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  1. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    how much time is left on my name change?
  2. Nikita Solidor

    Uber Kelet club

    MY GOD. I've loved Kelets forever!!! Yay! yayayayayayayayay!!!
  3. Nikita Solidor

    Poetry My poetry

    This one I wrote not evne 3 days ago: You're letting him be the akward one, You're letting him be alone in a crowded place, You're letting him feel betrayed and done, You're letting tears run down his face, The ability to feel alive, Has left his soul alone, It can no longer thrive, And sings in...
  4. Nikita Solidor

    Original I Have Started to write this story plz comment and give ideas and changes plz

    You need to put quotes around when people speak. Also when a different person is talking than hte las,t it creates a new paragraph.
  5. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    I want my name changed to "The Frenchman" but if the usual waiting period must be used, then so be it.
  6. Nikita Solidor

    hi all

    Welcome, please enjoy your time.
  7. Nikita Solidor

    Username Change Thread

    Vayne Carudas Solidor please
  8. Nikita Solidor


    You should know who your talking to before you mention "faggotry".
  9. Nikita Solidor


    I haven't left them. I'm just expanding my horizons. FFE won't allow me to log-in correctly, and FFR has just lost activity though I keep it held up i nthe activity department like a blob and a stick.
  10. Nikita Solidor


    Hello people. I am new to this site, but not to FF forums or to forums in general. I am a member of FFR and FFE, though FFE is being annoying and wont allow me to log-in, I mean it does allow me to log-in but hte next page I go to, I'm logged out -.- On FFR I'm known as Soah, and on FFE I'm...