Recent content by TreasureHunter

  1. TreasureHunter

    A shift from Final Fantasy?

    Y'know, I've just been playing KH1 with my kids again recently and it's funny how I remember making a big deal of the FF characters originally, but in retrospect, they're kind of an afterthought. They're heavily used in the beginning, and taper off over time. In the end though, if you replaced...
  2. TreasureHunter

    Accidentally jumping when trying to pick up an item.

    We've all done it, and I wish I could remap certain parts of the controls to make it never happen again.
  3. TreasureHunter

    Your favourite bro?

    I'd say Ignis and it's not particularly close, at least for me. Gladio is kind of a jerk at times, and while Prompto is likeable, he's often feels like more of a liability.
  4. TreasureHunter

    Ocarina of Time vs. Final Fantasy VII?

    Overall my vote would be for FFVII, but the graphics in particular on VII have not aged well. OOT has graphics that have aged well, but pacing and puzzles that haven't. All that said, they're wildly different games that are very hard to truly compare.
  5. TreasureHunter

    ¿What to play next?

    If you haven't played it yet, I'd go with Final Fantasy Tactics on mobile. It's a fantastic port and the ability to play it on the go is great.
  6. TreasureHunter

    This Game is Insanely Unbalanced

    It's definitely unbalanced, particularly the further into the game you get. Eventually everyone ends up as a clone casting ultima on every boss. The characters are definitely imbalanced as well, though that's somewhat forgivable with the large cast size.
  7. TreasureHunter

    Is the ATB battle system really that innovative?

    It was definitely innovative for the time, but I do think that people cling to it a bit too much. I remember people being uptight when the series started shifting away from it but it was definitely time.
  8. TreasureHunter

    Why does FFIV get remade on every console?

    I'd say probably the simplicity. Of all the Final Fantasies it's probably the most straight forward of the ones that have aged decently. The older ones frankly have not aged well in comparison.
  9. TreasureHunter

    What is your happiest moment in Final Fantasy?

    I would say in Final Fantasy XI, beating the infamous airship battle in Chains of Promathia. That thing was brutal and took many attempts. We finished it before it was heavily nerfed with level cap changes.