There is gamefaqs, if you type Final Fantasy VIII walkthrough you will get tons of guides, not actual strategy guides but it's just the same, also on youtube you can find complete video walktroughs for Final Fantasy VIII, they're awesome really i garantee you won't get stuck in the game if you...
I doubt Jesus would approve us attacking small animals in a forest just to steal their money...perhaps he would allow Final Fantasy XII since there's no money involved and you attack animals/monsters to obtain their skin and stuff like that, like hunters did.
I don't think he lost any fans...i mean some of his fans might have grown up a bit and start to dislike him, that's very typical, people gain new tastes and start liking other things leaving their fanboysm behind.
I don't think that making games with Zack and Vincent changed the "love" some...
I'm worried about the future generations, i mean these kind of lunatic fanboys and fangirls who actually cut their own necks, what will they become 10 years from now?
In my school there is a group of girls who are absolutely obsessed with the vampire culture promoted in the Twilight movies...
They start barking at 3.30 PM since they know they're suppose to only eat at 5.00 PM, it gets rather annoying since my mother never tells them to shut up and so i'm the one who as to yell at them to stop, it gets annoying when i'm trying to study.
In my country, people are already praiying but i ain't worried Portugal will pass and then challenge Spain for glory, just you wait and see and yeah i'm biased;)
As for the others groups i have no ideia...i just know Spain is the favourite to win in my opinion.
No i'm not disappointed.
It was my second Final Fantasy game, the first one was VIII, and i found it to be a bit inferior to Final Fantasy VIII but still i considered it an amazing game...just a bit overrated when you think about it's popularity compared to other titles.
I guess he did go to school during his early years, he probably dropped it ever since he left to Midgar. Although i would imagine that the Shinra troops receive some special type of formation, which might include school, at least it makes sense to me.
Aside from Final Fantasy VIII, school is...
Well he seemed to be and it made sense that he was, i mean he had the qualities to become the main villain.
But in the end i like the plot twist of Yevon being the main bad guy, Seymour was just a child born in the wrong place at the wrong time and the circunstances of his tragic past were what...
Well Squall starting to like Rinoa was pretty random i'll give you that, but that's not the major problem in my opinion.
For some reason i was never a big fan of the time travel plot. I was getting used to the idea that Edea was the main villain at least that's who she seemed to be, even during...
JENOVA theme is by far my favourite, i remember the first time i heard it on that gave me a rush.
The theme is great from begining to end, i can't find the right words to explain it but i still listen to it from time to time, i guess i feel some adrenaline from listening to it, it...
Yeah i'm keeping up.
The anime sucks a lot with all that filler, although since we're now at the part where Itachi is battling Sasuke i have regain some of my interest.
Ichigo as already been hinted as the only one who can finish Aizen.
At the begining i though Shinji would do something useful against Aizen, but now look at him...he had a great entry and now he is a mere shadow of his formerself and became a weakling calling out for Ichigo.
I like Bleach and i follow the anime and manga every week.
But Tite Kubo is completely destroying the story right now, it just makes no sense at all...
Have you seen how trolled the Espada were?
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