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  • Wow, you're rather impressive on guitar! :O I flit between instruments far too much but one day I plan to develop my skills on the piano, guitar, voilin and tenor sax. (I can play all of these; I could form my very own one-girl band! :lew:)

    I do indeed make the graphics which appear after posts. If you would like me to make you one, just post a request in my Sig Shop! ^_^ I'll be happy to try out anything you want, though my computer with Photoshop decided to stop working today so I'll have to wait 'til it's fixed. :wacky:

    Any ideas about what sort of job you'd enjoy? :)
    Far too many hobbies! Haha. I use Photoshop fairly frequently to create GFX - just let me know if you'd like a sig btw - I cycle whenever I can around the local forests, play the piano, draw occasionally and I read quite a bit. I work as a tutor too and I love that so much, so you could call it a hobby. :lew: I'm also a gamer, of course. ;)

    I've enjoyed rock climbing a lot in the past! :D Real rocks or the towers with artificial stones on them? :hmmm:
    I'm good thanks!

    I just looked at your 'About Me' section. You give guitar lessons! That's awesome! :D I have played the guitar a little - and I need to get back into it - and am fairly good on the piano. ^_^ My Dad composes music; he taught himself how to play guitar when he was a teen, so he's pretty incredible now at 60!

    What are your other hobbies?
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