Withdrawal from the United Nations

Withdrawal from the United Nations?

  • I'm American & think we should stay in the UN, but work towards reforming it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm American & think we should stay in the UN and support it no matter what.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm American & am uncertain regarding withdrawal UN.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not American & think we should leave the UN.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not American & think we should stay in the UN, but work towards reforming it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not American & think we should stay in the UN and support it no matter what.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Phoenix Rising

Traitors Can't Hide.
Mar 24, 2012
Following the end of World War II, the Allied nations feared the potential destructiveness of another conflict, and thus they founded an international forum based on the old League of Nations to resolve conflicts peacefully. As these things tend to become, the United States dominated the United Nations and it became a very useful tool in combating communism during the Cold War. However after the Cold War, the United Nations has betrayed the United States and our allies and there does not appear to be any legitimate reason for us to remain in this failed organization.

The United Nations is almost entirely sustained by the United States, with over 20% of UN funding coming from the American tax payers. Where does most of this money go? Well to pay the UN bureaucrats for starters, and what little money goes to conflict resolution and the aid to developing countries is negligible and has little to no impact on the situation, if not completely hurting these countries. Foreign aid does little more than make the bleeding heart liberals of the West feel good, while they are actually hurting the situation. Foreign aid props up the very tyrannical governments that those who send it are trying to stop ; additionally, it creates a disconnect between the governments and the citizens, by allowing governments to remain in power without the consent or will of the people. I could go on and on about this, but that is not the point of this discussion, perhaps we can discuss the failures of foreign aid another time. To get back on track, what justifies the billions of dollars we spend every year on this United Nations? Especially when our own country is in an economic crisis of our own, due to reckless spending, such as the United Nations budget.

The United Nations has almost universally failed at it's self-proclaimed goals of peacekeeping and promoting human rights. From the Congo Crisis in the 1960s to modern day Somalia, the UN has failed miserably to resolve these conflicts and promote human rights. Yet if that wasn't enough, the vast majority of conflicts and human rights abuses are ignored by the United Nations, there doesn't seem to be any clear connection between where the United Nations chooses to intervene.

While the United Nations may have once supported American interests, the modern United Nations does the exact opposite. In 2003 the United Nations condemned the American-led international invasion of Iraq, a country that the United Nations itself ignored, despite the repression and genocide committed by the Saddam Hussein regime, especially against Kurdish minorities in Iraq. Additionally the United Nations, despite claiming to support human rights, has actively campaigned for a global ban on legitimate gun owners, thus trying to take away one of the must important fundamental human rights of all citizens, the right to bear arms, and by extension, defend oneself. The United Nations does absolutely nothing but condemn America's ally, Israel, and has constantly supported the terrorists and Islamists in the so-called "Palestinian Territories." Despite the United Nations' claim that it supports counter-terrorism, they oppose every single action taken by Israel to defend itself against terrorism.

America doesn’t need the United Nations for national defense, in fact America would be much better off without the United Nations trying to tell us what to do. The United Nations has done absolutely nothing in recent years but hinder American ambitions. America is the greatest and most powerful nation in the world, we don’t need the United Nations to provide national defense for us or promote our strategic interests, not that the UN has any intention of doing either anyway. We have the strongest military, military bases and aircraft carriers at strategic locations around the world, and dozens of allies; we are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. As for the Untied Nations providing a possible deterrent to a conflict with the United Nations, there would be no need since no one in their right mind would dare attack America, not to mention we’ve already seen how good the United Nations is at keeping the peace (not at all). Additionally, America has a nuclear deterrent, so the potential superpowers (Brazil, China, India, Russia) wouldn’t dare us nuclear weapons against us, because they would be destroyed as well (mutually assured destruction).

Now let's expand upon the United Nations and their failure to respect gun rights around the world. In 2005 the United Nations attempted to force the federal government of Brazil to implement gun control. Fortunately the Brazilian people took the streets protesting the attempt and demanded a referendum, in this referendum the vast majority of the Brazilian people voted against the gun ban. Even now the United Nations is trying to force an international gun ban treaty, and what's worse is that even our own president, Barack Obama has betrayed the American people and the Constitution (again), Obama is working with the United Nations to try to force this gun ban down the throats of every single United Nations member. We cannot stand by as these unelected UN bureaucrats to violate our fundamental human rights, I seriously propose that America leaves the United Nations until and unless the United Nations begins to show respect for gun rights. What are your thoughts on withdrawal from the United Nations and how would you have us go about doing so?