well, im done in esthar and i have decided i want max stats. wat should i do first though. should i get weapons first, get all gf's or find best magic. also can some1 tell me were i can draw strong magic junction from enemies such as demi,pain
can some1 help me prepare in cerberus fight.(i know this stuff cuz i was curious to look on the next gf), give the best strategy. also ta final boss on disc 2, can some1 help me prepare for tht too.
im in the process in finding the card keys to let u know
cuz hes just s greedy. soo greedy he loves the triad soo much he lays n bed with it. tht dude has major issues!!!
why does seyour have so many forms in FFX
because auron "violated" tidus. no wonder auron speaks so mysteriously to tidus and tidus speaks really loud wen with auron. :D lol funneh!!
what is blitzball in ffX?
i do say becareful here. i havent killed him cuz he is soo hard. he has extremly long health and he will get to ur last nerves. also try at least mastering a characters sphere grid, and i mean all of them. good luck
they became so close in relationship after xi tht they became gay and started making out a lot producing over 999999999 shemans
why does seymour have blue hair and long hair sticking out?
it used to be the shine corp that produced lots of stuff, they got broke then it turned to the shinra corp. (its the best wrong anwes i could think and its not perfect)
why does lulu have overdressed herself with belts?
im asking 2 much arent i -_-. anyway wen i try to junction magic to a defense or attack it wont let me. whats the big deal. i knew this problem ever since introduced now im asking help here. y wouldnt it let me junction magic to attacks and defense!!!
a thread posting ur top 10 FF music including XIII
here is my faves
10th: seymour battle theme (FFX)
9th: the extreme(FFVIII)
8th: the descicive battle(FFVI)
7th: otherworld(FFX)
6th:The messenger(FFD)
5th:man with the machine gun(FFVIII)
4th: battle at big big bridge(FFV)
3rd: to zanarkand...
final fantasy=rinoa+squall=42 kids=rinoa being a widow=squall <3 seifer= 42 she mans :D
y is the onion knight sounds like a girl in final fantasy dissidia??
some overrated brother named golbez who never ever shows his body and face proving tht hes all fat and ugly with a stupid deep voice
why does selphie act like a little girl?
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