Evanescent Fairytale[retold]Discussion/Signup


Pale Flesh
Apr 5, 2009
Locked Away

Evanescent Fairytale

This is a reboot of the old RP due to a few requests. It's similar to the old RP in many ways with many enhanced ideas. The story relies heavily on the choices and actions of the "heroes" of this tale. Now to put things straight there will be a cap of six to seven participants total, maybe even smaller. Also since this is a small RP I'm determined to finish it successfully. One last this to mention is that aside from the main RP world there is a parallel story happening in what would be called the modern Earthy World. Events here will be useful to speed things up in the roleplay and if one should desire, they can make a character to use in the Earthly world as well(It will be set in NYC).

The RP will use and event system to help progress the story along and will have numerous side quests and adventures heroes can participate in if they wish to take a break from the story line they are currently in. The Earthly world can also help move the story along but the Earthly world will never be mentioned or used with the event system. Summons can be used in this roleplay and there will be opportunities for small gifts of knowledge and privileges to be given during quests. This is a RP with lots of exploring, interacting and party travelling(inspired by traditional FF1-VI style lol). Later on the introduction of other elements will come into the RP such as personal pets, places to live, etc, but that has yet to be unlocked.

The purpose of this RP is to not only create a unique and interesting storyline with others but it is to try and create an adventuring RP custom to those who participate in it. Feedback and input on improvement in highly encouraged here. I am aiming with a small but successful roleplay here and I'm hoping those who participate will look forward to doing the same.

With that being said the Information Thread will be used and updated accordingly throughout the time the RP takes place. Be sure to go over the Rules and Regulationsbefore considering to join as well. There is not specified Rp starting date yet.


Agia…The world on which greenery thrives and creatures of all sorts live in peace. It is here that the races of all beings have set aside their differences to live in harmony. It is hard to even begin to believe that this world’s history tells of terrible wars and beasts who once roamed the land. These beasts called “monsters” have not appeared since the devil Laeifal had once caused trouble long ago. Laeifal, now vanquished by heroes long forgotten, was after the source of all life: The Mana Tree. A legend is used that says the Mana tree birthed all living creatures: giants, humans, elves, plants, animals, and any being alive. It is the Mana Tree’s energy that provides Agia with its sustaining life, while its energy can also be used in manipulating the elements of the world through sheer practice (water, fire, air, electricity, etc). This is the soul energy used to run machines and it is named “Mana” after the tree from whence it came… A legend of the story of Laeifals last words state that the demon will rise again to accomplish his task…A prophecy from an old oracle named Falcore has been taught to many in the hundreds of years Laeifal was defeated. It is known well throughout Agia and has even been taught to children in a nursery rhyme to ensure the peaceful peoples with a warning. Your story begins exactly one thousand years later…

Falacore’s Prophecy:

On the coldest mountain,
In the hottest desert,
From the ocean’s fountain,
To the skies of Levert,
Resides four spears
All hidden from sight
Drying the world’s tears
And restoring its light
A moment of peace
This world hath enjoyed
Will come to an end soon
Forever lost in void
Soon comes restoration
To the devil vast away
Whose havoc used to reek
And whose vendetta promised to slay
Unless the Mana Tree’s heroes
Can fight back the past
Just stories of fairytales
Will be the world’s last

Our tale begins as a massive earthquake near the legendary Mana Tree occurs on the thousandth year of peace in Agia. The Tree has supported this world since the beginning of time. What would happen if it was no more?


Name: A hero’s name shall go here. Be sure to include a last name if your character has one.

Age: The age of your hero. Not all heroes have to be extremely young and not all have to be extremely old. Age of your character goes here.

Alliance: Alliances of Good, Bad, neutral go here. You can choose to be a villain or a hero. The choice is yours.

Race: The race of your character goes here. If not human, two sentences or more explaining about your character’s race would be fine. It could be anything you want. Feel free to make up events of how your race came to be in Agia if they are unique, etc. Any race is accepted as long as it isn’t futuristic (robot species). This is a medieval styled RP.

Element: This is an optional choice. If one wishes to have their character familiar with another element they can choose to. The upside to having an element associated with your character is that they will posses certain advantages over other elemental beasts. The downside however is that they will also have a weakness. A list of elements is like so:
Ice: Strong against -> Land, Weak against -> Fire
Land: Strong against -> Lightning, Weak against -> Ice
Fire: Strong against -> Ice, Weak against -> Water
Dark: Strong against -> Light, Weak against -> Light – elements like these do heavy damage to another element but take heavy damage from the element also.
Water: Strong against -> Fire, Weak against -> Lightning
Lightning: Strong against -> Water, Weak against -> Land
Wind: Strong against -> N/A Weak against -> N/A – Element like this is neutral against the elements.
Light: Strong against -> Dark, Weak against -> Dark – elements like these do heavy damage to another element but take heavy damage from the element also.

Occupation: The job of your character. It can be a fighting class or an everyday job.

Personality: The personality of your character goes here.

Appearance: Describe your character’s looks ^^

Weapons: What weapons does you character carry.

Armor: What armor does your character wear. Make sure your character can wear such armor! A small body type wearing thick heavy armor is just not possible to achieve success. D=

Abilities: What can your character do physically? Special talents go here. Can they make potions? Can they jump really high?

Magic: What mana based magical abilities can your character perform? Time magic is absolutely forbidden (sorry).

History/Background: Tell us about the history of your character, where it came from, etc.

Character themes:Any music or themes your character may have.

Character Capacity ~ As stated before there is a character capacity and certain spots have been reserved so it's mainly first come first serve.

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Squee sings your praises over this so I'm going to get in on it. Busy schedule though this week but I'll put up a bio sometime this weekend.

Great! take your time. It's going to be a month before it actually starts so you've got plenty of time. ^^ I hope Squee is happy :hmmm: But anyways sounds great Gaviny :3
And here i am.... i reserve this spot for my bio!

Lets get started then.

Name: (Google Translate at its finest. Name is explained down in eyes)
Dea Nyx Noctis Umbras
[First Name] Dea Nyx = Snow Goddess
[Last Name] Noctis Umbras = Shadows of the Night




Wheltchians are a humanoid race with a very large degree of similarity to humans. On the surface, the most distinguished difference is their heterochromatic eyes. What more, the eyes themselves are a whirlpool of different colours each, resulting in four colours in the pair of eyes. Their hair colours are very outrageous, where it is either extreme or naturally have an infusion of different colours, and almost all have rather fantastic and out-there hairstyle. On the forehand of each hand is a sigil that each has been born with. Each Wheltchian's sigil are similar in shape and only differ in inscription. They are rather Amazonian like in a sense that they are mostly tall, prideful and have a fighters spirit. They are also known for rather nice aesthetics and appearance as well as being rather look conscience.

In their blood, they possess the ability of nature manipulation, physical metamorphosis and the drawing of mana for their magic. Mysticism and the occult is a heavy part of Wheltch culture, where all children are taught self sufficiency, magic and combat. Although not having an overly large, spanning population like Humans, they do have a sizeable presence, though they are not widely spread out across the globe. Most of the Wheltchian cities and settlements are in their home country or neighbouring countries. As people who are very community centric, they do not like settling in far flung or being too far from their kindred, hence they expand slowly from the center (their country). That said, it is not uncommon to see lone or small groups of Wheltchians out and about on an adventure or travelling

Ice: Strong against -> Land, Weak against -> Fire

Cartographer, explorer/adventurer and freelancer. Dea Nyx's main form of income is being a cartographer. Despite her young age, Dea Nyx is a world renown cartographer known for her pinpoint accuracy, detail, speed and aesthetic designs. Her most well known map is the war map the size of a wall that mapped Vesperia, the Wheltchian country, showing the smallest of routes and hidden areas. As a by product of her cartographic job, Dea Nyx does a great deal of personal surveys and observations, taking her from great plains, deserts, seasides to impenetrable forests, mountain peaks and limestone caves. When she runs out of money, she could pick up any job that is available.

Stoic, succinct and taciturn, Dea Nyx is a rather quiet type of person. When speaking, she does so in a concise, unrushed and minimal manner accompanied by simple and minimal body language. Her voice is a bit detached and dispassionate. Dea Nyx does not show extreme emotion such as bursting rage or uncontrollable laughter. Her furthest negative emotion is displeasure and passive frustration where her facial expression will show her emotion, but her way of speaking remains unchanged, albeit being colder. On the other end of the spectrum, she has mild amusement, where her facial expression softens and may offer a chuckle akin to that of a mother observing her child playing.

Dea Nyx has a preference for peace and quiet, mostly due to the fact that she finds many of the teenagers her age to be noisy, superficial and of shallow personality. As a deep and sharp thinker, it also helps her concentrate on her muses without the screeching of teenagers at her sides. As a result, she has developed an aura and reputation as someone who is mature for her age and resonsibile.

Company is enjoyable, though not a prerequisite, providing it isnt a swarm of teenage girl's talking about cosmetics and boys. She just enjoys the presence and chemistry with people she likes, regardless of what they do. She would enjoy their company whether they be killing a monster or sitting around doing their own thing in a room. Some people may associate her succise way of talking and her quietness as being anti social and aloof and they would be wrong. She is just quiet.



Eyes: Photos may contain closeup of eyes. e = eye, c = colour
Like all Wheltchians, Dea Nyx's eyes are heterochromatic with different colours in each eye. Unlike her kindred, Dea Nyx's eye colours are rather similar in each eye, making them appear less mismatched. Her eyes are in a central heterchromatic formation, with a base colour and another colour spreading from the center at the pupil.

Her right eye has a ice blue (c)base that fluctuates from almost white to dark blue whilst the central colour is a sharp silver white(e) that radiates out halfway before its arms reach out towards the edge of the iris in a sun like pattern with numerous arms. On her left eye, the base is a crystal blue (e) with the central colour being white. It extends outwards like her right eye, but rather than like a sun, its arms outstretch in 8 notable arms with patterns like a snowflake. The blue base peeks through the white in both eyes, even near the iris.

The shape of her eyes are angular and rather large and sharp, giving her an eagle like and attentive appearance. The reason her name is Dea Nyx is due to the fact that when she was born, her eye colour, hair colour and her fair skin reminded her mother of the winter snowscape and wished for her to grow up as beautiful as the Snow Goddess.

Hair: Dea Nyx's hair is pure white, another factor why her mother named her as such. Her fringe is a left sweeping, starting a quarter in from the right, crossing across her nose and reaching past her eye and ending at her cheekbone. Her side hairline near her ears come down just past her jawline on either side. For the rest of her head, it is pulled back into a mid ponytail with the hari splaying out rather than coming down in a slender trail.

Skin: Another factor for her name, Dea Nyx has unblemished skin and is rather pale, more so than normal people. Her skin is rather cool to touch and smooth

Body Type: Dea Nyx has a natural medium frame, giving her a perfect balance of strength, flexibility and speed. Her muscles are well developed through labour and combat, meaning they aren't bulking, but defined and toned.

Height: Dea Nyx is rather tall compared to human, but average for a Wheltch at 173cm

Weight: Due to their size, Wheltchians are also a bit heavier, with her being 58 kg

Clothing: With continuous travelling over rough terrain and her fighting style, Dea Nyx prefers lighter clothing over plate armour, like most Wheltchians. Her clothing is her uniform, worn for many reasons. Firstly, it is made for durability, especially during combat training and field exercises. Secondly, it is made from durable and weaved silk, making it a cloth armour in itself. Lastly, Dea Nyx likes the design.

Her uniform consists of a red tartan skirt that reaches halfway down her thigh, a pair of thigh high charcoal grey socks. For her feet, she wears a pair of almost knee high leather boots that is grey brown in colour and slightly heeled. She wears a white school buttoned shirt underneath with the sleeves rolled just up above her elbows. Her shirt is somewhat short so when she reaches up, her navel and midriff regions are exposed. On her left breast pocket, she has her school emblem emblazoned in gold thread. On top of the shirt is a maroon tie with her school emblem emblazoned near the bottom. On top of the shirt is then a tough leather jacket lined with red silk. It is charcoal grey with gold hem as well as three straps on the left side to keep it closed and a fourth one left undone so that the collar can be closed up as well. She keeps its collar up despite not tieing up the strap. There are also golden shoulder pauldrons on her shoulders. To top it all off, tied around her neck is a red cape that is rather short and appears tattered that reaches past her waist. For storage, Dea Nyx wears a waist pack on a leather belt behind her waist.

Accessories:Unlike most Wheltchians, Dea Nyx diesn't really wear much accessories. All she has are a pair of snowflake diamond studs on her ears and 6 of these rings, one on each index, middle and ring finger. Each has a different date on it with one being her birthday, the other her Rites of Passage, the third for the beginning of her journey and the remaining 4 on 0000 with one reserved for when she finishes and return home. Both wrist have one of these bands each (left) whilst originally worn on her anklets, she has these on her wrists while she is wearing her boots. By Wheltchian standards, she is not wearing much accessories

Other: One little small point about her is that she has longer than average incisors, giving her a rather unnerving smile. Sometimes, just a light smile will pull her upper lip enough to reveal a smidgen of the incisor points.

Weapons: Dea Nyx is a close quarter fighter. Her weapons are all melee weapons taht require her to get relatively up close and personal.

Extremum Spiritus/ Last Breath: The scythe in the picture. A high quality war weapon designed to withstand the harshest conditions on a warfield and slide easily through armoured foes. Possessing three blades that are sharp on both edges, Dea Nyx can be extremely versatile with the weapon, slashing stabbing and hooking her enemies.

Semita Rectus/ Straight Path #2: A rather ornate weapon, this straight sword isn't particularly long, about 75 cm in total length. Strong with a high degree of flexibility, the Semita is quite capable of stabbing and cutting, although it is more for fights in enclosed areas and when the enemies get too close. She has a leather loop behind her waist back which she slips the sheath into so that it rests between the back of the waist back and her waist.

Ultima Linea/ Final Line x2: Unlike her other weapons, these two knives are rugged, unrefined and not so precious. They are her basic last line weapons for when situations are really cramped or during bar fights or brawls. With a retractable blade that rests inside the handle, Dea Nyx uses the protected knuckles for added damage and only when it begins to get a bit more serious does she extend the knife part. Kept inside two small holsters worn under her arm beneath her jacket.

Armor: Dea Nyx's armour is her specially woven silk uniform. Able to perform rather well against arrows and projectiles, it does offer respectable protecting against blades. It only lacks blunt force protection. For that, she relies on her skin tight fingerless gloves that has a plating on the top to protect her hand. For her feet, she has lined the soles with plating so that she can add more damage to her kick and stomp.

Photographic Memory: Seeing something relatively clearly once would be remembered and recalled easily by Dea Nyx. This is most useful for when she maps out area as she need to remember details, information and such. While she is a world renown map maker, this ability meant that she herself never carry a map.
Survivalist: Dea Nyx is able to survive at long periods in the wilds by herself, living off the land. This is an ability acquired from her work as she often remain on location when surveying in order to not lose time travelling back and forth. As such she is a capable hunter and scavenger.

Wheltchian Physique: Her Wheltchian lineage meant that her body structure is somewhat different than that of humans. Being more athletic and producing more power, Dea Nyx is quite easily able to out jump and move most humans. This important due to her being lightly armoured. Rather than taking hits, her defense is to not get hit at all. Her body is particuarly useful when she incorporates it into her fighting style where she can take advantage of walls and objects to climb up and jump off of. In essence, she can maneuver like a Dragoon.

Her magic is mostly ice creation magic, being able to create things from ice such as spears, swords, shields, ladders, buckets even a rising platform should she need to. These ice weapons that she make ar relatively feeble unless she puts extra effort into making them. The average sword would break after 4-5 hits. As a side, she can also form ice on whatever part of her body, such as turning her arm into a drill shape, creating spikes on her back for defense etc.

Frozen Spike: Her staple move, frozen spike is when she
conjure up ice spears (almost instantaneous) a meter tall and send them flying in any direction. These are not homing and are very rudimentary looking.

Frozen Barrage: Another of her staple move. Frozen barrage has her launching a torrent of small icicles at her opponent. Whilst low in damage, they are great for suppressing opponents and the damages do add up when shot in a large group, which she does. Dea Nyx usually use her hand to aim where she shoots for greater accuracy.

Ice Snake: Can be done by either using her foot or her hand, Dea Nyx can send a trail of ice spikes snaking along the ground at high speeds before reaching near the target where the ice then explosively grows in an attempt to skewer her opponent, very much like a lunging snake. With her legs, her control over the movements is diminished, so it is best to use her hands.

Snow Flurry: A flurry of ice and snow whip around the area in a diamter of 8 meters with Dea Nyx at the eye, making a hail and snowstorm like conditions. Visibility is reduced as well as temperature of the surrounding area, making her ice moves more durable and easier to form. Due to small ice fragments rushing at great speeds, it is capable of causing slight wounds and impairing their sight and hearing temporarily.

Frigid Spire
: Requiring contact with a surface in order to work, Dea Nyx can force spires of ice to shoot up from the ground upwards in a diametre from 4 meters.

Glacial Spire: By sending a single icicle knife onto the ground, it acts like a laser designator in which a large ice spire the size of most stalactites (around 5 meter in length and 1.5 meter in diameter at the top) apparates from above and is shot downwards at frightening velocity, dealing heavy splash and direct damage. Usually used for large scale fights against numerous enemies, against armoured targets or large, armoured targets.

Dea Nyx was born in the capital Wheltch settlement city of
Illucescentis Diei on the west side of the northern continent. Many of the citizens came in via Port Town Rais from their far flung continent of Primum Sphaerae. Whilst the settlements are predominately Wheltchians, there are humans the live in these towns, particularly the "capital" city Illucescentis Diei due to Wheltchian skills with crafting. Dea Nyx comes from a long line of high Chancellors and Elders that have originally helped oversaw Primum Sphaerae. One of her ancestors was tasked with overseeing the migration and settlement onto the Northern Continent and since then, members of her family has been part of the council that does so.

Dea Nyx grew up in Illucescentis Diei, participating in the compulsory education and training for all Wheltches. The city has a friendly relations with humans, which is evident with the numerous human habitants and the mixed schools for both Wheltch and Humans. Supplementary Wheltch lessons are taught seperately in order to encourage co exsistance with humans. Her preference over peace and quiet had made her a bit uncomfortable around the loud human teens. Even the Wheltch teens she finds loud as well. Despite her being unapproachable and somewhat aloof, her good looks, over achievements in academics and athletics and beauty had earned her admiration status, where a following appeared which placed her on a pedestal and nicknamed the "Ice Queen", adding more grief to Dea Nyx. The only positive she saw in this was that they did not actually apporach her, but she still found them annoying when they hovered about. So she decided to do something about it.

On the day she graduated, Dea Nyx decided to set off out from
Illucescentis Diei alone to be a fully fledged cartographer. Whilst she had done many comissions including the war wall scroll whilst still in school and garnering a reputation already, Dea Nyx took this as an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city life. It was to be her duty to step up to her parents position, but Dea Nyx shrugged it off, claiming nonchalantly that she would do it when she came back. Taking Last Breath, Straight Path and Final Line along with a large sum of money and her cartographic supplies, Dea Nyx left Illucescentis Diei alone with no company. Having been out and about for 2 years, Dea Nyx has gone all over the continents, going wherever she wills herself and where her employers tell her to go when she is poor. All her skills have only improved since she left due to practical experiences and as of right now, she continues to wonder, mapping out uncharted territories and places.


Character Theme:

Combat Theme:

Final Combat Theme:
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I'd very much love to join. If you'll have me :) I have time to RP again <3


Character Template: Finished.

Name: Tsuchi Kodomo (Earth's Child)

Age: 19

Alliance: Good

Race: Forest Elf. Elves born with a natural connection to the Earth, they look like ordinary elves but are shorter with smaller ears. They're usually quite cheeky and mischievous. Their lifespan is also not as long as an ordinary elf, they live to 150 years max.

(Land: Strong against -> Lightning, Weak against -> Ice)

Occupation: Stall Assistant. Tsuchi helps run a small items store in her home village, Siard (South). She is the face of the shop, dealing with the customers and their money. Tsuchi is rather good at her job and the customers love her, usually coming to the shop just to talk with her, specially men.


Eyes: Mischievous and cat-like. Tsuchi eyes say a lot about her personality. They are a light hazel in colour, her eyelashes are quite long and her eyebrows are thin and narrow.
Hair: Tsuchi's hair is short and choppy near her face, framing it nicely, it sits neatly on her shoulders but towards the back it grows longer, down to a point at her mid back. It is a light shade of black, purple-ish in sunlight. She will usually wear it down but in the hotter weather she'll tie it up with a red ribbon.
Skin: Ever so slightly tanned from sitting in the sun, it is soft to the touch and has a few freckles here and there.
Body Type: Tsuchi is quite small and delicate looking, she doesn't have much muscle on her body but she is surprisingly strong for someone of her build.
Height: 5 foot 5 inches. A little below average for a girl of her age.
Weight: 55kg.
Clothing: Light easy to breathe clothing is Tsuchi's style. She'll wear cotton and silk (if she can afford it). Short home made dresses or ribbons of clothes made into tops and skirts or trousers are her favourite. She's rather revealing in what she wears, leaving very little to the imagination, she doesn't seem to realise why this style of dress might offend others.
Accessories: Tsuchi doesn't like jewellery and will not wear any. Although she thinks it's pretty she finds that it just gets in the way and is unnecessary .
Other: Small pointed ears are the only other feature noticeable.

Perky and a little Cheeky are a couple of good words one could use to describe Tsuchi. She's full of energy. She loves the outdoors and when her energy levels diminish she will often lay in the sunlight in a warm patch of grass and just stay there for hours, soaking in the rays, contemplating many of life's little things. She may not look it or act it but Tsuchi can actually be quite deep but she finds this part of her personality to be no fun and doesn't reveal it often. She is also a very jealous woman and can turn rather nasty because of it.

Around others she releases her mischievous side, playing pranks and just generally being annoying, yet a little flirty. But when alone she quietens down and actually feels rather lonely and scared. She doesn't have any family or close friends and this really bothers her, although she is a people person she actually finds it very hard to connect with anyone. She'll try to hid these facts if someone catches her out but her eyes usually give away her feelings. She's jealous of all the people with friends and family, the people who have someone to care for them.

She loves sweet things, animals and nature. She hates rude people, people who take the little things for granted and naysayers. She practices archery in her spare time, finding that it eases her mind just as much as a good sun bake and keeps her mind occupied from the thoughts that creep up. She's all right at it but a little guidance from someone superior could do her good.

Shizen Okurimono (Nature's Gift)
This bow was passed down from her father and his father before his. The tips and grip are coated in silver, moulded for a comfortable grip, the rest of the bow is said to be carved from the fallen branches of the Mana Tree itself. Tsuchi isn't sure if that's just a myth or not. It's easy to hold in hand and feels good to hold for long periods of time. It sits neatly on her back along with the arrows.

Rather than wearing armour, Tsuchi's wears a costume which looks similar to THIS. Specialising as an archer means she doesn't get in the middle of fights and is less likely to be hit with attacks. If she was hit with an attack however she wouldn't have much to protect her. Tsuchi will wear the costume instead or the armour because she hates the feel of the clunky metal and will put the safety of her body after her comfort.


Charisma: Tsuchi has really good charisma. She can talk and talk and people never seem to grow tired of listening to her. She can usually talk her way out of a bad situation.

Speed and Reflexes: Being so small means she is very light on her feet and can run rather fast, she has good reflexes because of her connection to the earth, usually helping her to predict when an opponent is going to make their next move.

Cooking: She's a rather good cook as living on your own requires it. She is a vegetarian however and will not cook meat unless she has to.


Tsuchi specialises in the element 'Land' she can control the Earth at will creating barriers to protect her or vicious attacks to defeat her enemies. Here are a list of attacks she can use:

Mother Nature: This is a healing spell and it only works on other Land mana users. Tsuchi focuses all her spirit energy into the earth which in turn focuses it's own energy back, healing small wounds from those connected with it.

Earth Barrier: A wave of rock and Earth is created in front of Tsuchi to protect her from incoming attacks. It is really effective against physical weapons and Lightning Mana but all other forms of magic can wear it down, especially water and Ice Mana.

Entombment: Tsuchi summons boulders and dirt from all around raising them to the air, the objects then fall to the ground around her enemy crushing and encasing them in a natural tomb. Once again anyone with water or Ice mana can easily defeat this spell.

Tsuchi will learn more spells as she travels on her journey, she is still learning her element and has not mastered it yet.

Tsuchi was born in the Lael forest like the rest of her small tribe of Forest elves. She shared a little tree hut with her mother, father and 4 brothers. She was the youngest of the family and was often treated like a princess because of it. Her life was relatively normal for the first few years of her life. At 5 years of age she made friends with another elf named Mari. Mari was beautiful for her age and a lot of the younger boys paid her a lot of attention. Tsuchi didn't like this, she was an attention seeker, her parents made her this way with all the pampering. She grew to resent Mari but remained her friend for fear of having no one.

When she was 10 years old she'd finally had enough of being second best. Tsuchi knew of a spot where the wild monsters of the forest came to feed. She was going to take Mari there and have the monsters frighten her. "Follow me, I found something really exciting" She told her friend who followed her gladly. Tsuchi had brought her fathers bow, just in case. She lead Mari to the feeding area and told her to walk forward, the girl was nervous but she listened. She walked towards the monsters, wondering what her friend thought was so exciting. That was when Tsuchi threw a rock at the creatures, they turned spotting the little girl Mari and began to charge, the wide eyed girl ran as fast as she could but the monsters were gaining on her.

That was when Tsuchi realised her plan had backfired. She didn't think about how to stop them from chasing her friend, she was only 10, it was just meant to be a prank. Mari ran but the monsters caught up, trampling her to death and they continued to run towards her village.

The elves and the creatures of the forest usually lived in piece in their own territories but the monsters had already crossed over into the elves borders, angry that they had come into their feeding area and breaking the pact. They crushed the village and feed on the villagers who didn't stand a chance.

That was when the girl realised she couldn't go back. She couldn't face what she'd done and she fled with the image of her friend dying before her eyes fresh in her memory. Her jealousy had made her do something atrocious and she couldn't face that. She ran until she couldn't run any more, collapsing on the outskirts of the forest.

When she awoke she found herself in a bed, she didn't know who it belonged to...she didn't know why she was there...in fact she couldn't remember a lot.
An old woman came in and explained that she'd found her half dead in the forest as she searched for fire wood and that she'd been asleep for a week. Tsuchi couldn't remember anything that had happened, she'd blocked the memory from her mind but there was a nagging feeling within her, she knew something had happened and she knew she couldn't go home.

The woman took care of Tsuchi until she was 15 when she moved away and travelled to Siard, taking up a job as a sales assistant. Her home is a little run down shack in Siard North. She constantly has nightmares of being chased by a monster but she can't figure out why, she has a fear of being alone and has trouble connecting with people, she also wishes her life was full of excitement to get her mind off that little nagging feeling that has been with her since she was 10.

Character themes:


Edit: Hopefully this is the right place to ask but could I also please reserve
Slevish as my guardian? :jess:
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I'd very much love to join. If you'll have me :) I have time to RP again <3

This spot is reserved for my Bio ~

Edit: Hopefully this is the right place to ask but could I also please reserve
Slevish as my guardian? :jess:

Erm I forgot to put that only one person is assigned to each guardian D=. But We'd love to have you if you strive for activity. :hmmm:
Haha yeah I'll be active for sure ;) The RP sounds really fun. Bio is half done, will finish it a little later.

Ah ok I got confused, I thought the Guardians were kind of like summons and Slevish said free in the info thread so I was like Ohhh mine :jess:
Haha yeah I'll be active for sure ;) The RP sounds really fun. Bio is half done, will finish it a little later.

Ah ok I got confused, I thought the Guardians were kind of like summons and Slevish said free in the info thread so I was like Ohhh mine :jess:

Ah i'm sorry. Freeyly roaming only means that the person who reserved it hasn't captured it yet, on the side you can see that Tipsy reserved it. It's been up a while but I understand if you missed it lol :P
:hmmm: I'm a little confused, Slevish (the water guardian) doesn't have Tipsy's name on it but Shosta (the Ice Guardian) does (next to freely roaming). Maybe you forgot to put her name there? :)
:hmmm: I'm a little confused, Slevish (the water guardian) doesn't have Tipsy's name on it but Shosta (the Ice Guardian) does (next to freely roaming). Maybe you forgot to put her name there? :)

Crap!!! D= Okay here is where I apologise xD. I get those two mixed up SO much it's not even funny. The similar elements don't help either >.< Okay yea I'll put you down for the water type. I always confuse the two because both were supposed to be one summon who were sisters but I split them up xD Sorry for that mistake. *reserves*
I like this series of role plays, especially after Crystallius, so I'd like to reserve a slot. Any chance of Crystallius getting back on?

And a curious question: Crystallius is set after this role play right?
This looks interesting.

here's my bio

Name: Levont Ienten

Age: 17

Alliance: Neutral

Race: Levont is an Twinling. Twinlings are beings that have either wings like an angel or a tail. In rare cases, some Twinling might have both wings and tails. Twinlings came into existences one thousand years ago. But due to their secretive and secluded nature, they have stayed away from the rest of civilizations for a good portion of the 1000 years. Some could say it's out of fear of what the unknown world brings. Whatever the case, there is almost no records of them at all, if any making people curious about the origins of the Twinling. There is a rule among Twinlings that if a Twinling were to leave the village on their own will, they are considered dead to the others and executed if they were to return.

Element: Wind

Occupation: He is a warrior.

Personality: Levont is a laid back and calm guy. Most of the time, he tends to sit back and watch everything happen. When he is on the job, he is mostly focused, but never loses the laid back sense that he has. He even responds well with crisis that would normally make another person panic. He is still calm and laid back as a warrior. But many will note that it is to a lesser degree.


Levont stands at 6'1 with navy blue hair that stops at his shoulders. His slightly tan and muscular skin matches well with the Black pants and white shirt. His wings are all black and is as long and tall as a normal 5'9 person. He has black eyes and he has a necklace with a ring on it as well as a ring on his left middle finger.

Weapons: As seen in the picture above, Levont has a double edged Scythe. The scythe he has stands out at 7' with a wooden shaft and the metal blade. The metal blade is serrated on the top side of the scythe. The wooden shaft has subtle but noticeable signs of use.

Armor: Levont has no armor on. Mainly because any armor he wears won't allow him to fly very well and tires him out faster. So his clothing can be considered his 'armor'.

Abilities: Levont can fly, glide, hover, take off and land. Walking takes more out of him then flying does.

Magic: Levont can send slashwaves out from his scythe. Levont can also use his wings as a weapon. By sacrificing eight feathers, the sacrificed feathers hardens until it is as solid as metal and charged with energy. The feathers then separates from his wings and rain down slightly homing in on the enemy causing damage to either one enemy or multiple enemy. The last ability Levont can do is using magic to hide his wings. That will allow him to blend into a crowd without raising unwanted attention.

History/Background: Throughout most of the 17 years of life he had, Levont Ienten was like any other Twinling. He preferred to stick with his kin and race. That was mostly true. Everything he did was to fit the mold that was Twinling and for the most part, he did that just fine until he meet the other races.

The first contact with the other races was at age 7. A few travelers stumbled across him as he was resting. They were very nice to him until the women of the group started to touch his wings more then he was comfortable with.Startled slightly, Levont quickly left the travelers, to the group's dismay.

At the age of 10, he was given the option to learn a weapon to defend himself by the elder of the village. Levont's first choice was the Scythe. It was an odd choice by many. But that idea soon faded away as Levont's experience with the Scythe grew enough to hold his own and eventually beat masters with a sword and lance.

Soon enough, at the age of 17, Levont's skills was great enough that he can send slash waves out in front of him. With age and his skills ready, Levont started to make his way out of the village he lived in and into world beyond the
Unknown lands knowing that he will not be able to return to his homeland.

Character themes:
Auron's theme

Battle Theme
Lu Bu's Theme
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This looks interesting.

here's my bio

:hmmm: Normally I'd be taking a chance with an rper I haven't seen before but I've read your RP posts in the FFIX Rp and you seem like an active, motivated RPer so why not give it a shot? :P You are accepted. Choose a guardian summon you'd like from the info thread and pm me so I can reserve it. ^^

Anyway from what I can gather, all spots for this RP is closed. The people who reserved spots should have their bios up soon and those who haven't chosen to reserve a guardian should do it now.

I like this series of role plays, especially after Crystallius, so I'd like to reserve a slot. Any chance of Crystallius getting back on?

And a curious question: Crystallius is set after this role play right?

Yay I'm glad to see you're back :yay:
Yeah Crystalius is set after this RP. About 2500 years after, and it references the story of this RP at a lot of parts through names, etc. This rp just sets the setting for the next. It'll be back in Sept. I just need a moment to get away from RPing for a while before I go full force into it again.
Assuming there's still spots available, can I join too? Toni mentioned the RP was brought back so I thought i'd jump in :lew:
Anyway from what I can gather, all spots for this RP is closed.

Hey, Oli. Does that mean i cant do what i had PMed you about the second character since all rp spots are full?
Ok, My character bio is done :) I hope it's ok, please let me know if you don't like something and I'll fix it up <3
That character bio has been approved. Cast of characters post has been updated. I'll be gone tomorrow to a funeral I've been planning all week. I might not have time to be online today so responding to Tipsy's message might have to wait until I can find more time >.<

I'm still busy with funeral planning and last adjustments to that and what not ^^

Edit: Soundtrack updated.