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  1. Grimbor

    Fury...good or bad?

    Fury making you take more damage is a common missconception. I'm sure may people think so because Sadness reduces the damage you take. Other than making you limit bar fill up twice as fast, it only reduces accuracy. I don't know by how much, but I'm guessing it's about 30%, as that's how much...
  2. Grimbor

    So, yeah, I'm new here

    Got a message that said I should post here and introduce myself when I posted my first message earlier. Well, what can I say? I love FF. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have signed up here :P I love all the games, from FFI to FFXII, but I don't have a certain favorite as they are all great and...
  3. Grimbor

    Cool FFVII videos on Youtube

    My first topic. Hope this hasn't been done before. These are some of my favorites: Three Clouds in the party: Level 5 Tifa without materia and with her original equipment beats the Midgar Zolom: A guy who is...