Original Dissidia Tier List & Matchup Data


Blue Octahedron of Doom
Sep 30, 2008
Before you start posting about how tires lsts dont exists, keep in mind that this tier list is based on heavily tested matchup data and collected data from numerous tourney and is 99% accurate.


Credit for the list goes to Shine, Hallabaloo, Ehx, Dave, Funky, Nero, Slinky, Robo, Paru, KGen, Spyder, RDF, Aveot, Tw1g, Kraid, Slinky, A-ther, Bloodsword and Slayer0, all from DissidiaForums, for contributing their knowledge and experience towards this current tier list.

This thread is meant to be stickied and then locked, however I ask the moderators to only lock it if it goes out of control as I do want to test if the forum members are capable of handling an intelligent discussion on the sensitive matter that is a tier list.

You are free to discuss anything you like, just keep in mind that an opinion is not a fact and you will be okay. And try not to post small (or stupid) posts.

I am also sorry if what I have written is too "elitist" or even offensive.
I never would've expected Zidane/Kuja to come out on top, Zidane always struck me as too weak in physical attack and Kuja's attacks were generally difficult to land unless playing defensively (for me) :hmmm:

Also shocked Onion Knight is so far down, I though melee OK was rather high tier.
Eh, this list agrees with my playing style, cept Kuja (cuz I dislike Kuja). Zidane has always been my favorite to play, and I lose with him less then I lose with Tidus, who is currently a level 100 to Zidane's 49.

Slightly biased I suppose, but eh. What can you do.
Slightly biased I suppose, but eh. What can you do.

The tier list is also slightly affected by the number of player playing a certain character, so a slight bias is to be expected. However matchup data is a bit more important than tourney results.

♥Beauty Queen Etna♥;822336 said:
Also shocked Onion Knight is so far down, I though melee OK was rather high tier.

He can prove a bit of trouble and is okay on certain matchups, however if he whiffs an attack he's dead. His attacks may be "quick" but if he misses, he is very easy to punish.

Some people are testing OK's capabilities and he might ascend however there is no telling if he is going to do it.
Wow, these results are rather surprising. As overrated as he may seem, I thought Cloud would have scored better. I mean, when I was playing, all I literally had to do was repeatedly give the enemy a taste of Omnislash and it's all a done deal. >.>

That, and although I find Kuja a good character to use to maneuver around the map, I find only his Ultima attack easy to use. His other moves just doesn't fit my style, I suppose.
I'm also shocked ExDeath can beat Kefka so easily, I always thought Kefka was a better match for ExDeath, since attacks like Trine, Forsaken, Wabble Wobble Firaga, Zap Trap Thundaga etc were too difficult to block effectively :hmmm:
That depends on who's playing. Depending on what your fighting, you can literally play as Exdeath blindfolded.

Truthfully, Kefka is a lot of fun to play as. His attacks are so unpredictable.... so much joy.
Єphemeral;822345 said:
I thought Cloud would have scored better. I mean, when I was playing, all I literally had to do was repeatedly give the enemy a taste of Omnislash and it's all a done deal. >.>

Cloud is very hard to play and there are few "good" Cloud players (look at Advent-EVA's matches on YouTube). What with his attacks being easy to block, he must rely on Fire and Double Cut to land his hits, which may prove very difficult to do.

♥Beauty Queen Etna♥;822346 said:
I'm also shocked ExDeath can beat Kefka so easily, I always thought Kefka was a better match for ExDeath, since attacks like Trine, Forsaken, Wabble Wobble Firaga, Zap Trap Thundaga etc were too difficult to block effectively :hmmm:

WWF, which is Kefka's best and most useful attack, can be High Guarded which can be troublesome to Kefka. That, and even Trine can be High Blocked with good skill/positioning.


That depends on who's playing. Depending on what your fighting, you can literally play as Exdeath blindfolded.

I'm glad you said that, because I actually do have a video of me playing as Exdeath blindfolded. It's a CPU though, I'd be dead meat against a human. Look at my replay thread.
Why isn't Exdeath in God tier? He can block pretty much EVERYTHING in the game and can easily dodge out of the rest of them.

Also why is it 9-1 with Kuja? Remote flare? lol try dodging and punishing with RP.

Why are Tidus and Squall up there? They are extremely easy to turtle, I rarely get hit by HP attacks when fighting them, sure they hit eat away at your brave very fast but they can't kill, EVER.

This brings up Garland also, he should probably be there with Shantotto/Cecil, as long as you stay in the air he can't do anything to kill you. Blaze is extremely easy to dodge
I think that Gabranth should be moved down, I mean sure he's a god in EX Mode but that only lasts for so long and then he's very weak again, I think he should be around B level.

I think Jecht should be around A+ level. There are very few people who can master him but if they can he's extremly good. He can block most attacks with Jecht block and his combos are devastating.

Firion should be around the bottom. his air game is pathetic and his only attacks seem to be the three that he chains to Double Trouble and those are easy enough to block and counterattack.

Squall should definately be around A+/S level, people say he can't land HP attacks but thet simply isn't true. Any proper Squall player can find the gaps in the enemies attacks to use Rough Divide or Blasting Zone. And when you think about it he is so good at dealing brave damage your only going to need to hit with a HP attack once or twice.

I think Tidus should be lower. He's a very difficult guy to fight if you can't predict his moves, (which becomes easy with experience) but if you can, and it isn't difficult, you can easily block his attacks. With speed movement boost it is a joke.

Ultimecia I can't say much about since I don't play as her but I think she should be moved down a little bit because it's very easy to interrupt in her attacks.

Emporer is useless, unless he's Pandemonium in whitch case he's average. The only way you get anywhere with him is endless Flare spamming. and he's easy to beat with a relatively fast character. This is one of the few on the list I can fully agree with.

These are just some of my stronger opinions, say what you want against them, I kinda think the whoke Tier thing is stupid. Despite writing my opinions on how one should go.
How did golbez and firion get so low? Firion, to me, seems like a decent mage killer as well as a good, solid, melee check as well. Golbez has a great list of powerful combos too Exdeath, to me, seems a little overated here. All your opponent needs to do is not attack and exdeath can't do anything.
The tier list is also slightly affected by the number of player playing a certain character, so a slight bias is to be expected. However matchup data is a bit more important than tourney results.

Bias should never be expected o_O

He can prove a bit of trouble and is okay on certain matchups, however if he whiffs an attack he's dead. His attacks may be "quick" but if he misses, he is very easy to punish.

OK won't die so easily if you may think

Some people are testing OK's capabilities and he might ascend however there is no telling if he is going to do it.

OK can do more than you think, he's a great slow/mage killer, 'n can beat Exdeath with mindgames if he wants. But I gotta say, it IS hard to gain the fulliest of OK, but when you do: it's deadly. Once OK has got the game controled, there's nothing the opponent can do.

As far as I know OK can beat these:

Kuja (Punish, just watch out)
Terra (Revenge, Revenge)
Gabranth (Easily punished and pushed around by the 14 year old)
Kefka (Pushing, Punishing, Pwning)
Ultimecia (Watch out for Apocalypse)
Firion (Gotta watch out for his Shield attack thingy)
Emperor (A joke battle >.>)
Shantotto (Wouldn't even be a battle...)
Exdeath (Mindgames, 'n aim for the back, Exdeath's also far too slow)
Cloud (Cloud's actually too slow)
Garland (Just watch out for HP attacks)

But it's hard to gain control of the match with OK if he got a break though.

'n Btw: Sephirtoh, Kefka and Gabranth shouldn't even be A. Only a perfect player can even hope to win against some 'standard' warriors.
Note that other characters also have very good ways of beating OK. Also, against exdeath, as long as onion knight doesn't initiate attacks, it is under no harm.
Note that other characters also have very good ways of beating OK. Also, against exdeath, as long as onion knight doesn't initiate attacks, it is under no harm.

Almost no Char. has a 100% chance of beatin' the other.

Bolded: That goes for everything Character vs Exdeath.

But, it feels as is OK is more like a 'Moment abuser' rater than a 'Matchup fighter' if you understand what I mean.
Keep in mind though that if OK doesn't attack how are you supposed to win? The best way to beat Exdeath is to try and sych him into using his defense moves without actually hitting him and then attacking from behind.
I agree. I meant only attack through when exdeath is already doing something (by counterattack.
hmmm but in saying that if you include people who either cant or dont play dissidia online the table would be different but not by much

out of all the characters i find zidane the easiest to use though it is annoying to try and get his best equipment
can we get more details on the tests before we declare it "99% accurate?" was it the best players vs the best players? simulated cpu vs simulated cpu? it's an interesting list, but there are so many factors that go into things like this that I'd be pretty shocked if even half of them were accounted for
Can I ask HOW this rating was done and HOW are you certain this is the case? As far as I know, Firion is way better than that as he can easily take down a ton of mages as well as stop some melee characters and he is rated so low. If this is done via trial by battles, you must consider the popularity of some characters compared to others.
You'll need to add Sazh and Lightning for the next Dissidia coming out next year.