Terms and rules

Upon joining this site you have agreed to follow the general guidelines established by the forum Staff. If you have any doubts or concerns regarding the rules, please refer to the Staff Team.

There is an infraction system set in place and a protocol that staff members adhere to in order to establish a fair ground with the members. Each offence amounts in infractions points. Depending on the accumulative points due to infringement of rules, automatic suspension may come into play. Please read the rules carefully.


Warnings & Infractions
Staff will typically hand out warnings first before infractions are issued. Keep in mind that warnings are a courtesy, not a requirement. Staff reserves the right, depending on the severity of the action, to issue an infraction whether a warning is given or not.

Flaming & Trolling
For the purposes of keeping an open, inviting and congenial environment, we do not allow flaming or trolling of members. This includes, but is not limited to: insulting, provoking, intimidating, bullying or harassing other members, their beliefs, opinions or lifestyles. If staff sees flaming or trolling happen, or is issued a report thereof, staff will take the appropriate action required. If the behaviour continues further steps will be taken as necessary.

If you are being flamed/trolled, please report the issue right away. Even if provoked by others, any rules broken will be handled accordingly.

Pornography & Inappropriate Content
Posting any pornographic material will result in an instant ban. It is also unacceptable to post or distribute any media or content that could be considered as either offensive or inappropriate to the viewer or incurring in suggestive themes, such as NSFW (not suitable for work) content. Staff reserves the right to remove any material/content they deem too suggestive or offensive to our members. This includes personal profiles, signatures, avatars, user titles, etc.

Racism, Sexism & Prejudice
If any sort of racist, sexist or prejudice remarks (skin colour, beliefs, gender etc) are spotted within our community, action will be taken even if it's all done in jest. These are serious matters and can be highly offensive to our members.

Illegal Content
To respect the copyrights of Square Enix and other parties, we do not permit people to post links to download emulators, torrents, warez, music, films, etc. Any links to ROMs or discussions about how to obtain ROMs are forbidden on this site. Emulation itself is not illegal, however downloading or uploading ROMs for others to download is very illegal.

Respecting Privacy, Personal Information & Harassment
Due to privacy of our members, do not post personal information such as addresses, phone numbers and/or any type of information that could be deemed as private by the affected user. This is a serious matter and any personal details that are posted without the consent of the affected user will be deleted on sight. Appropriate action will be taken and it may result in a permanent ban.

Copyright Infringement & Plagiarism
Do not post material that does not belong to you and claim it as your own (signatures, banners, music, art, writing, etc). Always give proper credit to the rightful owner or specifically state it's not yours. You can use other people's work as a reference as long as you do not duplicate it exactly. While many ideas are not always original and that most literature, art and music are based on previous projects, please be mindful of duplicating other people's work without prior consent from the creator.

Handing Complaints
If you disagree with functions and features of this site, you are allowed to publicly post them as long as you do so in a mature manner.

However, if the complaint is directed at a specific member, please speak to a staff member. Complaints about members should never be done in public as it could lead to a conflict of interest. If the complaint concerns a staff member, you should avoid talking to another member of staff; instead, you are encouraged to submit a private message to one (or all) of the administrators. If your complaint is related to an administrator, you should submit your complaint to our site owner, or a different administrator.

Threads created for the sole purpose of complaining about members will be immediately closed and appropriate action will be taken to the thread creator.

Mental health and anything that comes with it are very serious matters that should be dealt with professionally. Please refrain from making jokes about suicide or self-harm as it is a serious matter. If you are having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please contact your local suicide hotline. Our staff and members are not equipped to handle such matters.

Due to this sensitive matter, please understand that public threads are not something our staff is equipped to handle and they may close topics related to this. Instead, we urge you to reach out in private to trusted people or health professionals.


Multiple Accounts
Members are limited to one account only. If you create a duplicate account for no valid reason, the administrative team will reach out to you and take appropriate action. If you lost the password to your old account and a reset is not working, please contact the administrative team. Accounts can be merged if circumstances require this action.

Please do not make new accounts for the sake of changing your username. Warnings will be given for this type of behaviour. You can find a name change item in our MogShop. Contact staff if you are having issues obtaining this.

Anyone with an inappropriate username will have their name changed by the administrative team. No racist, sexist, prejudice or pornographic content should be attached to your username. This can be changed without warning if the username is offensive.


Post Length & Double Posting
We discourage short posts lacking in elaboration or a clear reference to the original topic (e.g. "I agree" and leaving it at that). It's not a serious issue, but we always encourage more in-depth posts from users. Additionally, posts irrelevant to the original topic ("off-topic") may result in a reminder/general warning or even posts deletion by staff to keep the thread on track.

Please avoid double posting unless a couple of days have passed and you have something new to add. Always edit your post to respond to everyone that has posted before you, you can multi-quote posts, you should not respond to each quote in an individual post.

Spoiler Tags
We urge you to use spoiler tags if there's possible spoilers being mentioned with relatively new games. If you're unsure if a spoiler tag should be used, use it just in case. Staff will edit posts that could possibly contain spoilers and add the tag if you missed it. However, if staff notices consistent spoiler posts without spoiler tags being used, even after notifying the member, warnings and infractions may be issued.

Posting spam could result in a staff member speaking to you about the matter, unless the forum you are posting in states otherwise. Posting spam outside the designated forum may result in a warning or an expiring infraction if it deliberately continues. Please avoid spamming smileys as well.

Pseudo-modding is not a serious issue and to an extent, is actually allowed if the member is trying to be helpful by posting information about the site and rules. While members are free to direct someone to the Site Rules, please refrain from speaking on behalf of staff members (e.g. 'this mod will warn or ban you for this') out of courtesy to the staff.

Do not ask to be on staff
Hiring staff members rarely occurs here. We will hire (through Application Centre or other means) as necessary. Asking to be on staff will only decrease your chances. This also includes asking for moderator privileges in order to gain (partial or absolute) control over a specific area. While we understand and appreciate your concern and willingness to help out, we do not consider it prudent for a member to ask for privileges on any of the areas or features of the site.

Advertising is prohibited until the Mercenary Rank has been obtained.

Even then, advertising outside the Advertising Board is not allowed, unless you are affiliated with Final Fantasy Forums. If you are caught mass private messaging advertisements, you will receive a warning and/or infraction. Your account may also be subject for suspension.

Members may only promote forums, fan sites, communities or links to social media. Any advertising or promotion of goods and services, downloadable files or links to products will first go through staff and can be declined for posting on our forum. This rule is also extended to advertising in your signature. If such is found, your advertisement will be removed from your signature immediately and a warning/suspension may be issued.

You are encouraged to only promote a link in the "website" box on your profile. Though this applies, signature links are allowed if you meet the following criteria:

- Mercenary Rank obtained.

- Hyperlinks (full URLs) are not allowed.

- Embed links are encouraged, ie. ("Name Of Your Site" clickable) or clickable graphic buttons.

Check the Signature & Avatar information for examples.

Our graphics team is happy to assist if you're looking for something specific: Seventh Heaven - Shop | Pixel Dust - Shop

You can also post a general request in our graphics area for anyone to pick up if it peaks their interests: Request & Commissions.

Read the full rules on advertising here.

Respect and Courtesy
Poor manners and attitudes bring negativity to the community. Please remain respectful and courteous to all the members, especially the newbies! Unwelcoming and rude behaviour will result in a warning and/or infraction.

While you have every right to express your opinion and certainly allowed to debate, please do so in a civil manner. Degrading members and their opinions/ideas is not encouraged here. You will be asked to tone it down, and a warning/infraction may be issued. If you wish to express a concern about a member, please contact a member of staff via PM with quotes or proof if necessary. Do not take matters into your own hands, as it will only extend the issue, and might even get you in trouble. Let the staff handle it.


Signatures & Avatars
The entirety of the signature space should not exceed 700 width x 500 height pixels. This includes a signature, text and buttons combined.

Signature images should not exceed 600 width x 300 height pixels.

The size recommended for avatars is 400x400, however these will be downsized automatically to forum standards.

Staff will ask you to adjust when necessary. Failing to respond will result in staff manually removing signature spaces entirely.

More information on signatures can be found here.

Streams & Gallery use
Purchasing the ability to have your stream linked to FFF automatically means your stream will be broadcast on our forum and can be seen by all our members. Due to this we urge you to stick to our community rules, otherwise staff will have to revoke streaming privileges that were purchased. Currency spent is not reimbursed.

Reporting a User
If you must report a user, please do so properly, as all reports will be treated seriously - jokes or not. Give an adequate reason why you are reporting the user, and if we notice that you are abusing the report function (false reports) staff will speak to you about it. You can find the "report" button under the post you want to report, or you can just copy the thread and PM staff.

Shoutbox Regulations
The shoutbox should always be stress-free. Be aware that the ignore, silence, or SB banning can take place if necessary to stabilize the situation, so please ensure that you are using the SB properly and remain cordial with other members. Otherwise, parties involved in any issues can face consequences, with a possible temporary ban from the SB. Please make use of the Ignore function as necessary.

Please do not use big text and unreadable colours in the SB. There is no need for this as it disrupts the SB or any conversation held by others.

Site Currency
All information on site currency can be found in the Currency System thread.

The FFF Discord is not associated with the forum, instead it's a friendly community hub with it's own set of rules. Please refer to the rules-and-contact channel on Discord.

Upon joining you will be welcomed in the welcome channel. https://discord.gg/sPNtvdmZFK Gain full access to the Discord by associating your Discord account to your Forum account. https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/account/connected-accounts/ If for some reason you don't want to link your forum account to your discord account or you're experiecing difficulties please contact Six, Dionysos, Belazor or Ilyena (admin team).

Disclaimer: Concerning Rule / Guideline Edits
Staff holds the right to amend any of the rules previously stated above, as well as add or remove anything from the guidelines. You can find a mention of updates in the Site Changelog thread.


The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts. Content submitted express the views of their author only.

This Service is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older.

All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms.
