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  1. N

    Vayne disappointment

    Vayne was ridiculously easy.I remember almost beating the entire thing on my first try with like no powerups at all!lmao i must've been...early to mid 40s. it is waaayy too easy now that i'm in the late 70s rofl
  2. N

    Strongest Character

    Hmm...I would have to say that my strongest character is Auron. Tidus would come at a close second mainly cuz hes as strong as auron but i can't get his damn celestial weapon >:( auron was really the only character who got his ultimate weapon with full power. Along with his phoenix bracer that...
  3. N

    Where do you 'train'?

    For me particularlly my favorite training area(s) are the pharos ( not the maze area, but rather in the lower levels) the maze area with the chicken things and horse watchamacallits are ok until you reach like....40's or so. once there then the lower areas r much better fr training. what i did...
  4. N

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    Gotta say FFXII is a good game. i liked how the creators incorporated the ability to use different weapons rather then having one character b stuck with one type of weapon 4ever =S. didn't like tho the fact that in order to get the best weapons u had to do such ridiculously time consuming...