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  1. Nagisa

    General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

    Favourite Hero: Yunie. ^_^ Favourite Villain: Sephy. ^_^ Favourite FF title: X Favourite FF character: Yunie. ^_^ Favourite FF male character: Sephy Favourite FF female character: Yunie. ^_^ Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII. :P Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII Favourite...
  2. Nagisa

    Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

    I think the hardest for me was Trema in X-2, but I think that's cause I was ill prepared. Idk. :P
  3. Nagisa

    HI MY NAME IS Nor-El

    Alrighty. :3
  4. Nagisa

    Here I am!

    Alrighty! (pseudonym? Owie, big word. T.T)
  5. Nagisa

    Here I am!

    Hello Looney-kun! (can I call you that?) I'm Nagisa and I'm a newb too, but I hope we get to know each other. ^_^
  6. Nagisa


    Hello Aeris!!! Aeris is one of my favorites too. ^_^ I hope we can get to know each other! :)
  7. Nagisa

    HI MY NAME IS Nor-El

    Hello Norrie-kun! (can I call you that?) I'm a newbie too, but welcome to FFF!!! ^_^
  8. Nagisa

    Hi I am new:D:D:D:D:D

    Welcome Caius! I'm new too, you can call me Nagi or Becca, I hope to get to know ya. ^_^
  9. Nagisa

    FF Villains FC...

    I wanna join, I lovers Sephy! ^_^
  10. Nagisa

    Hey I'm Kandy-Sugar

    Hey, Kandy, you welcomed me in my thread so I decided to thank you by welcoming you. XD Hope to get to know you. ^_^
  11. Nagisa

    Nagisa-chan here! ^_^

    I wish, no it's just a random cosplayer pic that I found, I really liked it, so I just put it there. ^_^ Thanks everyone.
  12. Nagisa

    Nagisa-chan here! ^_^

    Hey, I was introduced to this place by a friend, I don't think he's registered though... My name is Rebecca, but y'all can call me Nagi, Nagi-chan or Becca. I looooooooooooooove Final Fantasy, I've been playing since I was 10! But I hope to meet and make friends out of all of y'all, I hope...