012: Duodecim Your Fav Dissidia 012 Character(s) Etc


Ultimate Discord
Apr 5, 2011
Pick your Top 3 Characters
and the reason you pick them of all..

Mine R:
1. Tidus: I like his Dodgy attacks the most of all ^^
2. Squall: I chose him second because he is fast,strong and deadly >.o
3. WoL: because he is kinda an allrounder like his new Hp move O.O

And Second Pick the Weapon/Acc you would give them

1. Tidus = WorldChampion/Diamond Ring
2. Squall = Lionheart/BeckoningCat
3. WoL = BarbarianSword/Daimond Ring

Thats all For Now..:busta:
I'm actually gonna put my top 5 character's instead XD

1. Tidus - my Fav FF Character, and I love his Fighting Style. I loved him in the original and I love him even more now. XD
2. Lightning - my Fav FEMALE FF character, and I love her Versitality, able to change tactics to adapt to situations, plus she is DEADLY in Commando mode. only problem? I'm still strugglign to master her EX Burst LOL
3. Cloud - my Best from the Original Dissidia, being the only character I actually bothered getting to Lv.100. I love that he's been improved too, and he's still as awesome as before. :P
4. Squall - he was my 2nd fav in the original. doesn't seem to have too many changes, but He's still Brilliant at Crushing Bravery, and his EX Burst is both powerful, and easy to use.
5. Gabranth - I've found it pretty easy to get enough Space to use his EX Charge, and when in EX mode, Nothing can stop him. I just think he is Brilliant. XD
1. Laguna Loire. I just love his kind and supportive spirit, and how he tries to help the others out, by showing them a positive attutide. And I love it how he just knows Squall's personality just by looking at him. This guy is a mysterious genius !

2. Kain Highwind. FF4 is one of my favourite Final Fantasies, and Kain was just a epic and amazing character, and his fighting style is unique, fun and great. Plus he's so misunderstood. Poor fellow.

3. Tifa Lockhart. She's strong and tough, and not anti-social or rude like Lighting is. Plus I love Kain x Tifa. They would make a great couple.

4 Yuna. I liked it how supportive and caring she was of Tidus and Jecht. Plus summoning is cool.

5.Onion Knight. I didn't like Onion Knight so much in the original Dissidia, but in this one, I became more fond of his character, because he just wanted to be treated and seen as just a person, and not a child. :)
Lol Top 5 is fine as well

i just put top 3 because,
most people have @ least 3 characters they play with

interesting choices, good reasons lol i can relate to it.

And thnX for Posting
kinda had the feeling i was getting ignored..*sigh*
And thnX for Posting
kinda had the feeling i was getting ignored..*sigh*

Don't worry. I think it's because the hype for Dissidia has died down a little bit. Nobody has posted in the main Dissidia thread since the 25th of April. :hmm:
Dissidia 012 current favorite characters

Here's a list of my favorite characters I use when playing the Labyrinth mode:

1)Tifa: Her limit break freaking kicks major ass
2)Cloud: Because he's Cloud :D
3) Ex-Death: His attacks just boggle the mind with their ability to decimate all opponents

4)Lord Golbez: His Ex-Mode is the shit

and finally Kujia(FFIX)
A lot of my choices are influenced by a preference of characters.

1. Lightning: she is very fun to fight as.
2. Cloud - because I love FF7.
3. Squall - because I love FF8.

Zidane then comes a close fourth for the same reason.

But I do also enjoy fighting as Laguna, for the simple reason of that with some characters I can stand at a safe distance and use his satellite attack to strike without any danger to myself. I did this a lot at first because I couldn't master his fighting style, so I'd set up my fighting arena as that one with all the pillars, stand Laguna on top of there and then just launch assault after assault. When that pillar was destroyed, I ran to the next one. It was a sneaky way of fighting and meant I didn't get hurt much. Now I can fight better so I just charge in.
alright cool
labyrinth mode ehh i got about 20% done i think i just don't get what it's purpose is though hmmm... meh
Just remember to try and stay on the topic at hand in your posts please, people. =]
Terra Branford: My favourite Final Fantasy character, I was so pleased in the original dissidia when he fighting style kicked ass, and now she's even more powerful! Fire - Firaga combo is spectacular!
Cloud Strife: He's pretty much an all around good character, and had the most powerful ex-burst (With full hp) in the original, though I don't know anymore. His omnislash ver. 5 annihilates any and all CPU's.
Tifa Lockhart: My favourite new addition, took me a bit to get used to her fighting style, but I love it. Plus Tifa is a babe.

There's a few others I use, but those are my mains, and I love FFVI and FFVII, so it was great when none of the characters I liked had a crappy fighting style :P
my favourites are:

1, Ultimecia- I love the Sorceress of FF8 and using Time to attack the enemy is awesome
2, Yuna- she is the only main female I like and plus I like her summoning her Aeons to fight
3, Tifa- she is awesome and also her Limit Break :D
My main fighters on Dissidia012:
Sephiroth: Because he can kick your ass and still look awesome
Zidane: Because he's quick on his feet
Onion Boy: I think he's adorable
Laguna: Because---I dunno. I just like fighting with him
Lighting: Her limit break is as awesome as Tifa's
Cecil: He just makes it simple with his attacks
Yuna: Her moves are awesome!(And plus I like her)
The Warrior of Light: I---feel---POWERFUL USING HIM!(His moves aren't that great but, hell, he's a good character anyway)

And that's pretty much it.
1.Squall-He's a perfect fighter in dissidia easily able to freely combo magic with physical attack's,his attack's are all linkable to different move's,safe to say I never lose a match with him!

2.Tifa Lockhart-I love her Feint Move's to psyche out any and all oppenent's,I also like that she's just as "perky" as she was in FFVII XD

3.Lightning-I enjoy her maybe cause shes a cocky person xD,dunno why people dislike her it's easy to land all blows with the right skill set/assist.

4.Cloud-He's gotten alot better imo,Before he was slowish and some move's weren't useful in pvp/npc but now he's a tad faster and his attack can be landed alot easier.though Im not much of a Cloud person XD.

5.Laguna-....Yes I said I hated him before but once I leveled him to max he's kinda fun to use,I enjoy his long range attacks but alot of skill's can just block it =/,mostly a for fun character.

6.Gilgamesh-I dunno why but he's the funnest character I've used hes random,has bizarre attack's and his EX Mode is comical,he's always a character to use when your pissed or need a cheap laugh.

my current favorites atm
Haven't played this yet, and won't be able to until my 22nd birthday that is three weeks from today, but I'll try list three likely favourites now, at least. ^^;

Feral Chaos. Reason: That Tail! XD But really, it looks to be one fierce beast.

Cloud. Reason: Who hasn't heard of Cloud Strife? He is legendary, and always a character I like to use.

Yuna. Reason: Bahamut! :P While that is very cool, I just like the character idea in general, she is to Dissidia 012 like what the Pokémon Trainer character is for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but the person itself is way, way more awesome.
I'm not so good with the old characters anymore, maybe because I haven't played Dissidia in a really long time and I lost my mojo. So I only like the new characters :P

1.) Yuna - I'm so glad they went with Summoner Yuna, fighting with aeons was so cool. I loved her attacks and I don't know, it was just so easy for me to fight as her. She's just awesome. XD

2.) Vaan - I've never liked Vaan as a character, but Dissidia 012 gave me a good reason to. I like his cockiness, and I love how he uses different weapons for each attack (almost kind of like Firion). Vaan is unstoppable when you have Crossbow, jeez that move is the reason I never lost with him yet.

3.) Laguna - I was terrible with Laguna when I started out. But then I leveled him up and got a lot more moves, and it's actually really fun playing as Laguna! Course once the enemy gets close and bashes your face in with combos, you're screwed, but it's not too hard to fight as him. He has a funny personality too... oh Laguna and his leg cramps...
Well i don't have a favourite because they are all good for something. My current best characters though are:

1). Firion - I like spamming Double Trouble.
2). Onion Knight - He's really fast and can hit a lot of criticals seen as just about everyone of his attacks are multiple hits like: Swordshower, Guiding swipe. etc.
3). Squall - He was my first lvl 100 and i just love Final Fantasy VIII so of course i'd have him in. I think he's probably best at Mid-range combat which is annoying when fighting on difficult stages like ultimecias castle.....
4). Gabranth - He's that awesome he can't do any hp attacks without going into a chase or ex-mode.
5). Terra - She's quite fast, has good attacks, her limit break rocks and Final Fantasy VI is my favourite game. Also she can spam meltdown =P
My favorite are

Cloud:hes me favorite charecter of all time and he has awsome moves.he is also
pretty darn kick butt to.And he limit break rocks.
Vaan:he has great braver attacks..
gilgemesh:he has great atteacks and his limit break is amazing.

last Feral Chaos: he is the lord of chaos and he has sweet moves and braver attacks.
1) Lighting - Really was excited about playing with her even before i played the first dissida since i saw square released an image of her in some kind of fighting game and couldnt figure out why she wasnt in. I made the right choice, I love her quotes and skills and how she was the main lead for all the new characters. I always play as lighting and i cant help but spam her scene drive attack xD

2) Tifa - should be self explanotory but she really is a good overall character, awsome quotes and i love using her limit in this game, its bette rthan her original limit and by better i mean the ending cause in the game its good but not like this one.

3) I dont really have a third i mostly only use tifa and light, i use alot of the other characters dont get me wrong, I just rather play with these two :I