lol im only joking. i thought you knew my name my bad. Its Natalie. But everyone calls me Nat. Its what the N stands for in Nbot. im so fuckin original xx
lol yes you know a span of time ..... men. I think its alright tbh. I wanna watch more. I just wanna get into a good anime and watch it. I dont go through that many. Teen Titans was the last i watched lol. I freakin loved that xx
I'm having an Anime period.. its freakin awesum lol. Just started watching ghost in a shell. Really good . I've never been to a freshers fayre. because i never went to uni so i've technically not been one lol. xx
They do yeah, every character is full on english. I love it. They all sound like people i know lol. and thank u, it was taken about an hour before all the crap happened. Thought i'd put it up anyway xx
Aw, thank you for the welcome and the sexin'. Haha! I'm doing fine, though...a little bit of drama on another forum. Ugh! It's nice to meet you, Luke, and I hope to have a good time here!
lol sounds like you had fun, I like to dress up but for nights out only i just got back from my local game shop. I have gears 3, warhammer space marine, ICO HD and shadow of the collosus HD ( massive fan of SOTC) and i've booked monday off. Gamin weekend wooot! xxx
lol that was such an angry rant. i feel better now thank you. My sister keeps sending me funny stuff i'll have to find the link for you , i do have some photos from that night while we were still having fun. Might put one up i donno. How are you doing anyway babe x?
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