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  1. Jacqui

    Strongest FF Villain!

    Which is why I felt that Ultimecia was the strongest. Because I couldn't kill her, yet I've been able to kill the villains in every other FF game I've played- makes sense really
  2. Jacqui

    Do you need God to be moral?

    The way I see it, it doesn't matter whether you have a religion or not. If you're nice or good to someone, it feels good, you don't need rewarding for it because you've already been rewarded. True, religion may have a part in it, but that doesn't mean it has to.
  3. Jacqui

    Creepiest FF music?

    Mt Gagazet is kinda creepy, but it's really soothing at the same time. Hmm, hard to explain really.
  4. Jacqui

    Photo guy in the Thunder Plains?

    Well, Yuna's a Summoner, she's also the daughter of the High Summoner, she's famous. It's pretty much what happens with any celebrity, as is my understanding
  5. Jacqui

    Photo guy in the Thunder Plains?

    Unless I'm thinking of something else, I think it was O'aka's brother, Wantz Might be wrong though
  6. Jacqui

    Strongest FF Villain!

    I found Ultimecia the hardest, because of all the games I've played, the only one I've not finished is FFVIII. I don't think I was undertrained, because Squall and Quistis were on level 100, and the rest between 91 and 99. I think it was more because I didn't know how to fight the battle...
  7. Jacqui

    Do you use a walkthrough?

    I usually find a walkthrough on the internet. I try not to use them though, but I'd rather look it up than waste 7 hours on something that should take 10 minutes...My first walkthrough was x-2, but it wasn't my first game. My first game was Viii, and I'm not sure if I've ever used a walkthrough...
  8. Jacqui

    Injuries you have had

    My best friend accidentally put a gardening fork through my middle toe on my left foot. I was lucky it went in at an angle, because it split the skin on the ball of my foot. If it'd gone straight down my toe would have come off. I now have a lovely crescent shaped scar on my middle toe- I've had...
  9. Jacqui

    FFX-2 Which Dressphere you think is suitable Rikku,Paine and Yuna... ?

    · Alchemist: Yuna · Berserker: Rikku, Paine · Black Mage: Yuna, Rikku · Dark Knight: All of them · Gun Mage: Yuna, Paine · Gunner: Yuna, Paine · Lady Luck: Rikku, Yuna · Mascot: I haven't got this one yet · Samurai: Paine · Songstress: Yuna · Thief: Rikku · Trainer: Paine · Warrior: All of them...
  10. Jacqui

    FFX-2 The Ultimate Combo.

    Um, I tend to use Dark Knights sparingly because I've finished their dresspheres. I've also finished the Lady Luck dresspheres, but I use them a lot at the beginning of a chapter, when I want to do a load of training because they have double exp and gillionaire, which really helps. As for who I...
  11. Jacqui

    Which FF games "haven't" you played?

    Nope- I saw my brother lend out his FFVII before I was interested and he still hasn't got it back :(
  12. Jacqui

    Which FF games "haven't" you played?

    I haven't managed to play VII, XI, XIII or XIV I don't have the capability to do the online games, I don't have a console for XIII, and I can't find a copy of VII- and everyone I know who owns the game has either lent it to someone else or can't lend it to me
  13. Jacqui

    Moved On

    I don't actually have this game at the moment, although I did recently complete it again. Not 100%, that's for the next time I buy it...but I did end up with the Zodiac Spear- the only things I needed were Ultima and Zodiark
  14. Jacqui

    who is YOUR favorite team in FFXII?

    That's strange to me- I always had either Fran or Balthier- I felt that they were my strongest fighters so I sort of had them as party leaders, with the others as backup. I never had any problems with Penelo either
  15. Jacqui

    Favorite Summon?

    Shiva- Any version. I just think she's so pretty Culchiann or whatever his name is from FFXII- I think he's quite funny The Magus Sisters and Anima from FFX- I think they've got amazing detail
  16. Jacqui

    How old were you when you played your first Final Fantasy?

    Aww, you're making me feel so old! 8...9...what? I was 21! I can't help but think that it was a wee bit old to start playing the Final Fantasy games, but I was, what 11 when the first one came out in the UK. But I didn't even get a PlayStation til I was 17- I just wasn't interested! VIII was the...
  17. Jacqui

    which of the three optional aeons do you use the most

    I always seem to use the Magus sisters, then spend half of my time going "STOP TAKING AN F'ING BREAK...YOU'RE MEANT TO BE WORKING FOR ME!!!" So yes, the Magus Sisters are good, as long as you don't mind only two of them working at the most. They're bloody strong, though
  18. Jacqui

    Which one

    I played X-2 first. It just made me appreciate both of the games. Because I played X second, it made me realise how good a game it was, while being able to make my own decisions on X-2 as well I do think that the prices are a wee bit high though- Last time I bought the games I paid £5 for X and...
  19. Jacqui

    Tip for the 200 lightning bolt dodge

    I don't mind doing this- I sat and did it the last time with my boyfriend counting with me (first time I ever did this- I thought I had 200, but only had 198), so that if I lost count, he would be a back up. I did my one in the first area, just where there's a slope downwards, fairly close to...
  20. Jacqui

    Favourite weapon/Limit break

    I agree with Quistis's Degenerator. It was just a dangerous move sometimes, to leave her in the Yellow... Weapons-wise, I really liked (again) Quistis's Save the Queen. I thought it looked really cool