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  1. Davey Gaga

    [04/09] Kingdom Hearts 2.5HD - New Features Trailer

    We're a tad late to this party but it's better than not showing up at all. Square-Enix recently revealed their latest trailer for KH2.5HD, which showcases the wide variety of new features coming to the games for the first time to Western shores. You can watch it below. Roll on December.
  2. Davey Gaga

    [24/7] "Prequel Trilogy" trademarked

    Oh no. This either means three games are getting a prequel as part of a single project, or a game's getting a prequel and it's being split up into a trilogy. Either way, this is an enormous and unwanted stab in the dark. ...unless one of these games includes Braska's Pilgrimage from FFX. :wacky:
  3. Davey Gaga

    [24/7] Kingdom Hearts 2.5 limited release revealed

    There's also going to be 1.5/2.5 dual packs with limited edition exclusives. I think it's Japan-exclusive at the moment, however - but I know lots of people here import games, so here's the link:
  4. Davey Gaga

    Nintendo Pokémon XY - Help Needed!

    You are a beautiful, beautiful man! 5000-3383-0126
  5. Davey Gaga

    Nintendo Pokémon XY - Help Needed!

    Hello all. So, we're all enjoying Pokémon X & Y. I enjoyed Pokémon Bank even more - it meant I could restart the game, for fun, and put all of my hard-earned Pokémon in a bank, ready to transfer over again later. However, what I didn't know was that items are lost when Pokémon are transferred...
  6. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    In short, you give up a couple of weeks (2-3 I imagine but this is why we need to confirm numbers) to do challenges and we'll try to piss you off while locked in a secluded part of the forum. Vote each other off Survivor/Big Brother style. Winner gets a crown.
  7. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    THIS IS STILL GOING TO HAPPEN! Final calls for this - organising is a lot easier when we know how many people we're working with. I'm going to make an arbitrary executive decision and ask for anyone interested in participating to give us a heads up by the end of the week (Sunday), but sooner is...
  8. Davey Gaga

    Game of Thrones TV Series

    Oooh, didn't see this here. I literally could not care less about Jon Snow, the Wildlings, the Wall/Knightswatch or anything to do with them. They could lift out of the show and make absolutely no difference whatsoever. I appreciate the story's building up there in the background but I just...
  9. Davey Gaga

    [6/6] Hashimoto lied to us (not surprised)

    ...the one weekend I don't search the release date and it slips under my radar.
  10. Davey Gaga

    [6/6] Hashimoto lied to us (not surprised)

    But guys, you're missing the most important part. We're getting a KH2.5 trailer, which almost definitely means we're getting the release date at the end of that trailer. So, we can look forward to something to look forward to.
  11. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    You're all likely in. I admit I've been a tad busy and haven't been contributing much to the discussions but we're on our way to getting sorted. :wacky:
  12. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    Why else would we be giving you these absolutely horrendous challenges? :dave:
  13. Davey Gaga


    I definitely think I'm addicted to Irn-Bru. I drink it like/in place of water and only found out about 3 years ago it's full of caffeine. I tried weaning myself off of it and felt shaky, tired, I had headaches and felt sick, and, genuinely, all I could think about was a bottle of orange liquid...
  14. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    Not sure about the exact times for sign-ups (we're considering doing away with the old format of recruiting people) but we're likely to start this mid-June, by the look of it. :)
  15. Davey Gaga

    Need Help Defeating Jecht

    The best thing I can recommend is getting some Celestial Weapons on your side; among other abilities, they allow you to break the damage limit, and have extra power while your HP is full/higher, so usually automatically do more damage than 9999. I'd recommend Nirvana for Yuna, the easiest to...
  16. Davey Gaga

    In your opinion, is pornography a bad thing

    Let's call a spade a spade - porn is rarely "beautiful" or "educational", and it's sole purpose is something to speed along a wank on an otherwise slow day. :wacky: It's possible for porn to both degrade and empower men and women. Its effects on the minds of young men and women, or on...
  17. Davey Gaga


    If that's in response to my last point about straight allies, I was making a joke, and my original post says exactly this point - it was a joke at the expense of some of the radical feminists I'm discussing.
  18. Davey Gaga

    FFX-3, FFX-2, FFX - (The Compililation Discussion)

    Something else is bothering me. The bonus audio claims that it's a big deal because there are "two shoopufs" in the Moonflow, and only one is supposed to remain in all of Spira because Sin killed off its mate. I'm playing X-2 right now and 2 shoopufs appear in the Oasis of Bikanel desert when...
  19. Davey Gaga


    What is this in response to? :wacky:
  20. Davey Gaga

    Interest Check Survivor VII

    Poo, McGhee and I are already quite far into organising the whole thing. It's going to be the best year yet. :dave: