FFGuy's tales of FFF rp bio

Rorolina Frixell

Alchemist of Arland
Apr 27, 2007
FFGuy's rp bios




Date of Birth:26/5/2033

Current Location:lindblum

Hometown/Original Birthplace:Alexandria

Clan:the SEEDs

Equipment:SAA(single action army which can be spinned to deflect bullets and short swords and has bullets which can destroy titanium, it is also able to shoot out the magic I can use in a more concentrated form but is slower and can be avoided easier) and dragon katana (dragon in flame design down the blade and sets an enemy on fire when it makes contact with their skin or armour)

Appearance:black cloth shirt and trousers, black boots with metal blades along the boots, long hair(halfway down back), 6ft in height, jewel encrusted left eye. Dark brown hat with a blue silk band in the center, his left arm is metal plated and has a clawed gauntlet on the hand and his right hand has a green cloth glove with metal plates on the knuckles.

Abilities: Draconic end(the dragon of the dragon katana comes to life and explodes in the enemies radius)
flame of health(dragon katana heals the wounds of FFGuy)
bullet barrage(uses single action army in a spinning rotation and shoots madly hitting all enemies in front of it)

History:when FFGuy first knew of other continents apart from alexandria he wished to explore them but as this was an unpopular notion to the nobles he could not make friends and his mother was too protective of him but on the day he mist monsters attacked (steiner and beatrix fought them off in ff9) his mother was killed by one and FFGuy barely defeated it and from then on he joined the pluto knights as the 10th member and became friends with the others and he would always try to surpass steiners expectations and one day he was sent as a spy to lindblum in case of any hostile attacks on the kingdom of alexandria and even though he was shocked by this honour while packing his things he began to wonder.....this is not like the princess....why would her uncle want to attack? there has to be a deeper motive to this....and once he was there he made residence near the synthesis shop and has waited picking up any gossip that he could in the process awaiting his day to shine.

as years went by he grew more and more distrustful of the princess til he no longer knew anything about alexandria, so he set out on a journey to the farthest reaches of the land to find a way into alexandria so that he could question the princess and her motives, he travelled to places such as quan's dwelling, daguerro, chocobo forest, mognet central and he even traversed worlds until he came across a text speaking of a legendary sword that could slice a sun in half, the legendary dragon katana.

apparently if he waited near a world on the verge of extinction when souls pour in as an attempt to save it, the dragon katana shall be given to the most worthy of men, FFGuy pondered how he could make himself worthy so he set out on a journey to find a way to do this, eventually FFGuy encountered a volcano so holy that the very essence of gods is said to pour out of it. After hearing this he quickly leapt in and inside he met a giant who rose and began to speak:you seek the dragon katana? then you must test my blade!

the giant was a very fast opponent considering its size but once he jumped on its head FFGuy quickly defeated it with a few shots to the back of the skull, a few days later after resting in esto gaza FFGuy awoke to an explosion in the shimmering island and thought "this must be it!" FFGuy jumped down from his room and sped off to the shimmering island and the dragon katana flew to him almost taking his head in the process.

after obtaining the sword he fought his way back to lindblum awaiting a time when alexandria was weak
FFGuys land of dragons rp character

Name: Daros

Build:tall, lanky
Description:Red hat shaped into a point at the top all red with a blue bandana. Green shirt with buttons with dragon symbols on each one. Dark red jacket with a symbol of elite status in the spellwarrior class

clear white eyes with a deep hate resonating from the left eye and a peaceful aura from the right. dark red skin which is from a history of powerful trials with the fire based spells. sharp claws replace fingernails and toenails and are deadly in close combat. his feet and hands are protected by powerful armour of deep red and white.

Personality:can be very serious and to the point on a mission of great importance, has a way of cracking jokes with certain enemies which he faces especially if they can use magic or energy attacks but his jokes are rather poor.

Fighting Style:fights in a very swift and deadly way with his weapons rather close to the speed of sound but with his high speed he can be rather tired at times so he does not use this speed often and while he recovers he lets off a huge array of magic.

he will fight differently with different enemies depending on their skill and power and can be highly unpredictable and even invents his own attacks on strong enemies which are hard to defeat.

Weapons:a mageblade which is made of incredibly hard crystals which change colour depending on the temperature of the wielder and any magic attacks fused with it are shot out in different ways depending on what Daros is trying to achieve with it and it is shaped like a common longsword but it has a butt on the tip so it is built only for slashing and casting spells.

A neutro staff which is made up of everything good and evil and is nuetral in element and grants the bearer the ability to never choose a side of either good or evil and can change from friend to foe at any given moment it is shaped like a halberd but is virtually ineffective against enemies but it is incredibly strong in magic.

Magic: Elemental enchantment: Daros combines the powers of both his weapons to make a storm involving any element (fire, ice, lightning, water, earth, air, dark, holy, cosmo, non-element) unfortunately he can only use one of them at a time.

Destructo beam: launches a weak beam from his mageblade which contains every element in existence at the enemy but cannot cause critical hits as it contains each one which can cancel the other out etc.

Spellwarriors edge: unleashes the true power of the spellwarrior which only the elite can use where he stabs the enemy in the torso with his mageblade and inserts his magical powers peak into the wound to potentially heavily wound the enemy to the point of defeat but it is difficult to achieve the required focus.

Teleportal strike: Daros strikes the enemy in flashes by teleporting around the enemy and stabbing them slightly with speed and grace but is very vunerable to attack by another enemy if they are fast enough.

Cured ignition: can heal 50% of Daros's health while giving him temporary protection from fire based attacks.

Power of 1000 battles: Daros unleashes the strength opf every enemy he has ever slain in battle on his enemy reducing them to 50% health and if they are below 50% health already they lose 50% of their current health.

Kingdom of neoneutral: Daros merges with the secret kingdom of the spellwarriors known only by elites and becomes a part of their god neoneutral which can attack with the elemental weakness of his enemy.

Overpower attacks: Neoneutral peak: becomes an over powered version of neoneutral with enhanced weapons and armour which make him immune to all forms of magic and physical attacks (energy attacks work though) this lasts for 3 posts.

Bane of non-mage: Daros's weapons are enchanted and any enemy which uses magic in any way is grievously wounded by any strike made (lasts for 5 turns).

spaun of the god-mage: Daros is crowned a son of the god mage and can use magic effortlessly and this lasts til the battle ends.


when Daros was a boy he always wished to be strong and one day at the age of 12 he became seperated from his father on one of their country walks, he found himself in a mountain and that was when he found the spellknight temple which he was quickly taken into and was spoken to by the spellknight sensei who told him he had potential and decided to train him personally, when he saw his eyes were unable to distinguish good and evil he trained Daros in gaining his spiritual weapon and how to summon the god of the spellknights and also how to be a servant of every mage influenced religion in existence.

while he enjoyed the training he always wished to be higher so he trained to be an elite which he managed at the age of 14 which surpassed even the senseis foresight of him, from then on he left the temple bidding farewell to his friends and came to his father who was a wreck from the years apart and he has lived with his father since and one day his father died.

Daros was distraught from this but his sensei always told him that any death only makes you stronger so he kept his thoughts on this and left home to live a hermit in the mountains ever since.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
are they accepted?

also could the title be changed to 'FFGuy's rp bios?'

here is another rp bio i thought i would do ;)


Age:unknown (at least 1000).



Family:deceased, second family slain by Raziel, living relative:Kain

Location:temple of the sarafan.

Location Description:everything is made of sandstone and the location is well hidden from humanity, its true entrance can only be accessed in the spiritual realm (only vampires in the brotherhood of kain have access to this skill). in the main hall there is a throne made of bone where the legendary sword soul reaver sleeps around the throne there is 9 pillars surrounding the throne representing the forces of nosgoth. which all bear a symbol in the center of their respective pillar.

Personality:cold hearted and mysterious, does not trust anyone unless they bear information which can help him exact his revenge upon kain. Raziel is also very prone to violence if he is threatened, sees kain, someone tries to manipulate him.

Weapons:Soul Reaver(spiritual):just as the name suggests it is an eater of souls and Raziel only wields it as it is literally his soul in blade form, humanoids are easily struck down by its power and vampires and demons also fall fast to his blade the blade itself is coated in a purple haze to show its power over Raziel's soul nd its dominance over all others.

Weapons2:Soul Reaver(material):this blade is made by the spiritual power of Raziel and the power of its twin the Soul Reaver (spiritual) it is unbreakable and is as equally deadly in battle, this sword has a snake head to depict its draining ability on enemies souls and the blade is shaped in a snaky fashion.

History:not much is known about Raziel apart from that he was once a sarafan priest, one of the best in fact and he was ripped from his resting place and made a lieutenant in kains brotherhood, Raziel never knew of this and served Kain loyally for a millenia (1000 years) when he surpassed his master which is an unforgivable transgression he was 'broken' by Kain as punishment and cast into the abyss, presumed dead he lay at the bottom til time itself ran thin.

when he awoke he inspected his new appearance which due to the abyss had left him a monstrosity, he was a blue skeleton, the bottom of his skull removed and his ancient bloodlust removed, replaced by a new hunger.....for souls when he covered his face with his old cape he heard the voice of the elder god stating "Raziel, you are worthy" upon hearing this Raziel flew into a fit of rage and swore bloody vengeance upon Kain and his 'trecherous' brothers. when he left the abyss he began tracking down his brothers and vanquishing them until his only living family, Kain was left, when he fought him Kain fled through the time machine when Raziel followed he was greeted by the guardian of time 'Mobius' who explained Raziels new mission.....

let me know if i have missed anything out k? ;)

also if this is accepted i will use this as my new person in tales of FFF alright?
Your first biography is really short. The third one won't be accepted since you didn't make the character up yourself.

There's also a waiting list. =]
Name: Bloodheart.
Alias: Darklight
Age: Long since unknown
Location: Wilderness.
Gender: Male.
Species: Vampire.
Job: Vampire Hunter.
Allies: Humans, Vampire Hunters.
Appearance: Shirt with Fire designs mainly made up of black and red, jacket of blood stained red coating, black tie, black cloth trousers, silver blade tipped shoes.
Nose: Thin and tipped to a point with no visible imperfections.
Mouth: Pale white and can extend to a wide grin.
Eyes: No visible eyelids, blood red eyes in a snake shape.
Ears: Pointed to the top and rather pale and acute to minute sounds
Facial structure: Bony and skeletal yet can take incredible impact force (roughly the force of 5 tonnes before striking blood)

Silver Iron Katana: 5ft in length and 2 inches in width, inner material is mainly made up of a mysterious corrosive liquid designed to send vampires to dust upon impact, completely silver in appearance.

Holy paladin firearm: small handgun which is also silver, about 25cm in length and 10 cm in width, carries purified bullets which can rip through a vampire's body with ease.

7 deadly swords: seven vampire blades which have been purified by the most holy of materials to cause incredible pain to all who come in contact with it, it is so fast in actions that blood cannot stain it.

Vampire lore:

Blood pain: Teleports around to find blood, if found he will absorb it and gain health.

Blind mans buff: Wraps a blindfold around his head and uses the 7 deadly swords in a throwing spin action and cannot be struck while using this ability and is difficult to dodge if you are too close (about 1 mile)

Demons dogs: unleashes demon dog heads which extend limitlessly (limitless reach, not power or combos)and attack two foes.


Vampiric sacrifice: allows a wounded ally to drink his blood, from doing this the drinker gains the powers of a vampire giving them enhanced speed and strength.

Flurry: Uses the Silver iron katana in a mad spinning action.

Walk of the dead: walks toward his target bravely, if struck down he revives in a more demonic form (only temporary).

7 Blades of mercy: throws his 7 deadly swords at all foes with an almost definite chance of impact (uses less swords depending number of enemies).

Master swordsman: Uses incredible skill with the silver iron katana and can match swordplay skill with even the strongest swordmasters.


Blood drainage: absorbs enemies blood, amount depends on the severity of the wounds endured.

Possess: Possesses a lower ranking darkness creature (lesser vampire or below, can differ with demons etc).

Vampiric end: induces a slow poison to all foes, the effect is slow and only reaches painful symptoms after a few hours have past, very difficult to cure and only beings skilled in anti-venom or the caster can remove the status.

Auto abilities:

Vampiric speed: Can dodge most bullet and sword attacks with ease.

Float: using his great lightness he can float on air currents but is more out of control in windy climates.

Vampiric vengeance: if defeated he will melt in his own blood and disappear rather than die.

Fighting style: swift, silent and deadly, mainly using the art of illusion to bewitch his foes.

History: when he opened his eyes, he knew he was a vampire a enemy of god and all things good. upon realising this he entered a state of self hatred and stayed like this for almost an eternity. he was found and taken to a building he had never seen before and upon the peoples discovery that he was a vampire they tried to slay him.

After he had managed to talk some sense into these people he found out that they were vampire slayers, seeking a way to cure himself he joined almost immediately hoping that through this he could find some answers to his new being. Once he had gained a perspective of his new environment he gained more and more vampiric skills which he used against his enemies.

When the vampires knew one of their own was fighting them they decided to either eliminate him or make him join them, when he noticed the battle raging before him he decided to step forward and battled his dark brothers.

He easily dispatched countless vampires but was exiled afterwards for his inhuman battle skills and has since been wandering for a purpose for his unlife.
It's ok....but

Demons dogs: unleashes demon dog heads which extend limitlessly and attack two foes.

"limitlessly" So they will attack regardless of what it's done.....am I correct?

Nothing is unlimited, every living (organic) being has limits, regardless of how strong they are. Just replace "limitlessly"

Or maybe I am getting this wrong. Could you enlighten me?
well, when i say limitlessly I mean its length, it is not limitlessly strong just has an infinite length but has a time limit

if it is still wrong just let me know and I will edit it ^_^
May I step in for a moment?

Now aside from my initial complaint about the orgasm of red before me, (bear with me folks, i've got really sensitve eyes) there are a lot of things that completely jumped out at me like an angered badger.

I thinks that i'll systematcially say a couple of things about your bios. I'm not going to be hard on you at all, as I really respect and admire your abundance of creative energy.

Bio #1:

You can do way better with the name. Things would just get plain damned awkward if you and every other character in whatever RP or bio you do have to refer to you by your username. Something either fitting for the setting, or just plain damned wierd will suffice, thank you kindly.

"Equipment:SAA(single action army which can be spinned to deflect bullets and short swords and has bullets which can destroy titanium it is also able to shoot out the magic i can use in a more concentrated form but is slower and can be avoided easier) and dragon katana (dragon in flame design down the blade and sets an enemy on fire when it makes contact)"

I read through this three times, and not once was I able to find out what kind of gun your character uses. Granted your character's bio is born centuries after the events of FFIX, but it still couldn't hurt to add some description. We need to get a clear view in our heads of what you character uses as a weapon. The dragon blade (which could still use a bit more description) is dangerously close to god-modding. The fact that it immolates people upon contact would make it entirely unfair for anyone you'd RP against.

Your appearance needs an ass-load of decription as well. Simply put:

"Appearance:black cloth shirt and trousers, black boots with metal blades along the boots, long hair(halfway down back), 6ft in height, jewel encrusted left eye"

...is not going to cut it. Where does he keep his weaponry? What about his physique? Skin color? Hair color? Hair style? Complexion? What about any features of note, such as scars? Race? Weight? The clothing you attire your character could use a bit more description too.

The spells/abilities list you have could use a bit more description. It seemes like you ripped the higer-end spell from final fantasy and didn't even put too much description there.

For another thing, it seems that you've completely thrown puntucation out of the window. If you were to copy and paste this to microsot word, there'd be an exxplosion of red. Honestly, you've got a ton of run-on sentences and grammatical tradgedies going on here. Periods are used to ends sentences. They can help you in seperating one though and subject from another. But you've got like only one period in your entire characters history! You know that you're supposed to capitallize the first letter of a sentence right? It kind of helps, along with periods. So please, for the love of god, remember to perios to seperate you sentences!

The last thing that I have to say about grammar and punctuation is that you're supposed to use quotaint marks when someone says something, it makes things easier on we, the reader.

Oh, and you're missing a section on personality and, first impression. First impression being how another character would see your character after meeting him for the first time.

I didn't mean or inted to be too hard on you. So i'll tell you this: if you pratice, and work on filling out your character sheets right (and a little more creativity couldn't hurt any of us right?), you could be be a god of the Rp forums. I can't wait to battle you some time!
It has been a while since I made these so I will go through them and correct them where necessary when I have enough free time (hopefully tomorrow)
yeah, it has been a while since I inspected them, check back later and I may have them done, I have college in a few mins so I can't do it yet
Name: Cain Delvo
Title: Dark lord
Alignment: Evil
Race: Half demon, half human
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Hair colour: Dark silver
Eye colour: Pale white
Build: Incredibly muscular
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 380 pounds
Cain, as a child was kidnapped by a time mage known as Garanos, he had the foresight to know of Cain's dark destiny and tried to stop him by killing him. Trying numerous methods such as using powerful time magic and a variety of methods of cruel torture. Nothing seemed to work, one fateful day however a demon from the future merged with his body while Cain slept. when he awakened he was much larger, stronger and posessed great evil, he easily escaped his prison and killed Garanos. After which he fled into the night until he found a small cave, when he returned to his human form he noticed his entire body excluding his face was covered in fur.

Armour: Due to his demon inhabiting his body Cain wears armour that leaves 6 inches of space between his body and the surface of his armour. As such he wears little armour.

Torso: A large chestplate made of adamantium which covers his entire torso and cover his arms up to the elbows. It had black and silver stripes of 3cm wide streaks of paint diagonally crossing his armour, one after the other.

Leg armour: This armour is made of the same material as his chest armour and covers his legs up to the knees. This is not painted.

Personality: A rather angry person in general, he rarely opens up to people, let alone share any form of friendship. He only really assists another dark being when he stands to gain from it.

First impression: As Cain is a half demon he rarely enters public life, instead ordering his minions to attack areas for him. As such he only ever greets people with the edge o his sword, unless he can gain something from their friedship.

Strength: With half of his blood being demonic he has enhanced strength that dwarfs a humans, making him able to lift all but the heaviest objects. He is able to lift something four times his own body weight with ease.

Speed: With all the weight he bears he is not speedy or agile, unless he has a fair deal of warning.

Endurance: Due to his demonic physical enhancements he is incredibly resistant to almost all forms of attack, only one weapon can have a great deal of effect on him, the dracoknight blade, which his brother bears.

Reflex action: Because of his weight and build he is not able to counter very well unless he stuns a foe first. Otherwise his only alternative is to place his foe in danger at the same time.

Fighting style: Tends to favour using all his strength to create a great deal of force into the ground so he can hurl the ground at his foes. Or creating shockwaves.

Weapon: Dark shadow ripper: A demonic blade created from the depths of hell itself. It is 6 meters long and 6 inches wide. It is completely straight until 3cm from the tip where it extends into a spike. It is made of dragon scales ripped from an ancient dragon whose name is long forgotten in the annals of history.

Weapon elements:
Fire: Fires created in hell itself, nothing can douse these flames, those who try shall feel the flames of hellfire.
Darkness: Created from the black abyss of the ancient dragon's mouth, these can expel light itself and banish a being to eternal darkness.

Gravity control: Can control and manipulate all forms of gravity, fatigue varies on the length of time controlling gravity.
Last revenge: If slain in his castle Darkofia castle will begin to crumble, leaving only 6 minutes to escape the castle before being crushed under its foundations.
Magic vacuum: By shielding a magic attack with his sword he will absorb half of the damage into his blade, when enough elements are absorbed he can begin creating a dark rip in the balance between good and evil. This ability is only available when he is a protagonist in a rp)

Elemental magic:
Flamestorm: Creates a circle of fire between himself and one foe, it is only extinguishable when either Cain is defeated, his enemy is slain or Cain begins to fatigue. The fire is made of ruby flames and measures 10ft high and the temperature surpasses 350 degrees, which stops burning through the ground by an invisible and undetectable sheet of icy air.

Flame gauntlets: Enchants his fists with fire and his fists remain enflamed until he is struck with ice or water or he holds his sword in both hands. The flames up his attack power by 200% and are able to beat back icy foes.

Black arena: Sends a foe and himself into a room that is completely black, this is only expelled by raising a large amount of light which fills the room. Another way to escape this is to defeat Cain, as neither side can die this is only a way to fatigue his foes.

Black thunder: Sends a black orb into the ground, which in a few seconds explodes in a huge blast, sending large amounts of debris into the air. These elevate to 50 feet and then drop suddenly, which if they strike a human it will split their head open.

Magic fatigue: all of his magic will fatigue Cain based on the length of time they are active, or on the level of power and concentration mustered into the attack.

Demon summoning:
Black Demon Berial: Summons the demon that lurks within him, this takes 2 posts to summon and needs to be in an area with 6 meters wide circle of space, otherwise Berial is blocked off.
Berial appearance: Berial
Berial attacks:
Berial rush: Engulfs himself in an extra coat of flames and charges at high speed into a foe, the speed will always excel 50mph
Berial blast: Unleashes a large fiery blast which covers a 4 meter distance in all directions.
Berial sword skills:
Helm smasher: jumps up slightly and slams his blade into a foe.
Berial spil slash: Berial jumps in a 360 spin while slashing his sword at the same time from the ground to the air and then slashing his sword into the ground.

Summoning fatigue: summoning takes little power to use and Berial has twice the level of fatigue that Cain has, while taking little fatigue from his attacks as his body is engulfed in flames.

As Cain grew up with his brother Damian, durin his childhood they got on well, but as he entered his teenage years he was taken in his sleep by Garanos. Garanos imprisoned him in a large sphere and subjected him to numerous tortures, trying to find him weakness. He tried electrocution, incineration, drowning. All with no effect. As he neared the end of his list of available elements to try he came across a draconic scale sword, he inserted it into his sphere and used its power on Cain. Cain writhed in pain, Garanos, knowing his weakness began gathering materials for duplicating it. When he returned however, Cain looked different, evil somehow. It seemed he was too late, Cain, in a fit of rage broke free from his prison and mauled Garanos with his fists. Eventually breaking through his ribs and crushing his heart.

As Cain left the prison that had held him for many a year he ran into the woods and then felt a pushing effect on his torso which quickly overcame him and transformed him into a demon. charging through the woods he came across a castle, engulfed by lightning, as he approached it he saw numerous guards. He charged them and easily overcame them with his strength, when he entered the throne room of the castle he encountered its lord. he wore large armour made of adamantite which covered his entire body and wielded the Dark shadow ripper sword. Cain knew of its power from Garanos' ramblings and quickly grabbed the sword between his hands as the lord tried to cut him in two. Cain quickly threw it from the lords hands and smashed his face with his right fist.

As Cain tured to face the minions that had now arrived he saw them bow to him, obviously greeting him as their new ruler. When they rose they returned to their posts, Cain stripped the armour from his enemy and wore it, then took up the Dark shadow ripper and sat himself in his throne, it was completely black and built up of bones from the underworld. As Cain seated himself he let out a terrifying laugh and awaited his brother, he knew what must be done.
RPs used for: RPBs, URPGs
Name: Damian Delvo
Title: Lost prince
Alignment: Good
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 24

Hair colour: Crimson red
Eye colour: Light brown
Build: Thin
Height: 6"3
Weight: 270 pounds
Damian's hair is short in length and is spiked upwards, he wears oval glasses and always has his collection of spellbooks with him. His skin is slightly pale but not unhealthy looking. He is unmuscled and is rather frail looking.

Robes: Damian wears dark black robes which fall to his ankles, they have no form of decoration and only serve as clothing.
Shoes: Damian wears small black boots, they have numerous laces and are slightly heavy. Like his robes, their only purpose is clothing.

Personality: Damian, filled with the responsibility to bring his brother down he is not always easygoing and tends to keep to himself. When he does open up however he is very sociable and friendly. However, his mage traits make him hard to approach due to the thought of manipulation and backstabbing.

First impression: Overall he tends to be rather kind and friendly to strangers, his sole purpose most of the time is to find and save his brother, he does loosen up at times though and helps his friends.

Strength: Due to his lack of a physical build he is not able to lift much beyond his own weight, tending to let his magic do the work for him.

Speed: As he is lightweight and has no burden other than his books he is able to be fairly fast and dexterous.

Endurance: As he bears no armour he is not built for endurance, in close combat he would be easily vanquished in a few hits.

Reflex action: Using his mgical lore he is able to make use of faster actions and is great at countering various forms of attack.

Fighting style: Fights mainly at a distance using weak spells far away and stronger ones as the distance is closed. If he runs out of magic to use he will try and knock his opponent back with his staff.

The Art Of Arcane: This book holds all of his Level 1 spells, when used from the book the spell can activate instantly making it stronger, faster and less draining on fatigue.
Spellweavers-An Advanced Guide: This book works similarly to The Art Of Arcane, only it amplifies the Level 2 spells in Damian's arsenal.
Destruction-Warlock Level: A large volume consting of spells that are highly destructive and deadly, the spells listed inside this book can drain a man of all his stamina, like the other books is Damian's collection these too amplify their respective spells. (Level 3)
The conquest of the demon slayer: A book listing the numerous powers and feats of the once living Dark Demon Slayer, Odin. This book allows quicker summoning of Odin.

Backpack: A fairly common backpack which is just large enough to bear the thick books that Damian bears, it is made from Alligator skin and can hold 150 pounds.

Mana staff: Staff which holds all of Damian's magical power, it is a 6 foot long Mithril staff which holds a gem atop it, Damian uses different gems to hold his magic as its head.
Staff gems:
Ruby: Fire
Sapphire: Water
Emerald : Lightning
Diamond: Wind
Topaz: Earth
Amethyst: Ice
Gem power: All of the gems hold te same level of power, each gem individually holds greater magical endurance if the spell used corresponds to its element.

Gem creation: Damian can create these gems at will, purely by turning some of his energy into a stone, it will trasform into a gem.

Dracoknight sword (only available in rp): An ancient sword which is the only weapon capable of exorcising the demon from his brother's body. It is found only in the tetra bahamut's cavern located in the earth. It is made of dragon scales and is a single edged sword. It is coloured like the sea and shines brightly in the light. it is 1 and a half meters long and 5 inches wide and the blade curves slightly.

Dracoknight sword added effect: Exorcism
Exorcism allows him to have a large advantage over enemies that are hosts to a demon or other supernatural being (ie: Ghost)

Force shock: By unguarding his body he can release a small shockwave to knock back all enemies in melee range.
Magic tractor field: Any spells cast at Damian, if they directly strike at the gem on his staff the gem will absorb the power and restore some magical energies. Although it drains magical energy, too many spells can overload it and cause it to explode and shatter.

Elemental magic:
Level 1 spells:
Fireball: Damian creates a small fireball in his hand and throws it toward his enemy. Due to the low power of the attack it is incredibly fast and is almost undodgable at close range.

Ice crystal: Damian creates a small crystal of ice and throws it at his opponent, it is dagger sharp and can pierce through most forms of armour, only the heavier and thicker variety can shield the blow.

Thunder zap: Raising his index finger into the air Damian conjures lightning into his finger and it fires itself at any foes in range. The closer the enemies are the harder it is to dodge it. Abandoning metal equipment will cause the lightning to not strike the enemy as it cannot track through conduction.

Water shot: Holding his hand palm first towards his foe he launches a small jet of water towards his opponent's neck. Should it strike it will cause the opponent to choke, if the neck is protected by armour than they will recieve force similar to a light thrust to the throat.

Knockover: Damian holds both hands outwards towards up to two opponents and launches a jet of air at them both. The force of the air blast varies on the weight of his opponents. The heavier the armour, the less effect that the opponent(s) will feel.

Rock throw: Creating a small boulder Damian raises it above his head and 'throws' it at a foe. Due to Damian's lack of a physical build the accuracy of the throw can vary.

Level 2 spells:
Flame fountain: Damian raises his hands in the air and releases large supplies of liquid flame which starts to flow slowly in all directions. It has a similar effect to lava, and is able to melt through anything and skin contact can cause severe burning.

Freezer: Launches a large ice block at a foe, if contact is made it temporarily freezes them, the time is dispelled if in a hot area or a fire spell is cast on the target. The regular time limit is 2 posts. As the ice it large in scale Damian is unable to harm them with melee combat, Damian doesn't even try any spells during freezing as the added effect of freezing his foe is that their energy is slowly sapped and they begin to develop early stages of hyperthermia.

Storm: Creates a thunder cloud in his hands and as it expands it begins to randomly launch lightning at any foes who enter the target area, if foes are wearing any metal equipment the target area rule is ignored. Should foes wear metal equipment such as swords or metal armour they are more likely to be struck by the lightning. After being struck the target will be temporarily paralysed (1 post time limit)

Ocean wave: If Damian is above ground he can target the floor with his hand and create a huge wave of water, the depth will vary on how high above ground Damian is. The power and speed of the wave will vary on the width of the target area, any enemies caught in the waves will be stuck in the water, and if they are not able swimmers they are likely to drown as the waves will toss and turn, causing the target(s) to be quickly engulfed below water.

Tornado: Damian creates a small tornado which can quickly engulf anyone who ventures too close and make them forcefully abandon any loose equipment as well as hurl them into any nearby objects. The tornado does not have much pulling effect and needs to directly 'grab' a target before being able to throw them, the tornado, due to its size is not very fast and can be outrun if the target is alert.

Earth shaker: Damian creates a large earthquake which can make any objects above them fall at random intervals. As well as this, if the earthquake takes place on one of the earth's tectonic plates it can cause the ground to 'split' from the friction and create small eruptions of volcanic magma.

Level 3 spells:
Fire cannon: Creating a large fiery cannon out of magic it fires a huge beam which can rip through anything, it takes 4 seconds to charge so it tends to be a very long range attack. It is built up of five individual cannons which are shaped like the 5 dots on a dice. each one fires the same level of firepower but connects before hitting its target for combined damage.

Ice spear flurry: Damian creates a 20 strong wall of ice spears, they then fall diagonally and release themselves and seek out an enemy at random. These spears are each 9ft long and nearly 2inches thick, the blades of them are shaped like an arrowhead and are 4cm wide at the widest point.

Lightning blast: Damian creates a ball of lightning and by concentration he chooses a target and unleashes a huge blast of lightning towards them. If more than 5 targets are around him the concentration will become strained, making it harder to target a foe, due to this it is mainly used at full effectiveness when a low quantity of targets are around.

Internal Tsunami: Damian creates a Tsunami directly inside a person, which as the person moves it starts to rot away at the internal organs. Unless the target starts to make slower movements, or destroys the gem on Damian's staff the spell will continue until the whole body has rotted away.

Great force: Damian creates a huge pillar of wind and lowers it to eye level and then slowly spins the pillar of air in a 360 spin. The pillar itself is the same in size and width and is as high as Damian is tall. The pillar itself is made un of numerous 'wind blades' which slash away at anything within the pillar these are light green in colour and are incredibly thin and curved.

Avalanche: Damian summons a huge boulder measuring 100 meters high and wide, he then clenches his hand into a fist, seperating the boulder into several, smaller rocks which then topple and fall towards the intended target. These vary in size and every time the results are different. Also, if done on flat ground they will hardly move and only the wind will affect any movement in any direction. Should he release it on a slope or mountain path for instance, they will angle downwards and will criss cross one another until they are reduced to little stones.

Magic fatigue: As the magic is controlled through his gems Damian suffers no fatigue, unless his gems are all used up.
Gemless fatigue:
Level 1 spells: Little fatigue is gained from these spells unless used rapidly and the effect hardly raises above minimal.
Level 2 spells: A moderate amount of fatigue is gained from the level 2 spells, making them less used due to the risk of collapse.
Level 3 spells: Completely exhausting, these spells can only be used once and Damian will then be completely exhausted and unable to continue combat.

Summoned beast:
Dark demon slayer Odin: Damian creates a small circular mirror in the air, after a few seconds Odin charges through it on horseback, when he appears he automatically makes demons his first priority in combat and other enemies a distant second.
Dark demon slayer Odin appearance: Odin
Dark demon slayer Odin attacks:
Dispatcher: Charges towards a foe and has a 50-50 chance of hacking them in two.
Trample: While seated on his horse Odin charges towards his foe and tramples them beneath his horse's hooves.
Air fight: Odin, on an invisible layer of air rides his steed on this sheet of air and can fight airborne enemies.
Summoning fatigue: Little fatigue is gained from summoning Odin, only slightly more than the cost of level 1 spells.

History: After his brother had been kidnapped Damian was led into a very sheltered life and was taught to be the counteract to his brother's power. As he aged he was taught greatly about the arcane but neglected him in melee combat. When he was nearing readiness he was told of a legend which involved the Dracoknight sword. Apparently only his powers could obtain the powerful sword, only he could gain it and only he could use it against his brother.

Still unsure, as the last he saw his brother he was good and cheerful, still knowing of what he must do he sought to gain answers as he journeyed. As he did not know about the location of the sword that would have to be his first priority, as he left the home he had lived in for many years he wandered into the great unknown, taking his collection of arcane books with him.
Sorry, FFGuy. We're going to need a LOT more detail. I can picture his appearance and such alright, but his abilities, attributes, etc. are all too short and vague. Add some stuff onto those, and gimme a ring.


Name: Drizzt Do'Urden
Seperate meanings for parts of his name: Driz: Hard, steel or unyielding, or dawn. zt: Finder or hunter. Do: Walkers in. Urden: The darkness.
Meaning behind Name: 'unyielding hunter who walks in the darkness' or 'Dawn hunter who walks in the darkness'
Race: Drow
Race Description: The Dark Elves are the evil cousins of the other elves.
Driven beneath the surface long ago by the light loving elves,
living now in a brutally carved out niche called the Underdark.
They are the masters and mistresses of dark grottoes, feared by all.
Drows are shorter then other elves.
They have black skin, white hair and burning red eyes.
Apart from the colours, they look like high elves.

The craftmanship of the Dark Elves is truly a marvel to behold,
wrought with strange and intricate designs. Unfortunatly,
their works are unable to exist out in the sunny surface world. They have a rigidly structured and divided society led by the priestresses of Lloth.
Social stata and classification is virtually immutable.
A drow can advance within his/her own caste, but not beyond.
The chaotic nature of the dark elves is most evident when one seeks advancement...
an advancement typically made thru death.
They seek to improve their status in Lloth's eyes.
If it comes on expance of someone elses lives, so much the better...
It's one less challenger later.

Dark Elves have an abiding hatred of all things aboveground, especially the good elves.
The Drows will take any chance they can to destroy other elves they encounter.
Gender: Male
Weight: 130 lb
Height: 5"6
Build: Fairly muscular, he is able to last a prolonged period of time in a variety of energy consuming activities.
Age: 711

Hair Colour: Silvery white
Hair style: Left to be freeflowing, it extends to the middle of his back, when it is not tied it looks slightly wild and often brushes against most of his face
Eye Colour: Lavender, when he uses magic they glow golden
Eye Shape: Circular, like a human's
Skin Colour: Light brown
Ear Shape: Shaped similarly to that of a wood elf's, his ears however are slightly more curved at the top
Cape: Emerald green in colour and is slightly raggedy at the bottom, this is held to the neck by fur from a snow troll which also aids to keep his neck warm. The cape itself falls to 1cm away from the floor.
Body Armour: Light brown full body leather armour, this is held tightly to his body by numerous leather straps, that also act as an insulator to the heat.
Arm Armour: A long leather armguard protects both of Drizzt's arms, these cover every area of his arms up to the wrist while protecting a small area of his hands.
Leg Armour: From the leather belt around his waist falls a small light brown cloth which falls to just below the knees while covering the legs on the way. The legs themselves are guarded by the same armour as the body is.
Foot Armour: Leather boots which are reinforced by a semi-thick metal plate at the base of the foot. The shape is easily seen due to the tightness of the armour, so the rows of metal are easily viewable.

First Impression: Due to him being a drow, people will often have an evil perception of him, no surprise as drow are known to be more likely to kill you than make friends. However, when people know him they will change this opinion as although he is a drow, he does not share their beliefs.

Personality: Drizzt is a difficult character to examine, though he is a lone wolf who rarely makes friends he always seeks to preserve good, since he left his drow home he has had a strange kind of love for the surface world. very few know of his good heart as his drow heritage sometimes masks this from others.

Strength: Drizzt is strong enough to be able to carry things up to twice his own body weight before struggling. The maximum he is able to carry is something to the equivalent of 3 adult lions

Intelligence: Due to Drizzt's drow childhood he has developed a powerful intellect, he is able to judge people's actions often before they perform them and can outthink army tactics in a few seconds.

Endurance: Drizzt has not got much to offer in defense... At least this is what would appear to be the case at first glance. His body is capable of taking on any kind of blow unguarded up to a steel warhammer before being knocked to the floor.

Fighting Style: Drizzt tends to use an offensive style of combat when posessed by 'The Hunter' in a calm state he will fight with speed and skill while not being too cruel with his attacks and often holding back on his foes.

Drizzt wields two of these, the sheathes are held against his legs and he names them Twinkle They are enchanted to be able to absorb any natural element (not magically created)they come into contact with. For instance, should he slash at a fire they would be wreathed in flame, this effect will last for 5 minutes before needing to be recharged. It deactivates automatically if they impale something.

Drow wave beam: Drizzt focuses dark energy into both of his hands, when he places them together they will fire a magical beam of energy at his enemy The beam travels at 20mph and when it strikes something it will create a blast wave of a quarter of a mile.

Dark assassin: When hiding in shadows or another form of cover he is able to manipulate his cover to strangle his target, this comes at the cost of possible discovery.

Darkness recovery: While immersed in shadows Drizzt is able to slowly recover lost health and stamina. The severity of the wounds will have an effect on the healing time. The most severe of wounds (near-death) would take a whole half hour. Poisoning and other internal afflictions will take 20 minutes to remove.

Magic fatigue:
Drow wave beam: As the strength can vary, so too will the fatigue. This will be anywhere between being slightly out of breath to near exhaustion.

Dark assassin: This spell will take as much energy as necessary for the shadow used, so this too will vary depending on the amount of shadow that is being manipulated.

Darkness recovery: As this spell recovers stamina it requires none to be used. However, removing objects or foreign substances from the body will cause temporary stamina loss.

Hider: When in mist, shadows or another form of cover Drizzt will turn completely invisible, while in this state his steps will be unheard and he only turns visible when he attempts to kill someone or walks out of his hiding area. Any type of elf race however is able to see him by a silver outline of his features and armour.

Elemental slash wave: When his swords are enchanted with an element he can slash the ground and when he lifts the blade from the ground the element is released as a wave which is as fast as the slash that created it is.

Wrath of the reformer: Drizzt charges magical energy into his blades and then points both blades towards the sky, then the energy is released upwards and strikes his foe with a thunderbolt-like strike, when the swords have an element absorbed this attack is made more destructive.

The Hunter: Drizzt posesses a controlled anger, he has managed to master it and calls it 'the hunter'. When necessary he will call upon its power. The hunter is purely an instinctual being and propels Drizzt into an almost invincible fighting state while stripping him of his compassion. During this state he will be unable to speak and the only sound he makes are angry roars. You could say that 'the hunter' is a berserk state, only it is a controlled one. During this state his usual calm visage becomes equal to that of a raging beast.

Weaknesses: As a Drow, Drizzt is not one to show weakness to anybody, he does however have a weakness that most drow do not posess, this was a curse placed upon him by the evil drow god Lolth, this curse makes him have a great sense of fatigue when near Arachnids.

Quick History: During Drizzt's childhood Drizzt was raised like any other drowish boy. As he was the third living son in his family he was to be executed at a young age. Seconds before he was to be sacrificed his eldest brother was killed. With his life spared he was then trained by his father, who was a weapons master to defend himself. His father, though a drow did not share their belief in everything being solved by death, he ended up being killed just as Drizzt had finished his lessons. With nothing left to keep him there he escaped from his village and fled the underdark and arrived on the surface world, hoping to never return. Though he thought he had escaped the drowish life he was cursed by the drow goddess. This curse gave him an incredible weakness to arachnids, so in future he would have to avoid such insects. As he explored the surface world, a place he only knew in stories he encountered a place known as Mithral Hall, shockingly the inhabitants were not scared or even wary of him. The inhabitants were dwarves so they should naturally be afraid, considering the time they spend underground. As he got to know them he eventually gained their respect and trust and became their lord over Mithral Hall. It did not take long after his ascension to encounter the one thing Dwarves hated above all other things... Mountain Trolls. As they broke through the walls of the Hall they encountered Drizzt and his force of 20 dwarves. As they attacked Drizzt he engaged them fiercely, seeing his weapons have no effect he eyed the nearby torches that hung along the sides of the walls. He ran towards one and placed his swords into the flame, they immediately became enchanted with dwarvish flame. Re-entering the fight with the Trolls he easily beat them back with his fire swords, eventually slaying all of the invaders. After the battle was won and the walls had been re-sealed Drizzt stood atop his castle. As he looked across the land he sought to protect he made an oath to defend his land, never letting it fall or be invaded.
Sorry I took so long, university's been a bitch.

Not bad at all, FFGuy. You're improving.

First thing I want to point out is the weaponry. I love the idea, but we can't allow the weapon to be used to absorb elements. If the element, such as fire, is not created magically or being used as an attack, there's not a problem. However, the swords you describe can take a fireball thrown by somebody, absorb its energy, and grow more powerful. That just...well, it's technically a form of power-gaming.

Your magic needs some energy usage. Tut tut, you can't go through a battle with magic and NOT lose any energy :P How much do these things cost?

Well, that's all for now. Change it up, and I'll have another looksee.

Alright, I changed the parts that needed changing, that ought to do it. ;)



Name: Rornal Uadd Ledy
Title: Time Traveler
Alignment: Neutral
Race: Dreaming Healer of Time: A race that watches for a disturbance of time. When a disturbance is felt they send themselves back in time to 'heal' the injury to time. Since they are peaceful at times they are also Naïve which makes them very easy to trick when encountered by the injurer of that specific time. Due to their role they have many magical and physical abilities to allow swift repair to time.
Gender: Male
Age: In their own 'time zone' they never age, Rornal looks physically to be about 23 in human years


Hair colour: Light blonde
Hair style: Looks to be brushed and straightened down, it falls down to shoulder length.
Eye Colour: Golden
Eye Shape: The pupil is a quarter larger than a human's and is roughly the same shape.
Body shape: Fairly thin and frail looking, this is merely due to their physical chameleon race ability
Build: When the physical chameleon race ability is not active he stands 6"1 and has a very strong above-athletic build
Skin Colour: Slightly pale but otherwise unsuspicious
Distinguishing features: One thing that can be spotted when physical chameleon is not active is his radiant white aura that encircles his body, this is unavoidable as it generates his planet's own form of oxygen, the aura is unbreakable and irremovable. He also has a third eye in the center of his forehead, during his transformation stages this changes to a bloody red 1.5ft long horn.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Attire: When not in 'battle stage 1' or above he will wear a simple pure white gown, this has no special patterns and reaches from the shoulders to the knees. It is short sleeved and very resilient to wear and tear.

Time garments: He does have a few items that are very unique which allow him to remain in a specific time indefinitely, these items are:

Time gloves: Large, bulky gloves they are golden in colour with bronze coats in between the finger areas. They have a light 'panel' on the base of the hand which when activated releases a Mobilizing Glowing Motion Beacon which can either teleport the target(s) to another area or another time. This can be performed for multiple targets but any who are not of his race would be marginally weaker until returned to their own time.

Vortex helmet: A light green helmet with a jet black visor, it carries various combat abilities.

Assault <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Battle</st1:place></st1:City> Diagnostic: This is his race's battle program which all travellers must wear to handle any dangers they may face when in another time.

Protecting Decryption-Guardian: This acts as a shield while decryption or other activities takes place; it can also shield allies during battle or alternative situations. The strength of the shield varies on how strong Rornal is at that time. Size is no object to him but numerous attacks on the shield can render him unconscious unless he deactivates the shield before his brain takes too much damage.

Regenerating Vitality Cyclone: This ability involves making all targets which have been 'locked-on' with the helmet generate a regenerative force around his allies, this remains in effect till the ally is knocked to the floor, the regenerative aura is represented by a light wind. The effect lasts until the target is knocked to the floor.

Cellular Analytical Scanner A.I: This scans a single target for their role in history, basically telling him of what you are to do in time, the stronger the being scanned the more vague the skills scanned will be, often resulting in static interference.

Personality: An often energetic character when on a mission, he is often difficult to control and generally goes his own way and always tries to get what he wants. When anyone or anything stands in his way he will be very violent, especially when enraged. When he befriends people he is quick to help them, even if they are causing the injury to time, whether intentionally or not.

First Impression: If you were to meet this character he would often know you beforehand and address you depending on your place in history, as such it would differ towards him greeting you with respect to him trying to kill you. If however you were to be superior to him in some way, be it battle or otherwise he would often brush you aside unless you are included in this stage of history.

Strength: In his basic state he is unable to do much more than a 12 year old human child, if in any of his transformed states this can range from smashing a brick wall in a single punch to creating craters in the ground with merely his mind. If striking in his basic form with a punch and his target was unarmoured he would deal 20-30 damage of their 500. If in his transformed states he can increase this to 80, 100, 150 or 300.

Speed: In basic form his speed is near to that of the speed of sound when running at top speed, this is alterable since he can manipulate time. When he transforms this can either increase to nearly reaching half the speed of sound or decrease to about 30MPH depending on the armour weight the transformation accommodates.

Endurance: In his basic form he could be knocked unconscious by a short number of direct hits (to the torso for instance). In his transformation stages however he can take nearly any attack both physical and magical orientated. In his strongest armored stage he can even withstand near-death spells (not completely block, just minimize the damage) When running in any form, either basic or transformed he can remain almost indefinite unless the climate or environment manages to employ its own fatigue (heat from the sun, steep hills etc).

Reflexes: In basic form his ability to sense an attack and react accordingly depends greatly on whether his helmet has detected the attacker or not. If it has he can react with almost lightning quick speed and near-perfect precision. This can work in the sense of blocking, countering, exploiting weaknesses, dodging, avoiding ambushes etc. If his helmet has not detected the attacker this will vary on sound, movement, speed and position and the reaction will be similarly to that of a human with an adrenaline boost. If encountering a gunner, odds are he will have difficulty dodging more than 5 quickfire bullets unless he knows precisely where they are to fired. The same is true with arrows, of course with distance playing a key factor, if the distance is far enough and he sees the attack coming, odds are he'll escape the shot unharmed.

Fighting Style:<o:p></o:p>
Time warrior spinning orbiter: This style involves a lot of aerial and spinning movement, by manipulating the gravity around him Rornal can 'orbit' the target while performing this high-speed spinning motion which continues until he hits the floor, starts losing energy or ceases the attack. Though he can manipulate gravity it does little more than slow his descent (half as slow for him to fall).<o:p></o:p>
Laser edge mana striker: By using his laser renzokuken he can amplify his magic spells which makes his spell power increase by 15%, at the same time his magic fatigue increases by 20%.<o:p></o:p>
Human warrior power: By deactivating the laser renzokuken and suppressing his gravity manipulation he can assume a more 'human' sense of capabilities bringing all his battle parameters to an average level instead of some being high while others are low.

When assuming a new fighting style his body will flash light red while the helmet reconfigures his combat style.When in a different transformation he will adopt new styles of combat (shown under respective transformation)

Weapons: <o:p></o:p>
Infinity Trigger: A medium weight gun blade, this has a projectile firing capability and is shaped with two blades, in the center they bend and overlap one another to form an infinity symbol, the blades then come together at the top to form the tip.

Belderiver: A small dagger-sized blade with a gemstone tip at its head, this is a more magically orientated blade which acts as a magic amplifier which increases spell power by 15% while increasing magic fatigue by 20%. The gemstone is made from crystallized blood and radiates slight magical energy.

Infinity Trigger holder: The holder is a set of straps that go across the whole body; two cross over the shoulders and another two overlap these across the torso. The main holder is in the center of these on the back and is made of Terrogen while the straps are made of Elenium. Both are masked materials that resemble leather and iron.

Armour: None worn primarily

Infinity spin strike: The infinity spin strike is a rapid-strike melee attack which involves slashing the torso, legs and ending at the head twice in a double 720 spinning strike.

Whirlwind Strike: A spinning strike attack performed in the air, this involves riding air currents while spinning at high speed with his weapon outstretched. This attack continues until he hits the ground/target and can be navigated in ANY direction.

Assault Alchemy: By using his magic he shifts the shape of any nearby object/animal/insect etc into a unique weapon or another type of usable object. He can then move it at any speed in any direction.

True Weapon Flash: The Infinity Trigger lights up in Emerald light and can then fire small lasers at an enemy, after 4 shots the fifth one is charged into a large wave attack which when it explodes creates an explosion which can lower eyesight temporarily for anyone who is hit/looks directly at the explosion.

Tarot Magic: <o:p></o:p>
9 of Blades: A light blue card appears in front of Rornal before 9 golden hilted steel short swords appear, they are all double edged and target individual enemies. Upon impalement they create a small fiery explosion.

7 of Bows: A bright red card appears with 7 silver bows with angel feathers for decoration, they all then point upwards and fire their arrow. When they ascend they separate into 3 arrows and descend towards their target.

The Master of Wands: An emerald green card appears with a long bearded man in blue robes which are adorned with silver stars descends from the card and points his wand towards the sky, a jet of rainbow light ascends from it and strikes the sky. When the magic hits the sky it then changes to multiple beams of purple light which charge towards the ground.

The Sapphire: A large blue sapphire appears with a large metal circular base with a torch on each of the four corners. The gem shines before shattering which grants temporary 25% resistance to spells.

Magic fatigue: the fatigue varies on the accuracy of the spells (for attack) If only 4 or 5 of the swords struck (for 9 of blades) only half the regular fatigue would be sustained.

Upon normal circumstances the fatigue would be barely enough to make him need to increase his heart rate to sustain normal breathing, however the spells themselves are slow to be cast and only a slight distraction or physical movement to Rornal would interrupt the spell (pushing him over, slashing him etc.) During spell casting, it takes a second to interrupt a spell on his own as he enters a type of trance, rendering his consciousness separate from the outside world while he gathers the energy for the attack. This goes for every spell in every form unless otherwise stated.

Other Skills:
All transformations require a few minutes of usage before the next stage can be activated (not including basic form to battle phase 1)


<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on"></st1:place></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Battle</st1:place></st1:City> phase 1:


Hair Colour: Silvery grey
Hair Style: Combed back, falls to the neck
Eye Colour: Amber
Eye Shape: Unchanged
Body Shape: Tall and strong, this transformation has a lightweight build and makes use of a mixture of speed and strength.
Build: A strong athletic build which is able to take a variety of hits without faltering.
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Distinguishing Features:A large horn appears where his third eye once was. (Described in main profile’s distinguishing features)This form is basically Rornal’s basic form without the physical chameleon ability in effect.

Attire: None, this is a battle form; as such it is in constant battle armour.

Strength: This form’s strength is slightly above his basic form; in this form he can lift a few kilos without effort. He can smash through thin to semi-thick walls and can bend most metals.

Speed: Able to run almost twice as fast as the average human, his combat speed and attack speed are often able to intercept the attack of a foe just slightly above a human's perceptions.

Endurance: Able to withstand most swift strikes, blunt and heavy hits from weapons such as war hammers and battleaxes will cause him to falter.

Reflexes: Considering his high speed he is able to move at high speed, react to attacks hastily while avoiding heavier weapons which can greatly harm him. The lighter the weapon, the more difficult it is for him to dodge, such as with dual short swords or sai.

Fighting Style:<o:p></o:p>
Beat rush: His sword disappears in a flash of light and he then adopts a hand-to-hand combat style, he is also able to create afterimages to confuse his foe while he gets in close to pummel his foe with punches and kicks.

Blade fury: Grabs sword in both hands before pulling a twin blade from it, Rornal then adopts a dual sword fighting style of spins and aerial rushes. The swords are also able to generate ‘light cuts’ with every slash, whether it hits anything or not. These cuts last for half a second before disappearing and will burn the skin of any foe that comes into contact with them.

Weapon:<st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Battle</st1:place></st1:City> thruster: A 4.5ft long sword, it has a 1 inch blade which makes it more of a stabbing sword as opposed to slashing. It is crystal white in colour and is light and elegant, Along the blade are several glowing stones, from the hilt to the tip of the blade no more than 3cm apart are a red gem, then a blue, then a green and then yellow. This order repeats until the blade narrows into the tip. The gem leaves a 0.2cm gap from the edge of the sword. The sword is highly resilient to dents and blasts and can hold its own against blunt weapons such as hammers. The slash power of the sword is not as strong as its thrusts but can still manage to cause shock force when hitting another light weapon such as a short sword or dagger. The light slashes it can create are able to block a bullet (when accurately placed) and the blade itself is able to generate a light shield around the user when in a blocking position. This blocks frontal attacks and is mostly used to block small projectiles such as rocks and bullets (low caliber) the gems on the sword double up as a magic source, they can absorb magical energy from objects and living beings and can then be absorbed by the wielder for more magic energy. The hilt is made from dragon bone and has a light blue sphere in the center which generates and activates the shield. Covering the dragon’s bone is hardened dragon flesh which is scarlet in colour and is very easy to grip. The metal of the blade is a foreign material to earth which is nameless due to its rarity but its strength is 20 times stronger than steel and half as light, the sword is also slightly flexible so it can bend around corners while still being able to attack or defend.

Time Guardian Energy Armour: A full body suit of armour, its appearance differs by the settings and time that Rornal is currently in.

Medieval setting: A suit of black armour will be worn, it will be fairly strong and maneuverable and resistant to blunt and most sharp blows. It has multiple plates to aid movement and has a traditional knight’s helmet. A black cape is worn and when standing upright it will fall to the ankles.

Futuristic setting: A suit of concentrated green energy will be worn; it covers the entire body and has a projectile reflectant shield that can shield against most light fire. It also generates a light buckler-style shield on the left arm and wraps the sword in electric energy. The armour also generates a transparent barrier around the face with two ruby-red eyeholes for Rornal to see through.

(Further forms to be created as made in rp)

Palm beam: Generates an amber colored beam from the palm of his left hand. This beam is as wide and high as his hand and moves at half the speed of sound, the beam burns through objects with heat beyond 100 degrees Celsius and lasts for 5 seconds.

Light beam rush: By holding the Battle Thruster out with the blade pointing towards the target or opponent A light beam will appear, which when the blade shakes slightly will then be fired at the intended target like a projectile. When the projectile has hit a target it expands to twice its original size and then fades away. The effect of it is equal to a sword slash from his battle thruster. Meaning if you run into it accidentally you will feel sword slashes in that part of the body and have physical injuries from this.

Gravitation combat blade: Generates a golden aura around himself that allows him to have limited flight ability. During this state he will have 10 seconds to have swifter movements and higher maneuverability, his sword also has a larger knock back force in this state and is also able to knock back most great swords in ‘swoop’ attacks.

Tarot Magic:<o:p></o:p>
9 of torches: A jet black card appears over Rornal’s head and then a large supply of smoke engulfs his body, as it clears 9 torches appear around him and then collapse creating thick rows of silver flame around Rornal.

4 of spears: An amber colored card appears with black flames in the background, in 1 second 4 crystal spears appear before Rornal, they levitate to his left and right side with two on either side. These in turn can be thrown or wielded in close combat and will remain there until they become attached to something. (Impaling a foe, getting lodged in a wall, etc.)

History: Since the beginning of time itself Rornal and his race have watched over all existence that time has held, each knowing what their duty is and never forgetting. During their long existence they have committed both good and evil deeds to preserve time’s balance. Although a mystery to all beings they are considerably more advanced than almost every race making them more than capable of carrying out missions solo. A fairly gentle race in their own realm their gadgetry makes them deadly in a fight, especially when on a mission. Of course, certain situations with prohibit his race from intervening in a battle, for instance in a case where someone is meant to kill another they cannot intervene without causing damage to time. As such they need to be highly disciplined to not allow emotions such as hate and love to blind their decision making and assessment skills. This is how they have lived their duty since the dawn of time and have not changed since.

During Rornal’s missions in particular he has begun to stray from the path his people have followed and has begun to develop somewhat ‘human’ feelings, becoming more uncontrollable and effective than any others in his race. As he journeyed through different times he made many friends through numerous scenarios, such as in war, diseased lands, internal strife and other such places. As well as creating bonds with many people he also developed human emotion, as they tended to be at their highest during such times. Although people forgot him when he left he rarely forgot them, despite the small part they played on his life he knew he could never be true friends with them. Such thoughts questioned his duty, made him think if fighting to preserve time was truly the step forward and whether changing time would be a better solution. Of course, he never told others of these thoughts and kept them to himself.

As the thoughts began to enter his mind more and more he soon realized that he had to alter himself to stop himself going crazy and doing something stupid. He decided that if he could slightly alter his actions in time he may be able to suppress these thoughts without having too deep an impact on history. As such he began to focus his mind to lengthen the range that his ‘time-sense’ would allow so he could find areas of time to repair without causing noticeable change, as he released the Mobilizing Glowing Motion Beacon and after being engulfed by the light he then picked up the sense of a disturbance in time and proceeded towards it.

Transformations are WIP