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  1. Catis

    Fan Fiction After AC

    First of, sorry for not commenting for so long ._. I was just in my own creative crisis core. Secondly, this chapter was truly amazing! Ohh, Tifa rocks! It surprised me though that Cloud the Invincible was hit by some lab creature but uh, it's just plot-moving device, isn't it? The Lifestream...
  2. Catis

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    Oh my... Genesis is one of my cloti fic characters XD all those Tsviet things and so on... Well I guess everything's in vain in there. I'm trying to get rid of this OOC stuff >_< Sorry, just couldn't help mention^^
  3. Catis

    Fan Fiction After AC

    I do agree with Stella, the second version is even better than first though I liked both of them. It's surprising how the only confession is able to change everything.
  4. Catis

    Fan Fiction After AC

    Oh okay...I've finally did it. Dragon Mage, the only reason I signed up here is lack of comments on such a wonderful story. This is the best cloti fic I have ever read and I don't understand why nobody has reveiwed it or something. Please keep on writing (not only (or just not) this fic)! Though...