Recent content by Martel

  1. Martel

    Help Data corruption

    Would you believe this worked? I only had to do it twice, though. I do wonder WHY this happened at this stage in the game, though - most people who had the same problem had it happen during chapters 4 or 8, or right at the beginning. I was closer to the end of the game and it happened to me...
  2. Martel

    FFVII Remake General Discussion

    So then. There's something I've been pondering. Final Fantasy XIII, released in 2010, received a lot of criticism for its linearity and poor storytelling. Final Fantasy XV, released in 2016, received a lot of criticism for being an unfinished mess with dismal combat. Final Fantasy VII Remake...
  3. Martel

    Help Data corruption

    Has anyone else had issues with supposed data corruption of this? I'm on Chapter 14, and I get this lovely message from my PS4: "Cannot continue using the application. The data for the following application is corrupted. Delete the application from the PS4 and then insert the disc again."...
  4. Martel

    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

    I'm interested as long as it's similar to Odyssey in terms of gameplay. I LOVED Odyssey and that really surprised me, because Assassin's Creed is a series I had avoided for a very long time up to that point because they insist on that awful Abstergo narrative, and because it never controlled as...
  5. Martel

    Food which disgusts you

    Any kind of fish. "Seafood" is an oxymoron and if you eat anything that falls under this category you are an inhuman monster and should be ashamed. ...seriously, the smell of fish actually makes me physically ill.
  6. Martel

    [V4] What's Your Mood?

    Mood: Fed up Reason: I wanted to go out this morning, yet for health related reasons I find that I can't. So I'm stuck indoors all day again. It's days like this I'm reminded that I haven't really gotten any better in myself, and I question why I bother to continue living if this is all there...
  7. Martel

    How quickly can you type?

    77 wpm. I used to be a little faster than that, but I've slowed down some I some of my bloody keys get stuck. Makes it a tad difficult to get the words out sometimes. I used to transcribe for University in my spare time during my postgrad, and I think my typing speed was around 90...
  8. Martel

    [V4] What's Your Mood?

    Mood: Exhausted Reason: Done too much today already. Had to walk into the next town over to find out where I'm supposed to be going on Thursday for an appointment for something I am absolutely terrified of - this involves hills, my natural enemy, and nature, an old friend that now seems to wish...
  9. Martel

    What games are you playing right now besides ff?

    There are other games besides FFXII: The Zodiac Age? I'll be damned. That explains all the colourful cases in my bedroom. I wondered what those were doing there. ...but yeah. I've had it for seven years now. The main character is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, so naturally I hate his fucking guts...
  10. Martel

    Nintendo Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

    Finished it. Just now. I...yeah. I don't understand why this is getting perfect scores when there are so, SO many issues with it. The world is practically empty. Riding anything is amazing, but the controls are bollocks for everything, and it's faster to run and glide. Rain stops you from doing...
  11. Martel

    Square Enix The Legacy of Kain

    One of the many IPs Square Enix has acquired and has yet to use in any meaningful form. Granted, there was some attempt to revive the franchise through Nosgoth, a (frankly disgusting) free-to-play multiplayer title set in the same universe but with practically no connection whatsoever to the...
  12. Martel

    Square Enix NieR: Automata

    "S*** Square Enix!" ~ Taro Yoko Seven years later, we're finally getting a sequel to NieR! Set thousands of years after the first game's fourth ending, NieR: Automata promises the same post-apocalyptic action RPG gameplay, with Keiichi Okabe returning to compose the soundtrack (because let's...
  13. Martel

    Suggestion General Square Enix/Dragon Quest boards?

    So, yeah. Was wondering what people might think of these. Perhaps a General Square Enix board more than a Dragon Quest board, since the former could encapsulate the latter, but to me at least it would make sense to have that additional coverage and option for discussion, since we also have a...
  14. Martel

    Nintendo Nintendo Switch Revealed

    Nintendo aren't showing an awful lot of faith in the Switch, still being deliberately vague despite a full-blown reveal and the thing being less than a month away now. The launch lineup is minimalistic and weak - even for a new console - and the online services are absolute trash. And the cost...
  15. Martel

    Post Prompto's Pics!
