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  1. Fenrir

    The Real Secret Ending ***SPOILER***

    Yeah, that one. Do you people think it's about a war that happend or a war that will happen?
  2. Fenrir

    The Real Secret Ending ***SPOILER***

    Well, have any of you people seen the real Secret Ending of KH2? if not this is how you could get it. Easy mode: you can't Standard mode: by finishing the journal then beating the game Proud mode: by beating the game If anyone has seen it >_< come here to discuss it!! TELL ME WHATCHA THINK!!
  3. Fenrir

    The better character design

    Yeah, I agree, Roxas was much cooler then Sora. Yeah, you use Sora for the whole game, but, jeez, even for an hour Roxas still beats Sora or at least for me
  4. Fenrir

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Well....there is a little more to the ending then that Dark Cloud....but i guess some people missed it. Well, you could see it by: Easy mode: you can never see it Standard mode: you can, BUT you have to complete the journal Proud mode: you can, by just beating the game and if you do one of...
  5. Fenrir

    The True Keyblade Master

    No, Sephiroth doesn't need a Keyblade, he already kicks a** Well i'd say... They all are...and i think there are or where many other keyblade weilders. and if you played KH2 i think you'd kinda figure that out. ^_^
  6. Fenrir

    Tactics Final Fantasy Tactics - Discussion Thread

    Final Fantasy Tactics is definately better then FFTA. I've played FFT probably more then 20 times now....lost count. Have any of you tried masterin all the jobs? or have any of you seen the final summon at the end of the game? i never got the chance to see it Final
  7. Fenrir

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    ....i guess, first i cried '_' then after watchin people put that part in the music videos....i kinda started laughing about it...:huh:
  8. Fenrir

    Hi I'm Fenrir

    Hey, i'm Fenrir, and of course i'm new to this site