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  • yeah :) its kinda what i need right now. Just some laughs to keep me goin up until my burfday :D. yum yum bubble gum ;) xx
    lol im only joking. :P i thought you knew my name :O my bad. Its Natalie. But everyone calls me Nat. Its what the N stands for in Nbot. :D im so fuckin original ;) xx
    :D I know what you mean you do gimme the giggles sometimes. My friends love me cause im just batshit awesum ;) lol, and its nice to meet you Luke. x
    I'll have to see but thanx :) and you know what i mean by that :P dont be a silly billy lol xxx
    lol yes you know a span of time :P ..... men. I think its alright tbh. I wanna watch more. I just wanna get into a good anime and watch it. I dont go through that many. Teen Titans was the last i watched lol. I freakin loved that :P xx
    I'm having an Anime period.. its freakin awesum lol. Just started watching ghost in a shell. Really good :). I've never been to a freshers fayre. because i never went to uni so i've technically not been one lol. xx
    Dam right i don't deserve that shit lol. I'm a god to u people :D nice facepaint btw :) why did you do that? We dont get alot of that in england :( xx
    :) They do yeah, every character is full on english. I love it. They all sound like people i know lol. and thank u, it was taken about an hour before all the crap happened. Thought i'd put it up anyway :D xx
    Aw, thank you for the welcome and the sexin'. Haha! I'm doing fine, though...a little bit of drama on another forum. Ugh! It's nice to meet you, Luke, and I hope to have a good time here! :)
    lol sounds like you had fun, I like to dress up but for nights out only :P i just got back from my local game shop. I have gears 3, warhammer space marine, ICO HD and shadow of the collosus HD ( massive fan of SOTC) and i've booked monday off. Gamin weekend :D wooot! xxx
    lol that was such an angry rant. :) i feel better now thank you. My sister keeps sending me funny stuff i'll have to find the link for you :D, i do have some photos from that night while we were still having fun. Might put one up i donno. How are you doing anyway babe x?
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