Final Fantasy Forums

I appreciate the question! Not so strictly on the language side, but my degrees are in antiquity and I often combined ancient history, classics and archaeology. I love ancient Greece in particular (always have done, always will do). On this site I sometimes write about the mythological (etc) influences on Final Fantasy.
Not many recognise the Greek I've used in my profile, so if that caught your eye then I'm glad it served me well! I also appreciate your interests and background, having just peeked at your profile.
Yesss! I was at the American School in Athens from 2019-2020 and finished officially all of my PhD work last year with a dissertation on cannibalism in Greek lit. >:) You should look into the Antiquity in Media Studies conferences. Some of my friends and I have talked about wanting to do an Endwalker Classical reception panel, but then, burnout LOL. You should do it though! XD Get that CV stacked!
Wow. I'm jealous! That year you had with the ASCSA sounds wonderful. I love Athens. It has been a while since I visited and I miss it a lot. In addition to its ancient marvels, I also just enjoyed being there. Coming face to face with a tortoise in the agora. Being encircled by an assembly of stray dogs at the temple of Olympian Zeus. Discovering souvlaki... Good times all round!