Recent content by Starships

  1. Starships

    Imagine a remake of Final Fantasy VI

    His Locke Cole is giving me some huge Eugene/ Flynn Rider vibes from Disney's Tangled there. Edit: He's a big Disney fan! Thought so. It looks like he got some inspiration for his version of a remake Locke. Also his Li Shang, Aladdin, and Hercules? Wow. Never had crushes on Disney characters...
  2. Starships

    Favourite Final Fantasy mountain?

    Gulug wins because of it's catchy as hell music. Honorable mentions to Mt Gagazet.
  3. Starships

    FFVII Remake: new trailer and theme song "Hollow"

    They didn't need to have Jenova as the final boss of the first part. The boss after the motorbike chase was fine. Same with Sephiroth showing his face. The game looks incredible, don't get me wrong here, but I have a concern that some of the pacing and tension of the original is going out the...
  4. Starships

    Why do people hate Tidus? >_>

    If you are not a professional, maybe it's best not to throw around the word Sociopath ?! Just a suggestion. And yes, why do people ADORE Zack Fair, but then turn around and say that Tidus is whiny? Too strange. Same boat as hating Snow and then turning around and worshipping Balthier.
  5. Starships

    Final Fantasy X Playthrough 2020!

    Can I make a suggestion? 40 mins for a video is way too long. Maybe shorten it down to 30- 25 mins? :hmmm: Going to check it out :yay:
  6. Starships

    Final Fantasy VII Remake News [Update]

    Well, on the plus side it's not that much of a longer wait, on the negative side if you are a fan of Cyberpunk and RE you are in a tough spot right now.
  7. Starships

    What Members Do You Choose to go to Balamb/ The Missile Base on Disc 2?

    Team 1 - Balamb Garden: Squall Rinoa Quistis Team 2 - Galbadia Missile base: Selphie Irvine Zell I feel like Rinoa going with team Squall is canon, so I always put her in with his squad. Selphie and Irvine also have a connection, so that's team Selphie. So that leaves Zell and Quistis. I feel...
  8. Starships

    Dissidia Final Fantasy

    Omg, I love "Celes " Rinoa so much. Now I wish that they went with that design. :sad3:
  9. Starships

    SE names the key staff working on FFVII Remake; Nomura reveals the 2nd part is in development

    I wonder how long Part 2 is going to be? I'm thinking Kalm to Cosmo Canyon when the buggy breaks down.
  10. Starships

    Speculation about FFVIII before it was released

    Lenora sounds like a better name and fit instead of Rinoa, because Lenora has that Edgar Allen Poe "witchy" feeling ( Lenore), Rinoa ? I don't know? Rhinos? 8(
  11. Starships

    10 years later, Final Fantasy XIII hits a little too close to home

    Whether you hate the game or not, you have to admit that Final Fantasy XIII is a fantastic gateway game for newer players. It has a quick and speedy battle system, linear so you never lose your place, nice soundtrack, and the game makes sure that you get to know the main cast. There's even a...
  12. Starships

    Does anyone here plan to do a Playthrough of the original before the REMAKE lands?

    The Remake is only Midgar, so don't really see the point.
  13. Starships

    FF Little Kid Characters

    Some of them I don't mind. The Twins in FFIV are very annoying. Krile is alright, it's cute how she seems to be able to form a deep relationship and connection with animals and I find her having a strong relationship with her Grandfather very relatable. Relm is a mixture of both, she can be...
  14. Starships

    Mother (Jenova) == Mother earth/mother nature ?

    The whole "fell from the sky " and the name Jenova being close to the name Jehovah always gave me a Satan/ Anti Christ vibe more so than a Mother Earth one. Or maybe even God himself or in this case herself. I think it's more of the case of borrowing some themes from the bible. Final Fantasy...
  15. Starships

    Final Fantasy V vs. Mission Impossible

    Have you done Ex Death's theme and the famous part of Psycho when the girl is in the shower?