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  1. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Is It True??

    That game (devil may cry 3 speical ed) was a waste of my money! And the story line isnt right!! When you play as vergil!
  2. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Is It True??

    Yeah, or you actally get a game free :D Cause thats like over, i forgot how many hours gameplay is on it xD So the math.... 100+ Hours (probs) times 15 = A load of time wasteing xD
  3. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Is It True??

    Yeah, lol. It is really boring playing as Tidus. Playing the game 15 times just to be a diff char.... if i was making the game it would be 3 times and it would be true! Lol.
  4. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Is It True??

    I don't know :S I have the english version, but i only competed it 2 times D:
  5. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Is It True??

    Is it true, that if you compete the game, 15 times, you will be able to play as a diffent character? My friend keeps on saying it, but i think he is wrong! :mad: ChocoboTurnedEmo
  6. ChocoboTurnedEmo


    WELCOME!!!! Hope you enjoy it here i am :D Anyways Bhye!
  7. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    What is it about?

    Lol, okay. I'll see if i can get it on GBA lol
  8. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Need, Trainer O.o

    Need Help, on these RPG Things :D How do i do it? What do i do to join up? Do i die to join? Do i cry to join? Do i beg to join? Or do i ask? HELP!!!! Please Thanks ^_^ ChocoboTurnedEmo
  9. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    The HP and MP Thingy

    I did not know sorry ^_^'
  10. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    The HP and MP Thingy

    How do you do the HP, MP, EXP Thing on the side bit on my posty things??? O.o in other words... <------------------ The HP, MP, EXP Thing there xD >_< I'm sooo thick ChocoboTurnedEmo
  11. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Chocobo Vs. Moogle

    Lol, NO!! Erm... I can't spell the word lol! But i means something like, look at my name, its the same thing as what we are talking about..... Yeeah..... Ingore me xD^_^
  12. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    What is it about?

    I've never played it Is it the same game as the one on the gameboy If it is, i'll get it :D :blink: Stupid old things, that i havent played on because i'm 13 ¬¬
  13. ChocoboTurnedEmo


    I though it was good and bad, Why?... Good: ~Not buying (wasteing) Your Gil on magic :D Bad: You only have a limted amount of magic to use >_< But getting GF's from them is cool too :D
  14. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Chocobo Vs. Moogle

    Lol, this is just a random thing O.o Who would win? Chocobo or the Moogle I think chocobo (henis My name :D) Because, they are just so Funny! And the would blast moogles with there funny music ^_^ Anywho, what do you think?
  15. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Don't you think it lags on a bit?

    That dude, always saves the day xD With the thing on his arm.... :huh: Lol
  16. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Nintendo Super Mario > SquareEnMarioIx

    Slam Basket Ball, Hmmmm..... Sounds Like A NBA Game Mario Slam Basket Ball, Hmmmm.... Sounds Like a Chessey Mario Sports Game (Which Everyone Likes) Mario Slam Basket Ball, (On The Back) Run Into Characters From Final Fantasy...... Hmmmm, MUST HAVE (For Square Enix Lovers) Now! White Mage...
  17. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Chocobo Breeding

    i Never Got Up To Chocobo Breeding... Lost all three Disc :S
  18. ChocoboTurnedEmo


    The Beganing is a bit... fast, i mean, it gets all the charters in about 30mins! Lol, who noticed this?
  19. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Hello Everyone At FFF!

    Thanks :D And that was a quick replay lol :D
  20. ChocoboTurnedEmo

    Hello Everyone At FFF!

    HELLOOO! People At FFF! I hope i enjoy it here ^.^ Well its just a quick hello, lol. Well i'm off to check out all the other pages ^.^ Bhye!!!