Estrella Briller


b l a c k s w a n
Sep 29, 2010

Name: Estrella Briller

Title/Alias: Starshine (Estrella is Spanish for 'Star', while Briller is Italian for 'Shine')

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Indefinite

Current Residence: Sonria City

Resides With: (Past) Parents, older brother, and sister | (Presently) Lives alone

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Race: Owl Hybrid (80% human, 20% barn owl). She was born human, but it was discovered that there are the genes of a barn owl in her system. Her eye color would be the only visual hint of this, but her genes are greatly linked to her abilities and somewhat affect her personality, but there aren’t enough to alter the rest of her physical form.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Blood Type
: O-

Appearance -
{Temporary look-a-like till I get my sketches up.}

Weight: 120 lbs (54.43 kg)

Height: 5"8 (172.72 cm)

Skin Tone: Light Brown

Eye Color: Dark Goldenrod (Deep yellow)

Hair: It is silver in color and is very long, past the breast area and reaching towards her waist line, and her bangs are usually either blunt or parted to the side as a comb-over. It's naturally very straight but she can curl or braid it at times.

Body Type: Slim, Curvaceous


Estrella usually looks content by cover. But as time has passed in her lifetime, she has been going through slight phases of depression, but does very good to not let it show. Like most people who suffer the same disease, hers was caused by family tension as well as another unknown ailment she has. Physically and mentally, she tries to keep herself well and nurtured, yet with the circumstances that have been occurring in her city, it is nearly a mental war to her. Due to numerous events that have occurred between her and nearly everyone she's become close to, she has taught herself not to trust anyone, not even her family.

She usually hates going outside during the daylight, but whenever she’s obligated to she spends more time indoors or someplace covered with vast amount of shade. Due to the instincts added into her from her barn owl genes, she is extremely uncomfortable during the day, mostly in concern that it’s the time where enemies wander the most – whether in search for her or to see her as a target for their next act. As much as she has the capability to fight them off, she does well to keep the circumstance away from innocent civilians so that they’re out of harm’s way, and saves any combat for during the night when she goes out the most and there are less people around.

She values the time spent alone whether if at her house or in a peaceful venue. Whenever she is alone, she feels more tranquil and describes her surroundings as her "safe zone". One of the hobbies she enjoys doing is either reading or writing - usually having a desire to learn more about what she hasn't seen or thought about before; and she's been very pleased with what she has found out about certain things. The topics she usually has interest in includes Ethology and rare locations around the planet, and she usually writes about the things she has discovered in a personal journal - being rare that she were to share it with anyone.

Estrella isn’t shy, but is wary with the people that she talks to. Sonria City is known to have a high death rating – with only a small portion being caused by natural aging - out of all of the cities on the continent; with her and a very few number of other citizens knowing what to do if ever in a unexpected situation. Depending on how a conversation starts out, she can classify someone as to being a threat or meaning no harm. When someone prods the side of her that she doesn’t like, she usually avoids interaction with them, since she can get very uncouth if she’s around a person she dislikes for too long. The only time she’ll get vicious (attitude wise) is when someone insults a relative, a friend, if she’s being attacked, or if someone disrespects anything personal about herself.

As for her romantic interest, Estrella has been in several relationships – most of them were short term, and the long term ones were highly valued, so she doesn’t mind the thought of having a significant other, though she hardly thinks about the topic. Currently, relationships are the last thing on her mind, but she hasn’t had a lot of bad experiences with each one that she’s been in. The thought of commitment isn’t something that she avoids, but she would have to put a lot of determination into it if she were to desire a long-term bond at any time. As much as she prefers to work alone, she doesn’t find it superfluous to have a partner or an accomplice to connect with now and then.

First Impression: Estrella’s first impression will vary depending on who she is meeting. It’s been told that at a first meet, she is considered easy to talk to and good with assistance, but due to her frequent expressions of apathy or lack of interest, it’s hard to tell what she really thinks about a person. As long as a person is on good terms with her and does well not to bother her, she’ll show contentment towards them. Where Estrella is from, it’s common to see most of the citizens dressed in somewhat the same style as hers. A normal resident from a different venue would probably describe her appearance as very mystic, as if there’s something very phantasmal about her that nobody but her knows about. When they actually take the time to talk to her, nonetheless, she sounds as if she means no harm but at the same time she likes to keep the encounters with strangers brief; and if anything upsets or offends her, she'll be sure to tell the person frankly. If she happens to make friends with a certain person, contact with them will be more frequent than with anyone else.

Distinguishing Marks: Estrella has several modifications done to her body, whether if it’s for symbolism, her own liking, or both. Located diagonally near her left eye is her silver single-stud anti-eyebrow piercing, which she sees as a symbolic tear in remembrance of all the lives that were taken from the people that were close to her. It is completely healed and not permanent, but she prefers to not take it out.

On her ears, she has three lobe piercings, and an industrial - which is can sometimes act as an amplifier of any sound waves that pass through the area, making it easier to hear anything especially quiet. Hanging on the center of the industrial barbell is a small purple star charm, which Estrella often calls a hint to figuring out her real name.

Along with her piercings comes her tattoos, three in counting, and depending on what number of circumstances she goes through, she may consider getting more - since all of them have a meaning about someone important in her life or something that has happened.

The first tattoo she had gotten was the Latin word "nocte" (night) on the inner wrist of her right hand. During the night is when she feels the most comfortable to roam, since the dark is an excellent camouflage and not as many threats wander around. The night is where she is the most focused and vigilant, and she can easily eliminate any danger that comes her way. During the night time is when Estrella finds the most tranquility, not being bothered by the commotion caused by humanity - whether she is asleep or outside enjoying the solitude.

The second tattoo was placed on the outer thigh on her left leg. It is a large illustration of a woman's headshot where the upper half of her head breaks up into ribbons, with vast amounts of flowers spike out of and around them. The only human like feature of the woman is the face and neck, while the rest of her is made up of efflorescence. Estrella believed that florescence was beauty, and that all people (men or women) had inner beauty. That could symbolize as inner strength, confidence, or the literal look of the physical being from the inside out - depending on how the person defines it as, but Estrella acknowledges it in all ways possible. The head and neck was outlined in black while the rest was outlined with hues of blue and purple.

The last tattoo Estrella had gotten is a lavender rose with a dark shadow surrounding it on her right foot. She considered the process of getting it done the most painful out of the three she has, yet it is her favorite out of all of them. The rose represents her current conscience - a fully bloomed rose meaning that she is fully aware and headstrong about her distinction between what's right and wrong, how she views society, and why she fights. She chose the color lavender for the rose because it is commonly believed in her hometown that it meant enchantment and discretion - both fitting into Estrella's being. She has witnessed spells being the cause of many miracles, ambiguities, and disasters, and she has discovered that she can do some supernatural acts of her own. She never judges anyone by appearance, beliefs, or opinions – but by their motives and actions. The shadow surrounding the rose resembles the society that she lives in. In a planet filled with people who try to constrict her space, take advantage of her or are just different in any kind of way, she is the rose that stays blossomed in all circumstances and does well to not let anyone prevent her from reaching an ambition.

Religion/Spiritual Views
: Deist.

Political Affiliation
: Libertarian

Style: The city that Estrella used to live in is considered high maintenance, including attitude, education, and fashion; so at home, she normally she dresses in a lot in fabrics of silk, metallic colors, or latex, and usually wears dresses of all sorts. No one is exactly sure if what she wears is reflected on her personality though, but knows that she is usually expected to dress semi-formally or high class since she is a relative of a high class family.


Casual - She wears a variety of different outfits at home, which are usually all silver or black. She prefers to wear light clothing when roaming different areas and not expecting combat. One outfit she's seen wearing the most in this condition is a black baby doll dress with a stretchable sequin waist belt. For shoes, she wears black small heeled boots that reach an inch or two past her ankle. Her hair is curled to somewhat match how the dress flows when she’s in motion and has two crystal hair pins placed on the side.

She also wears silver hoop earrings that look similar dream-catchers that people often ask her if they’re spellbound in anyway. But she has confirmed that the only thing mystic about them is the appearance. She also wears a necklace with an amethyst pendant which is a part of the jewelry collection that the Briller family considers sacred, each member containing their own piece of it with a special meaning. The amethyst stone in her pendant represents erudition, meaning she seeks the most knowledge out of everyone that is part of the family tree.

Sleepwear – When Estrella is about to sleep, she wears a raven black night gown that reaches down to her knees and has a slit in the thigh area in both sides of the gown so that she can move very easily. The gown is made of charmeuse, making it very soft, flowing, non-stretch, and it’s been described to feel similar to silk. Most of her hair is pulled back into a high bun, yet it is mostly hidden by the thick amounts of strands that hang loose over it. The only accessory that she has on is a silver ankle bracelet with small sapphire gem charms that glow when lunar light hits them.

Disguise - When going into areas where she may be prohibited from or need to blend with the crowd, Estrella can usually buy an outfit or uniform that is a well known style to the venue, or if the access to one is limited, she may have to steal or mug to get it. If she doesn't want to stand out at all in a specific area, she wears a large white cloak with a silver metallic line art pattern of an ancient tree covering the majority of the back. There are no sleeves, but there are multiple mini gold chains that connect from ends of each side of the hood that keep the cloak from falling off whenever she needs to use her arms for any type of action.

Her hair is styled as an up-do, it being pulled into a high ponytail with several strands of hair curled and her bangs pinned back. There are also a several micro braids in her hair that each have a different faded color bead to hold the braid in place. She also does well to hide her tattoos as they are sometimes the first thing some people notice if she stands out.

Apparatus A - Once she leaves her city, the main outfit that she usually wears is a black moderately tight back-laced corset with small silver gems along the top edges on the front. Her pants are also black and have a dark lace ribbon pattern along the inner calf area, and for shoes she wears 5 inch transparent heels that are criss-cross strapped and studded up to her ankle.

Her hair is wavy and a little more voluminous than it usually is. Covering the upper part of her left arm is a series of silver armbands, four in counting and each one having a different form, size, and origin that they were made; they have the slight capability of reflecting off magic attacks, but it’s a rare concurrence and rather acts as arm braces that increase magic resistance. She wears a black ribbon around her neck as a choker, small white pearls as earrings, and an amethyst gem stoned ring on her thumb. She prefers to wear this outfit more when going out during the dark, provided that it is a good camouflage so that she won’t be as easily seen by anyone in pursuit of her.

Apparatus B – Estrella also has an alternative outfit that she can choose to wear depending on her mood and the terrain she'll be exploring in. It is a small dress with the sleeves reaching to her elbows and is very low cut, having two mini straps connected across the exposed area. The upper half of the dress is black, while the bottom skirt part of it is a metallic gold color made of silken fabrics. In the waist area parting the upper part of the dress from the lower is a black silver-studded waist belt, tightly clutched to her comfort level. She wears satin leggings underneath her dress and black knee-high flat wedged boots that are designed with multiple small belt clutches, which are especially useful in walking in any sort of terrain.

Her hair is let loose and is completely straightened; As for accessories with this attire, she wears dangling crystal ring earrings that used to belong to her great grandmother - which are believed to never wear out because a charm was cast on them, not because of the material they're made of. The silver anti eyebrow stud is replaced by a black gem stud, making the piercing look more like a birthmark. All of her fingers on her right hand are decorated with rings, each one having a different shape and stone placed into them. Estrella also prefers to wear this outfit if she plans on using magic more than she usually does.

Armour - None


Sibylline Slayer [Longbow] – A platinum longbow that reaches about 6 ½ feet long in length, while the arrows are 3 feet long. The design on the bow is believed to be engraved on, with numerous medieval designs crafted on each side of the bow, not a single crevice to be seen. The shaft of the arrows are made of aluminum material while the broad-head is very sharp and made of pure obsidian, believed to be able to pierce through the thickest carapace. She carries about 20-30 arrows with her when using the bow, and when used properly and with good perspective, an arrow can travel a range of 200-400 meters; and since her stamina is pretty high, she can shoot up to 8 arrows within a minute before having to wait to do another round. It was given the term Sibylline due to the fact that no one knows who originally crafted it or where it was first discovered. The only other person known to use this weapon other than Estrella was her father, who had passed it on to her after the burn down of the city’s main monastery.

Ensorcelled Constrictor [Chain Whip] – A chain whip crafted with diamond shaped links. Other than the black thick-wooden rod to grasp with, the whole whip is made out of Osmium, making it hard to break and capable of taking immense damage. It has the capability of expanding in length, making it believable that it has a curse on it. In its beginning state the whip is only 7 feet long, but when it’s used especially for aerial, ranged, or swift enemies, it can magically expand itself on reflex up to 50 feet long. It is also a conductor of magic, whereas if any element of magic hits the chain hard enough and not the person wielding it, it can add magical damage done into the whip. Though Estrella uses this mostly for attacking it’s a good aid in trapping or catching enemies and it can compresses if whatever/whoever is caught struggles in the bind. There have been numerous occasions where people have attempted to steal this weapon, given the lie that they would be immortal if they ever became the new owner of it. But due to the curse on the whip, it'll only work properly with those who were seen as worthy of controlling it - Estrella being chosen because she is capable of controlling her sanity and desires. But due to the rumors of some of the past users losing control of their conscience because of over-usage of the weapon, Estrella prefers to only use it when absolutely necessary in battle.

Special Talents/Abilities

Enhanced Hearing – Barn owls have been known to have extremely good hearing. They use their hearing more than their sight to hunt down any prey that they desire during the night. The genes within Estrella affect her in the same way. Her hearing is a lot more receptive than an average human, and it is a large advantage to her whenever she is in pursuit of someone or something – being able to hear the slightest shift of a shoe against grime or a small leaf rustle. The same way applies to when she wants to remain unseen; she gets the advantage of hiding before someone notices by listening in to their approach several seconds before it is normally heard due to her vast audible range senses. This instinct can act as a weakness too, as noises that are normally considered very loud to a standard person can be extremely boisterous to Estrella – sometimes excruciating.

Immaculate Vision
– Having eyesight of 20/10, Estrella can spot things far away as easily as people can spot things close by (within a 10 feet range average). She can also easily see things during the night that most likely would be tough to spot normally, such as a black snake coiled at the center of a large bush – and is can be useful when looking for items that are camouflaged with the surroundings.

Chain Conduction - The metal that the Ensorcelled Constrictor is made of is known to be an excellent conductor. Whatever elements hits it strongly enough (about enough where the user is pushed back a little) - whether if its fire, water, lightning, or air - the chain will have the capability of giving magic attack damage to the opponent. The effect of the conduction only lasts for five minutes, but it gives plenty of aid during battles with mystical creatures and Mage type enemies.

Glide - Estrella doesn't have the capability of flying in any direction she wants or floating off the ground (levitating), but she is able to soar downwards through the air to reach a far and low area. The longest she can usually stay above ground while gliding is ten seconds, sometimes shorter if she has a very fast momentum or longer if her destination is very low.

Constriction - When the whip chain ensnares its target in a wrap, the whip acts as a trap so that the person or thing cannot move, gradually shrinking itself when it feels a bit of movement. If a lot of time is used during this process [15 seconds at most], the target would be expected to die from the immense amount of suffocation. The only known way to avoid taking too much damage from this attack would be to stay stiff for at least a minute before the constriction wears off automatically.

Strengths: Estrella, without the use of her weapons, has taken several types of classes on combatives as she grew older. If she were to get into battle with a regular human, chances would be slim that she would have to use her weapons or magic to get the upper hand. She's taken numerous classes on self defense and mixed martial arts so that her own physical strength would be alarming since she is a woman (where she lived, many females have been rejected when they requested to do any kind of martial art class). There has been a time where she rendered a person unconscious due to a straight punch to the skull, expecting that the force of the hit actually reached the brain deep enough.

Estrella is also very flexible and has a good sense of balance. Along with her martial arts classes came the numerous yoga sessions she has done, as she finds them to be very calming yet invigorating at the same time. She was a frequently active gymnast as a child but had stopped when she was 18, seeing as how she had encountered more responsibilities to face, but the skills that she had learned during then haven’t diluted at all.

Weaknesses: Estrella is ailed with a terminal illness (which doctors haven't come up with a name for it yet), which unnoticeably weakens most of the organs in her body. Normally, there aren’t any noticeable symptoms of this, but she can feel several jolts of pain every month – reminding her that the sickness is still progressing. Everyone that’s had this ailment, mostly young adults, has about 20-40 years to live due to how slowly it progresses [but toddlers and young children would only have 2-5 years since their immune system is weak at the early age], and Estrella had discovered that she was diagnosed with it when she was 16 years old, and does all she can to try and increase her lifeline.

Her other main weakness is her major sensitivity to sunlight. Each day, she can only be exposed to it for at most an hour before it begins to harm her visual senses, so she only goes outside during the day if it is absolutely mandatory. Any longer than an hour, then she can possibly go blind - temporarily or permanently, depending on how bad the damage is. If her eye color is a pale yellow instead of a sharp yellow, chances are she'll need treatment. She CAN, however, go out during the day as long as she wants if the weather is very cloudy, foggy, or if it's raining; just as long as she avoids too much contact with the sun's rays.

Vitality : Estrella's magic defense is rather high, considering she's lived in a city where she was around it frequently, she doesn't get as harmed by the elements as much as she used to be [Magic resist. , all elements = 50%]. Physically, she can tolerate a steady amount of hits or blows from an opponent as long as they’re not entirely continuous. This is why she prefers to be a ranged fighter, so that she can also keep distance between her and her opponent as she can also avoid getting hit often.

Speed : Estrella can move fairly faster than the average human, being able to reach 18 mph at most. She can jump to farther reaches as well if she has enough momentum picked up. When using her longbow, it usually takes her 5 - 7 seconds to hook an arrow to the string of the bow, pull it back while calculating accuracy, and finally shoot. If she feels it necessary, she can shoot up to 3 arrows at a time - but this is rarely done because of how long it would take to prepare for the attack and how much more energy it would take out of her.

Stamina : Since Estrella was born, she naturally has a lot of energy. When she has shot her limit eight arrows a minute, she usually waits a minute or two before beginning another round. When running at full speed, she can go nonstop for about ten minutes before having to take a break. She usually hates slowing down in any way during battle, seeing as she is someone that'll battle until the opponent's or her own last breath has been drawn out – but the longest she can last in battle can range from ten to twenty minutes, depending on how intense the battle is.

Reflexes : Due to her sensitive hearing and visual sight, she can usually act first during (or starting) a battle. Seeing as how her bow and whip aren't the most reliable 'shields' [since they're made of metals that are hard to break, they could handle up close assault, but with wide range attacks . . .], she usually has to rely on her own body as a defense if she were to miss an opportunity to dodge an attack, which can sometimes lead to more damage. She has studied body language so that she could tell certain movements that hint an upcoming attack, and can usually evade physical attacks fairly quickly.

Fighting Style : Estrella mainly fights as a tactician. She always prefers to make the first move in battle or initiate a sneak attack – which wouldn’t be too hard to achieve if her target is a far distance from her and unaware that she’s present. Her attention is fully on her opponent’s movements and gestures without faltering, and she does well to prepare to retaliate when hit or after dodging an attack. She believes that focus is vital when fighting, not depending on how swiftly she attacks, but on how much she concentrates on her attacks so that more damage can be conducted.

Magic : [Estrella is specialized mainly in light and dark magic since she has inherited the potential from her parents, and she is the only known sage in her hometown- more than likely the whole region - with only two elements of opposite powers being learned.] {100 MP altogether, regenerating by 2% per half hour, taking 24 to 32 hours to regenerate completely.}

Hikari [light];

Hallowed Purification – A holy-based spell; especially useful in fighting undead monsters. A large white circular crest illuminates beneath the target, as if it were scanning its mark, and beams of light pierce through the body from the bottom of the crest- at times lowering the magic resistance of the opponent if enough damage is taken (around where half the amount of life is taken, but that point is rarely reached). The amount of time for the crest to appear is at most five seconds, but the light penetration can occur within a blink of an eye. (For every 10% of life taken from target, 1% of their magic resistance is lowered.) [Uses 15% of her mana pool]

Gradual Resurgence
– A slow but effective recovery spell. It allows Estrella to heal herself or another person steadily, even working on the deepest wounds made to the body. The spell usually lasts for five minutes or until the damage has been completely repaired – and sometimes the process is unnoticeable due to how slowly it can progress and depending on how much harm was done to the body. [Can use up to 75% of her mana pool.]

Verve Transfer – A helpful - but sometimes fatal enchantment where Estrella transfers her own energy or life to another person. The amount she chooses can be a fairly small amount (to heal a cut or scratch) or virtually enough to kill her (bringing someone back to life) – which thankfully she hasn’t had to use it to that point yet. If the target is undead, the effect would be reversed, seeing as then Estrella would be giving life to install damage to the enemy. The amount of time needed to recover the energy given depends on how much was given, and can range from five minutes to twenty four hours. How much mana this spell uses is equivalent to how much life she gives [ie. Transfering 25% of her life to a target would cost 25% of her mana.]

Pallid Enrichment
– An invisible shield is cast around Estrella, raising her physical defense in combat [Defense = Up by 20% at most]. Lasts for the majority of battle, and it can only be cast once. The shield is capable of being broken, the percentage of the defense given dropping by 2% with each physical attack, 5% with magic attacks. [Costs 20% of her mana.]

Swords of Fluorescence - A wide ranged magic attack that can either be used to terminate a large number of enemies or to illuminate a dark room. A vast amount of light in the shape of swords form in the atmosphere, elucidating any hint of darkness near it. [Record for highest number of them being formed was 300.] The swords disappear after half an hour if that much time is needed to explore a dark region. When in a field during battle with more than one enemy, the swords aim for a random target to shoot towards, and pierce right through the figures. Once that is done, the light swords simply disintegrate within the air. One sword can take 5% of the enemy's max health, which doesn't seem like much, but should be taken into thought when hit multiple times. With how fast the swords dive at their target, they are a challenge to dodge, but can be reflected back. [Using for illumination: For every 10 swords, 5% of mana is used. Using for battle: For every 5 swords, 10% of mana is used.]

Kurai [dark] ;

Comatose – This spell is most effectively at night and is used more when sneaking out instead in battle; and dark magic is used to send a person’s mentality into a trance – making the person unconscious but in a temporary dream state (mainly nightmares). However, Estrella would have to be in short range of her target in order to conduct this move [5 feet away at farthest]. [Takes 5% out of mana pool.]

Sentiment Deterioration – A magic used to null any protective spells being used on a person or an area. Therefore, this isn’t a spell that can be used just for battle, but to also bring the capability of passing through sacred barriers and gates that Estrella may need to pass through for any reason if she wills it. [35% out of mana pool.]

Amorphous Silhouette – A dark spell used to hide Estrella whenever she’s trying to hide or is in disguise. The shadows engulf her figure in a shapeless black fog so that she may be camouflaged with the surroundings she’s in and slink past any threats that may lurk by her. Since the fog has no defined shape, Estrella has the capability of shape-shifting it, whether to fool a person by appearing as a complete stranger in a dim area or to convey fear to a person by making a form of a large fiend or spirit they may dread thinking about. [15% of mana pool is deducted.]

Acid Rain – An especially wide ranged spell, yet also takes a bit of energy to initiate since this is a magic attack that Estrella rarely uses unless there is a large number of enemies around or if she has to weaken an enemy with an immense amount of resistance to physical and magic attacks. A large black vortex is opened up in the sky, casting a shadow over the area it forms above, raining down a vast number of dark orbs that can deeply seethe on contact with skin. The largest the vortex can reach is about 40 feet in diameter, and won't harm allies in the targeted area. The orbs have a debilitating effect to whoever they hit; as the target’s life gradually decreases the longer the spell is in effect. [5% of Estrella's mana pool is deducted every second the spell lasts.]

Other Skills :

Singing - Estrella was often told in her years of living in Sonria that she had a good voice, so she had decided to put it to use every so often. She had began her hobby of singing when she was 12 years old, whether if it was singing in any theatrical plays she was a part of or rhythemically rehearsing a chant for a ritual or ceremony. Sometimes she would sing herself to sleep if she has a hard time slumbering before sunrise or if something on her mind is bothering her.

Illustrating – Estrella loves to draw and make traditional artwork. She usually draws along the themes of nature, science fiction, or fantasy, and may paint her works if she feels the need to spend a lot of time doing so during her free time. The tattoos on her body were originally designed by her, and she has even made some designs for people that she knew well enough to gladly make one for. The largest piece that she's ever drawn was of a large portrait of the Sonria monastery that took about 8 hours total to fully sketch and shade in detail.

Multi-Instrumentalist - Not just skilled in singing, but Estrella has taken many interests in playing instruments as well. The majority of the ones she plays are wind instruments, such as the ocarina, flute, and saxophone, but she as also somewhat forced by her uncle to take piano lessons when she had grown past toddler age - and eventually grown to becoming a successful pianist that considered the lessons to pay off whenever an opportunity arises when the talent is needed. The instrument she enjoys playing the most is her silver ocarina, and she normally plays several tunes during the night.

Linguist - Estrella has learned that if she's ever to go far away outside of her hometown, she will more than likely be meeting people that speak a different language and dialect than her own and find some items that may need a translation. At that note, beginning around when she was finally able to speak, Estrella had began gradually learning different languages at a time. Out of the 4 she successfully learned how to speak and translated (Swedish, Latin, Japanese, and German), the hardest one for her to learn was Latin - taking five extra years to interpret the origin, structure, history, and the phonemes behind it. Presently, she can now understand the four languages whenever she hears someone speak them or if she reads it, and she can speak them without having difficulty.

Favorite Food: Chicken Tortellini Salad

Least Favorite Food: Sauerkraut

Bad Habits: Estrella can come off as very blunt sometimes, especially to people that she may not like. She's not afraid to speak her mind and at times it may offend some people while at the same time it may earn admiration from other people. This is mainly because Estrella believes that honesty is not the best policy - but the only policy, and views the tiniest lies spoken to be utterly unnecessary (unless they're spoken for the protection of another person's life that may be in stake). One of her biggest pet peeves is repeating herself, and whenever she has to say something a second time, she'll most likely sound irritated. The same applies to the vice versa. Whenever someone talking to her repeats themselves constantly (more than twice) when she clearly heard them the first time, she can easily get annoyed by it - and sometimes lets the person know that there is no need to say the same thing over and over.

Job/Occupation/Class: Sage/Ranger

Past Occupations: Instrumentalist, Journalist, Illustrator, Songstress.

Activities/Organizations: None

Speech: People usually confirm that Estrella is a young lady just by looking at her, and they confirm that once they hear her speak. Her voice is a little dark - not too dark, but enough to hint that she is a grown woman. Unlike her father, she doesn't have an accent or a distinctive dialect in her tone, and she naturally speaks at the right volume for everyone to hear her clearly.

Quote: "It's not a curse. It's born instinct."


Relationship Status: Single

Relationship History: Estrella hadn’t started dating until she was 15, and even at that age she sometimes she felt she was opening up herself to something she didn’t entirely feel like she was ready for. With all of the responsibilities that she had during the time, relationships were usually the last thing on her mind until she had gotten into high school. She’s had her share of mates – both men and women, but the connection with them didn’t last very long. The only good relationship that Estrella could bear in mind having was with a man named Dennis, a student that she had met when she was 17, who studied mythology and was also known for being able to interpret dreams. He was one of the few people in Sonria that disregarded any unusual rumors and accusations directed toward her and had interest in her for who she was. It was also with his help that Estrella had discovered several new species that she hadn’t known existed on the planet. They had almost lasted a good year together until Dennis had predicted from one of Estrella’s dreams that the city would be in grand peril, but she regarded it as just a nightmare – despite that he had said that all of the details she described about the dream hinted it was more than a nightmare. 3 months later, after that interpretation, Estrella was gravely mistaken when the burn down of the Sonria monastery had occurred. Unfortunately, Dennis was one of the many citizens that were killed during the incident, and Estrella hadn’t found anyone else that she was truly happy being with since then.



Liora Briller [Mother] {Deceased} – A white mage in the Briller household, as well as one of the working medics in all of Sonria. Liora wasn’t one that picked favorites among her children, as she believed that everyone’s life was equal in worth. People have often asked her for treatment of an ailment more than the other medics because she had more experience in the medical facility and for the reason that she had worked with white magic since she was born. She often worried about Estrella’s well-being, especially since she wasn’t able to fix Estrella’s sight so that she could go out more in sunlight. Despite that Estrella had gotten her Hikari magic adaptability from Liora, the abilities themselves were very different than her mother’s – seeing as Liora had magic focused entirely on healing and support, but not being able to use as offensive attacks. It was during the attack on the central park of Sonria that she was massacred, not being able to see anyone in her family before she drew her last breath. Not even her brother Ora, whom she hadn't suspected at all to be in charge of the attack.

Valerius Briller [Father] {AWOL} – One of the three strongest sorcerers in Sonria and the prime monarch of the Sonria monastery. Valerius was very often not at his household, but whenever he was at home, he acted as a very protective father. He cared more about clearing the rumors of Estrella being a demon than his role as the chief in the monastery, and some of his workers had worried about him for that. Being a user of offensive and black magics, he was considered the reason why Estrella could also use Kurai magic to her advantage and also why some of her white magic could conduct damage to enemies. Many people viewed him as a generous man, but also feared what he himself was capable of. In honor of his rank going from shaman to sorcerer within a span of 5 years (magic took longer to specialize in within the barriers of Sonria), he requested that he could have his ritual advance ceremony on Estrella’s 17th birthday inside of main hall of the monastery so that she could also have the role of performing in part of the orchestra. When the ceremony and the after-party was interrupted by the sudden attack on the central park where it took place, Varelius came to realize that the attack was in fact led by Ora ,who’s intentions was mainly for the removal of Estrella’s being. During the chaos, Valerius had discovered that both Liora and Kain were killed during the incident, and Ora had kidnapped Demitra for whatever intentions he had. Estrella had passed out during the occurrence, and Valerius had teleported the two of them out of the monastery – which was engulfed in flames. It was to his mindset that he would have to find Ora in order to recover back Demitra, but not before letting Estrella rest in the underground guest room of the Briller mansion. With her, he left the Sibylline Slayer longbow for protection, having a feeling that he wouldn’t be back home anytime soon. But he swore that after he handled the situation with Ora, he would then search for Estrella – wherever she may be when his aspiration is finished.

Demitra Briller [Sister] – The twin of Estrella who was only specialized in Kurai abilities. She considered herself to be the reject of the family with all of the attention that Estrella had gotten from the rumors that were spreading all around the region, and Demitra wasn’t very content with that. She had still loved Estrella as her sister, but they had very often had disagreements with each other, whether if it was about roles in the family or who needed the most attention in the home – so Demitra was often seen as spoiled. In school, she had just as much difficulty with dealing with students that often said that she was unlucky to have a sister that was ‘cursed’ and other times accused her of having the same ailment (even though she didn’t), and every so often physical altercation would take place. Valerius has often warned her that her control of the dark magic can easily alter her personality, and that she should try and limit her use of it; as he could already see jealousy developing within her. She thought it was unusual that she was the favorite niece to Ora, but that was only because she didn’t know of his real intentions. Ora, however, had plans to keep Demitra safe from what event he had planned, and saw to it that she would get just as much care as Estrella did. When the monastery was being burned down, Demitra had nearly died from how much she had gotten hit by magic from the opposing forces that brought the turmoil to the central park, but Ora had found her before the flames could and teleported her and himself out of the predicament, without a hint given on where they could be presently.

Kain Briller [Brother] {Deceased} – The older brother of the Briller family, one who enjoys his seclusion more than anything else and rarely used magic. Kain is considered a misanthrope, seeing the majority of humans on the planet to be selfish and oblivious in their own way – both qualities being something Kain detests. He had the same terminal illness that Estrella has, but since he was diagnosed with it when he was only 11 years old, he was already within the final years of his lifetime. Often, he was out working in the central park while his father labored in the monastery or staying outdoors for the majority of the day, ignoring the fact that Estrella couldn’t or that the rumors about her were spreading around. Kain was probably the most independent one in the family, usually being able to take care of himself without needing help from others, and often didn't speak unless he was spoken too. No one was entirely sure of why he was quiet all of the time. Liora figured that it was chronic depression while Valerius didn't really have a say about it - rather he would just remind Kain to always stand tall no matter what the circumstances are. Ora didn't predict a very bright objective for Kain, and honestly thought that his life would only take up space in the world. Ora had killed Kain with his own hands after his refusal to reveal where Estrella was during the central park raid, and saw his death as 'putting a dog out of its misery' since it was quick and painless - implying that death from the terminal illness would have felt the opposite way.

Othala Briller [Great Grandmother] {Deceased} – The first known sage to have resided in Sonria as well as the first magic user in the Briller family tree. Estrella had inherited many qualities from Othala, such as the hair color and her adaptability of different kinds of regions - and her most popular heridity of being able to use both light and dark magic, giving her the rare class as a sage. Othala wasn't one of the most popular people within Sonria, and she preferred it to be that way, saying that it would be a very foolish act to wish for a vast amount of fame even if you know what else comes with it. The Briller family had taken her advice into heart, having known of some stories about people whose lives have been totally ruined, sometimes ended, because they were too well known among their crowd. Othala was also capable of using protective magic, but used it more on other people than herself – seeing as she didn’t often get into combat. When she was around 30 years old, she had gotten attacked by an unknown type of owl. Not only was she fatally injured, but she had also gotten an illness that was believed to have altered the molecules of her DNA. It was clear that she was infected for life since after she recovered from the attack, she often became shocked about things that she could do that she wasn’t able to do before the assault from the bird – like hearing things she shouldn’t be able to hear, her vision being incredibly sharp even as she became elderly, and her unexplainable fear of going outside during the daylight. These effects on her lasted until she had passed away of old age, and no one knew that those traits were passed on until Estrella had entered into school, showing very palpable signs that she was experiencing the same types of things that Othalla had experienced.

Ora Roseveldt
[Uncle] – The older brother of Estrella’s mother, Liora. As a child, Ora was raised with a fair amount of discipline, but it had often got to his head that many people were inferior to him, somewhat believing that he had the same authorative power that his parents had. Liora had often tried to reason with him about his actions, but his ego was very large as a kid, and at times it was nearly impossible for him to see eye to eye with anyone that found his personality to be whipped. He often viewed Liora as being too soft, and people in the future would use her for that. As Ora got older (by the time that Liora gave birth to Estrella and Demitra), it was discovered that his behavior had scarcely changed, and he thought that law should be handled with an iron fist. He was one of the chiefs in the government of Sonria, so it wasn’t very surprising that those were his views, but he was not a well-liked person by most of society. Some of his punishments in court were often seen as unreasonable or malicious. He was a person that valued the fact that law was applied equally to all people, including friends and family, and had grown callous to the fact that even relatives weren’t given an exception when it came down to rules. He was one of the more complex leveled mages in Sonria – somewhat matched with Valerius’s potency as a sorcerer, but he was a magus, so he was also merciless when it came to battle, seeming to adore the idea of his enemies succumbing to his strengths. He is very prejudice, and isn’t afraid to rid anything or anyone that tries to get in the way of his goals.


Personal Adversaries:

Magus Ora – Estrella had gradually became less comfortable with Ora by the time they had both talked to each other in person, and he later on became her adversary when he started the attack on the central park of Sonria and had the monastery and library burned down. She was aware that he believed that it was his responsibility to rid of any possible threat that came into Sonria, but she found it completely unacceptable to harm a large number of people – as well as his own family – to accomplish that objective. He has come clean that he was impressed with the abilities that she has developed as time went by, and for a well behaved girl, as well as his cherished sister’s daughter, he pitied her for being the said threat residing in Sonria. He went in pursuit of Estrella right after he set the bottom levels of the library on fire and before he went to take Demitra into his custody. He had trapped her inside of the private room of the highest level with a poisonous fog spreading in the atmosphere, suspecting that it would lead her into a slow and dreadful death, but it had only knocked her unconscious before she was saved by Valerius. Ora eventually learned that Estrella was still alive when her body wasn’t found in the spot he left her the day after, and added onto his list of goals to find wherever she could be lurking in the world, no matter how close or far away she could be from home, and kill her on sight.

Close Companions:

Guillotine – One of Estrella’s old instructors. He is known as Guillotine since he has never revealed his real name, and he doesn’t plan to for any reason. He had taught occult history to Estrella when she was a sophomore in the school she went to, and she was often fascinated with whatever he taught her. He was one of the instructors that Estrella could also call a close friend and didn’t mind sharing personal matters with him, such as the family issues that have been going on. Guillotine made it clear that he didn’t think that having the DNA of a different species meant that a person was a fiend or a threat to society, and considered Estrella’s hereditary to be a gift – seeing as she had senses that no other regular human could have. He has assured Estrella that her future was hers to make and no one elses, and that she should never be attached to the puppet strings of her enemies.

Lilian Vasquez
- A close friend to the Briller family, meeting Valerius when they were both in middle school. Lilian often went into the city during the night time, always claiming that the night was where the most fun held place. Estrella couldn't blame her reasons considering that night was mainly the only time she could come out, and she has found many things to do that could equally be done during the day time. Lilian was also one of the people that inspired Estrella to start illustrating because she had her own gallery located in the outskirts of Sonria that featured artwork made by artists worldwide. There was a rumor going around Sonria that she and Ora had an affair in the past, but Lilian hasn't confirmed it to be true or false because of her love of peaking inquisitiveness. After the situation in the monastery, she had moved away from Sonria, not wanting to live in a place all of her life where "disasters occur too often".



Sonata Arctica – Graveimage

Delain – Stay Forever

Corinne Bailey Rae - Enchantment


H i s t o r y

Being the last member of the Briller family, Estrella was viewed as dissimilar the moment she was born. Unlike everyone else in the household, most of her heredity and persona came from her great grandmother, which the doctors have confirmed was the reason that there were different traces of DNA within the helix – the genetic material of a barn owl. The Briller relatives were aware that Othalla had gotten an contagion during her middle ages, but no one knew it was capable of passing on to the family until Estrella was born, and this had affected her life in the long run.
As a child, Estrella had to adapt to some of the abilities she was born with even if she wasn’t fully aware yet that she had them. She would tell her sister Demitra about things that she heard at school – things that people, let alone surrounding children, wouldn’t be able to hear normally, and was considered very personal to other students. When her parents heard about this, they only told her to try and ignore whatever seemed atypical, but eventually Estrella had learned something else.

Her eye sight had gradually gotten weaker as she spent a lot of time outside during the day – whether if she was playing with her friends, reading books in the central park library, or playing her ocarina on a tree. She had to get medical attention when a citizen had spotted her screaming on the ground that her eyes were hurting. Eventually, with the aid of her mother, she had gotten proper treatment, but had to miss school and wear eye bandages for a week’s worth of time. It was then discovered that Estrella was extremely sensitive to sunlight, and it was her mother’s verdict to let her take night classes and run activities on a nocturnal schedule.

Word about the monastery chief’s daughter getting harmed by sunlight and having to only go out during the night had spread around the city, and it had started some very unusual rumors about the Briller family – the worst ones coming from psychiatrists and anthropologists, claiming that there was the birth of a “demon child” in the household. It was hard enough for Estrella’s parents to defend against the accusations, having to explain that it was the genetic system that put her in the condition, but it was especially hard for Estrella to have to explain her state to her peers – and sometimes had to act out in self defense since there were times where she was attacked by students who saw her as a threat – even some who were originally her friend.

After dealing with this incident for nearly a year, the rumors had began to calm down, but not soon enough before they had spread to the Execution center of Sonria – that was ran by Magus Ora. Not only was Ora extremely prejudice, he was Estrella’s own uncle and her mother’s older brother, but he always sought out to eliminate any threat in Sonria, and anything /anyone that gets in his way of doing this. After he had learned that the rumored ‘demon child’ happened to be his niece, he had confronted her mother first about the issue for a brief discussion about possible plans; was she planning on sending Estrella away, were they going to move away from Sonria, would she let anyone take Estrella away from the family, all of those questions and several others were given a ‘no’ in response. Ora kept the discussion in mind when he had then confronted Estrella himself when the rest of the family was in another town to conduct a meeting with the officials. He would ask her questions like if she believed the rumors herself or if she felt like she had to capability to disprove what society was saying about her. Before their meet, she didn’t have much to say about her uncle Ora, but Estrella knew that he was in charge of the Execution center, and didn’t enjoy answering the questions she was given during the interrogation, and honestly felt a little threatened by his company.

Sonria is known to take into high appreciation the classes and roles of the elite residents, and often threw celebrations and/or rituals when a person’s role (usually if they worked for the government or if they were highly valued for their talents and abilities) has progressed to a higher level. On Estrella’s 17th birthday, she was offered a place in the orchestra to perform as the ritual for her father’s advancement in role took place. It would be held in the Sonria Monastery, which was the largest monastery in the world, its floor area reaching 3 million square feet and standing at 1,674 feet tall; another reason for its massive size was that it was attached to the main library of Sonria, which had sources of all types of novels, encyclopedias, religion, tradition, and other worldly topics.

After the ritual advancement ceremony was over, the after-party was held in the main hall of the monastery, but Estrella decided to skip the gathering to go to the higher levels of the library for solitude and to look for a source of family trees so that she could see where she was and what her next role would be in the Briller family. When she had found her family’s tree, she barely had enough time to look through it because Ora had suddenly appeared in the room and attacked her with a venomous fog. At this point, Estrella could hear that the area was being attacked. She could make out the sounds of metal clashing together, magic being used, and the outcries of massive beasts in fury, all while the strong smell of something burning had reached the area; she wanted to leave and help out whoever was in peril, but she was trapped in a translucent barrier that kept her from leaving the room, and breathing in the toxic miasma had steadily weakened her. Ora had then left the room, completely sure that Estrella would be dead within seconds of breathing too much of his fog, but Estrella only reached the point of blacking out – unaware that Valerius had came in and teleported him and her out before she could have died. Not long after they had escaped, the monastery as well as the library it was connected to was engulfed in flames, and was eventually burned down. The central park had been battered and demolished by malevolent uses of magic and weaponry, and nearly 1/3 of Sonria’s inhabitants had been killed from the incident.

Estrella woke up from her unconscious state a day after the event, and found herself lying in the underground guest room that the Brillers would only use during an emergency. She had recalled what happened at the monastery, and immediately knew why she was in the room. What she didn’t know was what happened to the rest of her family. Her question was eventually answered by a note that was placed near where she woke up. She had discovered that it was written by her father, Valerius Briller, and was shocked at what it read:

My most treasured daughter. If you are reading this, then you survived the monastery incident, which I am eternally grateful for. The attack within the monastery and the park had become too gruesome, and I'm glad you weren't there to witness them. Unfortunately, in case you haven't wondered just yet, it was you uncle Ora that led the attack, and I am grieved to say that he has taken your mother and brother's life during the raid. As for Demitra, Ora has taken her into custody somewhere, and I am starting the search for the both of them now. If he threw aside the care of the rest of his family yet saves only one, he must be up to something. But I won't rest until I find them, and it may be a while before I return to you. When I do come back, I suspect you will be away from here - and that's a good thing. After I settle the score with Ora, I will then look for you, wherever you may be at the time of my return, to see how much strength you have gained. I left something in this room especially for you to use, and I'm positive that it'll be helpful to you in the future. As of now, you will have to take care of yourself, but I will return. That is a promise.
- Your Father

She realized that Valerius wasn't lying when he said that everyone was gone. The entire house was empty, and she could barely hear anything going on within the surroundings. As she sat there and read the note, there was more than likely dead bodies inside and around the monastery that needed to be disposed of. Looking around the room, Estrella had discovered something that Valerius had left her so that she wouldn't be powerless. Hanging inside an unused wardrobe was a silver longbow, the same one that she had watched her father use when he was training with ranged weapons. He had explained to her how to use it once when she was still in her younger ages and told her it was called the Sibylline Slayer, because no one knew of its origin - not even he did - but it acted as a killer in combat, proving that ranged weapons should never be underestimated. Seeing that her father had passed it onto her for use had meant a lot.

Just turning 17 years old at the time the burn down occured, Estrella was already an independant girl, so she didn't think that taking care of herself would be too much of a challenge, but she wouldn't leave Sonria just yet. Ora had probably thought that she was dead, and chances of him taking her sister Demitra with him outside of the city were pretty high, so he would probably notice anything unusual happening in the outskirts of Sonria. Despite what had happened on her birthday, she had treated every night like she would have normally. She still continued to go to her night classes, she continued advancing on learning different languages, and had began illustrating more often so she could sell some of her work to the new owner of Lilian's gallery for a good amount of money that she would need. It wasn't easy to be able to do all of this with an optomistic mood, seeing how she was still upset over the loss and splitting of her family members, the thought of being alone was often discomforting to her. But she continually told herself that tears don't bring back the dead or bring back who is away.

Estrella continued to live her life throughout the years, all the while still contemplating when to leave Sonria and where she would go next. Going from place to place with some time spent staying around in-between moving had sounded like an interesting idea. She knew that when she finally would leave that she would return for some brief visits now and then, knowing that she could never leave her hometown permanently - even with the danger of Magus Ora possibly discovering that she was still alive. The chief of the once standing monastery had gone AWOL to the citizens of Sonria, and some believed that they were doomed without someone to lead it; at the time, Estrella was too young to run as the next chief in line, so she wouldn't be able to help in that case, but she would always check back as to see how things would run from now on in the city. Not only that, but there was no monastery or library to run being leader of, and it would more than likely take many decades - possibly centuries - to built the massive building up again.

Despite the past rumors of her possibly being a supernatural fiend, people have given more respect to Estrella since the tragedy that struck central park - seeing as there wasn't anyone to look after her. But Estrella was aware that she was gradually becoming a young woman, and that the time would have come sooner or later for her to rely on herself. In the end, she had finally set foot away from Sonria, off to explore wherever her mind set her to go, all while in the hopes of finding her father along the way.

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Constriction -

Time should be shortened significantly on this because.......

Stamina :

.... most battles are probably going to last around 5 minutes, the more extreme ones maybe 10-15. So the time she can last should probably be scaled down.

Gradual Resurgence – The spell usually lasts for thirty minutes

This is probably coupled with her Stamina, so it would need to be adjusted as well.

Pallid Enrichment

Can the shield be broken through? How long does it last?

Swords of Fluorescence

How much damage can we expect each sword to do? Are they blockable? Does Estrella have to channel to maintain the spell, or is it just a simple cast?

Acid Rain

Time issue here as well.

For all her spells, we need to know how much energy they drain, and a rough idea of how much energy she can draw upon, as well as how that energy regenerates and at what rate. (Think MP.)
Insanity Wolf

All errors have been fixed and I edited the magic section as a whole as it should be. I did this in the middle of class, so tell me if I missed anything ~