Recent content by Toshiya

  1. Toshiya

    I am indeed! Yes I’m still an engineer, in quiet Cumbria, which was a blessing during lockdowns...

    I am indeed! Yes I’m still an engineer, in quiet Cumbria, which was a blessing during lockdowns, woohoo for outdoor space! Good to hear, more money is always good. I found Dublin mad expensive when I came over a few years ago so I can only imagine what housing is like. Oh I know, I think I’ve...
  2. Toshiya

    It is!! I’m good thank you, just busy. As always. As I have been for the last, I dunno… 10...

    It is!! I’m good thank you, just busy. As always. As I have been for the last, I dunno… 10 years! Same old same old with me really, but I’m doing good. Sounds good, good luck with the new job!, what are you doing nowadays?
  3. Toshiya

    Mr McGee! Very long time no see pal. Hope you're doing ok!

    Mr McGee! Very long time no see pal. Hope you're doing ok!
  4. Toshiya

    Lewis! Good to see you the other week my old Scottish pal. We first spoke 10 years ago, hope...

    Lewis! Good to see you the other week my old Scottish pal. We first spoke 10 years ago, hope that makes you feel old because it bloody does me!!!
  5. Toshiya

    Seen you about lately for the first time in years. Well I’m not about much myself now at all...

    Seen you about lately for the first time in years. Well I’m not about much myself now at all, life happened I guess! Just to say, hello, hope it’s going well for you. And it’s been 9 whole years since I joined the forum and you were like the first person I spoke to. It makes me feel old so god...
  6. Toshiya

    Haha yeah I couldnt cope with that (I’m only small I’d definitely end up fat). Yeah I do still...

    Haha yeah I couldnt cope with that (I’m only small I’d definitely end up fat). Yeah I do still struggle occasionally with if this is what I want forever or not, we had some big discussions and we’ve agreed on stuff now though. Every so often I panic but it’s more about ‘what if there’s something...
  7. Toshiya

    haha my other half went out there in April and said the same - he eats a lot but even he...

    haha my other half went out there in April and said the same - he eats a lot but even he admitted the food portions were insane! I'd like to get out there someday. And yeah, lol, it's fucking terrifying though D: mortgage came through today so now I'm financially tied to Cumbria and my boyfriend...
  8. Toshiya

    Ahh I getcha. Sounds good anyway! What's DC like? I've never been to that end of the world...

    Ahh I getcha. Sounds good anyway! What's DC like? I've never been to that end of the world (despite my numerous holidays). Ha ha well for starters its not been approved etc yet ;) And I would loooove to get married. But, no children, not now, not ever. No time for that (and I don't like them...
  9. Toshiya

    Haha not much. I am hideously busy nowadays! no time for fun! DC to like... live and work? Or do...

    Haha not much. I am hideously busy nowadays! no time for fun! DC to like... live and work? Or do you mean you got yourself a place of your own in Ireland and you're off to DC on hols? I am good! Just busy. Had an offer accepted on a house, currently going through the hideous process of getting...
  10. Toshiya

    McGee it’s been soooo long How you keeping?

    McGee it’s been soooo long How you keeping?
  11. Toshiya

    FFF Member Career List

    I’m a chemical engineer now and I work in the nuclear industry. That’s probably about as much as I can/should say :lew: Thanks for making me feel super old. I was at school when I joined. And probably very obviously young, and unbearable :sad3:
  12. Toshiya

    I know right it’s so frustrating! I mean the series goes a bit different from the books after...

    I know right it’s so frustrating! I mean the series goes a bit different from the books after season 4 or so so it’s worth the read to see the differences I would say. I wish he’d hurry the hell up with the next book though pfffft I’m good ta. Busy. I kinda miss the old student life. But then...
  13. Toshiya

    I am still here very occasionally! Mate I can't believe you haven't finished it haha. might as...

    I am still here very occasionally! Mate I can't believe you haven't finished it haha. might as well just start them all again now tbh... I keep thinking about it but they take so long to read I don't know if I can commit to that.. Hope you're keeping well!
  14. Toshiya

    lewis it's been so long! where have you been! haven't heard from you since you bailed on me last...

    lewis it's been so long! where have you been! haven't heard from you since you bailed on me last year when I was in Aberdeen ALSO why am i not allowed emojis on this any more i just tried to put two in and it just puts the text :rage:
  15. Toshiya

    Episode Noctis alternate ending. [SPOILERS]

    Another alternate ending? I'm not sure - I am a huge fan of happy endings (I was a bit emotional at FFXVs ending, because although it was in essence sad, it was also happy because they were reunited). I thought the alternate ending episode Ignis gave us was enough - like, if you want an ending...