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  1. T


    I remember seeing the "Killer Quicksand" episode, and I was sucked in hardcore. I'm pretty sure I've seen every episode to date. It's weird watching the old pilot episodes (like where they strapped homemade-JATO rockets to the car and Larry's Lawnchair balloons, etc) and then watching more...
  2. T

    Can anybody tell me what this dream means?

    So I've had this dream last night, and twice prior to this (not sure when, but all three have been in the same week). I'll try to be as thorough as possible without sounding retarded. I'm in a giant house. There are many doors leading outside and in scattered all over the building (some even...
  3. T

    FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

    I've found that FFIX has some of the best replay value of any other FF game I've played in the series. The characters are all unique. Each one is interesting in their own way. They all carry interesting things to the story and I really enjoyed the way they all interact with one another. The...
  4. T


    Hey there. Name's Rusty. I'm new to the forums here. I used to post on Final Fantasy Addicts way back in the day. I wasn't a big fan when the site changed to Gaming Addicts. It seemed to me like a lot of people stopped being as enthused in the site as I had. I recently went back there to post a...
  5. T

    What are you currently reading?

    I recently finished The Catcher in the Rye. The story itself is amazing, but I was much more interested in the William Chapman aspect of the mythology. I just started reading "The City and the City" by China Mieville. Not too far into it to reall grasp what's going on, but it's already one of...