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  1. C

    Favorite FF couple

    Zack & Cloud. Im not a silly fangirl, They are just so cute together <3 I actually squee'd at the scene were Zack asks Cloud if he'd like to go to dinner So cute ^_^ My second favourite would have to be... Probably Zidane & Dagger I mean come on, they're so adorable together :')
  2. C

    Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

    Reno ftw. And I also love his voice actor, Quinton Flynn ^_^
  3. C

    Yuna or Rikku

    I think Rikku because she is simply more fun Also I think Rikku and Tidus make a cute couple Please don't kill me Yuna fans!
  4. C

    Whats your fave aeon entrance?

    I like Animas entrance, but I think my favourite has to be Ixions Impressive ^_^
  5. C

    Lulu or Paine

    I think I'd say Lulu.. She actually shows emotion They were both tough, But Im more attracted to the Magic side of fighting. Is it just me, or when Paine first saw Wakka did you think there was something going on between them? I thought so, until I knew Lulu was pregnant x)
  6. C

    where would you like to live in ff9

    Black Mage Villiage <3 I love black mages tbh. Or maybe Qu's marsh I actually dont know why, but I would love to talk to the moogles there ^_^