i always found Nero intrigiung indeed, and fitted well in DoC's dark atmosphere. It had a really good storyline though Nero always did confuse me with his crazy goal.
Mood: Very Calm yet anxious
The results have been postponed but that's not what'ss bugging me. With my phone having been stolen two weeks ago, the person that stole it threatened to beat me if he got in trouble. He failed at having intimidated me but I just wish I could get my phone back, even...
Mood: Calm and anxious
As I'll ever be, entered an audition for Grease a few weeks ago and i've been hoping for the main role, so the results are tomorrow. Here's hoping, no pressure. :S
oh, and my dream job is to be an actor, I've still got a bit to go.
that's interesting, though I guess they've had a lot of work with Dragon Quest which might have destroyed the quality of FF13. Warning of advice, don't buy the game unless you're rich. Storyline is beautiful, but gameplay kinda sucks.
oh right, well let me know if you'd like help managing that. It'd become much more popular when the real game comes out. What age are you then to be doing exams?
dang, I'm hyped for sure, now I know what I want for christmas ;) thanks for sharing this info friend, I'd love to help back someway. Is there any other games you're excited for then? I might have info on them.
Word To The Wise: A book that i've created, about a thief, a prince and a sorceror uniting in ancient China to stop an invasion from the Su Yan Empire.
well now you've got me excited now :) I don't like Lightning anyway, she's a div. But still, being able to recruit monsters? Now it's starting to feel like a Disgaea feel, so i'm hoping this game will be all the hype then and lives up to it's expectations. I'd be happy to hear all the news...
"When the final king returns, may he resurrect the fallen and save us all from the damned plague of darkness that has merged twelve dimensions in order to bring together the evil forces and take the grandest treasure of our universe: The First Emblem." - Terra, from FF6.
"So here...
yeh i heard, my expectations are really high for this so if reviews don't praise it then I won't buy it, money was wasted on it's prequel but if there's chocobo racing and proper exploring this time as well as secrets, then I'll be giving this game a grab. Also, if that tall dark-haired due's...
true, ff13 was the worst of all, a waste of time in my opinion. Still, maybe Square-Enix may pull up something new from the wish list and give a game worth playing. I won't diss them all though as i've not played 11 or 14, but 12 was good and delivered a lot of exploring.
This may seem a stupid question but how and why did Square Enix change their name from Squaresoft? Not that I'm complaining about the name, but I've been wondering...
knew he was guy, and thought he looked like a guy though he had terrible dress sense which led me to rise the question to whether he was gay. Obviously, it must've been the creator of him and Zidane that decided to make them both entirely different, but then Kuja went and became red haired and...
Bahamut, Cloud AND Zidane. Mainly Zidane though.
Bahamut: While i'm not as strong as he is, I am courageous when needed and will defend my friends no matter the cost, also I believe in honour and that they need to do something that is worthy of me to respect them.
Cloud: I'm relatively quiet and...
Bahamut, simple as.
MOD EDIT: This would be considered a spammy post in a post count section of the forum. Maybe you can tell us why Bahamut? Thank you.
It was many centuries ago that a great prophecy was made about the Dragon King Bahamut. It was said that if he and his many forms in the different worlds of Final Fantasy were to fell in combat, then they would all shed a single scale that would unite on the planet of Zen, combining to create a...
Date: 26th October 2011
Current Username: Dragon King
Previous Usernames: Bahamutt, Benhamut, Zidane
Date Joined: 25th October y'know?
Current Post Count: First one
1.) Why did you choose to join FFF?
Well, I've loved FF since I was very young so I've finally found a forum for it, which was at...
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