Perhaps instead of retconning Zack's importance, they are retconning the uniqueness of the Buster Sword. And it's just another weapon, explaining why it has a toy.
Also, it could just be a trailer fan service thing and the toy sword wasn't intended to signify anything at all.
I definitely agree with Kirito that you're getting ahead of yourself, especially with this "first in a series" stuff. I suggest you start slow and see if it catches any momentum.
As for the staff position you requested - as I said, you wouldn't have any moderation abilities, so why would this...
I've re-uploaded the avatars images. However avatars are supposed to be stored in the database, not the file I'm not really sure if this will lead to bugs or not. I'll contact Belazor about it.
How are vbactivity stats calculated? Because Amizon's seem...peculiar! :confused:
Also been getting a few database errors here and there, anybody getting these? Haven't been getting the emails for them though.
An absolutely huge thank you to the DragonByte Tech guys, Decado and Belazor. They've been invaluable. We're definitely in good hands now that we've moved to their server as well.
Belazor, thanks for all the work with the new plugins and skin editing!
They've also given us a bunch of free...
Site downtime just now was caused by high load, probably the shoutbox. I messed around with some settings and made the auto-refresh rate slower.
Belazor, any settings suggestions for optimizing the shoutbox?
I created a redirect so index.html so act like index.php now.
That folder didn't...
The DB move has been completed.
Over the next couple weeks, please let me know how the speed of the site is. If it's still slow then I'll move servers again, but that move should be pretty easy since there would be no upgrade involved.
He was saying it told him he did not have access to the...
CW wasn't able to access the Forumonadmin panel until I added him as an admin, even though the RPG Director group was set with Forumon Manager permissions. Is there a way to have RPG Directors get access to the Forumonadmin without making them admins?
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