[Interest Check/Discussion] Project Destrillians

Name: Rosaos Zabat

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Personality: Rosaos Zabat never joined the military or any terrorist group. He's a working man who gets contracted for odd jobs and salvage. He likes to take risks. He enjoys eating food outside of home instead of making it. He used to be an outgoing scout working for the news media as a photographer and cameraman, but he changed jobs due to politics and war. He likes to show respect when it's only earned, and he says what's on his mind.

Physical Appearance: He looks a lot like men you'd see in black and white films. He has short black hair and a clean shaven face. He's 6' with an athletic build. He wears buttoned shirts with trousers a lot. He usually wears a shirt and board shorts when he's working. He looks like he's from the Mediterranean coast.

Physical/Elemental Abilities: Rosaos doesn't compete in sports, but he's a stronger diver than most. He doesn't have any special abilities, but he uses a dive ragnum built for industrial use. He keeps a pistol locked away with his gear in case he needs one on the job.

Dive Ragnum: The dive ragnum that Rosaos uses is a full environmental exoskeleton suit designed to be used for sea diving. It's 8'. It has a laser cutter on the left arm. There are tools on the right arm for welding. There are 2 jets attached to wings and two jets on the back that allow easy piloting underwater or in the air. It has a higher cost and is tougher than suits used by the military and terrorists because it was designed for construction. It's bulletproof. Its design gives robotic strength needed for underwater construction and salvage.

Its helmet has a retro look similar to brass diving helmets, a red light, and 3 windows. The helmet's center window has a screen from a computer that monitors the environment and suit. Another screen shows Rosaos the oxygen scrubber status, air compression, vital signs, how much energy the suit has, and a GPS map. The center window can also show infrared. The dive ragnum is painted orange with a shiny brass finish over the helmet and joints. A camera is fitted on the exterior of the suit.

Viola History: Rosaos was part of the crew hired to build Zambezi, which is an underwater research facility. The project started a year ago and is almost completed. Each crew member is considered to be a subcontractor to Viola Corporation and receives an ID badge. Each person is granted access to some of the facilities. Rosaos is usually on the docks or a nearby food vendor when he's on break. He hasn't seen much of the war since he's usually busy. He was later hired by Viola Corporation as technician and was asked to be an instructor and assistant to Dr. Ayaka Mizushima of Viola Corporation.


Name: Project 000-000-047 (Classified) – Dr. Ayaka Mizushima

Gender: Female

Age: 6. She believes she's 30 due to memory implants.

Personality: Dr. Ayaka Mizushima is a cold person who almost never shows emotion. She could be described as an emotionless doll. She has memory implants without her knowing and believes she's the daughter of a Japanese investor of Viola Corporation. No one other than the CEO of Viola Corporation, the head of the research department, and investor Tadashi Mizushima know that she's a destrillian. She never thought about being a destrillian and remembers having a decent childhood. She's not the type to hurt animals or most insects and believes that war is only necessary in the country's defense. She tends to stay quiet and apart from others. She never gets too close to anyone. She also likes to cultivate plants and tend to a rock garden in her spare time.

She believes she grew up with her father in a beach house in Japan. She remembers going around the islands on a boat. She remembers her grandmother's cooking and visiting family on other islands. She sometimes remembers playing the bassoon when she was young, but she barely touches it today. Her mother was in theater, but she remembers her mother dying when she was young during a bomb attack. She also remembers hurting a boy when she was in grade school for stealing her lunch. She keeps a normal routine. She walks everyday to and from Viola Corporation. She eats from the same sushi bar everyday for lunch.

Physical Appearance: She enjoys dressing like it's still the 1950s. She prefers looking conservative except for blonde and redhead streaks in her black hair. Her hair is shoulder length and kept back. She's 5'6" with a slender build. She looks like a 30 year old Japanese woman. She's usually seen with the same outfit when she comes to work at Viola Corporation. She wears a white dress and white buttoned shirt coming up to her neck with black buttons and a black ribbon tie. She wears black leather dress shoes for women.

Element: Water

Physical/Elemental Abilities: Ayaka was designed to be special. She's synthetic, but she's still mostly water like humans. There's no telling how long she's expected to live, but she has accelerated healing. Her blood also has the ability to heal others, and she has a gift to heal others by touch. She's starting to think something at the corporation might be the cause. Ayaka also has an ability called hydrokinesis.

Viola History: Tadashi almost lost his daughter to an attack by a rebel faction on a city building. Shrapnel from an explosion hit her head and put her into a coma. His daughter currently resides in a hospital under life support. He asked Viola Corporation to create an adult destrillian with the memories of his daughter since there was no chance of recovery. The corporation had the knowledge and means to accomplish it. Ayaka has been working as a research scientist for the past 6 years on basement level 3. Then, she was sent to start research in Zambezi. It holds research on safe genetic modifications through crossbreeding for animal and plant life in an air compressed underwater environment.
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edit: Kyreaan! Just to advise you Machinas are always big, like gundams or roughly the size of Evangelions. If you want a smaller suit thats human sized, we use Ragnums. They're all universal.
I'm sorry, I keep trying to make a full post, I do! This eye infection is getting the better of me, please do auto Euon along with whatever group you find appropriate and with the antibiotics and eye drops I should be fine within the week. I would be able to post I imagine if it were not both eyes and spread to the surrounding tissue. ^^; Earnest apologies. For example, this just took me a half hour. I'm sorry.
Karu, that's okay bud, thanks for letting us know. Take your time to get better; Euon won't be forgotten. We won't god-mod him along, but we won't exclude him either. Don't worry. :)

@Kyreaan VERY nice. I like the complicated history of this Des and her overseer/parent (one who is definitely closer to home than most). With the brief history, I just have some questions if you could clarify. So the physical daughter is in a Hospital bed, but another Des acts as a host for her memories (and possibly emotions).. sort of as a dummy daughter, 'Dr Ayaka'.. so she goes about Viola believing herself to be one of the staff, when she's a Destrillian... and her body has sort of been... hyper-matured to a 30 year old range to continue with this facade, when she's been around for nary 6 years...

Is this correct?
Ayaka is a destrillian who was made a 30 year old Japanese woman. She doesn't know that she's a destrillian. She was based from Tadashi's daughter and given her memories. She believes she's his daughter. The files on her are classified. The healing abilities and hydrokinesis are unknown. She's supposed to be close to a human as possible. Tadashi and his real daughter are humans. Think Battlestar Galactica.
So, I just want to point out a couple inconsistencies made by others when it comes to Miryz's telepathy.

1] You can choose whether or not to receive the messages if you know what it is. Some random jackoff on the street would have Miryz talking into his head until he realized it was telepathy and shut it out.

2] It its not an area affect naturally. I can choose to communicate with a single person, multiple, or anyone in the vicinity. Or I can send off a broadcast to a subgroup and they can tune in if they want. I usually say which of these it is, so please try not to respond when it's not directed at your character.

3] Once the channel is open and you recieve, you can send a reply and Miryz will pick it up. You don't have to yell, send smoke signal or use the air traffic batons. And others can't hear you if you do reply.

I said it in the bio and I'll say it again: It's like a two way radio, just with more privacy options.

All said, there's not been a gross misunderstanding here so I'll leave things where they are but do keep the specifics in mind which responding to Miryz's telepathy and related actions.
Hrm.. Well, with the Destrillian ability for inter-connect telepathy, I figured that the message was a Viola-wide broadcast for their kind... and then I figured that everyone else figured that. :monster: Beyond that, I haven't.. quite seen what you mean, but then again I'm not in that group atm so I haven't been dissecting the posts as thoroughly.
Alexander was supposed to approach Team Religion, but his lateness prompted me to make him the last approachee. then we may proceed with the plans.

:mokken: where are you @The Welsh Paddy ???

Sorry, I haven't been paying enough attention. Usually I get a little pop up notifying me when someone mentions me. :hmmm: Anyhow, things had gotten pretty hectic over this end, but I am ready to get back into this. However, as it is now the summer holidays, I will probably only be able to get one post in every couple of days. Are you guys cool with that?
For the record Tipsy, I haven't forgotten about your doctor~ I'll address that in my next post!

Ayaka is a destrillian who was made a 30 year old Japanese woman. She doesn't know that she's a destrillian. She was based from Tadashi's daughter and given her memories. She believes she's his daughter. The files on her are classified. The healing abilities and hydrokinesis are unknown. She's supposed to be close to a human as possible. Tadashi and his real daughter are humans. Think Battlestar Galactica.

While we're on this, what exactly is our setting? Is it parallel universe Earth, or a different world entirely?
It's a different world called Linisium. Might dedicate some time to naming the countries and whatnot this august.

Actually, wait for a slight bit. Ill be having my post up real soon in teh next half day with the doctor. Ill be having her reach B5 and contact Vargas and Connor thru radio for rendevous.
Awwwwright let's get this shit rollin'! Marko, Ralph with team religion post oncoming!

Hahaha. i forgot i already ahd a post for the doctor, so yea. Go ahead and reply XP
I'm working on a poast atm, totes mcgoats! It's just taking ages because clinical placement is making me feel like a corpse. >: