Let's Play Banjo Kazooie!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Here comes Banjo Kazooie! This is a contender for my favourite N64 game and I'm so excited to make an lp on it!

This is the opening to what will be my next let's play: Banjo Kazooie! This game is an N64 3d-platformer, pretty similar to Mario 64 in many ways. It was made by the amazingly talented people over at Nintendo and Rareware.

If you would like to buy it now-a-days, then you can head over to the Xbox 360 Live store and buy the HD remaster for a cheap price for such a classic :)


Here's the banjo kazooie wiki link if you fancy finding out a bit more:


The series will be starting tomorrow! Hope to see you there! :D
Episode 1: Practice On The Spiral

Ok, let's kick things off with the opening cinematics! As well as this, I decide to show you the tutorial...I know these things are normally boring, but not in Banjo Kazooie! I swear! With this tutorial, we get to travel around the practice world that is Spiral Mountain. Your reward? An extra piece of health (or honeycombs as they're called in this game)!


See, that wasn't so bad! :p
We may return here after a while so that I can show you a minigame that will get you an achievement in the 360 version...we aren't allowed to do this yet though.

So, now that we've crossed the bridge into Gruntilda's Lair, we can make a proper start next episode!

Forgive the controller...not even sure if you would notice the problem I had though. Either way, this will be fixed for episode 2 :)
Last edited:
It's time to take on Mumbo's Mountain in episode 2! It's magnificent! :p


Bring on the termites and voodoo music! This world goes pretty well, with it all being done in this one episode. No major problems, but just watch out when you're a termite: you can't attack at all. Use your speed to your advantage, as well as your ability to climb up steep walls...if you need to escape from enemies, I mean.

I also get to show you how to get another jiggy in Grunty's Lair...enjoy! :)
Ok, today we have 2 episodes, because it took me 2 episodes to complete world 2: Treasure Trove Cove!


Ahoy! Thar Be Treasure In Episode 3!


Treasure Trove Cove is another easy enough world, but there are 1 or 2 new concepts to grasp: one of which is the flying ability which is pretty tough to get used to. I really like the accordian played in this world, and that shark really gets your pulse racing :D


Last Pieces O' Eight - Episode 4!


Hello again! This episode has the rest of Treasure Trove Cove (with absolutely everything collected) along with us finding another jiggy in Grunty's Lair!
Hope you've enjoyed this world...the next one's a corker for one hit kills...


See you tomorrow! :)
Banjo and Kazooie. So many childhood memories. I never could beat it. Damn music note doors. Banjo Toowie was harder but at least the worlds didn't reset if you died or left.
Banjo and Kazooie. So many childhood memories. I never could beat it. Damn music note doors. Banjo Toowie was harder but at least the worlds didn't reset if you died or left.

The childhood memories are what made me choose it for this series :) . My one save file has like 90 hours and I still never beat the last boss :/
I used to have so many problems with the note doors too, but this time through seems alright. Just getting everything in each world in one go (when I don't die).
As for the notes resetting, they don't in the 360 version. They fixed it :)

*Click image to see a bigger Clanker*

I dread Clanker's Cavern each time I play through the game...I ALWAYS end up drowning at least once, and you have to restart the whole world again if you do so. Well, here are the 2 episodes that cover every single aspect of Clanker's Cavern...all jiggies, notes and honeycombs at least...along with the Grunty switch and the new move.


Episode 5 - Grunty's Garbage Disposal


Hey there folks! The 2 episodes today are both going to be based around Clanker's Cavern, which is well known for it's one hit KO's (starting all over again has never been such fun!). This episode has us free Clanker...sort of. He's happy anyways. We also get a few other things done.
Thanks for watching! :)


Episode 6 - Scrubbing Clanker's Gnashers


And this is the 2nd (and last!) episode in Clanker's Cavern! We finish off everything thing else, learning a new move as we go. We can now become invincible for a while! We also find another jiggy in Grunty's Lair. Oh oh oh, we happen to find the jigsaw puzzle for the next area too by accident :/

Enjoy ladies and gentlemen! :D
Episode 7 - Bubblegloop Turtles


Hey there folks! Today, the 2 episodes being uploaded show the 100% completion of Bubblegloop Swamp. This episode shows the turtle minigame along with quite a few other things...hope you enjoy! :)


Episode 8 - Snap! Snap!


And hello again! The rest of Bubblegloop Swamp is in this ep, including all the crocodile stuff. The croc minigame is especially tough, but we make it through somehow ;)

A new world is coming tomorrow! :)
A world full of Christmas delight! Episode 9: Christmas Tree Inbound!


Freezeezy Peak (100% completion) is on the cards in the next 2 episodes, and it's certainly an interesting world. Full of christmas wonders and snow all over the place. I do love bouncing around as...what you transform into this time around. We don't seem to get much done this episode, but we mostly do preparation work for episode 10...


We check out the giant snowman in episode 10: Fun With Snowmen


This episode sees the last of Freezeezy Peak (well, almost) which is a bit of a shame, but we will be back for the last jiggy later (we can't get it until the next world is done). The next world is like the complete opposite of this one...

Thanks for watching so far! :D
The following 2 episodes are going to be a bit of an experiment in terms of picture quality...the 2nd episode should be better than the first.


Episode 11: Jinxy's Snot Attack


Hey folks, this episode has the start of Gobi's Valley. Who knew clearing snot from a giant dog's nose could be such fun? The rest will be up later or tomorrow.


Episode 12: Gobi's Water Emergency


And here's the rest of Gobi's Desert. Lotsa collecting as per usual...exploring Indiana Jones style tombs etc :p

Thanks for watching so far! The next episode will be a bit of a "tying-up" episode, but there'll be a start to the next world tomorrow too; it's actually my favourite world, so don't miss it! ;)
Ah! The memories of my blessed childhood rush back like a tempest leaving nostalgia and fondness in its wake!

I remember coming back from school and playing this and Jet Force Gemini to death! I loved this game; gameplay-wise and
because of the awesome atmosphere, simply enchanting.

PS: Was not this same engine the original engine used in the Killer Instinct games? I can vaguely recall reading about it in the
now late Gamepro magazine back in the day, this engine being a slightly modified version of the original. I may be wrong and
confusing it with something else, though.
Ah! The memories of my blessed childhood rush back like a tempest leaving nostalgia and fondness in its wake!

I remember coming back from school and playing this and Jet Force Gemini to death! I loved this game; gameplay-wise and
because of the awesome atmosphere, simply enchanting.

PS: Was not this same engine the original engine used in the Killer Instinct games? I can vaguely recall reading about it in the
now late Gamepro magazine back in the day, this engine being a slightly modified version of the original. I may be wrong and
confusing it with something else, though.

Ha, for me it was this, OoT and Yoshi's Story. I swear, even if I found my old n64 it would be all burnt out lol. I'm glad you love B&K as much as me though. I don't think there's a single part of the game that I dislike...although Rusty Bucket Bay is my least favourite world in the game :/

They were the same engine? It'd be interesting to play Killer Instinct just to see the similarities etc. I never did get around to playing it...bugger.

Thanks for commenting mr NeoTesseract! Hope you continue to watch :)
Episode 13: Spare Jiggy Jiggies!


Hey guys, this time around is just about collecting a couple of jiggies in Grunty's Lair and heading back to Freezeezy Peak to finish off that world...it's now 100% done folks!
The next world is my favourite, so look forward to the next couple of episodes! :)


Episode 14: Organ in the Church


Hey folks, here begins the 1st of 3 episodes in my favourite world! We get quite a bit done...mostly around the church. I love this world!
Please enjoy...the rest will be up tomorrow! :)
Episode 15: Luigi's Mansion?


Alright folks, it's time to check out the actual mansion in part 2/3 of Mad Monster Mansion. That toilet looks suspicious...yes indeed...


Episode 16: Ghostland Finished!


Hey there folks, this is the last episode in Mad Monster Mansion! Everything is sorta tied up in this episode...the next world is bloody evil...as you'll see tomorrow :/
Episode 17: Skirting The Bucket


Hey there folks, in this episode we focus on the notes and jiggies that surround the ship. We won't be hopping on board properly until the next episode. Also: check out my amazing failure at the end...how depressing lmao.


Episode 18: Aboard The Rusty Bucket


Hey folks, it's time to get on the rusty bucket! It may be a bit of a wreck, but it's got some catchy music I guess. I still hate the level though :p
One more episode in this world folks! :)


Side note: There won't be another episode for a couple of days now. I'm off on a break for the weekend. There will probably be a short episode uploaded the day I get back...maybe.
Episode 19: The Last Of The Rust


Hey folks, in this episode we obtain the final jiggy and honeycomb piece in Rusty Bucket Bay! I get everything else off camera, considering you've seen where everything is by now ;)

*This episode has me test out something new to do with video quality. It's certainly a bit better...but is it good enough? I'm thinking I shouldn't have stretched the video. Next episode we'll try the improvements without the stretching and see if it's any better.*
Episode 19: The Last Of The Rust


Hey folks, in this episode we obtain the final jiggy and honeycomb piece in Rusty Bucket Bay! I get everything else off camera, considering you've seen where everything is by now ;)

*This episode has me test out something new to do with video quality. It's certainly a bit better...but is it good enough? I'm thinking I shouldn't have stretched the video. Next episode we'll try the improvements without the stretching and see if it's any better.*

I personally think that looks much better, it hard for games like n64 because they were made for 4.3.... but I think that video looking much much better ;)

keep up the work :)
Episode 20: Springing Into Click Clock Woods


Hey there folks and folkesses, this episode has the start of the final world: Click Clock Wood. This world is split into 4 seasons, with us playing through almost all of Spring in this episode. There will be 1 episode per season...but there will be a tiny but of Spring in the next episode too. Bzzzzzzzz :/
Thanks for watching! :)

*I took away the stretch to see if this was any better? I think going back to stretched may be better...I always did like a full screen. Hmmmm, not sure.* - Stevie
Episode 20: Springing Into Click Clock Woods


Hey there folks and folkesses, this episode has the start of the final world: Click Clock Wood. This world is split into 4 seasons, with us playing through almost all of Spring in this episode. There will be 1 episode per season...but there will be a tiny but of Spring in the next episode too. Bzzzzzzzz :/
Thanks for watching! :)

*I took away the stretch to see if this was any better? I think going back to stretched may be better...I always did like a full screen. Hmmmm, not sure.* - Stevie

What you could do is only crop it (or stretch it) from the top and bottom to make it 4:3 do you would only get the black bars at the sides of the video but I think alot of people don't like the black bar you get on YouTube videos
Thank you steve! I'll give that a go during the next episode! As for today...

Episode 21: Summer Time!


Hey there folks, it's time for us to head on over to Summer in Click Clock Wood! Of course, we need to finish off Spring first, but that only takes a few minutes. Summer is full of sunshine and bees and mumbo in his thong :eek:

It's gonna be Autumn tomorrow so look out for the amazing reds and ambers :)