Head of Military Forces: Occupied: Hunter Indar: A powerful person capable of besting most men in combat who controls the military forces through commands. A fierce warrior.

The Temple Knight: Occupied: Ecystera Remoyra: A knight that is both master of magic and master of the blade. Seeing them come across means a won battle most of the time. The Temple Knight has no mancy skills.

Head of the Magical Arts: Occupied: Ruexian Weis: The most gifted wizard in the land. His powers put even the most courageous in awe as many cannot fathom the amount of power to be held within the palm of the masters hand. They are the ONLY mage to know the skills of the mancer.

Other Military Occupations: (Always available)
Soldier: Military unit that has skills honed for physical combat. Some have been known to contain very little magic, but usually only contain abilities to aid them in physical combat. Can consist of lancers, Archers, Knights, etc.

Mages: Military units that have trained themselves for magical combat. They are always feared from a distance, but once the distance is closed, their lives are at high risk.

Mancers: Geomancers, Necromancers, you name it, these warriors are often the most feared, however their powers are at a high risk to their own bodies. A mancer must always be a member of the military force under all circumstances. Their powers all have control over nature on some respect.

Druids: A druid is a military unit that has honed their magics to work with their weapon. Unfortunately they have no range, but they are the answer to crossing the lines that enemy mages have set up.

Trapmasters: Military units trained with a magic that allows them to set traps that when a single wrong move is made could destroy enemy lines. These traps can range from mysterious magical mines to binds triggered by certain emotions or movements. Unfortunately, trapmasters are given the defect that they can fall for their own traps at any given time

Have an idea? Pitch it my way!

King; Queen
Children of the Royal Family
Head of Military Forces; Temple Knight; Head of the Magical Arts
Great Healers
Other units

Normal Occupation Characters:
Matabei Gozen
Alexander Jordon Drake

You are free to make your character a non-military unit, there are little to no limitations.

there are various races living within the kingdom of Aina. They are listed below.

Humans: Humans are simple and basic beings. They are the strategical intellectual ones. Humans can only be soldiers, trapmasters, or druids, however they are usually masterful in the arts that they have taken up. They cannot have abilities through their own body and/or soul, but the draw their power through either supernatural beings that have gifted them or through objects. they are the only race that can take magical abilities from other non-living objects.

Elves: Elves are great with magic, they can be seen as any class though, as they have no real limitations, but when they pick the route early on in life, they must stick with what they chose. In example, an elf warrior can't know the magic of a mage or the abilities of a mancer and vise versa. One class for this race. Elves are usually taller than humans and have pointed ears. While they are not so large in the thinking aspect, they are still warriors to be feared.

Dragonkin: They contain no magic, not even the capabilities of a druid. They can forget about being trapmasters or mancers. These physically brutal beasts of nature are dragons that have taken on a human form leaving behind scales and possibly a tail or wings. When it comes to physical combat, they are completely unmatched, tearing through walls even. They have bestial instincts that they follow in combat that allow them to sense the enemy before the enemy gets to them.

Bound Spirits: A bound spirit is when a soul of some other living thing, whether it be a human, elf, tiger, or whatever you can think of has already crossed over to the heavens but come back to live in a host of either a human or an elf. When this happens, the hosts personality is kept but there is also another personality in their head, as if two people share the same body, which is exactly what happened. When a human or elf is to die is the only time a spirit can bind itself. The appearance is not altered and the personalities have been known to fight, whether friendly or angrily, over who controls the body. These spirits take away all former abilities of the host and they grant great magical powers. Bound spirits can only be mancers or mages.

Taharkans: The true trapmasters of Aina, they are also capable of becoming druids. When they become a trapmaster, there is no better trapmaster than them. They have mines, binds, even bombs. When they become a druid their magic even still works like that of a trapmaster. These creatures are not very different from humans however, as humans have blue or brown eyes, Taharkans have red or yellow eyes, and in rare cases, orange eyes. Their skin is usually more grey or deathly pale if they are a trapmaster, making them stand out. One who becomes a Druid will stand out as they will have either a darker skin tone appearing brown or they will also be deathly pale but with black markings all over them.

Ranashi: A race that looks almost completely human until you come close. Their skin is made up of a hardened material appearing to be an exoskeleton. They are very tough physically and magically. They are the best balanced in the world, capable of housing any two professions they so please, however they will never master both if they wish to take on two. Their defensive skills are fair, making them a good choice for the front lines.

Krakhon: A now endangered race, these are enemies of the Ainaens and are scorned. They are hideous beings, but no two look alike. Their powers are brutal and can have any profession they so choose. They no longer walk among any others of any race, only their own family while they are young, then they split up. There are few now and are rare occurances. One coming into Aina would be a death wish.

Some rules:

3 characters per person, only two characters can be of the important and higher listed jobs can be controlled by one person, the third character MUST be normal

No god-modding. This RP will allow very minor powerplaying for the higher ups, but that's not to say that the powerplaying will become taxing later on.

Only the higher level classes may powerplay VERY SLIGHTLY so long as it does not fall in the lines of God-Modding. However, keep in mind, the more you make your character powerplay, the stronger the consequences will be later on. We all need balance.

Keep the races with their professions. No exceptions.

Characters may not switch professions during any time, so once you pick what your character does, there is no changing it.


Race: From the above list.
Occupation: The listed above jobs or something you can discuss with me about (AKA blacksmith, etc.)
Alignment: Good? Bad? Chaotic? Neutral? Etc.
Appearance: What does he/she look like? Images are fine.
Personality: Tell us some things about your character.
Abilities: This can be mistaken for magic sometimes, so I'll say it here. This is where the physical enhancing abilities go. If it has no charge time and/or energy drain, it is an ability.
Magic: Magical capabilities of your character. If it drains energy and/or has a charge, it falls under the magic catagory.
Skills/talents: Other than combat, what can your character do? Are they a good swimmer? Can they cook? Etc.

I will be taking on Sorvahr and will have a bio up when i can be arsed.
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Wow, if this wasn't a role play, it would have been a damn nice story to read. I read the whole story, and I'm keen to join. I'd like to reserve the Temple Knight. I'll be adding the bio in a moment for approval.


My bad, I need to know if the Temple Knight is specifically male. I see the character being referred to as 'him'. I was hoping to make a female Temple Knight, but I also don't mind making a male Temple Knight for a change... But if possible, I'd prefer to create a female Temple Knight. Is that possible?
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Boo! I had my eyes set on the temple kngith Monarch. Ah wells, first come first serve.
I want to reserve prince please! Yay! I haven't joined a fresh RP in ages so this should be fun! EDIT ~ Dammit I reserved prince weeks ago :sad2:
Waiting on answers, but hey. Tipsynaruto If you want the Temple Knight, you could take that. I wouldn't mind going for the head of the military forces. The same question would apply either way.
Hm, well you applied first, so you pick. Ill get the left over or make a non important character
Joey spoke to be about being a prince as well, I'll allow three children of the king and queen, therefor, you can all be brothers, brothers and sister, or brother and sisters, whatever you so please.

@Monarch Yeah, it can be a female, I'll reword the description.

@Tipsynaruto Any position works fine. Monarch came first so she gets the position. I'm also open to suggestions for more positions. Also, yes, imports are possible so long as you add the information I have above.
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Squee, I told you that I was going to make a really OP character. Just tell me if I need to dumb it down a bit. I tried not to go too far… :wacky:

But if you need me to cut back a bit, just tell me. I’ve got no problems doing so. :grin:

I'll be working on my other character here soon. Unlike this one, she will actually be a very likable character. :wacky:

Name: Ruexian Weis

Gender: Male

Age: 78 (With the appearance of a 27 year old man)

Race: Human

Occupation: Head of the Magical Arts

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Ruexian is a rather tall person standing in at 6,3. He has long, white, straight hair that extends just past his shoulders. His clothes typically consist of traditional Mage clothing, such as robes and the what not. However, most people often mistake the bottom of his robes as some kind of dress like garment when in all reality; it’s just really baggy pants. When in combat, he wears shoulder armor with deadly looking spikes coming out of them. His clothes as well as his battle armor consist of mostly black colors with blue outline.

His eyes vary in color, and do not stay one color for very long. They change primarily from blue, to green, to red. He has no control over this. As he uses more and more magic, you will see black markings start to come over his body. This does not harm him, but the more magic he uses, the more damage it does on his mind. Given enough time, he could go completely rational to bat shit insane as he uses more magic.

Personality: Ruexian is almost completely withdrawn. That’s not to say he’s shy, he’s just an ass. He is very direct, very rude, and very condescending. He fears no man, no woman, no king, nor God. Smart talking Ruexian is enough to get you irreversibly harmed. He tolerates no nonsense, and he doesn’t care much for jokes unless they’re his own. He can’t grasp the concept of proper human emotion, and as such, he is a complete sociopath.

Most people find him to be a pain to deal with, and for good reason, as he finds it a pain to deal with everyone. Quick to anger, quick to judge, and quick to strike, Ruexian is not one that most people want to deal with often. His temper has legends that go back for ages. It’s rumored that he’s killed a bartended for handing him the wrong drink, and that he has killed a man for snoring too loud.

In combat, Ruexian is one to be feared. He can end a fight in a few seconds, but he never does. Like a cat, he prefers to play with his food before he eats it. He enjoys drawing things out, and torturing his victims.

The worst thing about him is that when his mind is rational, he is completely logical thinking. If it serves a greater purpose, he will leave thousands to die to complete his overall goal. Speaking of his mind, having so much power does take its toll. The more he uses, the more his mind slips away from him, moving from completely logical, to spontaneously random and insane. There are times when one can catch him saying a sentence that has nothing to do with anything in the middle of a conversation because of this.

He also has the tendency to speak to himself… and argue with himself.

Abilities: Most, if not all of Ruexian’s abilities are magical in nature. Quite a few of them take next to no toll on him, or any time to charge. (And as such, the ones that do will be listed in the “magic” section. The abilities here are rather small time.)

Speed Enhancement – Using his magic, he can increase, or decrease if need be, his speed.

Fire – Using magic, he can fire flames from his hands (or mouth) very similar to a flamethrower, or fire orbs of fire. The temperature of these flames can go as high as 200 degrees. (Something akin to raining fire from the sky takes time, and has a drain)

Water – Taking moisture from the air, or water from bodies of water around him, he can turn this element into a weapon. If there is enough moisture around, he could potentially drown a man while he’s on dry land. (Only to be used on NPC’s really. And doing things such as creating a tsunami, takes a little time and has a drain)

Lightning – He can shoot lightning from his fingertips with ease. (Creating a lightning storm has a drain)

Wind – Small uses such as blowing a man off of his feet is usually no problem for Ruexian. (However, creating hurricanes or tornados requires time and a drain)

Metal – Anything metal can be bent and moved to Ruexian’s will with no problems, this only applies to a radius of 9 feet. (Destroying a huge metal structure takes a drain)

Shadow/Darkness – Using shadow, he can create three long arm-like tendrils from his back. They look like extremely long arms with hands at the end of them. Using these, he can fire spells of other elements through them. This effectively means that he can fire eight different spells at once; six from the tendrils, two from his hands. Other uses of this element include surrounding a person in a shadow-like substance that causes their skin to rot on contact. (The bigger the area of shadow, the bigger the drain. However, used lightly, there typically is no drain.)

Using this power, he can also teleport long distances in the blink of an eye.

Earth – He can move earth and rock to his will. (The bigger the size, the bigger the drain. However, for the most part, this is typically no drain… unless trying to move a mountain; that takes time and takes a huge drain.)

Telekinesis – He can use this to lift a human body or other objects. There is no “bigger” version of it.

Magic: These are skills that otherwise take time, or take a drain, or both. Using any of the following in excess will cause black markings to appear on Ruexian’s body and cause him to slowly descend into madness.

Fire – Creating huge storms of fire, raining fire from the sky, and creating huge walls of flame and otherwise “meteor” like things do take time, and as such they do take a drain. As such, once he uses a little too much of this, you’ll start to see the appearances of the “black markings” mentioned earlier as he slowly starts to descend into madness.

Water – As said before, creating tsunamis or using the moisture in the air to creating large balls of water would cause a drain and take a little time.

Lightning – Using this to create large thunderstorms takes a drain, and time.

Wind – Creating Hurricanes and tornados takes time and a drain. Using this combined with fire takes twice the time and the drain, but is ten times the deadly.

Metal – Destroying a large metal tower takes time and a drain as opposed to simply using it to cause a sword lying on the ground to fly at an enemy. With a charge, he can increase the 9 feet radius to a higher limit. However, it takes time.

Shadow – One of the most deadly spells causes a large shadow to spill out over where he stands in a 100 meter radius. Anything standing in it will become covered in a liquid shadow substance. Once it makes skin contact, the victim’s skin starts to rot almost immediately. This doesn’t take much time, but the drain it takes is massive.

Earth – Moving huge boulders or parts of mountains takes a lot of time, and a pretty big drain.

Necromancy – He can’t bring back the dead, so to speak, but what he can do is reanimate a corpse to fight for him. No matter what the corpse may be, be it animal, child, adult, etc. This will always take a drain on him.

Skills/Talents: Experimenting – The one place no one wants to be is strapped to a table having Ruexian standing over them. He has no qualms or problems with human experimentation… whether the person on the table is alive, dead, conscious or unconscious doesn’t matter, and is entirely subjective.

History: The only thing greater than Ruexian’s power is how he managed to acquire them. Most Mages earn their power by intense studying. Ruexian only did a quarter of that. He was always one to bend or outright destroy traditions and rules, and the ultimate breaking he did was the breaking of traditional learning. Mages in his time were all twisted and corrupt, and Ruexian was no different. However, one could say that he was less twisted and corrupt at the time.

So it was of little surprise to anyone when he set out to learn things in a different way at the age of 23. He was a formidable Mage at the time, but he wanted more… so much more than what he had. A few months after he left society, he learned a new way of learning. He found that by killing another Mage, he could then absorb their soul and learn everything that they knew in an instant. He wouldn’t have to go about it the way they did. He wouldn’t have to sit by and study and spend decades of his life learning.

He would learn everything in a flash and all it would cost him was blood on his hands. The first thing he did was destroy all physical evidence pointing out that one could learn by absorbing a soul. The second thing he did was destroy all physical evidence that could teach others to absorb a soul. After that, he returned to society, and started a small war between himself and every other Mage in Aina. No one joined his side, and for good reason; they had no way to trust him, and odds are, Ruexian would only absorb them as well.

His return was met with fire, blood, and a small magical war that would last four years. The “war” was kept small, and very little ever found out about it. Ruexian single handedly attacked the academy of Mages and everyone that stood in his way either died or was physically maimed to the point where no one could recognize them. For every Mage that he killed, he took their power. In just four short years, he had learned more than any Mage that had lived to see 200 years.

It was then, after four years of fighting, killing, and maiming that Ruexian eventually was able to corner the Council of Mages. In a battle that lasted four hours, Ruexian walked out the victor. Being filled to the brim with power, he singled handedly rebuilt the academy, and he would rule it himself. There was no longer a Council, there was only him. He opened the doors, and allowed people to come back in and learn. The corruption of the Council was gone, only to be replaced by his own corruption.

However, absorbing so much power came at a price. He could no longer age, which to this day causes others the question how he came by his power, as no one should be able to stay the age of 27 for so many years. His power also crippled his mind. There are times when he can’t think straight, he always has a headache, he speaks to himself in hushed tones, and there are times when he says something that he can’t control in the middle of a conversation.

This has left him a bitter, remorseless, withdrawn, uncaring, and dangerous sociopath.

He now rests as Head of the Magical Arts, a God in his own right.
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I'm willing to accept this on the condition that you add a range to the Metal abilities. The reason being that melee characters are meant to be the only ones who can stop mages (Other than the head of magic, since that guy is meant to be near godly) and eliminating that entirely makes him immortal in a sense. Add a range to it and i will be pleased.

Also, the main occupations, like stated in the original post (That I edited in) really can't be done without some powerplaying, but the more powerplaying, the greater the consequences later in the RP.
Me thinks I'mma go ahead and let you pick the range for me. That way, I know it'll be right, if you don't mind. :grin:
At max I'd say a good 9 feet when it has no charge, your free to make it so that he can increase this range through charge though, but I leave that up to you
One more thing, the King/Queen/Prince/Princess all have commanding authority over any other characters, so bare that in mined.
Name: Kirile Merova (Most just call her Kiri)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Elf

Occupation: Great Healer – Youngest

Alignment: Neutral Good


Kiri stands in at around 5’6. She’s not short, but she’s not exactly tall either. She has a very slender build, meaning she’s pretty skinny and light framed. Her hair is long, but not overly so as it only goes slightly past her mid back. Her hair is a blue kind of color, and it sports a solitary braid just behind her left ear. There is no braid on her right side. Her eyes are a bright blue color, and she is often complemented on them. Her ears are pierced, and she often wears tiny loop earrings. Being so small, Kiri cannot lift more than 30 pounds without straining herself.

Personality: Kiri is somewhat of an… oddball. She is somewhat withdrawn from most people, but she’s not shy. She can be timid around certain people who make their presence known, but for the most part, she will speak when spoken to. Most people are kind of put off from speaking to her as she is never the first to say hello unless instructed otherwise. Her background and upbringing have taught her to be very reserved, but they neglected to teach her that introductions are polite.

Almost contrasting her silent personality is her determination to help others. She wanted to be a healer for the sole purpose of helping those around her. She doesn’t like being useless or helpless, so she became a healer to help herself and others.

Once one gets to know her, Kiri can often be found to be a voice of reason. She doesn’t mind giving advice to those she is close to. And more often than not, those that do find themselves to be close to will find that she will always heal their wounds when they are around. For example, if one found themselves with a papercut, she would heal them. However, if one found themselves with a papercut and they were not close to her, she wouldn’t care.

She knows her skills in healing aren’t that great, but she is very eager to learn, and eager to listen. When someone with more skill than her in healing speaks, she makes it a point to listen and learn. What makes her quiet is that she is somewhat afraid of people. Not just humans, she’s a little scared of everyone. She knows from history what evils everyone is capable of, and she doesn’t want to be part of it. Therefore, she finds it very hard to trust others, and once given a reason to distrust someone, she will never, ever, trust you.

Kiri tries to think as logically as possible, but she isn’t perfect, and at times she can let her emotions get the best of her. However, most find that she typically has the best interests at heart, and once you get to know her, she can be one of the kindest individuals you ever meet.

One of her greatest fears is being held captive or being taken against her will, she also cannot stand any amount of pain. This is rooted in a childhood experience she had as a child. (To be explained in History) Some of the things she loves the most are cats and books.

Abilities: Being a healer and an Elf, Kiri doesn’t do much anything else. And as such, her ability list is rather… small.

Ball of Light – Being afraid of the dark, Kiri has the ability to create a ball of light that follows her when she is in the dark. It is bright enough to light up a small room and comfort her. In case of emergency, she can use this ball to catch a man off guard should they attempt to come after her. It would only serve as a temporary distraction, and it would more than likely only serve to anger her pursuers more.

Small healing – For small things like a cut, or a scratch, Kiri can use her abilities to quickly heal herself or anyone else.

Small telekinesis – Kiri can lift small objects to her, but nothing above ten pounds.


Major Healing – Even though her powers are weak compared to her superiors, Kiri can heal small wounds, and a few big ones. If someone has been stabbed, she could heal it. However, for her it is a big wound, and as such, healing it would cause her to get tired and perhaps take some time.

History: Kiri was born an only child to an already small family. In fact, out of her family, she had ever known her Mother and Father. They treated her as kindly as parents could treat a daughter, and they both loved her very much. However, one day her Mother slowly died of an illness that no normal doctor was able to cure. This sparked her initial desire to become a healer.

After her Mother died, her Father took her and they moved to Aina. Her Father started teaching her things about healing, but there was only so much he could do. From then on, she read from books… but that didn’t help her much better. While she loved reading them, you couldn’t learn healing properly from just books.

Her Father was somewhat of a rich man. So a few days after their arrival to Aina, men had barged into their home and they took her for ransom. This experience irreversibly scarred her. While they didn’t do anything to harm her, they did manage to scare her like no one else before. They kept her for three days against her will before her Father managed to pay them off.

But it had turned out that he had fought with them first. When she saw her Father, he was beaten and bruised. And once again, Kiri could do nothing. After a while, she asked her Father to send her away for training, and he did just that. At the age of 16 she was accepted by two of the Great Healers, and she would study under them. In just a year, she learned more than she could have ever dreamed from reading books. While she still wasn’t anything great, she was well on her way, and she loved her studies.

Her Father would eventually succumb to the same illness that killed her Mother. She pleaded with her superiors to help him, but they had told her that he had already made his peace, and he had moved on. While it upset her greatly, she only used to fuel her inspiration to continue her training.

She is now 18 years old, and she is still learning. She is now a certified Great Healer, but she is the youngest of the three. She’s proud of her title, but still very wary.
Here comes the Temple Knight. :gasp2: Just realized the rules state that we take 3 characters per person? Do we? And the ages of Elf. Do they live as long as humans? Or shorter? Or even longer?

EDIT: Done with the changes.

Ecystera Rasmorya




Temple Knight

Lawful Neutral

Ecystera (Image too Big)

For an elf, she is rather short, at 175cm. Her jet black hair reaches down below her waist, and her body is generally tattooed with runic markings as a symbol of her Temple Knighthood.

A straight arrow to the extreme. Ecystera hides her emotions in order to follow her orders without question - be it the ethical or unethical. She does not seem to have a moral compass, acting solely as a tool to be commanded about. In conversations, she is just as emotionless, rarely ever smiling.

However, she does show anger whenever anyone shows a slight bit of scorn for the Royal Family. Nothing else really come close to getting her angry, even insulting her directly - or even spreading bad rumors about her and getting exposed.

In battle, she is cool, quiet and merciless. Her only aim is to win, and even if it warrants the death of thousands, it is the death of thousands she work towards - and almost inevitably achieve.

Weapon Proficiency

The way of the Temple Knight required that she be skilled in swordsmanship. As such, she focused very heavily on swordsmanship when younger, and can now be considered a master with the blade. Her area of expertise is with the long sword, though she is just as capable with other types of swords - with significantly less skill, however.

She is also able to wield other types of weapons with skill, but the level of proficiency cannot match to her with a long sword.

Warriors' Agility

Having trained amongst the knights, fighting off bandits, rouge mercenaries, and other criminals, Ecystera has developed a swift way of maneuvering about the battlefield. (I'm referring to parkour)


Her worst element, she is only capable of small embers just enough to start a campfire, but paired with her wind manipulation, she can create an inferno... Well, if you wait for the fire to gain strength and, uh, momentum... ...


Her next favorite element, paired with her wind manipulation, she is able to gather moisture to create a body of water that can be used for various purposes... Mostly non-combat purposes, however.


Although she could have studied deeper into magically manipulating metal, she is only capable of holding back metallic items... smaller and lighter than weapons.

Ecystera's specialty lies in Wind manipulation, but as magic requires that she learns all elements, and because of her Elvish heritage, she also has the ability to use other elements. Her more embarrassing element manipulations are above.

Wind Weapons

Summoning her weapons with a brief chant that takes about 5 seconds at most, Ecystera can keep the weapons with her for at most half a minute. These weapons follow her every orders, and will not harm her in any way. She can stab herself with it and not be hurt, or even toss it on the ground and call it back to herself.

The weapons, which can be of any kind (but not extraordinarily huge; it is still restrained to the normal weapon size), are grey with a sparkle around it. Anyone that touches it, even lightly, will be cut. It cannot hold against metal, but it can cut flesh. In other words, this wind weapon cannot be used to parry physical weapon attacks, but it can 'go right through' and attack the enemies' exposed flesh. (If fully armored for the targeted body parts, the wind weapon is useless.)

E.G. Slashing at a man wearing a breastplate. The wind weapon will not slice through metal, nor will it be able to cut flesh within the breast plate.

Wind Manipulation

This refers to the other ways she can manipulate the wind - other than forming them into weapons. She can use the wind to bolster her speed. By focusing all the wind in one direction, she naturally pushes herself forward, and combined with her running speed, she technically moves faster.

However, because it takes time to change direction, slowing down takes more effort to do so. The same applies to her enemy (And allies).

She can also use the wind to levitate herself. Levitating would, however, restrict her movements as she will not be able to move while in the air. She can, however, jump in one direction, and use the wind to propel her further than her normal jump would.

Ecystera is also capable of firing wind projectiles at her enemies. However, if well armored, the projectile will not have any effect.

Lightning Bolts

To a much lesser extent, she can control lightning. It is yellow, and generally meant for armored units. Her bolt can only have a maximum of 3 branches, and with a maximum distance of 1m per branch. The maximum range of her bolt, however, is 5m.

Rising Darkness

Ecystera's next area of focus after the element of Wind. The element of darkness is well recognized for its dangers and strength. Although not her strongest element, she is able to enhance her physical strengths in darkness. When in 'darkness', including shadows in day, she is able to move faster, hit harder... etc. The enhancement is mostly in speed, and still not to superhuman levels.

Earthen Spikes

Ecystera can manipulate earth to some extent, far lesser than Darkness and Wind, but slightly more than Lightning. She can call up a few earthen spikes to toss at her enemies at speeds equivalent to a softball tossed at top speed by a professional. The maximum of spikes that may be summoned at any one time is 3.

Alternatively, she can simply summon a huge spike from the bottom to impale her foes. Only one can be summoned, but it reaches up to 3 meters, and is easy to avoid (rumbling in the ground for about 4 seconds before emerging at similar speed with spikes being tossed.)

Champion Swimmer

Ecystera is not only good on ground, but in water as well. She swims at speeds that is unmatched thus far.


Born to Elven parents, she was raised to be an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, but she did not embrace the destiny that her parents defined for her. Contrary to their hopes, she chose the path of death. She wanted eagerly to be a Temple Knight, inspired previously when she witnessed how a Temple Knight literally changed the entire tide of the battle with just his participation in the battle alone.

It was a definite loss for the defenders, who were severely outnumbered by bandits. Not only were they outnumbered, they were also outclassed, and essentially had no way of winning until the Temple Knight showed up and wrecked havoc amongst the ranks of the bandits.

A loss became a resounding victory, and from then on, Ecystera knew what she wanted to be, and her parents could do little to stop her. They could only help her along her path, and that was they ultimately chose to do.

They engaged the best mage with all their life savings, and made sure the most skillful swordsman taught her all that was necessary. She, on her part, made good her parents' investment, paying such intense attention to her lessons that her teachers were sometimes intimidated by it - especially since she would chide them for not focusing on the lesson.

With such focus and desire to learn, Ecystera soon finds herself mastering the blade and several magical elements at the age of 15. Still, it was a tender age to attempt to join the Temple Knight, so she decided it would be more appropriate to start as a mercenary - as a reputation would be a fairly positive leverage when requesting for the Temple Knight position.

She works as a freelancing mercenary for about 7 years, slowly gaining fame for being the 'Invincible' who knew no defeat. They gave her all sort of nicknames, but most alluded to her superiority in battle. When she felt her reputation was strong enough, she went to request for a Temple Knight position.

There were several tests involved, but those meant little to her. Coupled with her reputation, she managed to get the position by age 23. She has been holding the position for a year since then.

(On a side note, when she took on mercenary jobs, she frequently sends back money to her parents as 'payback'. She still does.)
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Alright, I'll work my bio around Josh's bio, so it will be done when it gets done.