Anime RP

OOC: monsters in the world that Gourry comes from, is a high ranking demon, from the world of darkness.
So in Gourry's eyes, Alucard firths the picture perfectly.

EDIT: yes, they often take human form

"Master?" Gourry sorta asked himself
He got all sorts of weird thoughts.
most of them being dismissed, but he was close to certain that this red dressed man, was a monster.

And this other girl, caddying that huge thing. She had to be one as well.

Gourry immediately went defensive, taking a stance, and putting his hand on the handle of the sword.
A small *click* was heard, that was when he released the metal blade, making his energy version be avalible.

he didn't draw it just yet though
"Why are 2 monsters here, where is Lina" he asked, finally he realized that he was not home, nad Lina was gone
Kenshin stared into the devilish eyes of the stranger, smiling nervously and waving his hands in front of him, forcing a laugh.

"Must you radiate malice when questioning this one? This one knows nothing about the surroundings, except they apparently sell cake.."

He looked over at the blonde next to him. "Perhaps my friend here knows more?"

Suddenly, a woman in strange clothing burst through the door and ran to the dark figure.

"Ah!" Kenshin said, looking with relief at the new arrival. "You know this man? Could you perhaps convince him that looking so very terrifying is rather... er... terrifying?"

A click was heard to his left. Turning, he saw the blonde gripping his sword, talking about monsters and someone named Lina.

"Oro!" he exclaimed, looking frantically at everyone in the room, "Surely, we needn't get violent?! Let's find a way to settle this peacefully!"
Alucard smirked defiantly as he witnessed this sudden act of hostility, not that he wasn't used to it. Having seen Victoria's arrival and that she went by his side, Alucard remained quiet, as he enjoyed the show. "Honestly I don't know where we are...." Then he fixed his eyes on the man who took a defensive stance, threatening to attack Alucard at any moment. "I wouldn't do that....if I were you...." Alucard smiled confidently as his eyes began to show a small glint of pale red, as if his eyes reflected the flames of hell. Slowly, Alucard grasped the handle of his semi automatic handgun with his right hand and drew it from its holster. He held his gun besides his right leg, aiming at the floor for now, but ready to aim with deadly accuracy to any of the targets standing on this place. With a calmed, menacing, almost as if he were confident on turning this into a bloodbath if provoked, he kept speaking: "Again...I wouldn't draw that sword if I were you...I am not the monster you seek, nor is my companion. But if I am provoked, I'll be glad to become your worst nightmare..." His surroundings, more precisely, the floor under his feet began to blacken as Alucard's sorcery was put in action, awaiting a simple command to enshroud everything in darkness.
Seras grew somewhat afraid.

"M-master! Is this really necessary? Must we fight them?"

She stood by his side, aware of what was going on. She really didn't want to have to fight...but she was required to fight with her master, so she shouldered the Harkonnen and aimed it at the men and spoke, allowing them to hear her quavering voice and british accent.

"One blast will blow you to pieces. Don't even think about touching my master"
"You're lying. Your eyes, and the black magic. You are deffinatly a monster."

Gourry didn't take any regard to the threats.
He drew his sword. Or rather a handle with no blade at all.

"Light, come forth" Just as he completed the sentence a blade of pure light grew out, and took the form of a normal 2edged sword.
the light glowed strong, it was pure white in color. And Gourry had every intention to fight, unless some proof was give to say that hey where not monsters.

"Where is Lina" he shouted. now changed stance slightly
Kenshin's eyes widened at the gun. It looked to be some sort of modified handgun, but he had never seen anything quite like it before.

"Hey! What did this one just say! No vilolence! We should be trying to find out-"

He then noticed the darkness seeming to eminate from the man, and backed away hurriedly, pointing at the ground.

"Wha-wha- WHAT IS THAT?!"

Was this man truly what the blonde described him as? A devil?!

"Well, devil or no devil," he said, his eyes narrowing into their fight glare and pushing the sakabato slightly out of its sheath, "no one within this one's sight shall die."

He waited for someone to make the first move, ready to intercept whatever attack he had too.
OOC: Holy freaking God this moves quickly...

And that's when Zoro burst into the picture
"Where the hell am I?" He yelled, not seeing the imminent stand-off, "You guys don't look like you belong here either, and I certainly don't and so..."
He broke off, looking at the people, who were all staring at him.
Then, he noticed their readied weapons.
"Fine then," he said, smiling evilly and loosening his swords in their sheaths, readying himself into an attack stance, "if this is going to happen, let it now. Then we can move on."
He stopped grinning for a minute then groaned.
"I hate not fighting," he growled, and he stood straight, "but I don't think we should. We don't all belong here, so I think we should find a way to get along, and then find a way to get home!"
Crossing his arms, he leaned against the closest wall and closed his eyes.
"My name is Roronoa Zoro," he said in what could pass as a friendly tone of voice, "and I am the greatest swordsman who ever lived."
*While Ichigo was looking for other life forms that were at least something like him, he saw a group of people looking like they were going to have a face off. He then attempted to approach them seeing as they looked more like him than anyone else in this world.* Can anyone of you guys tell me who you are, where we are, and why we are here?..... And don't attack me, because I will not hesitate to attack back.....
Kenshin blinked in surprise and lowered his thumb that was propping the sakabato's hilt from its sheath.

"Oro? Who would have thought that a pastry shop would be so attractive to those that find themselves in a world not their own?" Kenshin looked up thoughtfully for a moment. "Perhaps it is in the inherently alluring quality of sweets?"

He then lowered his gaze and smiled as friendly as possible at the three still in the stand-off.

"This one quite agrees with the scary looking man with three swords leaning against the wall. Should we not find unified purpose in our unified plight?"

Kenshin thought for a moment and turned to Gourry with a look of extreme patience.

"That means that we should work together."
He had been chasing a bird around the city harmlessly when the world collapsed around him and he landed somewhere unfamiliar. The Wolf looked around with scared eyes, whimpering with his tail between his legs. "Where-where am I?" He spotted the unlikely group of faces "Who are you guy's?" It was then Toboe realised that the humans had they're wepons drawn and Toboe in his worry played his trick on them, appearing to them as a small innocent human boy. He crept forward, head bowed low and back hunched into the middle of the tussle. "We-we don't need to fight do we?" He looked at them with a small smile then, trying to appear innocent so that they would put they're weapons to the side. "Where are all of you from?" He grinned his obviously wolfish grin and jabbed his thumb to his chest. "My names Toboe! I'm a wo-...umm." He remembered the last time he revealed himself being a wolf, the humans had not taken lightly to it and he had had to go into hiding for a while before he could roam the streets again. He didn't fancy being pummled because of his secret.

Instead he turned to the man and the woman that were both holding types of guns. He notted that the woman was carrying a huge cannon like thing and he grinned sheepishly...he didn't want to get on the wrong side of that weapon. " Heh heh, your both dressed rather weirdly. Where are you from?!"

He really didn't want to fight. He was only a cub, he had his whole life ahead of him yet. He wanted to play and have fun. He wanted to go back home to Tsume, Hige and Kiba. Was he ever going to get back? He didn't even know why he had ended up here. His eyes saddened and he looked to the floor. "I want to go home. Do you guy's know where home is?"

He hoped they did, because he certainly didn't.
*Ichigo then loosens his grip on his sword, and sighs.* You know, he is right... We all got sucked into a vortex right? Doesn't that mean we should work together, and figure out a way to get back to where we came from? We were obviously brought here for a reason, because only a few people got sucked in to that vortex.... I say that we put aside our differences and start over..... We all have a common goal... And if you will not listen to reason then I will force you to stop.... *Unsheathes sword* I ask again, who are all of you?
Seras sighed, the Harkonnen still shouldered.

"I do suppose peace and allying amongst ourselves would be good, but how do I know that Master and I can trust you?"

~Good job, Seras~ she thought, ~Get all facts, then proceed with caution. Just like you learned in police training~. She looked at strange people in the sweets shop. Especially the ones with swords...

"You know, if you're going to be peaceful, you really shouldn't have your sword drawn. It's rude and very distrustful.......and Master, please calm down. We don't want to get into a fight with all of these people around. I don't know if there are even people around here who can make us a contact with headquarters..."
....Fine.... I guess you are right about the sword. *Sheathes sword* And you can trust me because, I do not betray people, and plus like I said we are all stranded here, so were the only people you've got....

And how do you know that you can trust anyone else around here, I mean they don't even look like our species... Trust me.... I would not do anything to harm someone without them starting it first... I do not attack people who do not attack me.... Do you trust me now?
Seras blinked. The person had confused not only her, but had mixed up and twisted words so much, it gave her a headache just trying to figure out what he'd said. Still, she didn't unshoulder the Harkonnen.

"I'll warn you now touch my master, and I will hurt you..."

At that, she loosened a bit, extending one hand to the guy.

"I'm Seras Victoria, it's a pleasure to meet you"
OOC: I cant remember Ichigo talking like that, or behaving like that

Gourry stood there with a rather confused look.

"So..... you're not monsters?"
he was fairly certain they where.
If no one else, at least the one in red cloak.

With all these apparent humans gathering around, and not attacking.
Maby he was right. And he was just a shady looking person.

Gourry suddenly, for no reason at all.
Decided to believe them for now.

The sword of light dissapeared, and he 'sheathed' the handle.

"umm... if you are not Monsters, what are you?" he asked looking really confused
Zoro sighed annoyedly at the man's idiocy, and again at the woman with the giant cannon.
"You say we should trust you," he said pointedly, shifting his shoulders to make himself seem more relaxed, but actually moving so he could unsheath and attack in an instant, "but why should we when you have a GIANT FREAKING CANNON on your shoulder?"
"I," he said in an annoyed tone, "am a human. My name," he said again, "is Roronoa Zoro."
Looking at the girl again and frowning slightly, then at the man she had called Master.
"And if you want to talk about manners and trust, maybe we should all introduce ourselves? Not just strawberry," he nodded at Ichigo, "cannon-lady," he nodded at Seras, "and myself. Hmmm?"
"Yes! Introductions!" Kenshin said hurriedly, hoping, if nothing else, to prolong the break in the action.

"This one is called Himura Kenshin," he began with a bow, "a rurouni who's destination is unknown, even to this one. This one, too, is human."

Straightening, he turned with a smile to the blonde swordsmen.

"If this one is not mistaken, you called yourself Gourry?"
OOC: i go for a day and now i don't know whats happening

Ed was sat on a bench in the street thinking of where or even when he was, he was looking around "I don't recognize any of these technologies, i haven't even seen anything like this in the Central weapons development facility" Ed though to himself he stood up and walked down the street, he saw a man sat on the side of the path so he walked upto him "excuse me, could you tell me how to get to central from here" the man looked at him like he was stupid "listen kid i don't know of any central" ed looked at the man with an evil expression "I'M NOT A KID" he screamed at the man "sorry it's just your so small" the look became filled with hatred "I'M NOT SMALL"
As Roy proceeded towards the door in the upper left area of the circluar room of which he currently resided, the door seemed to be smaller than he had originally suspected, it now stood at little over 2 meters, as he pushed the stony doors open and entered the room beyond. As he looked around he was suddenly greeted by pitch darkness. From within the darkness a faint glow could be seen suspended in the air, Roy lit a small flame from his finger which was 3 inches high and walked towards the light. As he examined what little could be seen of the room he saw strange art along the walls and floor depicting a war between some kind of subspecies of human and large beasts. As he ascended the stairs that had entered Roy's view he saw the ending of the war, with the humans siezing victory, until a huge earthquake toppled the civilisation and buried them underground. When Roy finished viewing the art he was now mere feet below the light, increasing the size of the flame to a small fireball he could see a strange kind of single bladed sword. As Roy walked towards it until directly beneath it he tried to grab the sword, after three unsuccessful jumps he eventually grabbed the blade and pulled it down. Almost automatically the room began to collapse. Holding the sword by its handle he ran down the stairs as quickly as he could, quickly being pursued by falling rubble, as he leapt through the doorway a huge block of rubble sealed the entrance, as he turned his back to it and walked on he heard a huge succession of booms and bangs and a small smoke cloud blew from the rubble.

Now that Roy could relax he looked over the weapon he had retrieved from the collapsed room, it had a golden handle and had two thin pieces of rope with gold pattern along it falling from the handle. The blade was nothing special, other than its unique design, it was straight and was single edged and rather thin, considering the swords Roy had seen. Roy let his eyes lose focus on the blade and to his present situation, he looked for an exit and eyed one that was not present before, this doorway was a whopping 10 feet tall and 5 foot wide. It was decorated in a blue blood-like substance, as Roy walked through the doorway the room lit with a beacon of light in the center of the room. Roy unlit his flame and covered his eyes with his left arm and walked towards the beacon cauciously, as he got closer he could feel the intense heat, nearly as strong as his flames. He decided to go around the beacon to avoid any burning. He sidestepped around it, still covering his eyes until he reached the opposite side of the room. As Roy turned around and walked through the doorway which was parallel to the one he entered he was thrust into what appeared to be the central that he had left. Before he could enter however he saw a small gash in the wall, and next to it a connection of pictures depicting a man impaling it with a sword that looked exactly like the one Roy bore. Copying the art he thrust the sword into the gash and instantly the wall exploded and in a flash of light Roy vanished, when he could see through the light he was in a small town that seemed to be a kind of port town. Roy set off to investigate this strange place.