Search results

  1. Demon

    We need a "which avatar suits Pandora better?" poll so we can decide between the two. :mokken:

    We need a "which avatar suits Pandora better?" poll so we can decide between the two. :mokken:
  2. Demon

    Well I wouldn't listen with you wearing a real avatar :mokken:

    Well I wouldn't listen with you wearing a real avatar :mokken:
  3. Demon

    You taught me how to be a man

    You taught me how to be a man
  4. Demon

    You and Argor

    You and Argor
  5. Demon

    I liked you better with that question mark. :mokken:

    I liked you better with that question mark. :mokken:
  6. Demon

    question mark :lew:

    question mark :lew:
  7. Demon

    You put teh beyond in infinity. -SoliBlade

    You put teh beyond in infinity. -SoliBlade
  8. Demon

    I'm ALIVE!

    Catchy thread title... Welcome.
  9. Demon

    Announcements Server move/Downtime

    One question. Can we make a Social Group private?
  10. Demon

    Thank you Jesus :rage: *girly problem stay out icky boyz* :mokken:

    Well, my "guys only" thread was close enough.
  11. Demon

    Why FFXIII is a GOOD game

    There's a reasonable dislike of XIII, and a strong dislike of it. The strong dislike is someone who would score Final Fantasy XIII a 2/10. (Though I respect their opinion). The reasonable dislike would be someone like me who would probably score it an 8/10, but realizes that the game did have...
  12. Demon

    completely invisible sb

    Well since I can't see it either, and a few other complained about it... it isn't only you.
  13. Demon

    Sol Blade and his...

    So how many times have you called me a she, Ke$ha? 1? 2? 10? 100? :wacky:
  14. Demon

    Sol Blade and his...

    Yes. So while we're on the subject, do we even have those gender icons any more?
  15. Demon

    Sol Blade and his...

    Well, the "I'm your girl friend" thread is funnier if you pay attention.
  16. Demon

    Harlequin and his stop it

    That last stare was really piercing.
  17. Demon

    Harlequin and his stop it

    Chosen by whom?
  18. Demon

    Harlequin and his stop it

    Who will win?
  19. Demon

    Aerith and her Face

    No, we're not using too much F'ort.
  20. Demon

    The ugh face...

    I just don't understand it.