Thief of Hearts Joker

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  • Yepyep, I really like it! ;3 I feel like getting a Rise set now xD Maybe in a month or so. I'm definitely gonna rep this set on the forums when Persona 4: Golden releases~
    I wish I could, but I have school tomorrow =~= Luckily, it's homecoming, so we won't have much work, but still
    I'm quite used to it xD I thought I annoyed people. :sad3: I don't like posting in the forums because I have a bit of a hard time fitting in, which is why I try to fit into the Shoutbox. It seems I've earned Greeen, Martel, and Shace's respect though o~o
    Ohh, don't worry if you can't make the videos. I mostly need practice anyhow. If anything, I will try to look some up as well! :3
    Nono, you didn't piss me off! xD; I would've replied back to you, but it takes forever for me to type on the PS3, so I was just gonna message you here, lol.

    Don't worry, I'm not too much of a sore loser. :p The only two "wins" I actually got while we were playing were my friend's... lol. But yeah, if you can make combo videos, that would be great! The only combo I can seem to do is the "easy" one where you button mash the square button I believe... xD I use the arcade stick, so I don't exactly remember.
    Hey, let me know which item you want 25% off. I'll manually put it in your inventory (so you don't have to purchase anything), and then just donate the Gil to me. :) (I'll let you know what the new cost will be).
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