Song: Twister - The World Ends With You OST
I thought that KH2 and Days were amazing. I've seen/watched re:Coded and I've been kinda put off by it, but having Neku in 3D [who will be hot and sexy in 3D, by the way] tempts me into buying another console just for this game.
In all seriousness...
A sense of place
Everyday objects
Year you were born - Please please PLEASE notice this I missed it /creys
... and I second the idea of the picture prompt, even though I suck at real life etc. >_>;;
Right may I just say I have little exp. in editing real life things but I gave it a try, one with text because the background looked a little empty;-
I may do a signature tomorrow as well, though.~
Edit: Ver. 3 may look a little better;-
Hope you like it!~
Warning, slight spoilers ahead.
Jump gets the scoop on FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 this week (with Famitsu continuing coverage in their next issue), this time, letting us in on a few story details surrounding the game.
The magazine mentions that Lightning is in fact the only remaining relative of...
Totally into JJ :britt: Typical me. I like how it seems that every episode ends on a cliffhanger.
Will/Joshua/Katie - Hmm... Seems there's something behind this relationship. I know that W/J has already discussed his disloyalty to the boss, but WTF...
Strangely, I checked the Google Person Finder 3 minutes ago, and it still said 'Someone is seeking information about this person', and now it's 'Someone has reached information that this person is alive.'...
I feel bad ranting at you now.
And it's just, no offence or anything, but you westerns would prefer western freedom rather this restricting and linear JRPG. Meh, I like it both ways.
Not gonna be a long post.
Oh, you did not just say that.
I'm sorry, what? Since when is FFXIII an anime-influenced game? God, when I went to, it said that, and I can quote:
Well, think of it this way, if FFXIII was influenced by anime, what was anime influenced by? That's...
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