A new morning in a New Year begins as the world of Agia awakens from yet another slumber. All citizens of the world began their day in a great leisurely manner unsuspecting that someone somewhere was planning something destructive. That someone was a particularly nasty creature who walked through the small town Iiya littered with trash. This person was a male elf named Orin.
Robed in a green cloak, his blonde hair seeming to flow endlessly behind him, he walked towards the Mana Tree, which stood even closer than he had imagined. The small town surrounded by the giant tree’s roots was the central place for mana practice of the element of earth. Orine had finally met with the tour guide he was looking for who was a native of the town. He gazed down upon the short man eyeing him for three minutes before finally speaking in a calm tone. “Are you going to watch me all day you filthy human or are you going to show me to the tree?” he spoke. “Or is it just a game you seek? The look on your face disgusts me…”
“Oh!” replied the short tour guide. “T-this way sir! We don’t get many tourists like you around these par-“
“Oh shut it.” Snapped Orin. “More walking less talking.”
Orin pulled out a closed black sack and held it up. “If you can get me to the tree’s mana site in less than 30 minutes I’ll pay greatly as a reward.” Said Orin grinning maniacally.
“Right this way!” the short man gasped as he hurried Orin over to a cliff in which the great tree stood.
It seemed to grow out of this rocky crater and upwards at least three miles tall. The short tour guide began to move his hands around in a circle. Orin stared in disgust. He was never able to control mana as well as this human could. The earth around them began to lift gently upwards toward the Mana tree. Slowly they rose higher and higher to a section in the middle of the tree which was clearly made for tourist to visit. Slowly as the tour guide began to guide the circular land on which they stood towards the ledge of the tourist exhibit, Orin fumbled around in the black sack he showed the man.
Stepping onto the ledge Orin shouted “With haste! With haste! There’s no time to waste!”
The guide caught up and led Orin through the path leading deeper inside the tree’s core. “But sir, don’t you want to look at the exhibits?” asked the tour guide.
“I just wan’t to see the tree’s core…” said Orin. “I have never seen the sight before…”
Orin walked on towards the path to the core of the mana tree. He could see the glow coming from further and ran ahead of the confused tour guide. “Why must I always get stuck with the weird customers?” muttered the guide under his breath as he ran after Orin.
There it was. The elf had traveled for five days to get to this point. He pressed his face against the glass looking out into the center of the mana tree where blue strands floated, stirring, colliding, and splitting. He had found what makes the world breathe. Now he could resurrect the one who had made the world quiver in fear. “Um, sir? You’re not supposed to lean on the glass. It might bre-“started the guide.
Orin had already struck the glass with a sword he had kept under his green cloak. He jabbed at the glass until it finally shattered. Wind seemed to suck from them the other way. “Heeheehee!” went Orin’s chuckle as a smile began to slide across his face.
He gazed toward the short tour guide and dropped the black sack into the tree’s hollow center filled with mana and reached his sword inside the stream of mana strands foatingup and down. His sword began to crystallize before his eyes. The tour guide watched in horror as Orin pulled out the emerald crystal blade. With a quick slash, the short man was dead before he knew what had happened. “Little filthy human likes to complain. Now go complain to the gods and tell them of this shame!” chuckled Orin as he happily danced out of the path as happy as can be.
BOOM! The bomb in the black sack had gone off as it hit the bottom of the tree. The ground began to rumble. All around the earth began to shake. An earthquake shook the planet of Agia this morning in the New Year. The planet’s 1000 year era of peace would soon be ending...
-react to the quake
I've set up an events system so that everything will hopefully run smoothly. It's consisted of different types of events that are color coded. Examples of the three different events are shown below:
-these events will relate to the main story. There is no avoiding these events from happening and they usually affect all characters.
-these events will usually relate to the main story. You can choose not to follow these and go about your adventure doing whatever you please. Choosing to follow these wont hurt or help you.
Event-Side Quest-Name
-these events are events that can only be triggered in certain situations. You can choose to ignore these also. They usually relate to a specific character/s whose actions can change the story's plot in many ways...
Anyways, that's all for now. Any important updates will be posted at the bottom of my posts! )
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