I have a small sample size thus far, only about 12 hours of playtime, so it isn't much.
So the battle system isn't the greatest to me. It's a little closer to Type 0 than older FF's. It's not that it's bad, per se, but I like the old turn-based systems better. And I'm not too keen on the whole using Noctis only thing, I'd like to change it up every now and again. At least Phoenix Downs aren't such a rare commodity in this game.
I think the thing that bugs me most though is the whole day/night dynamic. I wouldn't mind it as much if it was a little closer to real life (no not minute per minute in game time). But it's like I play for 10 minutes after waking up, then it's night again and time for bed. It's tough to get a little momentum going when I have stop what I'm doing to run back to a resting place. Then that's to gain experience as well, instead of gaining it actively. I can understand and appreciate that they wanted to do something different to change the experience. But I think these changes represented more of a negative effect. If I could run around in day-time hours for like a good hour, then I wouldn't mind as much. I do like the element of day/night for the sake of scenery and enemy dynamic, it's just too fast of a clock. I suppose if I can handle the night time creatures, it won't be as bad, but the clock is still too fast, and I need to cash in my experience anyways.
Maybe these gripes will ease up some over time when my party gets tougher and I grasp the gameplay more.
For positives, I do like that I can listen to old FF soundtracks in the car. I've bought every one I've come across so far. It's epic to listen to Find Your Way, The Oath, Battle on the Big Bridge, Sunken Shrine and Sunleth Waterscape while on a commute. So far money is easy to come by, which helps for bulking up the party and preparing for the long road ahead (pun intended and not intended). And I do like the Skills aspect like Fishing and such to give everyone a unique exploration ability.
I might come back for another review when I'm further along. I think we'll see some good vibes going forward though.
Night time becomes a non-issue after a while, for sure. And I at least hoarded by EXP so that I could spend it at rest places that added a multiplier to it. That could help you reach a level that allows you to tackle night enemies faster (level 35 or so, if I recall?)
As for only playing as Noctis, are you doing that willingly? Because there was an update months ago that allowed you to switch between the four characters at any time. And they all have unique mechanics too