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  1. T

    Favourite FF quotes

    I like, "Every story must have an ending." Auron "You with a woman? You can't even catch a ball!" Jecht "There is no good, there is no bad. Just perspective and opinion." Squall The funniest one i can thinck of is when squall asks Irvine what his department is he replies "Why, guns and...
  2. T

    Was it your first FF experience

    Did FF VII get you started on FF games or was it another title?
  3. T

    Tifa vs Quistis

    who do you think would win, personally i think quistis would win do to her bluemage abilities.
  4. T

    Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

    Vincent isn't human so i think he would win not to mention he's twice as cool as cloud.
  5. T

    Ask a stupid question.

    Good music but not original. Why do people ask stupid questions?
  6. T

    Whats up fellow ff gamers

    Just wanted to give a shout out to my fellow ff gamers and Introduce myself i'm Tzamitchi and my favarite ff games are ff V and tactis. FF X not so good and ff xii was badA$$. I've played every ff game ever released in America and have beaten all except FF xi and Dirge of cerberus if you...