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  1. clean_queen

    Most Useless Character?

    Freya is infinitely useful, by using her 'jump' technique (which you can later upgrade to take up to 9999 hp) she can effectively survive the worst enemy attacks and revive the rest of the party...and she looks cool too. Quina is just wrong...Fighting for the salvation of the world with a...
  2. clean_queen

    Things FFVII characters would NEVER say.

    Vincent: "Has anyone seen my tampons?"
  3. clean_queen

    Dirge of Cerberus Lucrecia

    hmm...not really about Lucrecia- but can someone tell me why does cloud have Vincent's cape in KH? I also wonder if Vincent ever attempted suicide...I guess since he is automatically at the front line during the first battle in ff7 then...
  4. clean_queen

    I'm gettin' this shirt...

    I want it...
  5. clean_queen

    Dirge of Cerberus DoC: is it worth the money?

    but Zack ...there is no price too great to pay to see the back of Vincent's head for 14 gameplay hours. xD
  6. clean_queen

    which ff character does the person above you remind you of?

    Aerith...(It's that blonde hair...)
  7. clean_queen

    which ff character does the person above you remind you of?

    YUFFIE (sexy lesbian ninja)
  8. clean_queen

    which ff character does the person above you remind you of?

    Hellmasker form of Vincent Valentine...I can't say Alucard, can I?
  9. clean_queen

    Dirge of Cerberus DoC: is it worth the money?

    If you are crazy about Vincent, then it's worth it. I paid 39£ when it came out...may seem like a waste of money-I never finished it, but every self respecting fan should have it...I basically agree with Mitsuki's point.
  10. clean_queen

    Girl Power!

    ^_^ We used to play spice girls in nursery...I alsways wanted to be baby, but got scary instead...I miss them, who wouldv'e thought that posh would become an anorexic?
  11. clean_queen

    The Most Evil

    Ah, so many of you would say 'Sephiroth' -of course!...but who created him? Who maimed vincent and killed Lucrecia? Who made cloud and revived Jenova? H-O-J-O
  12. clean_queen

    Final Fantasy: Best and Worst Cosplay

    Well, I don't want to spam with too many words or images since I'm just a newbie here, but I couldn't resist sharing my faveourite cosplay photos. They are unique, since they are done well and by people of a different ethnicity than the original characters (very few good American coplayers, you...