Arthvader's RP Character


Feb 26, 2007
Naples, FL
This is my RP Character.

-Name –
Arthur Irving


-Class –
Fighter / Mage / Sword fighter (2-swords style)

-Alignment –

-Race –

-Gender –

-Age –

He is 5'10" tall. he weighs at 210 lbs. has brown spiky hair. Has Brown eyes. As for the face, there is a small x-shaped mark across his forehead. He has a somewhat muscular body. around his chest area, one may find a burn cut going across his chest (that was due to one of his training practices.)

He wears a Navy Blue tunic with a green bandanna. The tunic has Phoenix emblems around it. He has a Blue shirt underneath his tunic. He is also wearing Blue Pants, with a brown belt. His flaming swords are strapped behind him in the shape of a X.

during the times he's not in combat, Arthur will be kind enough to help the locals of the village. Sometimes he might be protective about his past, remembering what happened at his own village. As he makes new friends, He will always be loyal to them, joining them during adventures. As for those who oppose or challenges him in a battle, he could get rather fierce.

-First Impression-
When you see him for the first time, You'll probably see him training with either magic, or beating up nearby object with his fists. In that case, you'll want to be careful approaching him, because you might get in the way of his training and end up with a few broken bones. If he's not training, he'll be relaxing and it'll be easier to greet him.

-Fighting Style –
He uses two different kinds of style. the first consists of using his broadswords. the other style, a form of hand-to-hand street fighting. He always fight with honor. when he fights using his swords, he usually swings the swords in different direction, expanding his area of attack. As for fighting without a weapon, he tends to deliver minor to moderate damage using his blitz techs.

a pair of flame broadswords - His primary weapons. The swords emanate fire from the blade, capable of fire damage. was given to him as he left the village of the mages.

He also uses his fists in combat (could potentially be his strongest style. Used as a last resort).

Due to intense training, Arthur can learn various physical skills known as blitz. He is also capable of casting some of his ultimate magic thanks to the mages who trained him (Although he can only use these spells during life threatening fights and decisions).

Blitzes: Physical abilities that Arthur can use if he fights Barehanded.
(Note: These are not spells.)

(Note: When it comes to using Blitz, he is required to use physical strength. As he continues using these techniques, He will eventually fatigue from all the times he attacks.)

Pummel - low physical damage to one random enemy using multiple punches. Uses up 10% Physical strength.

Thrust - moderate physical damage to one enemy regardless of enemy defense. As the fist make contact with the armor, he uses some of his ki energy to form a force on the other side of the armor, causing damage. Uses 25% Physical Strength, seeing as he uses a little more energy to penetrate enemy defenses.

Power Beam - non-elemental beam blast towards a single enemy for moderate damage. This will use up at least 30 - 50% Physical Strength. reason being is because of the amount of energy he'll be using.

Suplex - Lift enemy into air and send the enemy crashing down for high damage. uses 45% of physical strength if successful. if user failed to grab the enemy, then 10% is wasted instead.

-Magic –
(Note: Here's an example of what I mean by Mana Drain: As Arthur casts a spell, the level of the spell will determine how much of his magical energy will be drained. If he uses too much magic, he'll start to mentally fatigue, not enabling him to casts spells for a while.)

(Note:successful rates determine the chances of the spell is successfully casted, not chance of hitting.)

Mana Drain: Moderate
Element: Fire
Target: multiple, AoE
Range: 10 Meters
When scorcher is used, the caster charges the swords with the fire element. after the charge is complete, the caster then swings the swords, sending a row of fire across from him, hitting anything in the way. The flame will retain full power until the end of the spell. The caster is limited to 5 swings until he needs a mental rest.

The damage one can expect from this attack, is equivalent to a moderate punch to the chest, along a wave of fire that will light most cloth substances and other flammable items.

He can send out multiple waves if he wields multiple weapons. The charge time is the same as it will be charged for both weapons at the same time.

The spell takes a good 5 seconds to cast. Success rate: 90%

Counteraction: either dodge the wave, or hit it with a water related spell.

(Note: if the caster uses a sword of the same element as of the spell, the attack power is increased by 5%. also, casting is shortened by 2 secs.)

(Note: if it by any chance fails, the spell will simply fizzle out.)

Mana Drain: High
Element: Fire
Target: Single, multiple, AoE
Range: From single target: 9 FT Radius
When Explosion is used, the caster begins to produce an orb around his hands. During this time, the caster begins pouring the fire element into the orb. upon the completion. the caster then sends the orb towards the target. upon making contact, the orb then explodes, causing fire elemental damage around the area.

In terms of damage, It is similar to that of a high damage to the body.

The caster is limited to 1 Explosion at a time, with 2 being the absolute limit before he takes a mental rest.

The spell will take 30 secs. to charge, with a 75% chance of success.

In the case that the spell would fail. one of two scenarios could occur:

1. the orb would explode before the caster could use it, dealing damage towards self and those in range. in regards to damage, the caster himself will take a heavy amount of damage, while the damage for the others will be somewhat moderate.

2. Should it miss it's target, it'll travel 50 meters past the target, which then it will explode.

Counteraction: Try to dodge. Water related spells could interrupt Explosion.

Ultimate Spell:
Element: Holy
Target: Single, Multiple, AOE
Range: 5 yard Radius
Mana Drain: Severe - Intense - Near complete (Talking about almost what's left of his mana)
Casting Procedure: Intense Concentration, followed by a chant. as the chant goes on, a circle appears on the ground. as soon as the chant is complete, lightning of holy attribute strikes at the area.

It takes about a minute for the chant to be completed. During this time, a shield of energy will be formed around him. the shield will go away after it's hit by either a powerful melee attack, or a spell of any attribute. the spell could be interrupted in any way, seeing as how he'll be open to attacks after the shield is broken.

In terms of damage, seeing how this is his ultimate spell, it will inflict extreme damage.

chances of success is 80%. Skill will fail if enemies (or opponent) manages to dodge, or if caster is hit during chanting.

Back where he came from, Arthur was considered a troublemaker, due to the fact that whenever he gets into fights, he tends to ruthlessly beat his opponents to the point that they can't move anymore. One day, a bandit came to town, pillaging the townsfolk of their weapons. Willing to challenge the bandit, Arthur went to challenge the bandit. during the battle, something happened to Arthur. He, for some unknown reason, He went on a berserk rage that killed the bandit. The villagers, both in awe and shocked at what he did, They decided to exile Arthur from the village so that way they don't risk him possibly destroying the village. Along his Journey, he trained constantly to keep his rage in check in order to maintain his sanity. He eventually met a village of mages that trained him in the art of magic. After years of training, he managed to learn some of the village's ultimate spells, continued his training, and helped the villagers. remembering the Tragedy that occurred back at his village, he decided to leave the village of mages. Just as he left the village, the mages gave him two flame broadswords, hoping that he would use them for good. As the years pass, he became a bounty hunter, using his skills as a fighter and as a mage to help out those in need.
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and when you have stopped assumign everyone knows every FF ability by heart I for one have No F*@#ing clue wtf holy and half the other crap is
You still have a lot of categories to fill out. ^___^
Make sure you have all of the following categories on your biography:

Name: +
Gender: +

Race: +<o:p></o:p>
If you choose to give your character a unique or otherwise “new” race, please include a thorough description of the origin, behavior, and physical makeup of your character’s race.

Origin/Birthplace: +<o:p></o:p>
Give a brief description of the nature of your character’s birthplace. May include details such as climate, population, state of development, etc…<o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p>

Current Residence:
While plenty of RP characters don’t have a frequent, particular place of residency, you may wish to include a city or location at which your character commonly stays. Also include a brief description of the nature of the location.

Appearance: +<o:p></o:p>
You’re character’s physical appearance. This description should include everything from precise facial features to body type and build.

Personality: +<o:p></o:p>
Try not to be too straightforward on this section; your character’s personality is a big part of who they are. Include a thorough description of your character’s attitude towards certain issues. For example…how does your character act in hostile situations? Is your character typically serious in nature or more laid back and passive…Is he/she quick to make assumptions? Generous? Greedy? Take your time here and be sure to cover the whole nine yards. <o:p></o:p>
If there are certain aspects about your character’s personality which you wish to remain secretive, you may simply conceal certain sections of your biography with FFF’s forum spoiler tags. In this case, you should also include an indication that the concealed portion of your biography may contain spoilers regarding your character’s personality.

Intellect/subjects of interest: +<o:p></o:p>
This section basically covers your character’s level of education. What subjects has your character studied. What fields does he or she excel in. What are his or her favorite topics, etc…Try not to go overboard on this section. For example, if you list your character as a 14 year old microbiologist, you'll likely be asked to change your input...<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
First Impression:
Another important portion of your character’s persona. This section will help fellow role players to obtain a general understanding of how to react to your character in terms of first impressions. When filling out this section, be sure to mention key aspects such as:<o:p></o:p>
How does your character generally portray him/herself to strangers? <o:p></o:p>
Is s/he friendly and outgoing, or...Shy and mysterious?<o:p></o:p>
Is s/he someone who is seemingly easy to approach…or more so cautious and discreet. <o:p></o:p>
Remember…this section is to help others to achieve a ballpark idea of how to approach your character in role plays.

History: +<o:p></o:p>
The history section should include a descriptive account of your character’s life. It isn’t necessary to write this section in paragraph form, and it isn’t necessary to include vast amounts of information. You may find it easier to create bullets, or numbered timelines including outstanding focal points in your character’s past.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
While you may or may not want certain aspects of your character’s past to be revealed early on, it is still required to mention any crucial events in your character’s history on account of approval. If there are certain aspects which you wish to remain secretive, you may simply conceal certain sections of your biography with FFF’s forum spoiler tags. In this case, you should also include an indication that the concealed portion of your biography may contain spoilers to your character’s past.

These are the required fields and descriptions for each area that is required for regular roleplays...=]

You may wish to refer to eitner my, or Shenorai's bios for references. =]
This is my RP Character.

Name : Arthvader
Race : Human
Job : Bounty Hunter
Class : Fighter / Mage / Sword fighter (2-swords style)
Age : 19
#1 said:
Hometown: Unknown (Refuses to tell, as he was exiled from his village)
Even though mysterious character's are good, descriptions of their hometown are encouraged. If you say that your character was exiled, at least add reasons as well as a brief description of the nearby area.

#2 said:
Hair: ^^^^^ Spike
Hair color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
wears a green tunic with matching cap.
His swords are strapped behind him.
Ok, so is that what your character is only wearing? Any footwear? Other equipment? A description of your character is encouraged to help us have a better idea of how your character looks like.

Green tunic, ok, does it has any particular designs? Is it a normal tunic or a special one? Any decoration?

How about:
Arthvader wears a green tunich which covers his chest and the upper part of his legs. The tunic has the design of a pheonix on the back and has steel plates covering the chest, the shoulders and the back. Also Arthvader has a light brown shirt underneath.

Added to that, Arthvader's wears brown leather pants plus his footwear is a pair of light boots specially designed to allow quick movement.

As for the swords...
Are they normal 4 feet long 6 inches wide medium swords? Do they have any custom design? Do they have a special meaning for your character? (if any)

If your Mana Sword is enchanted, does it has an ancient engraving or magical orb attached to it? If it does, where?

#3 said:

Yeah but even unknown locations have nearby regions, towns and such. Mysterious characters are good but it would be better to know from where your character came. Either way is up to you if you wish to add this part....

#4 said:
Current Residence:
None (Journeying with Shen and the rest of the Dungeon Crawlers)

Yeah but if you are going to use him for other role plays, adding more information to this section would be good. If he is a traveller, you must add that information here.
#5 said:
First impression:
When you see him for the first time, You'll probably see him training with either magic, or beating up nearby object with his fists. In that case, you have ought to be careful approaching him, because you might get in the way of his training and end up with a broken area. If he's not training, he'll be relaxing and it'll be easier to greet him.

When not in battle, Arthvader tends to be generous, but whenever he get's into a battle, he changes his mood to a serious one.

#6 said:
a pair of flamming swords, a mana sword, and his bear fists.

Again same question: Are they normal swords? Do they have an specific appearance?

Mana Sword, is this sword a legendary blade or a normal enchanted weapon?
#7 said:
Due to intense training, Arthvader can learn various physical skills known as blitz. He is also capable of casting some of his ultimate magic thanks to the mages who trained him.

Basic elemental spells (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder)
Healing spells (Resta, Revive)

Ultimate Spells:
MEGID - A spell that he learned that is considered a spell worse than death itself. The spell contradicts around a dark orb around the target. If the spell succeeds, the target will be disintegrated within the orb.

GRANTS - A powerful spell that targets a single target. The spell sends down a powerful beam of light, Seriously damaging the target. This spell can be seen as a different version of the spell HOLY.

I would replace "targets a target" for "Targets an opponent". It's a mere suggestion though....

Holy...there are some who don't actually know how "Holy" looks like since square-enix has changed how the spells looks like, way too many times....

A brief description would be good for the spell "Holy" if you are going to mention it to compare it with one of your spells.

Megido is great :D Sure it must be useful.

#8 said:

Holy Phoenix

Summons's Ability:
The Phoenix has the ability to heal anyone the owner considers an ally or friend.

Summons's Spells:

Back where he came from, Arthvader was considered a troublemaker, due to the fact that whenever he gets into fights, he tends to ruthlessly beat his opponents to the point that they can't move anymore. One day, a bandit came to town, pillaging the townsfolk of their weapons. Willing to challenge the bandit, Arthvader went to challenge the bandit. during the battle, something happened to Arthvader. He, for some unknown reason, He went on a berserk rage that killed the bandit. The villagers, both in awe and shocked at what he did, They decided to exile Arthvader from the village so that way they don't risk him possibly destroying the village. Along his Journey, he trained constantly to keep his rage in check in order to maintain his sanity. He eventually met a village of mages that trained him in the art of magic. After years of training, he managed to learn some of the village's ultimate spells, learned to summon a phoenix that he treated as a friend. remembering the Tragedy that occured back at his village, he decided to leave the village of mages, and then became a bouonty hunter, using his skills as a fighter and as a mage to help out those in need.

Does the heal ability has any limits? Does it heals a target instantly?

I know, a pheonix...
Still there are some members who don't actually have a clue how a pheonix looks like. If you don't want to write an extensive description, a picture of the pheonix is acceptable.

The Biography was great, brief and complete. It explains much of Arthvader's past.

The RP Bio Overall result:
A few changes here and there and it will be ready for ORPGs.
I would say that it's ready for new RPs, but not quite descriptive enough yet for RPBs. The character bears a heavy resemblance to Sabin actually.
If Julius deems it ready for Roleplays, then I won't question his revisions. ^__^
